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From A Dream, To Reality


Hey people, I need help with this one. About three days ago I had a nightmare. I was in a room with a boy that seemed a bit younger than me. He started talking in a deep voice and telling me that I was fat, no one loved me, ect. I told it that I knew I was dreaming and to get out. He started laughing at me evilly. Then I yelled for him to get out now. That's when I woke up. Now mind you, I have had paranormal experiences before but never like this.

That very morning I got up and felt somewhat drained. I passed it off as merely nothing, like with all potential paranormal experiences at first. I was feeling a presence around the house though. I should also mention that I consider myself sensitive to spirits. Nothing like psychic though, I just feel it when they're around and their general direction.

That night however my cat, Puffies, was walking around my bedroom. I was watching her, seeing if she was going to come up onto the bed or not when she went flying sideways into the air! In all honesty, it looked like someone had kicked her! I was mad at that point, I had her for 12 years now from when she was a kitten. I had heard what I thought to be laughing. I immediately knew that it was that thing from my dream.

Puffies had then jumped onto the foot of the bed and began to stare at me. She was sitting there, just staring at me, for thirty minute straight. I was getting worried, but at the end of that thirty minutes, she jumped off the bed and ran like she was running from a German shepherd.

I didn't sleep very well that night. Thanks for any help offered.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, regi375, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-02-21)
Hi reji,
I've been around animals my entire life, and I can tell you, they will stare at you for a variety of reasons. In your case, Puffies may have been saying "Did you see that?!?" As Rook suggested, she might need a checkup. In the case of my cat, I think he's trying to hypnotize me into being more of a slave to him than I am 😉. But... Typical reaction of a cat who has been kicked or harmed in some way (even accidentally) is to run away and hide, not sit there and stare. And most people report animals refusing to go into/ stay in a room/area that is thought to have an entity in it. Did you have the door shut or something?
The journals suggested by Rook sound like a good idea.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-02-21)
[at] imlovinit: This is a link to an article in the Scientific American on how to control dreams: Not the easiest read, but very informational.
Dream thinking or lucid dreaming is a bit like being able to force yourself awake except you stay asleep. Pretty much your concious 'talks' to your sub-concious. I learned how as a child, I remember our dad always telling us, "Just tell the bad dream to go away or you are going to call me." Ah, dad the defender from universal 'bad guys' even the ones in our heads - literally. 😉 Of course, it doesn't work 100% of the time (at least for me), but generally you can take control of your dream. I was very young, and don't even remember learning how to do it. But I would think with a bit of practice you could learn how.
Narella (guest)
11 years ago (2013-02-21)

If spirits can move objects and touch people, why could they not also harm people? You told the OP to challenge the spirit and show it who the boss is. Yes, if people are not happy sharing their home with a paranormal guest there are ways to deal with it. But provoking a spirit usually causes an escalation of negative activity.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-21)

A question (s) for you...

You have stated this...

"I personally think ghosts cannot do any phsyical harm. Your the living one, he's not."

Now your entitled to your opinion BUT (and herein lies my question)

How did this GHOST 'kick' the cat? Or are GHOSTS only able to 'touch' animals and not human beings, which is what I guess you mean by saying 'living ones'?

Just curious.


TheAwesomeWolf (1 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-20)
If he comes back, show him who's boss. I personally think ghosts cannot do any phsyical harm. Your the living one, he's not. You just gotta stand up. I would've first considered talking to the ghost, but KICKING YOUR CAT?!?! 😠 This ghost does NOT want to talk. If he doesn't want to talk, then accept that and start challenging him. He started it, and you know that. So don't let him insult you and let him get away with it.
imlovinit (11 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-19)
Sorry but how could choose what to say and reply in your dream then also tell the boy you knew you were dreaming, I thought dreams were an uncontrolable experience with random odds where the unpredictable can happen so how do you tell yourself from brain to dream
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-02-19)
Pjod - okay, I'm sitting here eating a cup of Activia and let me tell you, that is not an image I wanted 😆 I just about spit it out in laughter, though 😆
cookie-eated-me (2 stories) (29 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-19)
[at] pjod if that's the case, maybe I should think about giving my cats away, as when I first bought my cat, Oscar, he did try and eat my nose. Twice. 😉
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-19)
"When your cat stares at you"
Could be, your beloved pet is visioning his ultimate future meal. When the newspapers and mail pile up at the "cat lady's" house, it's never a pretty sight for the first responders.
cookie-eated-me (2 stories) (29 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-19)
I find it creepy and unnerving when cats stare at their humans. My own cat has done so, and I had to push her off the arm of the couch, as she was scaring me.
I once heard/read that when a cat stares at you, they're passing on a message from a loved one that's passed over. Not sure if that's actually true or not, but I thought it was at the time.

As for your cat being kicked, I'd be pretty cross if someone living or not did that to either of mine. It's cruel. Did you stroke/fuss/pet your cat when she was staring at you?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-19)
Not to be a 'naysayer' but is it possible that your 'creating' something out of nothing?

I can believe you had a nightmare, I can believe that you woke up feeling drained/feeling a presence because of this nightmare. These are natural things and may not have anything to do with and actually spirit/entity.

As far as your cat is concerned...

She may have been reacting to something she saw/sensed that you did not and Jumped away from it.

She may have been startled by something you did not see and Jumped away from it.

She may have actually been 'touched/tossed/kicked' by an unseen spirit.

As far as your cat staring at you for 30 minute straight. You may wish to have her checked by your vet, at 12 she is getting old and a check up could rule out any possible natural causes for her behavior and allow you to consider possible paranormal causes.

May I suggest Journals? 1 for your dreams/nightmares and 1 for 'odd' experiences. By keeping both you may find a link between the two and/or be able to rule out all natural causes and by doing that possibly ID a paranormal source for what is happening.


spooney (1 stories) (3 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-18)
I have similar things happen also. My animals go nuts. It doesn't help that spirits are attracted to me. Try smudging or cleansing your home with a sage stick. It helps in my home.
epicunicorn8165 (2 stories) (7 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-18)
Is it possible you dreamed the incident with the cat and with the feling your getting, you may just be kind of paranoid in a new house. If your sure it was something paranormal try setting up cameras or get recorders and try to talk to it

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