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In Bed, Weird Noise


I just came home from a road trip and I was REALLY TIRED. So I went up on my bed and slept, and a few seconds later I heard this buzzer noise. And I tried to go to sleep, but I heard it again. After the third time, I heard a voice, it said "Stop making that noise" and right after that I heard the noise, and then I opened my eyes and I couldn't move. It wasn't like I tried to move. I was energyless. I just couldn't move. It felt very scary. I felt like there was this type of ghost holding me back, with a weird kind of energy. The way that I couldn't move freaked me out a lot. I felt as if I was possessed and I couldn't control my actions. I was just still.

I never had this experience before, I just need some help. I want to know what's happening and why. I've also had a lot of other ghostly presence in the house I moved in with my family. Every night I hear stuff fall or a soda can open. I get really scared. I hear voices ALL the time. I've read some stories and it said that a demon might be trying to attack me, I'm catholic but I don't wear a cross. I've also been told ghosts are never in a christian or catholic house. My family has a statue of Mary, and my mom told me that no ghost can come into a house with Mary inside the house.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, ohdude, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

princess123 (7 stories) (186 posts)
16 years ago (2008-04-21)
hmm... Strange never heard that if you have a MARY statue in the house no ghosts can get you maybe I should try that! 😉 was it the virgin Mary?
vickifigueroa (5 stories) (34 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-03)
I have to say that I don't agree with what you heard. My grandparents home is totally haunted, actually by a few ghosts, and they have crosses, pictures of angels and statues everywhere. Who knows...
CearysAwesome (guest)
17 years ago (2007-07-25)
SO um Ohdude,
How are you doing with your problem? Are you getting any help from anyone yet? Has anything happened lately?

Just curious,
Martin (602 posts) mod
17 years ago (2007-07-24)
CearysAwesome, if you strip away the cultural traditions and doctrines from most religions, you also get a "way of life, a relationship with God". What you have left is spirituality, the only real value, in my opinion, to religions. That is why many people call themselves "spiritual, not religious". They don't swallow the old "go to a church and sing songs and listen to a priest" of organized religions because overtime, these institutions have become more or less a political structures more interested in collective power than individual spiritual growth.

Anyway back to the subject, as you found out, ghosts, demons, etc. Don't usually care what religion people believe. However, people can use their beliefs to access a high power to get cast them out (some would even say they don't get rid of them, they actually raise themselves above their influences). If you do some research, you will find most religions do offer valuable tools, native american, christianism, buddhism, jewish, etc. So don't get too bogged down on the specifics of what religion can do what, it's not that important. What matters are the people doing it.
CearysAwesome (guest)
17 years ago (2007-07-24)
Oh! I just found out something Mikomi! I missled some of you guys... I apologize... I thought that christians cannot have demons in them but it turns out the even pastors can... But if you believe in God and that Jesus's name can cast out demons... Then you can get rid of the demons! I read this from the website,

Pastor John Ryan, who wrote the article I read states,
"As a matter of fact, I have been doing deliverance for over fifteen years. In that time I have been used by Jesus to cast out thousands of demons from countless people, including several pastors..."

Sorry if I confused you PurpleQueen12 and anyone else... But I would like to say one more thing...

I don't believe that Christianity is a religion, but a way of life, a relationship with God. To be a Christian is to be have a relationship with God not to go to a church and sing songs and listen to a priest. NO! Christianity is a relationship and way of life.

Oh! And Mikomi, this little girl you were talking about Lela? Could you tell me more? I am interested, if it's not to personal to talk about, I mean. God bless...

Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2007-07-24)
I agree with Martin and Shane. Why would a ghost care what religion you are? Why would priests ever have to perform exorcisms? A lot of people who contribute to this site claim to be catholic or christian and they sure seem to have their share of troubles. They also always seem to think they're possessed by demons. If the religion had such an impact on these things, shouldn't they be visited by only kind loving spirits? It would seem to me the spirits might like the challenge of fooling with someone who has such strong faith. I have no religion and have had many experiences but none I would call demonic. You'd think I'd be a prime candidate to be terrorized since I have no religious beliefs or symbols to protect me. 😉
cupcake10132 (4 stories) (193 posts)
17 years ago (2007-07-24)
That's right Shane! Sorry Ceary, but it's true.I'm a chritsain and I got tooken over by a little girl by the name Lela. Me and my friend both got tooken over actully! I believe she's a christain like you and me. As long as you say a protectoin prayer every night and every morning,you'll be fine.
Blessings to everyone,
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-07-24)
I would beg to differ with you Cearys, demons have and do posses Christians, Catholics, muslims, hindus, you name the belief and I am sure I can give you proven stories from that faith. Take the exorcist for example that story though embellished and changed a bit to protect those involved. They were all Catholics. Though it wasn't a girl, it was a boy and he didn't spin his head completely around but he did almost kill a priest.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
CearysAwesome (guest)
17 years ago (2007-07-24)
Hey PurpleQueen12,
demons/ghost whatever you call them can enter a house of a christian but they cannot possess a christian! They can't invade our bodies!

purplequeen12 (2 stories) (69 posts)
17 years ago (2007-07-24)
I am christian, so does that mean it's impossible for ghosts/spirits to enter my home? I am so confused!
lian01 (3 stories) (65 posts)
17 years ago (2007-07-24)
It's not a demon, it might not be a very nice spirit/energy, but not a demon. Going by what you've written, it hasn't tried to attack you, so you shouldn't feel scared. If the voices are talking all the time, ask them nicely to stop! Even ghosts can be rude!
CearysAwesome (guest)
17 years ago (2007-07-24)
Demons cannot possess a christian or catholic but they can try to mess with you. They can be in your house. They are not able to go in your body but they can attack you even in a house with a cross... You need to get the house blessed by a priest... That's all I know...

The_End_Of_Days (1 stories) (2 posts)
17 years ago (2007-07-24)
Well, I think that you may have had one of these nightscares I have heard about.

There is a sleeping disorder where you wake up, and you can't move any part of your body, and you hallucinate. I'm not sure if this may be the case, but, it still may be.
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-07-24)
Total agreement with Martin. Non-Christians don't have a corner on the ghost market. If you do the research you will see that every belief system has it own ghost or spirits.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
Martin (602 posts) mod
17 years ago (2007-07-24)
The bit about ghost not going into christian's houses is more propaganda than reality. Ghosts go wherever they feel like, even if you donate a ton of money to your parish 🤔

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