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Real Ghost Stories

Toilet Paper


At the time when this night took place I lived in a small old seaside town outside of Brisbane. My partner had just lost his job and took on a casual job working night shift in the city until 12pm. The rental we were living in at the time is around 55-60 years old, one of the first homes in this seaside/farming town.

One night around 7:30pm I decided to watch a movie, just me and my dog! I got my popcorn ready and went the the toilet before I pressed play. I am totally OCD about flushing the loo, let's just say I hate the term "If it's yellow let it mellow"! I flushed the toilet and laid down on the couch. Not out of the ordinary for me, I was asleep within I would say about 45 minutes.

When I awoke it felt sudden, like something had woken me up. I am a very deep sleeper, sometimes my partner will leave me on the couch because I am dead to the world! I noticed my dog was in the middle of the hallway staring at something in the bedroom. I did not think much of it (thought he heard a noise outside as we lived across from a small shopping center and on a main road.)

I didn't take any notice before I headed to the loo and as went to sit down (sorry for all my toilet details) I noticed that there was toilet paper filled to the brim of the bowl, almost like someone had put a whole roll in there! I went to flush and as grossie josie as this is, I had to pull all the paper out because the water was almost to the top!

I thought that was just so strange and that was enough to creep me out a little, but then I got more creeped! I noticed my dog still sitting in the middle of the hall staring into the main bedroom, to what looked like to me, at out standing mirror. I hurried him along with me and hopped into bed. My dog seemed okay and he started to lay down when he jumped back up and slowly crept towards the mirror. As I looked over to the mirror I noticed a fat old woman in a lime green or maybe white (I know they are two completely different colours but this is how it looked) staring back at me. I freaked out and yelled "YOUR WELCOME TO STAY HERE BUT YOU ARE NOT WELCOME TO FRIGHTEN ME!". I put my head under the covers and called my partner in tears and told him what happened. He left work early because of how upset I was and came home.

He told me that when he opened the front door once home he felt something push him on the back to go inside. By this time I had fallen asleep. He never told me about that push until we recently moved out 6 months ago. I asked my grandfather who has been a local fisherman in the area his whole life and he told me that about 2 years before we moved into that home an old fat lady who was always and I was told ALWAYS in her nightie had died there and her two poodles where taken to the pound.

I feel that this was her and maybe, because she knew my grandfather she was making herself known to me. I really do not know so any thoughts will be much appreciated!

Thanks for reading:)

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, nosidaM, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

saher (4 stories) (52 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-31)

Please do share! Waiting for your new stories 😊God Bless 😊
nosidaM (3 stories) (34 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-30)
Tweed- Aren't these HOBS interesting little beings!

Notjustme- Thank you! And yes, one of my favourite lines 😁

Saher- Thank you Saher 😁 I will always try to make something humoral anyway I can!

RedWolf- Very odd indeed! And I am certainly glad it never happened again as it was not fun pulling it all out 😭
I do believe she was a kind old soul who just wanted to check on her house, maybe even some company since at this time I was always alone. I do think she lived a very lonely life with her two loves (the poodles). I work 900m from this old home and I have thought about talking to the new people there about some things but I'm sure everyone would agree that I would look totally insane if I started mentioning an old lady ghost haha!
Yes I think we all have that one "creepy room" in our homes!
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-29)
Stuffing the toilet with toilet paper is quite odd, but so is wearing a nightie all day is too. With only 2 poodles as companions it sounds like she was a recluse which is a form of mental illness. If she died only 2 years before she might have liked people living in her house especially since her 2 beloved pets gone. She played a trick on you to let you know she was there and then showed herself. When you told her that she is allowed to stay but not allowed to scare you she waited for your partner to come home and pushed him into the house she felt bad about scaring you.
Since nothing more happened since then except for a room that gives you the creeps (I think quite a few houses have a room that give people the creeps) I think the old lady has crossed over knowing nice people lived in her house.
saher (4 stories) (52 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-28)

Amazing Story! You have a very good sense of humor... Enjoyed reading your story... Please do share more of your stories... 😆
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-08-28)
notjustme - I was thinking about you and a couple other members who have been on hiatus. It's good to see you back 😊
notjustme (20 stories) (854 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-28)
Oh great story! *applause and giggles*...thanks for sharing this very entertaining encounter... And grossie josie lol... Great movie
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-27)
Hope you enjoy them!😊
I've just been reading up on the 'Hob' you mentioned in another post. Interesting little beings, I love all that folklore stuff!
nosidaM (3 stories) (34 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-27)
Tweed- What can I say, it's been a slow day at the office haha! 😉 Fantastic and exciting stories, although I am sure they would not have been at the time for the writter.

Your stories are next Tweed! 😊
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-27)
haha Nosida, I see you've been enjoying those links. 😊

Terranigma, I think is the person's name, who had the woman by the birdcage experience, so glad you enjoyed his stories! It's been quite the thrill following his experiences, they're all so unique and intriguing!
nosidaM (3 stories) (34 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-27)
Dreamer01- It goes to show that sometimes not all can see these things!

Tweed- Thank you! I will be having a read of this after work!

dreamer01 (1 stories) (117 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-26)
hi nosidaM.
no, my friend has not had any negative experiences with them.
She told me that a white something walked between her and another person conversing in the corridor but the other girl saw nothing. 😊
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-26)
Hi all, regarding the interested of mental illness in ghosts, (such a bizarre thing to type!😆), here are a couple stories which may interest you:

This one is the story I was remembering in my previous comment. It was my *opinion only* that this ghost had dementia, it wasn't confirmed.

This one is from a person who works, or worked, in a nursing home. I highly recommend all this member's stories, he seems to be very sensitive to anything paranormal. This story involves a woman who appeared at odds with or confused by her surroundings.
nosidaM (3 stories) (34 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-26)
Dreamer01- I know! Very interesting isn't it!
That is also very interesting about your friend in the ward... Has she had any bad experiences with these ghost or do they listen all the time? 😊
dreamer01 (1 stories) (117 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-26)
interesting concept regarding people with dementia. One of my colleges says that she can feel them following her around the dementia ward, that is the departed ones, not the living. She politely asks them to go away and they do... 😆
nosidaM (3 stories) (34 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-26)
Tweed- I never thought of that. It could very well be the reason for the strange scare I had. Is this quite common? 😊
shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-26)
I agree, Tweed - a mental problem could also BE the reason she won't cross over.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-26)
Hi Nosida,

Wow, I'm so baffled by the toilet! I wonder if the woman suffered from dementia or something before she died. There was a story on here a while back with an old woman (ghost) who was annoying a couple with what seemed to be the doings of someone with dementia. I wonder if people can carry on a mental illness to the here after. Perhaps this is the case with restless individuals who, for whatever reason, can't comprehend the concept of being a ghost. But have moments of clarity, enough to realise their actions and put them right again, like shoving your husband through the door to comfort you! Just my wonderings on the topic.

Thanks for sharing, by the way I've had bizarre moments playing 'what's that colour?' with ghost sightings, I knew what you meant about white/green. It's very strange!
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-26)
Interesting story... I think she still checking her house... If you are still living in the house then please cleanse it:)
nosidaM (3 stories) (34 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-25)
msforgetmenott- I never knew which part of the house she had died in. I love your therory though 😁
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-25)
Hi nosidaM,
Did your Grandfather happen to know where she was found after she died? Maybe she was trying to tell you, that she died miserable, in her nighty, on the loo.
Just saying...
nosidaM (3 stories) (34 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-25)
Thank you for all your comments:)

I do believe this was a friendly ghost and just wanted to make herself known to me.
Nothing strange happened to us there again, although there was an old room at the back of the house that I used as my sewing room. I never went in there because it always felt cold but so stuffy in there at the same time, it gave both my partner and myself the creeps.

Dreamer01- I did creep me out for sure, I was always on the lookout for her after that. When I pulled the toilet paper out of the toilet it was just chucks and chucks of it, no roll in there. Still baffles me to this day why the toilet paper!
dreamer01 (1 stories) (117 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-25)
seeing the old lady would freak me out. I would be definitely a converted believer (still a bit of a sceptic). Is there any chance you could have knocked the toilet roll into the loo without noticing and did anything else happen there until you finally moved out? 😊
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-25)
I think the spirit of the lady was just checking on what used to be her home.
For the reaction -or lack of reaction- of your dog toward her, it is possible that she 'thought' about him like one of her own.

Nice story!
Thanks for sharing.
jaderae (3 stories) (29 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-25)
How shocking to see her! No worries about the toilet details, wouldn't have been the full story without it!

I wonder if the lady pushed your partner into the house because she realized you were rattled and needed him there, like maybe she felt bad for scaring you and was trying to rectify the situation!
lexi-loo (1 stories) (175 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-25)
its not very often you hear of a spirit pushing someone into their home maybe she enjoyed the company.

About the toilet paper, maybe she was messing with you knowing that you have ocd with that stuff or possibly didn't want to flush the toilet and wake you ' (if spirits even use the toilet 😕).
Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-25)
This was an interesting story! The ghost had a unique way of saying hello. 😁

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