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Real Ghost Stories

Haunted Hotel


Hi, I am Amber from Michigan. I had plenty of experiences with ghosts. Let me tell you the weirdest one. When I was 10, I was going to a hotel. I was allowed to bring 2 friends. I brought Lydia and Amanda. The hotel was known to be haunted by a beautiful lady. She was staying at the hotel. She was lonely and sick and she ended up taking her own life. She is known to now haunt the hotel. We ended up getting the room she killed herself in. Lydia, Amanda and I were freaked. When my friend got up, she heard footsteps. She slept on the floor. Lydia and I got to share a bed. My mom got her own bed. The next day, when I was in the bathroom, taking a shower, I heard a lady say "kill me". That night, my mom locked us in the room and went gambling. We kept hearing footsteps. We were so scared, we went to bed. Someone pulled the blankets off me and Lydia. We saw that Amanda was sleeping. I saw the outline of a lady. In the morning, we fixed our bed and my mom was still sleeping. We saw a lady lying on the bed. We tried to pull off the sheet, but the ghost was lying on it. We had to fix our beds because it would cost more to have a maid. When my mom woke up, she told us she saw a white beautiful lady going in the next door room. She noticed she was looking at a ghost. We left that day. At school, we told all the kids about our experience.

Thanks for listening to my experiences. Comments are welcome.

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harrypotterfan2013 (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-29)
wow that must be scary for you being left alone in the haunted room
lovindaparanormal (1 stories) (14 posts)
16 years ago (2009-06-16)
I too had an expierience in a hotel. The place was the Charleston Inn. My friends and I had all gone to sleep rather early. Sometime during the night, around 1 a.m.I think, I woke to see an extra guest in our room. There was a lady standing across the room by the clothing rack. I wasn't scared, just a little startled. She stood there staring at me and appeared to be holding something in her hand. As I looked at her, it became increasingly difficult to stay awake. I fell into a very heavy sleep and awoke in the morning with a very heavy head. None of the others said anything about seeing anything unusual and I kept my sighting to myself. Oops, I didn't mean to leave you with my entire story. I just wanted to see that you aren't alone in yours.:)
morgan (guest)
18 years ago (2007-04-21)
wow I would have been really freaked out but I love stuff like that =] where is this at and what hotel (I want to go lol)
blondechick010 (guest)
18 years ago (2007-03-19)
WOW, I would love to see a real ghost what City? Is it in the Up or the LP? Is it by Lake Michigan?
hyoung22 (guest)
18 years ago (2007-03-06)
WOW, thats incredibly creepy. where is it at? What hotel is it? What room number is it?
billiardgal007 (guest)
18 years ago (2007-01-23)
What is the name of the hotel? What was the hotel room number? & where is it at?
amber (guest)
18 years ago (2007-01-15)
ok I will call you centercore thanks again for the comment do you have any stories that you wrote that I can read
CenterCore (guest)
18 years ago (2007-01-14)
Oh, lol. Yeah, you can call me CenterCore. ©Œnter¢o®€ is just the fancy version of that. I'll be posting another story soon, so keep an eye out.
amber (guest)
18 years ago (2007-01-14)
thanks for your comments I will read your story I forget were it was located its called bed&breakfast inn I will write more thanks enter$o [at] C and ratterrier
Ratterrier68 (guest)
18 years ago (2007-01-14)
WOW, that is really creepy.. I would like to hear more of your ghost stories =)))) You should write some more=))
If you want you can read my story.."Little Girl That walks the house"
P.s...Where is the hotel located and what is it called?
CenterCore (guest)
18 years ago (2007-01-14)
That's pretty creepy. Yeah there was this one time at my dad's house, I was sleeping and all of a sudden I felt like I was floating up into the air, moving the covers up with me. That was another 'sleep paralysis' type thing I guess, but it still creeped me out a little. Peace out.

- ©Œnter¢o®€

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