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Real Ghost Stories

Chance Of Storms


Things seems to get more active around our house depending on the weather. Makes sense since weather can influence the amount of energy in the environment. Here are some things that happened on stormy or rainy days.

3-11-12, 4:20 pm, rainy, solar flares

Brad was in the kitchen and heard all the pots and pans rattling in the cabinet. He opened the cabinet to get the cat out (Note: two of our cats had a really annoying habit at this time of getting in the cabinets) but there was no cat in the cabinet. The pots and pans had been rattling around on their own.

6-17-12, 3 pm, storm in forecast, stormed last night

My first truly scary experience here. Was in the living room and the dogs suddenly went crazy, then there was a loud thud and the house shook. Right after, a man yelled in the kitchen. It was a full sentence but I could only make out the last word, "knock." It could've been "did you hear that knock?" Or maybe "what was that knock?" I ran into the kitchen but no one was there. (Note: I was home alone with the doors locked. If anyone had been in the kitchen, they were about to wish they hadn't been.) I looked out the windows but no one was in the yard, and I couldn't see anything that could've made a loud enough noise to shake the house. Everything looked normal. I ran outside and all around the house, I still couldn't find anything that could've made the noise, and no one who could've yelled. Everything was normal. I guess the thud/shake was thunder but I can't explain the voice. He sounded scared of the thud though.

6-11-12, 9:20 pm, 30% chance thunderstorms

Ok, frustrated. Earlier today I put the leashes in the drawer they belong in. A couple hours later I decided to go out with the dogs again but the leashes were gone. I couldn't find them anywhere, and I looked everywhere! I finally spotted them on a shelf in the pantry. Took the dogs out.

Around 8pm I put the remote control on the top of the bookshelf out of Sassy's reach, took out the trash and came back. Remote was gone. I looked everywhere I could think of, behind the shelf, under the entertainment center, ripped the cushions off the couch, no remote. Retraced my steps, checked outside, even checked trash. No remote.

6-19-12, 9:57 am, 40% chance of thunderstorms

So, the remote has finally reappeared, just as weirdly as it disappeared. After searching the house repeatedly and checking the couch cushions more times than we can count, Brad found it... Between the freaking couch cushions.

8-17-12, 9:20 am, NASTY weather, flash flood warning

Been hearing footsteps in the attic all morning but there's no one up there and no way an animal could get in there. Just the thunder I guess.

12:33 pm, air conditioning acting up again so I called the a/c guy to come check it out. Told him about the footsteps thinking it had to be caused by my malfunctioning a/c. He checked everything out carefully and got my a/c working again, then I asked about the steps, was the problem causing the noises in the attic fixed? He told me that the issue with the a/c wouldn't have made noises in the attic and he didn't know what I had heard. He seemed in a hurry to leave after that. (Note: the footsteps in the attic have been heard since, on a non-stormy day with the air conditioning off. It ain't thunder or a/c)

8-19-12 10:34 am, 40% chance of storms

About 8:15 last night there was a break in the rain so I went out with the dogs while it wasn't raining as hard. I was standing at the back gate and heard two knocks on the front door of the house. Went to the front gate to see who was here. No one. No one on our porch, no car in our driveway. Neither dog barked although Sassy went with me to check out the noise. Riley is so territorial his lack of reaction was interesting. Sassy had her hackles up, Riley didn't react at all. I called out "hello can I help you?" Sassy tensed her shoulders a little, then three knocks on the door. No one is freaking there tho. I called out "hello who's there?" Since no one was there, no one answered. I stayed by the gate until Sassy wandered off. I figured whatever it was must've been over since she lost interest.

9-13-12, 11:06 am, 40% chance of storms

Cleaning the floor in the front bathroom, Duke was playing in the bathtub. The faucet on the right sink turned itself on. I said "hi thanks for the company" and turned the faucet off.

9-28-12, 11:11 am, 30% chance of storms

Cleaning the front bathroom toilet, Duke was sitting in the right sink quietly minding his own business. I heard a sound behind me, a metallic clanking, like chains. I thought maybe another cat was in the room, playing with the shower curtain clanking the hooks together. When I looked in the tub though there wasn't any cat in there. Me and Duke were alone and he was still in the sink with nothing metallic near him. He was looking towards the closet so I checked in there but all I found were towels, nothing metallic.

I tried rattling the shower curtain to see if I click the hooks together and replicate the noise but I couldn't. The vinyl curtain made more noise than the hooks. Decided we had company so I said hi.

Anyway, that's just about everything. Hope you didn't get too bored.

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BadJuuJuu (guest)
9 years ago (2015-04-18)
This is one of those times where I don't know if I should say something, or just let things be, but...I'm saying something.
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If you find any of this personally offensive, this may not be the site for you. We've always had guidelines, we've always tried to adhere to a certain standard of credibility. None of our rules were made this week, they have always been there, clearly posted for anyone willing to read them. Those same guidelines apply to each and every member of this site. We ALL have to play by the same rules. If you can't abide by the guidelines, or even be troubled to read them, this probably ain't the site for you.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-07)
I have quite a few things on my plate right now, so I won't be around that much. My email is on my profile, in case I'm needed. I'll pop in if necessary, otherwise I'll be back soon. Take care all.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-27)
Nectarvore, that is so incredibly sweet, and so incredibly sad at the same time. I'm glad that she had someone she could talk to.
Nectarvore (1 stories) (226 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-26)
BadJuJu... That story makes me think of a time in my early twenties when my best friend moved in to the flat next door to me. Here in subtropical Queensland, summer is a pretty high humidity stormy season. My best friend had lost her first love about four years earlier... While having fallen in love again, a quiet corner of her heart was kept only for the man she had lost. We spent lots of time together, every day, she and I. After a time I realised that whenever it stormed, I could feel a male presence around her and her home. I didn't say anything for a long time, because talking about someone else's connection to the dead like that can sound try hard at worse and arrogant at best. One day, she and I sat on her back verandah as it began to storm, all the air fresh with that scented green smell of rain and an eerie clear golden twilight as the sun set. There was a feeling of love and sadness around her, so thick I could have cut it with a knife. It made me feel like my heart was breaking. And I said " he's here, you know. He came with the storm " and she said, " I know. He always comes with the storms ".
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-08)
OMG that would be funny to see 😆 At least they offer you gifts in exchange for what they've stolen LOL

I remember when the Demon tricked our pup Ryder into chasing him around the Christmas tree. The look in Rex's eyes was like, "Oh, you're going to get in trouble now and get thrown outside 😆. This is MY house!" It was hilarious 😆 Freaking cat...
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-08)
Sometimes they don't just steal spoons. Every now and then they give me something in exchange. Like catnip mice or pecan shells...
The pecan shells are a whole 'nother issue though. Sassy brings in pecans and the cats bat around the shells. It's like a fricking reality show around here lol.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-08)
That thought crossed my mind too. Especially considering how conniving he is 😆. But they really would have looked so cute together, if I'd ever have been able to get them in the same place at the same time to take a picture. The Demon would probably have hidden for a month 😆
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-08)
Oh my dear lord. Just trying to imagine the chaos you'd have by giving El Diablo a sidekick lmao.
But, they would've looked great together. 😁
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-08)
I'm still trying to imagine Duke and Odin opening the drawer and stealing spoons. That just makes me laugh imagining a cat doing that 😆
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-08)
Okay, I should have known LOL Yep, definitely would have to start all investigations with him 😆

Small change of subject, but not totally, yesterday I was supposed to get a black kitten (blue eyes). Woman got rid of it before we could get there. Broke my heart 😢 Although I can just imagine the Demon and a kitten LOL Egads, what was I thinking? 😉 But I'd have had an orange one and a black one...perfect! Alas...
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-08)
You just don't know Duke lol. He stole the nail clippers from the hubbywumpkins the other night, tried to take the PlayStation controller from me, was caught dragging my Angry Birds plushies down the hall, has opened the silverware drawer and took spoons (although to be fair Odin has been caught doing that once or twice too lol) he's taken clothes out of the hamper and dragged them around the bathroom...
He's the theivingest cat I've ever seen lol. If we catch him in the act, we just follow him to see what he's doing with whatever he's nabbed. 😆
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-08)
LOL poor Duke, getting blamed for the "hmmm...hth did that end up there?!" And here I have to remind Dalton not to blame our ghosts for everything 😆 😉
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-08)
We really haven't had much in the house I could say, "yeah, could be paranormal." Some stuff has ended up in weird places, but our cats...ok, Duke, walks off with all sorts of stuff lol. Nothing has happened that I can't plausibly blame him for. 😆
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-08)
Dalton and I had taken a walk today and noticed the same thing about the lack of water in ditches, etc. Ours have been active enough that I could do another story LOL
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-08)
Things have been pretty chill as far as ghostly activity goes. May be the drought? Ours definitely seem partial to rain and we haven't had any in too long. Grass is brown and crunchy. 😭
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-08)
BJJ - meant to do this yesterday but had a family reunion (OMG!) and birthday party, so by the time I got home I'd forgotten.

Notice any increase in activity at your place within the last couple of weeks? Mine have gotten noticeably active and wondered how yours were.
darkassassin92 (119 posts)
11 years ago (2013-06-10)
I just posted it I just get a feeling it might not go through I get a lot of bad luck don't know why I do not know when it will be on here though. My moms apartment is supposed to be haunted I never really saw or hear anything there just a little well I heard things there before and think I saw things but not too sure about that.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2013-03-12)
Hi 27flowers and thanks! The weather thing has turned out to be a useful predictor. I'm sorry your 2012 was unhappy too, but I'm optimistic that we'll both have a great 2013.
27flowers (2 stories) (25 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-12)
Love the journal snippets and weather is an interesting factor! I've never thought of adding that to my own entries I record, I will now. Sounds like your ghosty chap is hearing knocking too, or perhaps telling you he will knock? But then if he's got a voice and not shy about using it why knock? Never straight forward are they?! Great story will have a nosey through a few of your others have a missed a month or two of lurking on here.
I'm in the "2012 sucked club too", hoping memebership has expired now... Hang in there!
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2013-03-09)
Thanks. 😊
Er, fiddyfiddyfiddyfiddyfiddyfiddyfiddyfiddy
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-03-09)
BJJ - I'm glad you had the help you needed to see you through your grief. 😊 ❤
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2013-03-09)
Miracles, the losses were too close, and without my hubby I might not have gotten through it. I also found comfort in an unexpected source, and I'm pretty sure I'm alright. Or at least, on the road to alright.
Valkricry, of course you can call me BJJ. 😊
Thanks for the words of support. And I totally accept online hugs. /online hug back
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-03-09)
BJJ (May I call you that?)
I like, really like the journal excerpts. I read your current post to Miracles... If I could I would reach right through this monitor and offer you a big hug. Been there and totally get 'missing a year' because of grief. I think you are going to totally OWN 2013.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-03-09)
Yeah, I mean your profile ❤ You know I read them LOL. I sensed loss, but wasn't sure what that meant exactly, and was worried... Scared to be honest with you. Felt too close, if you know what I'm trying to say. I'm trying not to pry, okay?

Beat it into submission if you have to and if you ever need help, you know how to find me.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2013-03-09)
I assume you mean my profile?
We had losses in the family, and I've had a very difficult time with grief. I woke up one morning and realized I'd missed Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Yule because I had been so lost in my own head. I really can't tell you anything about the time between last spring and this January, most of it is just a big blur. Pretty much missed 2012 altogether, but the last half was the worst. I'm getting back to right again. I don't want to miss 2013. This is going to be a good year, if I have to beat it into submission and make it that way. You know I'm crazy enough to do it, too.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-03-09)
So, how do you say "I read it" and not worry about crossing boundaries? Had some feelings last year, didn't know how to check 😢
BadJuuJuu (guest)
12 years ago (2012-12-02)
Morning Miracles. The journal keeps me sane. Well, as sane as I am capable of being lol. I hope I figure out what the knocks were, that's been driving me nuts since it happened. You know me, if it something doesn't make sense it tickles away at the back of my brain until I get it. It could be someone I'm just overlooking, I've overlooked stuff before. I get that tunnel-vision thing and all lol. I ~think~ the man I heard is the same man I've seen. Can't prove, but I think it.
Airstream, the journal has been kind of a lifesaver. I get to write down every thing that happens, and whatever crackpot theory I have at the moment. And I love the times I can go back, and scratch out a little note beside an experience explaining the rational explanantion for the event that I finally figured out.
Madmonkeywoman (that name just makes me giggle, it's cute 😆) I've always kind of had a thing about storms, love em. I guess ghosts do too.
WhiteWolf, hadn't thought of the wood expanding from moisture. But, I gotta say it makes sense. I live in a really humid part of Texas, and even a dry day here is like a sauna. I will keep that idea in mind, thanks. 😁
WhiteWolf (4 stories) (147 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-02)
I have to agree with the fact that spirits show their presence more during a thunder storm because I have been able to feel the electricity within the air when I am on walks during such storms. I believe the foots steps within the attic could be something natural though such as the wood expanding because of the moisture.

I also have to say that it is great that you wrote this story as a journal excerpt it is a great idea to do so 😁.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-12-01)
Okay, you know how I am 😉 This man you heard. Do you think he's the same man you've seen? Or could it be two different men?

My crackpot theory on the knocking, for what it's worth, maybe someone just wants to let you know they're there. Someone you're overlooking maybe? Just the thought running through my head.
madmonkeywoman (5 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-01)
welcome to my world:) My house seems to get all wound up with an approaching storm,

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