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Lady In White Saree Wanted Me


Hey Guys, This is my 1st story so please take a lil easy on me and also don't mind the english.:/

This happened to me back in the late 90s. As a kid, I've suffered from two major accidents, those are falling from the 1st floor balcony direct on concrete, which I was lucky to survive, and the other, falling from my bicycle, which doesn't seem so dangerous but it was, as I fell head on, on lots of sharp stones and gravels that left a lifelong scar on my forehead. You'll get to know why these happened.

Ok, so back in around '97 my great grandma expired. I was very fond of her so of course it left me heartbroken. And yeah, she used to always wear white sarees. So after she died, I used to see a lot of her or at least I thought was her. As in while travelling on the highway, I used to suddenly shout out, "DIDU" (my great grandmother). And me being a kid, my parents never gave much attention saying, 'no baby, shes gone'. I don't remember but every time while travelling, in the forest, by the road, or in the farms, somewhere I used to see a lady in white saree, who I used to think was my didu and maybe at that point of time I knew it was her. Let me also tell you that we've had a few close calls on highways, very rare though.

Anyways, sometime later we shifted from Mumbai to Bhopal which is located in Madhya Pradesh, India. There we used to live in the 1st floor of a duplex bungalow which was a proper flat, which the Landlords had put up for rent. They lived downstairs. Now, the kitchen attached balcony was on the backside, and behind the bungalow was a small path which was never used by people, but mostly where everyone threw their garbage from their respective balconies. On the other side of the path was another bungalow. Again the 1st floor of that bungalow was on rent but no one lived there. That house had a small window through which we could see this room where everything were scattered around, which we could clearly see during daytime so we thought it might have been the owner's store room or something. Next to that bungalow, was a two storeyed bungalow and in the 2nd floor, was a small terrace where the owner mostly used to leave both of his dogs.

One fine day, when my mom was cooking food, she decided to open the balcony door, as it was getting a lil hot inside. After some time she started to get this feeling that someone is looking at her. The moment she turned her head, she felt like she saw a shadow suddenly dissapearing from that small window. And believe it or not, the dogs started barking and they even used to howl late nights. And yeah, many think, they used to bark at us, but they used to start barking right when my mom used to get this feeling of being watched or maybe just for some other reasons. This happened like every time.

My grandparents being uber religious decided, we see a priest who had direct contact with HanumanJI (a Hindu deity who was an ardent devotee of Rama according to Hindus mythology) His name is Harihar Baba. The moment he saw me, he said, "this child is going through some really rough times". Then we told everything related to what all was happening, about my great grandmother, my mom seeing shadows, my accidents, etc., to him. So he read some of his mantras, took my horoscope or something, and told us to come after some days (this actually took a week or 2 but long story cut short).

So we did, and what I heard that day, literally sent sharp chills through my spine. He said, the lady who I used to see was not my great grandma, but this spirit in white saree who wanted to take me along with her for some reason my mom wouldn't care to tell me, hence causing the accidents and probably the close calls as well. So he read some mantras and said that, he has hung up the spirit on a peepal tree, which is a sacred fig tree in the hindu mythology.

Since that very day, I started feeling much better, I never saw that lady again. About the shadows, my mom saw, there indeed was an unearthly presence on the 1st floor of that bungalow, as we found out later on by the neighbors that there was a bachelor who died an unwanted death in that very house as he was a big time stoner, which is why the dogs used to howl and bark as we know dogs bark at spirits.

So after all this, harihar baba, gave us his blessings and since then I have never encountered anything ghostly. My mom never got that feeling of being watched. The dogs never barked but they used to howl sometimes. Hope I didn't bore you guys.:) Peace.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, rudraditya, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

ellielightfoot (4 posts)
4 months ago (2024-03-12)
Hi there Rudraditya,

Thanks for sharing your story on this site, I found it super interesting, but also profoundly disturbing. I can't imagine how scary that must have been. I'm happy to hear that you (hopefully) haven't seen the woman since.

By way of intro, my name is Ellie Lightfoot. I'm a journalist and producer for a public radio show based out of the US called Spooked, which features true, supernatural stories, told firsthand by the people who've experienced them. We hope our stories challenge assumptions, and help those who've experienced similar things feel less alone.

I wanted to reach out to see if you might be interested in sharing your story on Spooked. I think it's an incredibly powerful one, and raises questions about why spirits target the people they do.

If you think you might be interested, please reach out to me directly at ellielightfoot [at] or ‪ (346) 471-1233‬ with any questions or concerns. This first conversation can be super informal, just a way to get to know each other, as well as explain our show and how we approach storytelling.

Anyways, thanks for your consideration. Hope to speak soon!

All the best,
InTheNight (2 stories) (34 posts)
11 months ago (2023-08-15)
Indeed, white saris appear to be the norm for Indian ghost women. Not a good indicator of identity.
koolruud (guest)
8 years ago (2016-05-09)
[at] sandeep44 - I am the only child to my parents. This probably might have been related to my previous birth.
[at] pravinpatel1993 - Sure was one hell of an experience. I don't really remember the mantras, all I remember his he had a big idol of Hanumanji, who he would communicate with. I wonder if he can speak to ghosts.
pravinpatel1993 (1 posts)
10 years ago (2014-05-21)
Your story is very creepy, I'm sure that must have had a chilling experience. What does the baba do to the ghosts, can he speak to them?, and when mantras did he give you.
Sandeep44 (11 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-23)
May be because you was an Elder son to your parents. Folks say that Ghost drags elder son with when they have a chance. Its unknown where would it take them.
koolruud (guest)
12 years ago (2012-07-24)

Thank you so much for your comments and concern. 😊. You should come to India, sometime. You definetly won't regret your visit. There are lots to explore around here. One more thing, I would like to add to this story is, my mother's faith in Lord Ganesha. She has been an ardent follower of Lord Ganesha, which made me one too and her devotion saved me. She went all the way to Siddhivinayaka Temple to pray for me barefoot. I don't know how to say this but God Bless all the MOTHERS. Also, I have a locket of Ganesha, which I have lost twice. The 1st time, I got my locket back in a week from a bunch of nigerian kids who I used to play basketball with. And to think, how did they even know it was mine as we were like 10-15 indians there, in nigeria. The 2nd time, I had lost it, I gave up. But something in me said, he is nearby. So I got up at around 1 A.M, went downstairs in my building as I live in a flat, searched the whole place twice (in the dark with a torchlight) and the second time I searched the same place, tbere he was, sitting, in the same position he always sits in. I've had such experiences and that strengthened my devotion. That changed my life. Whenever I get a strange feeling, I take out my locket and give it a kiss. All my worries fade away in a jiffy. 😊. Anyways, do make a plan to visit India. Oh, and awww, Sliders Unite ❤. Thank you so much once again Jav. Take care.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-21)
I am sorry that I missed this when it first came out. But I am happy to have found it today. 😁
It is frightening to think she wanted to take you with her. I know that had to scare your mother as well. It is a mother's worst fear to lose a child. But she knew from the feelings she was getting that there was definetly something amiss. Mothers can tell.
I am glad very glad to hear that you have suffered no more accidents. And that you had not been followed to your new residence.
I love reading these stories from India, there is so much to learn about! When I think about how glaring the differences are when in regards to the way you were raised knowing that there are spirits that walk among us, and that it doesn't mean your crazy when you tell about others it. Well, at least not like it is here. I am certain there is enough to keep me fascinated for years to come.
Looking forward to reading your future submissions.


SLIders Unite! (you didn't think I had forgotten, did you? 😉)
koolruud (guest)
12 years ago (2012-07-11)
Rook: Firstly Thank you for giving your opinion on my story. 😊. Secondly, about your questions, I did see this lady but in less populated areas like the expressways by the countryside, or by the forest. I never saw her in any highly populated areas or I don't really remember if I did. She never tried to reach out towards me but the accidents might have been her ways of trying to reach out towards me. I don't remember most of the things as it happened to me over a decade ago. I'm glad you did'nt find this story fake. Thank you once again. 😊
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-11)

Believe it or not I had read this before and as it seemed to 'stand' on it's own merit and you didn't seem to be asking for help I didn't make a comment one way or the other because I am not all that familiar with Hindu traditions and folklore.

Now I will say that some of the sightings of the 'lady in white' may have been just that... A woman in a white Saree. Especially if you saw her in a highly populated area.

How well do you remember the times you saw this 'lady'. Did she ever 'reach out towards you' or gesture for you to 'come to her'? Either of these gestures would support what the harihar baba told you of this spirit.

I'm glad all of this seems to be behind you, except for the memory... Thanks for sharing and I'm looking forward to any other experiences you choose to share with us.


koolruud (guest)
12 years ago (2012-07-09)
You're most welcome, jesus_soldier aka Brandon. 😊 Shall publish more stories soon related to my friends. 😊
koolruud (guest)
12 years ago (2012-07-09)
rshtaley: thank you and all the others for my concern. 😊. I actually did not have a face to face encounter with the lady but did see her from a distance. I don't even remember how she looked, but yes ofcourse she had white hair, ghostly white skin. But thank god I'm out of it. I still miss my great grandma, though. I'm sure she and my grandfather are in peace 😊
Jesus_soldier (guest)
12 years ago (2012-07-09)
koolruud: Thanks for the response, and i'm looking foward to it.

JS aka Brandon 😊
koolruud (guest)
12 years ago (2012-07-09)
kittymotley: no no, I don't think it would be common. I mean, c'mon, a lady and a girl.:P. Anyways, no deity would send such spirits. Obviusly it would be some poor soul in the astral world, wanting to take vengeance or take me along. I don't knw, I'm just assuming these silly stuff. But thank god for my grandparents.😊
koolruud (guest)
12 years ago (2012-07-09)
mintyleaf: do share your story 😊 would love to listen to it. But overall, many of my friends from M.P have had such encounters. Will share them with you guys soon.
koolruud (guest)
12 years ago (2012-07-09)
[at] jesus_soldier, until date I don't know why, and still my mom would'nt tell me. But I'm guessing it must be related to my previous birth. I'll definetly share it the day I come to know.😊
koolruud (guest)
12 years ago (2012-07-09)
Thank you all for reading my story and sharing your views.😊
[at] mrfear672india - I indeed am glad to get out of all this though it happened like more than a decade ago. Atleast it stopped all those accidents. I didn't share one incident, that is, I got terribly bitten by a german shepherd in that very house, which I guess was'nt so necessary to share but being a 10 year old kid, it was a big mess.:D About the bachelor, I don't know, cause I left Bhopal a year later and thank god it did'nt follow us.😲 Though, the howling continued. I literally got the chills as my room was on the backside as well. Anyways, I'm out of it and I'm happy. Thanks again man. 😊
Jesus_soldier (guest)
12 years ago (2012-07-08)
mrfear672india: It's all good, keep doing your thing...

JS aka Brandon
rstahley (3 stories) (102 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-08)
Wow, that's crazy. I wonder if the woman in white was intentionally trying to make you think she was your grandmother, so that you would trust her. I'm glad that you are ok, and I hope things stay calm for you!
mrfear672india (106 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-08)
Jesus solder,
Oh! Comon js don't look at my comments in negative way.
Please I am requesting all.

Be positive man.
kittymotley (7 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-08)
After reading Mintyleaf's comment I can only wonder about the woman in white. Since you saw a woman in a white saari and mintyleaf saw a girl in white, it makes me wonder if it is a common spirit, or someone that would be sent from a deity. I am not very aware of the Hindu religion but it is one of the religions I would love to learn about. 😁
Jesus_soldier (guest)
12 years ago (2012-07-08)
koolruud: You should ask your mom why this spirit wanted you. I wouldn't be able to rest peacefully, until I knew. Thank you for sharing.

JS aka Brandon 😊
Jesus_soldier (guest)
12 years ago (2012-07-08)
mrfear672india: I'm sorry that these 'old fashioned english' stories provide no flavor for you. I'm just curious why you comment on most of the recent stories.
mrfear672india (106 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-08)
Yet again I came through an indian.
These story spiced me up after listening many old fashioned english stories.
You are glad to get rid of that.
I had one doubt lady haunting you has gone away from you.but, what about that bachelour spirit? It still there?
I am too from india hyderabad.
Badhapadaku devuni pradinchu antha manchi jarugu gaka.

"jai hanuman"
Mintyleaf (7 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-08)
I really like your story! Me being an American-born Indian I felt as if I had a close connection to you, because first of all I have distant family in M.P, Jabalpur to be exact. Second of all, I know all these Hindu Gods and such lastly I had a similar experience but with a girl in white. This happened in India though, apparently my grandparents house is built over a Muslim burial ground, weird right? Anyways God bless and Sat Sri Akal!

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