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Tall Girl


I am not the kind of person who believes in ghosts or dead spirits, but earlier something was happened, which will always remain a mystery for me. I am from Chennai and this thing occurred when I was 9 years old.

Am from a middle class family, me and my parents were living in a very small house consists of only two rooms. I normally don't sleep during day time but one fine day it was raining very heavily in Chennai and I slept without my knowledge for a very long time. (Guess almost 8 to 9 hours). When I wake up it was too dark and I came out to urinate. My parents were all sleeping nicely.

When I came out, I saw a lady who must be around 7-8 feet tall in black witch kind of dress, who was standing under a tree (three houses next to my house) and she called me. That's it. I was shivering heavily because I never saw someone who is that much tall, that too a lady. I ran from that place went inside my home and told all this to my parents. They came out and checked but she was not there. They didn't believe me and the whole night I didn't sleep. My dad even gave me couple of slaps to make me to go to bed.

Next day, when I was crossing the house I saw couple of policemen. When I inquired, I came to know that the housemaid have committed suicide due to some personal problems that night. Until now nobody knows what exactly her problem was and she must be around 20 years old.

After 3 years we have shifted to the same house where the suicide happened. We moved there because we can't afford much for rent. Neighbors used to tell few weird things happened in that house and My friends who came to my home for night studies ran away couple of times telling me that they hear some weird noises in that house. We lived there for almost 19 years but I didn't get any opportunity to see that tall girl again...

Well, it will remain a mystery in my life

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Raja_RP, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

jljayne729 (16 posts)
2 months ago (2025-01-04)
To Raja_RP: That entity chose to manifest itself to you and not to your parents. As a result, it caused your parents to question your honesty and your integrity! It even caused your Dad to inflict corporal punishment upon you!
What cruel behavior by that entity! Proof positive that the entity was a DEMON!
deejaysaay (3 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-17)
The spirit is still alive and is trying to contact people for help. And the same thing happened with you that night.
gemini_syndrome (1 stories) (6 posts)
11 years ago (2014-02-19)
😊 I have been in a similar situation. I saw my mom a few weeks ago. It's strange because she died five years ago. I think that you are brave for being able do go through with this though. I loved your story. ❤
Raja_RP (1 stories) (5 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-23)
[at] LilyOfWartune... Thanks for the comment 😉 Dont know why she called me... May be for a drink lol 😜
LilyOfWartune (19 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-23)
Perhaps it's an invitation... But not sure what though...
Gesturing someone to come near is not just random moves...there's gotta be a meaning behind it...
But that's just my thought... I think too wildly sometimes,LOL
Raja_RP (1 stories) (5 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-23)
Dear SDS,

You may be right about saligramam... 😜

About the tall girl, I was not able to see her face properly and I saw her from 10-15 feet distance. It was too dark... Only thing which I saw clearly is she is tall and in black witch kind of dress and she asked me to come near to her

sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-23)
Dear Raja_RP, I also stay in Saligramam, in an apartment. I have also written a few of my experiences in this site. One of the experiences happened in Saligramam, in the second block of our apartments and the other two happened when I was staying in Bharani Colony, of course, in Saligramam. Now I stay near Balalok School. I think we do get a lot of paranormal experiences in and around Saligramam.

Coming to your comments part, I still can't make out anything about the tall girl but sighting of the maid by your house-owner's daughter and other sounds heard by your friends could be paranormal. Would like to hear more from you, if you have experienced.

Regards and respects to you.

Raja_RP (1 stories) (5 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-23)
Dear SDS,

Thanks for the comment... Am from saligramam (Hope you know that place) and it happened in the same place where I have been from my childhood... And this thing happened in an individual house only. There were hardly any apartments at that point of time. That lady was standing near the back gate (under the tree) and I was not able to see that lady's face clearly. It was too dark and she was too tall. I doubt it was that girl who committed suicide. (Because the housemaid was not that much tall, I saw her couple of times)

I told my chitthi and appa. But they were not ready to believe all these. My dad came and checked but nothing was there.

Yeah, it happened so many times. My house owner's daughter fainted once and when she woke up, she told everyone that she saw that girl (that maid was appointed to look after this girl when she was a kid as both of her parents were government employees). And couple of my friends ran away from my house telling me that they heard some weird sounds (someone knocking the gate very loudly and continuously and vigorously) One hindi teacher came to that house with her family and stayed there for almost 4 years and you know what she got aborted for 3 times...

Thanks for the comment

sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-23)
Dear Raja_RP, I join Yalisai to welcome you to YGS and like Yali, I am also from Chennai. I just want to know some questions. Where do you reside in Chennai and where this has happened? I know, about 19 years ago, there were plenty of individual houses than apartments. And you said that you saw the woman about 3 houses from your house standing under a tree. I want to ask if that was the house where the maid had committed suicide and what was the likely age of the lady, whom you saw. Could it have been the age of the girl, who committed suicide, means about 20 years? Just a theory, so I asked.

And have you asked anyone in the neighbourhood if they have sighted a lady 7-8 feet tall. If you have done so, please post it.

Another thing is, if you live in a house where the suicide occurred, it does not mean that you should experience something paranormal. It is also that you might be sensitive or you might not be. As far as the experiences of your friends in the house are concerned, it will be difficult to comment because of lack of further input. Secondly, it might be due to the fact that they might have known about the suicide that happened years ago and even small sounds might be taken as something to do with the paranormal. Still without further information, it is not proper to comment.

Thanks for sharing.

Regards and respects to you.

Raja_RP (1 stories) (5 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-23)
[at] Triskaideka

Thanks for the comment bro... So you mean to say what I saw was an angel and am lucky to see that? 😁
Raja_RP (1 stories) (5 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-23)
[at] yalisai

Thanks for the comment...:) after the incident I never got any opportunity to see that girl again. We were living in the same compound for a very long time... One hindi teacher came to that house with her family and stayed there for almost 4 years and you know what she got aborted for 3 times...
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-23)
This may seem a strange suggestion, but I kind of wonder if perhaps what you saw was an angel. Perhaps an angel was there to escort the housemaid into the heavens. This is my guess. I've been told that angels are a very scary sight to behold, at least upon first impression. I think this makes a lot of sense, especially since your own household doesn't scare you.

After all, if only you can see the ominous creature, only you can become comfortable with it. Everyone else would just experience some sort of creepy feeling, and probably hear natural noises and connect those to their feelings. People are funny like that.

Just a personal hypothesis. This story is definitely fascinating, and I thank you for sharing!
Yalisai (1 stories) (26 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-23)
Your story is quiet scary. Dont know what I would have done in your place. Hope things are fine with you now.

Between,I am also from chennai. Welcome to YGS...

Best Luck!

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