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Tall Man In Slacks


This happened about this time two years ago. It was the beginning of our good Irish weather and I was relaxing in my smaller sitting room.

I had just spent the day cleaning and moving my sitting room from the larger room at the back of the house (extension) to the smaller room which was part of the original build and was a lot cooler in the summer.

As previously stated I'd spent the day cleaning and re-arranging the rooms. In the back room I now had my dinning table and chairs and not much else.

After the hard sweating work I went up and got cleaned and changed into clean clothes, I went down stairs into the sitting room and sat on the sofa to relax. Just as I sat down I got a phone call from my younger sister, we were chatting away when suddenly I saw a tall man with dark hair walking down the back room.

I'm going to take a minute to describe the layout. My smaller sitting room is at the back of the original build with the window looking out onto the back garden and the side of the extension where the double glass doors are. During the winter and summer I alternate sitting rooms as the old house is cooler in the summer which is nice but too cold in the winter.

Anyway from where I was sitting on the sofa chatting to my sister on the phone I saw this tall man wearing slacks and braces and a loose white shirt walking down the extension. I said to my sis "oh my god! There's a man in the house!" I ran out while still on the phone to my sister shouting "hello". My sister was giving out to me while I ran out but when I got to the archway between the kitchen and the back room I was gobsmacked to see there was no one there.

Not only was there no one there I realized where I'd seen him walk was where the dining table and chairs where which would be impossible for a live person to walk through. I relayed this to my sister and she just retorted "you are not wise running out to see who it was, ghost or not, it could've been dangerous".

I was so bemused after it that I didn't think much about it for a few weeks when I saw a picture of my grandad when he was younger and it looked just like the man I had seen. Only the thing that's more weird is that my grandad is alive a well to this day.

Any ideas on what this could be are welcome:)

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, kayraa, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1092 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-29)
Thanks, kayraa.

It's good to know that you're a little more skeptical of the connection of the spirit with your still-living grandfather, but you don't need to dismiss it completely. (If he happened to be sleeping at the time, it could just as easily have been an unintentional astral projection...) As you've cleared up my doubts with forthright clarifications, I have no further questions for you.

kayraa (3 stories) (22 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-27)
Hi rookdygin,

It has been a while since I last seen him, 2 months I'd guess. But this had happened 2 years give or take a month. I can't remember when I'd last seen him before this account.

My granfather would definitely think of himself as younger, he is such a happy-go-lucky guy full of stories and jokes 😊
I don't think anything major would have happened for him to be thinking of me though. He is still alive and as well as can be expected to this day. So I feel it might be a coincidence the similarities but again I'm not overly knowledgeble on this subject.

I'm sorry it has taken so long to reply as I've been in the middle of a move and had a few family birthday parties keeping me busy. I hope to be more active from now on:)

Hi Biblio, thanks for your questions. I am siding on the similarity being a coincidence at this point but it was interesting on hearing others opinions. In answer to your questions, I seen him quite clearly, the window on the old part of the house is facing the double glass door on the extension and the distance isn't much. For example if I were to climb put the window I would be stading right infront of the step to the double glass doors. I see where you're coming from with the glare as it was a sunny day out.
I seen him walking diagonally, so I could nearly see the full face but not completely, from his ear to his eye would've been shaded. So I'd say he was walking past me in a way, but I wasn't in the same room so it wasn't right in front of me and when I ran out to see who it was the room was empty.

I'd be happy to answer any other qusetions:)

- Kayraa ❤
kayraa (3 stories) (22 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-27)
Hi Manafon1, that's very interesting about an apparition of a living person, I didn't know that was possible. I've never heard of it before. By braces I did mean suspenders, you know the elastic with buttons for holding up trousers?

Hey, ForceAwakens81, I never knew my grandfathers father however I know he didn't die too young. He looked solid to me which first led me to believe that somehow someone had gottten into the house. Was very strange when I got out and realised the table was there and I was the only person in the house.

AugustaM, yes those braces exactly! 😊 The property would be between 40-50 years old so not old at all really. I don't know much about the history of it to be honest. He seemed young but I couldn't pin point an exact age asI was just like "what the hell". I know it could be anyone an most likely not related to me and his clothes were quite common over many of years you could say.

Xerath, thank you for your experience, it's interesting to read. I don't know much about this sort of stuff so it's always good to see different takes on it:) I just like sharing my experiences for like minded people 😊

This has gotten very long so I will reply to the rest in a new comment Kayraa ❤
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1092 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-04)
Greetings, Kayraa, and welcome to YGS.

I've read both of your currently-posted experiences, and I look forward to reading more of your encounters.

My initial thought on this was similar to Augusta's comment; "could be that the resemblance to your grandfather was a simple coincidence born of the relative constancy of men's casual fashions over large swaths of time. Dark pants, white shirt and braces - that could describe quite a few eras." Before reading my following questions, please consider the potential for glare and distortion when looking through two windows & two different temperature zones. These are not intended to call into question your narrative, as I believe your description of this experience to be entirely honest; I'm just asking questions to verify details. I'll include my reasoning in parentheses after each question:
How clearly did you see this individual? (You could identify a "loose white shirt," so I imagine it was a clear image.)
Was he walking toward you & the main house structure, or away from you? (I got the impression you saw him heading toward you, but I'd like to be certain.)
Was the whole of his face visible, or was it in profile? (You wrote that "I saw a picture of my grandad when he was younger and it looked just like the man I had seen," so I'm a little more skeptical on this point, as memories can be adjusted to match new data because your subconscious mind seeks patterns and connections.)

I'm looking forward to your response on these details.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-04)

You are spot on of course. 😁



Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-03)
Rook--You posed some interesting questions to kayraa but I thought it was important to clarify exactly what a crisis apparition is. Psychical researchers like G.N.M. Tyrell and Andrew Mackenzie write that Crisis apparitions are specifically apparitions that appear (most commonly to family members, a significant other or close friend) of a person at the moment of death or is dying. The apparition of a son appearing to his mother with a noticeable head wound, for instance, at the exact moment he was killed in battle, as is later ascertained, is a good example.

If what kayraa saw was indeed an unconsciously transmitted younger version of her grandfather, it would be an apparition of a living person. If he consciously transmitted his image that would fall into what psychical researchers term an "experimental apparition." If it was the ghost of a long deceased person it would be an apparition of the dead. This is all a bit pedantic but agreeing on definitions is really important for what is considered such a "fringe" area of study. I do hope kayraa provides further information as she stated she will participate in the ongoing discussion.

I really hope this isn't taken as being too nit-picky.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-03)

Here's a question...

How long has it been sense you have visited/spoken with your Grandfather?

Another Question would be this...

Is it possible he received some sort of news/information that made him think of you?

There is something referred to as a Crisis Apparition... An image of a loved one will appear to a Family member because 'something' has made the individual seen 'think' about the individual who has 'seen' this manifestation. It often is something like a accident or 'bad' news from a doctor... But the 'trigger event' does not need to be 'bad news'...just something that makes the individual think strongly about the Family member who 'see's' them.

These types of manifestations CAN appear in the 'form' the individual see's themselves as...

So if your Grandfather was thinking about you and managed to 'project' an image that you could see in your own home... It seems he may picture himself 'Younger' than he is, and that's a good thing.

Thanks for sharing, please ask any questions you may have.


Myst (63 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-03)
Xerath-It may help to preface your comments with "In my opinion."
Xerath (6 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-03)

I'm sorry if I offended anyone, but I was just explaining it based on my experiences, and others I helped help in the past. Many things I said may not be "hard fact", which I said other possibilities are possible, but less likely. The information I gave on Spirit's was based on the Occult Communities, (not the new age groups), and many old grimoires.

Either way, this site is for communication about Ghost, Spirit, etc related experiences. I was simply giving me opinion on what happened like everyone else. It's a simple fact that not everyone will have the same beliefs, or opinions on a subject.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-03)
Xerath, way to go putting 90% of the forum's nose out of joint. Don't pass your opinions off as hard facts, it's not very friendly. There's plenty experiences on here to contradict your claims.

Kayraa, I really enjoyed your experience. Also I'm with Manafon on these being among the best kinds of encounters. Unexpected what the heck moments are great. 😊
Thanks for sharing.
Xerath (6 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-03)
Allow me to weigh in on the experience, there is a few possibility's that I have ran into when relating to a experience like this. If you're grandfather is alive, than It's very unlikely it was him, in which case I will not go into the details about how that is possible as It's unlikely.

On the otherhand, if it truly looked like your grandfather, more than likely It is a form of entity that I have personally dealt with in the past, these entities are a very very parasitic entity that takes the form of someone you know, but the difference is it will usually have one detail off which is usually easy to see but may be bypassed if your tired enough. But in most cases the realization of the difference will come to light to the viewer fairly quickly.

It's fairly unlikely that it is the "Spirit" of a deceased Human, these do happen but they are not nearly as common as many people believe, this is due to most Humans reincarnating fairly quickly, but it all depends on many factors. I should note that Demons/Angels/Ghouls/Etc are not "Spirits" they can die, and reincarnate like Humans, they are simply anoter form of species that primarily live on another plane, but can access the physical.
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-02)
Braces!:-) My husband wears them all the time! Braces are the suspenders that button properly to your pants instead of the silly clip-on version:-)

What a lovely account! Did the apparition look to be about your age? Maybe your grandfather was thinking of you and the train of thought led him to thinking rather deeply of his own youth and caused a projection? Could it be that your grandfather may have had a brother who died in his youth or infancy?

Then again, could be that the resemblance to your grandfather was a simple coincidence born of the relative constancy of men's casual fashions over large swaths of time. Dark pants, white shirt and braces - that could describe quite a few eras.

Maybe do a bit of research on your property - given the description, I don't think you'll have to go back much further than 1700 (I was going to say 1800 but they did have long work pants in the 1700s that can look quite modern). If you can discover a death or some such trauma occurring on the property, that might rule out your grandfather:)
ForceAwakens81 (2 stories) (8 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-01)
Could it have been your Grandathers father maybe? Or a relative of his who looked like him? Also was he see through or did he look solid? (Just curious:-)) How intriguing
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-01)
Hi kayraa--I love accounts like this one. It's a "classic" ghost sighting! This is the type of brief, but often alarming, encounter with an apparition that fills many a case study book on the paranormal.

Even though the "man" you saw resembled a younger version of your grandfather it was more likely some other former resident of your house. Although it could have been an apparition of a living person. These are also well reported. Maybe your grandfather was thinking of you and somehow telepathically transmitted an image of a younger version of himself to your house. In the final analysis, nothing to fear!

One final thing--when you write that the apparition wore braces do you mean suspenders, teeth braces or some type of neck, back or leg brace? Thanks for sharing your groovy account.

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