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Not All Ghost Stories Have Ghosts


As I have said before, I was on a professionally organized Paranormal Investigation team. We conducted pre and post investigational procedures and such. I am posting this as sometimes our stories get a little intense and we just have to step back and laugh at ourselves a little and not take things too seriously.

In my observations, many investigations at peoples houses reveal many interesting things. A lot of people that see ghots tend to have things that sort of invite the concept in and create doubt at the legitimacy of a real positive haunting vs. Over active imaginations or (even stranger), the want to be haunted.

Sometimes the concept of someone being haunted is simply someone that has a very over active imagination that simple things like shadows on miniblinds cause fear. Often times we find people on medication tend to see things more than other people. Contributors to the paranoia include finding books on shelves of ghost stories, or even several seasons of Ghost Hunters or (my favorite), someones been using an Ouija board. Good grief.

Also, note, people who tend to be pack rats and hoarders also claim to be haunted. Not sure what the correlation is, but it happened enough times for me to take mental note of it.

... Just sayin'...

So upon pre investigations, we keep our eyes open for all contributors and ask many questions.

On this one pre investigation, our team went to the apartment of this family. Reportings of shadows in the front room and something growling in the childs closet.

As we sat in the front room talking, someone walked by outside. The blinds were those verticle ones so when someone walks by going, let's say, to the left, the shadows go to the right. You look out the window and of course nobody is walking that directly so they kind of flip out. So we were able to knock that issue into the dirt. It didn't look like this was going to be a very good investigation and I was doubtful about any paranormal activity.

So while our lead investigator and one of our team members sat in the front room, myself and another investigator walked down the hallway to take simple readings and make some notes. As I walked down the hallway with my equipment out taking readings of everything my toys would allow, I walked past the sons bedroom. The other investigator ahead of me with her clip board scribbling readings I called off.

Suddenly, I heard a growl. My heart went into my throat. I wanted to scream like a girl and hop onto my fellow investigators head and run run run away!

Instead, because I was a big bad ghost hunter, I swallowed my heart and froze - only my hand dug into the fellow investigators shoulder like a steel claw of death. Luckily she heard it too. We stopped like deer that just smelled a hunter. I turned and walked into the bedroom and my co investigator stated we heard the growl. As we sat on the bed facing the overly cluttered closet full of unfortunately treated toys, I felt that if I were one of them, I'd growl too. We poked around looking for Godzilla or something that might have gone off. Nothing. I retreated back to the foot of the bed, unsure of what was going on. I almost jumped out of my socks when I heard it again. This time though, I was able to fix on the sound. I looked out the window next to the closet.

What was going on was there was a trash bin outside the window. It was cinder block on three sides with a grate doorway. The large steel trash bin goes inside with the doors shut so the trash is hidden - supposedly. Being the 'not so high class' apartment complex this was, the trash bin had been left ouside of the enclosure. This created a hollow space and when this one particularly riced out car came by and the driver released just right, it made this lovely growl that echoed into this trash bin area. In doing so, the bin was angled perfectly enough to somehow shoot the echo so it sounded like it came from the closet. It happened three more times while we sat there.

Now, had I reacted and screamed and ran like I wanted to, I believe the outcome of this situation might have been a lot more different. Good thing I made myself hold it together and look into it instead of pulling my skirt up over my head and skittering out the front door!

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, AndiiFL, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-12-10)
I don't know how I missed this! This is exactly why we should never jump to the automatic conclusion "there's a ghost in my closet" or better yet, "OMG! There's a demon in my closet!"

Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us 😆
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
11 years ago (2013-12-18)
Hehe it's like when a friend and I stayed up until 6 in the morning talking about ghosts, then screamed when my radio suddenly came on with really loud static. 😆 So scary when you hear it. So hilarious when you figure out what it is!
Naira (19 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-07)
Oh boy, I know I am soooo late into this post, but I found it on Granny's profile, and just let me say... INCREDIBLE DEBUNKING! Nerves of steel to begin with, also. But seriously, good catch!
LakotaWinyan (2 stories) (63 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-23)
Thank you for sharing this, AndiiFL!

I laughed so hard that I pml! (It doesn't help that I'm 33wks preggers for baby #3).

Again, Thank you!

Worried_Brit_Chick (6 stories) (108 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-23)
Thanks for posting this, I really enjoyed reading it and it gave me a giggle:-) look forward to reading your other experiences
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-21)
What granny says is the truth:
"I hope you're planning on sticking around!...We could use one more voice of reason around here"
And now that we've got you in our clutches (insert evil laugh here), we aim to keep you here.

~The submissions page is usually closed over the weekends and opened back up on Monday. If they get a huge backlog it will sometimes close down before the weekend hits. Also, if Monday is a holiday it will open by Tuesday. These aren't official rules or anything, I am just one of those people that notices trends and patterns a lot.

Jav 😊
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-10-21)
AndiiFL: I agree... That type of verbalisation should be done privately, or at the most written in a log...

A few of us from the site had the opportunity to do a private ghost hunt at Mansfield Reformatory earlier this year... It was awesome!...You can read our accounts begining with "Ghost Hunting With Loonies"...There are five stories total, all from our own perspectives of the evening...

The links of the EVP's in the bodies of the stories don't work, so we posted them in the comments section... You might get a kick out of them LOL...They're all in my "favorites" on my profile page...

Again, thank you for posting, and I hope you're planning on sticking around!...We could use one more voice of reason around here 😆
AndiiFL (4 stories) (8 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-20)
Gosh zzsgranny please feel free. It's on the internet. As far as I'm concerned it's public domain now. Thanks for asking though:)

While I fully believe in ghosts and feel that I have proof that they exist, I know that not all hauntings are really hauntings.

As a Paranormal Investigator, I feel it is my job and the job of my fellow team mates to be objective and not jump to conclusions until there is evidence.

There are too many ghost hunter teams that jump in with both feet wanting it to be a haunting too. Many of those groups often have members openly sharing opinions and "feelings" of things when the home owners are right there. Or pointing to a corner and saying "there it is right there".
That would get you kicked off of the team I was a part of.

Being objective and checking out both sides keeps everything in check.:)
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-10-20)
AndiiFL: I know I'm late to the party, but I want to say thank you for submitting this... It really is something we preach on the site, and yes, a lot of people get downright pissy if anything non-paranormal is mentioned as a possibility 😆...There are some who will consider a logical explanation, though... If you don't mind, I'd like to post the link to your story on my profile...

Thanks! 😊
AndiiFL (4 stories) (8 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-20)
You guys are great! Wow I didn't expect so many comments LOL!

I do agree lsandhu that it is a fend shui thing. An energetically unhappy house will create unhappy energy.

People with messy houses often suffer from hoarding and other issues, yes. This can contribute to other issues - and is another reason why our group has many questions in our pre investigation in regards to the use of medical and recreational drug us, mental issues, and of course our watchful eye during pre investigation walk throughs for "paraphanillia" and prescrption bottles left out.;)

Again thanks for the comments. I just figured with all the wonderful stories I've read, something from the 'behind the scenes' was necessary.;)
eric1966 (8 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-19)
I agree not everything's haunted but I admire you for once being with a paranormal investigation team, I don't think i'd have the 'guts--God bless, Eric
lsandhu (2 stories) (360 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-19)
Great post. Thank you for your insights into the ghost hunting biz and particularly into the factors that can influence how we perceive our environment. As to the clutter correlation, I would suggest it's a feng shui type thing. Clutter disrupts the smooth flow of energy and disrupted energy flow = uneasiness. Some part of our subconscious brain detects the disruption and it makes us feel on edge or can even result in nightmares (I've experienced this effect myself). I don't think there's anything "para"normal about this. Feng shui principles are based on logic and natural energy patterns.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-18)
Thank you for reaffirming everything I know to be true. You will find many of us here who go by the simple rules first. Always look for a natural cause in all claims. It may cause the author some grief, and many fits have been thrown over it, but to do otherwise is not helpful to the party making the claim. Many a flame war has broken out on these pages over someone going ballistic because one (or all) of the comments suggests the situation could have been caused by something other than a spirit or (God forbid) demon. In my opinion, many of those could be placed in the 'want the haunt' file.
This is hard to do when you don't have the benefit of being able to go to their homes and work places to investigate their claims, but we try.
Thank you again for sharing your experience.

Jav 🤔
Argette (guest)
12 years ago (2012-10-18)
Wow! Great theories on hoarding! Really motivates me to clean away the clutter. Also, the more stuff you have the more opportunities for vibrations to knock stuff over. Although, eerily enough, the noises I hear at my house seem to come from empty areas...
HappySpirit (187 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-18)
A great post! I suspect that there are stories on YGS and on other ghost sites that truly have very rational, everyday explanations. I'm with Isolde and Gloria on the hoarder explanations. Regardless of what is actually going on in a hoarder's house (ghosts/imagination/trapped energy/bad feng shui), both ghosts and hoarding arises out of the inability to let go of the past and move on. (Which reminds me of my messy, cluttered attic which I've been meaning to clean... 😆)
chingvang559 (42 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-18)
Riced out Car... Lol

I had to read that twice to make sure I was on a ghost story website and not the car forums lol
Isolde (guest)
12 years ago (2012-10-18)
GloriaW, you're absolutely right. In my comment I skipped that stage of the investigation. 😁
How relevant considering the story and thread we're on! 😊
GloriaW (2 stories) (15 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-18)
I hope I don't offend anyone but perhaps hoarders experience more "hauntings" due to rodents in the piles of trash making noises as they move around. Also, they are suffering from a mental disorder and are generally lonely people who spend time alone. All of this combined can cause them to think they are being haunted. Again, don't want to offend and this is based on generalities.
tamz89 (1 stories) (10 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-18)
#ruled out:/ Seems I'm in such a hurry to post, I've forgotten how to speak English!
tamz89 (1 stories) (10 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-18)
Hi AndiiFL.
Thanks for sharing. I commend you for keeping a level head. I think it's important to sort of be a sceptic, if you will, until you have completely ruled all other possible explanations. But honestly, if I was in that particular situation I'd probably freak out- screw rationality!
Please do share more of your experiences; they're so interesting!
Argette (guest)
12 years ago (2012-10-18)
Good reason to clean out my closets! Very interesting account, and I'm glad it was posted as it certainly adds to the conversation and our understanding of what is and what is not a haunting.
samtillie (5 stories) (242 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-18)
Very interesting, I can't wait to hear more of your experiences. Take care x
Isolde (guest)
12 years ago (2012-10-18)
Why packrats get haunted more? Here you have my 'two cents' theory: because in all the mess they create things can easily start to 'thrive', find their 'nest', or obstruct the natural 'flow of energy' (things get stuck).
I run my household on a 'use it or lose it' kind of mentality. I 'own' every corner of my home (no forgotten spaces), so nothing can start to 'brew'.
Hope that this made sense... 😊

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