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Real Ghost Stories

Tall Man


This next occurrence began in the fall of 2009. That was the first sighting of Tall Man.

We call this guy tall man because we don't know what else to call him. He's very tall, slim and looks like a living human being.

My husband and I first saw Tall Man as we were about a block and a half away from our house. We had gone out for the afternoon. As we were driving down our street, we noticed a very tall guy crossing right in front of our house. He was wearing a plaid shirt and jeans.

As we parked in the driveway we expected to see him at our front door. Probably someone recruiting for a church. Or maybe even a sales rep of some sort. He wasn't there.

We shrugged it off thinking he was a meter reader. They move fast from house to house. It's not usual to see one come into the yard one minute and be gone the next.

A few months later my oldest daughter and a friend were coming down our street. The sun was going down but it was still light enough outside that they weren't using headlights. They had come to a stop at the stop sign a block from the house when they saw him.

They saw a very tall guy wearing jeans and a plaid shirt. He crossed the street and walked towards the front door. They lost sight of him as he got closer to the house because their view was blocked by our huge tree. However, they did not see him come around the tree, where they would have seen him clearly had he done so.

As they drove down the street closer to the house, they expected to see him at the front door. No one was there.

They got out of the car and walked around our house but didn't see anyone there either.

Jan. 28, 2010

I know this date for sure because it's my youngest daughter's best friend A's birthday. A and E (youngest daughter) had gone out for lunch and shopping.

It was a little after 5 in the evening when I received a call from E. She said she and A were sitting at the stop sign, a block away. She asked me to come out the front door. When I questioned it she said she wanted me to see something. I opened the door and stood on the step.

She asked if I was outside because she could not see me. I told her where I was. She then said, "Do you see him?" Not waiting for my reply she said, "He's crossing the street. He should be directly in front of the house." There was no one crossing the street in front of my house, in fact I didn't see any of our neighbors outside.

Both girls say as they stopped at the stop sign they saw him standing in the yard across the street from our house (at that time my daughter called me). They say he turned his head and looked straight at them, staring for a minute before crossing the street. He was oddly tall, very slim. Short brown hair. He was dressed in a green plaid shirt and jeans.

There have been at least 3 others (friends) who have seen him. He was wearing the same outfit and crossed the street directly in front of our house. One of those friends said she saw him disappear, right before her eyes, as he was walking up our driveway.

The sightings of him have always been between 5 and 7 in the evening, late fall of 2009 through June of 2010.

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InTheNight (2 stories) (34 posts)
4 years ago (2021-06-19)
Maybe he was somebody who died while crossing that road. Given that he turned to look at people, he's propably not a residue.
Argette (guest)
8 years ago (2017-04-27)
How did I miss this the first time around?

Fascinating account. Thanks to Tweed for sharing the link.
PunkysMama (4 stories) (62 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-26)
Hello Yomomma,

Very peculiar account! Sometimes we never find the "reason" behind these occurrences. It seems we can only be grateful to have experienced something many people will probably never experience. The fact that it has some cognition makes it all the more interesting beings that he made eye contact. Hmmm... Very cool. Love your stories.

Thanks for sharing. 😆
roylynx (guest)
9 years ago (2016-07-06)
yomomma, Senhora, I totally understand, I think even an experienced medium will be afraid of things from the other side since we do not belong there and of course such beings does not belong here too. Well, it's case by case but it is better not to bother them too much, just my opinion. Try replacing your furniture and if there is time try to reform your house if things get worse at least the atmosphere will change.

Blessings from São Paulo

yomomma (11 stories) (81 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-06)
Hi roylynx, Thank you for the explanation. Believe me when I say we try to 'let them be' as much as possible. While some things still give me chills, few things frighten me.
yomomma (11 stories) (81 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-06)
Hi Manafon1- never thought about 'hauntings' having an expiration date. Silly of me. Thanks for the explanation!
roylynx (guest)
9 years ago (2016-06-30)
I can explain Kimon, it is kind of religious. In Funshui, Kimon is known to be located in the Northwest, it is a gate to separate the spirits and the livings, and sometimes it's called the Gate of Death/Spirit Gate.

People believes that such locations are where supernatural things will happen most no matter what period of the day it is (normally old Eastern Asian people think that 2am to 4am is the time when the gate opens ghost and spirits can come over during this period of time its call the Time of the OX or Ushi-Toki).

When a house is located near-by the Kimon, the house will be haunted not just by normal spirits, strong spirits too (some people believes that spirits have ranks the lowest ranked spirits are usually those "demonic" ones). It is not always a bad situation to be honest, my grandmother use to tell me that when spirits are nearby just let them be there they have their business and we have our business to deal with, I found this so true reading some people's stories in this site.

Yes, as you said most of the time such encounters are amazing.

Love from São Paulo

Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
9 years ago (2016-06-30)
yomamma--The reason you aren't seeing the apparition of the tall man anymore is probably because the type of "haunting apparition" you likely witnessed seems to have an expiration date, for lack of a better term. In most reported cases of apparitions haunting a house or locality, there seems to be the initial sighting, followed by a "spike" in its appearances, followed by a slow or dramatically quick cessation to their sightings. Some cases show that the apparition, which initially appears very solid and human like, slowly becomes more indistinct, as if the energy to present itself is slowly draining away.

Some apparitions that appear in a specific location can persist, on and off for multiple decades but there are many well documented accounts that last for as few as two or three appearances. There are no hard and fast rules with ghosts! 😁
yomomma (11 stories) (81 posts)
9 years ago (2016-06-30)
Hi Tweed, I wish he would return and I could walk up to him and say hi,😆. I seriously would ask him why my house. I would also love to ask the neighbors if they ever saw him but you know I don't want my family to be known as 'That family'. Thanks for reading my story and thank you for the comment.
yomomma (11 stories) (81 posts)
9 years ago (2016-06-30)
Hi Manafon1, I get what you are saying and in fact thought perhaps others were seeing what we saw simply because they knew we saw him. But then the friend who says she saw him disappear in our driveway sort of sealed the deal because we had never told her about Tall Man. The thing that's upmost in my mind is why we don't see him anymore. Thanks for reading my story and thank you for your comment.
yomomma (11 stories) (81 posts)
9 years ago (2016-06-30)
Hi roylynx - thanks for reading my story and your interesting comment. I really need to take some time to research the Kimon. Life goes on, you know? There was a time when I couldn't say that however we've learned to deal with the 'happenings'. Most times we find them amazing.
yomomma (11 stories) (81 posts)
9 years ago (2016-06-30)
Hi Wish-Not, I've always thought residual haunting also but why are we not seeing him anymore? We've sat at the stop sign numerous times at the same time of day he was sighted, haven't seen him again. Thanks for reading my story and for your insightful comment.
yomomma (11 stories) (81 posts)
9 years ago (2016-06-30)
Hi ashar123, Thanks for reading my story. I like your idea of him being an angel. It is strange to me that we saw him for a certain amount of time then never again.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2016-06-29)

Again, far out! I keep saying that today 😆

In one of the neighbourhoods I grew up in we had the same phenomena, a dude of a different description walking the same route. But it took years to figure out he was a ghost. I freaking said hello to him one day and that clued me in. But he never came in the yard. Your plaid guy did AND he made eye contact with the girls. This *feels* like the same kind of haunt to me, our guy dodged objects and made eye contact too, suggesting awareness over straight up traditional residual. But the repetitive action walking one direction same time of day will probably always baffle me.

I wonder if your plaid guy is drawn to your home because of the overall energy or if he's drawn there because he has a history with the place. Or maybe he does this to loads of homes and you guys just happen to notice him.

Thanks for sharing I can tell I'll be thinking of this for days now. 😆
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
9 years ago (2016-06-29)
Hi yomomma--This tall man does sound like a classic type of "haunting apparition". In psychical literature a haunting apparition is simply an apparition seen in a house or locality multiple times over an extended period. It is speculated that if someone sees something they consider paranormal in a locality and the place then gets a reputation of being haunted, that this creates "expectation" which can cause other people to believe they are seeing something when in reality they are making figures out of shadows, as it were,

That said, it really does seem like this is a haunting. That the figure is always seen walking the same route in the same attire and vanishes into thin air certainly suggests it! On another subject, when I saw the title of your account I immediately thought of The Tall Man from the Phantasm films. A tall man (natch) who runs a mortuary but is actually a dimension hopping dude who shrinks cadavers down to midget size to use as slave labor on a planet with high gravity. The movies make little sense but sure are fun. At any rate, thanks for sharing your latest.
roylynx (guest)
9 years ago (2016-06-29)
Senhora Yomomma! Is this one of your "shadow men" in the house? I am very afraid of slim tall man, it reminds me of horses and I have Equine phobia!

As I have commented before in your other story, I really think your house is located in a Spirit Gateway, otherwise the Kimon. I hope you are still having a normal life, if it was me I will be insane already lol

Blessing from São Paulo

Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
9 years ago (2016-06-29)
Yomomma- Good to read another addition of yours 😊

I think I am going to lean toward a residual type of thing. Seems to me he was always doing the same thing every time he was seen.

Great story!
ashar123 (6 stories) (168 posts)
9 years ago (2016-06-29)
The Tall Man's presence sounds something like an angel to me. Maybe he was protecting you from some unknown trouble.

A unique story of all of them here. Thanks for Sharing. 😊

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