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Life Long Paranomal Activities


My paranormal activity started when I was just 8 years old. My brother went with a church group to visit Haydi and bought a bunch of wooden statues. That is when whole family was affected. We had normal things like doors slamming, babies crying, voices and shadow figures. Family members would be pushed or grabbed.

One bad day was my sister was sleeping and her arm was grabbed and pulled to the floor and a voice told her to never read that f$%^ing Bible again. When she got free she ran to my mom's room and my mother began to read Bible right away. When she started to read aloud, it screamed and slammed every door upstairs and I was thrown across the room. We get it to go but always returns. Follows everyone in the family. I could write 3 books on it.

The main reason I am posting here is a new thing that has been happening to me in my home. Started with voices and slamming doors and scratches on weekly basis just like before. This time I keep having same dream every time I sleep. Starts with a women being in my bed beside me. When I look at her she changes into something very evil. When this happens she always either attacks me or a family member. This happens every 2 or 3 days for last year. Always after the dream the following day and night there is always an increase in activity in my home. I have not had a good night sleep in 2 years.

I use my faith in God to get it to leave but always returns. When it returns it always starts with an attack. I will be scratched (always in 3's) and see shadows and figures. I also have 3 dogs that respond to it also with growls and barks.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, draddish39, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

CrystalLeo (27 posts)
10 years ago (2014-02-14)
Hey Draddish39

What you have there is a really powerful demon. I think it might even have been attatched to one of the wooden statues that your brother brought back. I would recomend to burn all of them. It might hopefully get rid of the demon. But it also might have a different effect. It could set it loose to roam anywhere it wants.
In that case rather cleanse the statues during the day when the activity in the house is less. While cleansing the house at the same time. Rook has a really good cleansing ritual that anyone can use, christian or not.
Demons and spirits always are more active during the night, because that is the time when the living are tucked away and unaware. Although Aomni also has a point with the three's, it's very true.

What you have there is something that is definitaly not friendly or looking out for your wellbeing. Also definitaly not just a spirit. It's much worse than a poltegeist.

Please look after yourselfs! And please look up Rook's cleansing ritual.
Also try to pray every day to Our Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ. They are the ones that can help you the most. Also try rebuking the demon in the name of Jesus Christ, Rebuke him and order him to stay away from you and your family, to go back to where he came from and never come back.

I hope this will help, please keep us updated on the happenings and situations.
Best of wishes and luck.
Aomni (1 stories) (19 posts)
11 years ago (2014-01-12)
"Usually a demonic haunting will occur during the demonic hour between 3a.m. - 3:30a.m. To mock Christ and the Church's Holy Trinity (A demonic haunt can happen at all times).

Things will occur in threes:
3 knocks may occur.
3 taps on a wall.
3 bangs on a wall.
Hauntings will occur between 3a.m. - 3:30a.m."

I'm not sure how everyone here feels about Keith and Carl Johnson but they have said for some time that evil spirits or demons do things in 3s. That doesn't mean that 3 or 333 is evil it just appears that evil spirits or demons use 3 frequently.
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
11 years ago (2013-12-18)
[at] Valkricry - Oh no, that can't be right, because that would debunk the academic paper which proposes that magnets disprove homosexuality!
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
11 years ago (2013-12-18)
Following this discussion, I just wanted to share with everyone that I was born three months early, weighing 3 lbs 3 oz. My mother also thought I was going to die, because the day I was born was the anniversary of the deaths of her cat and a dear friend of hers. She was certain I'd be the third death. I've also been at the brink of death three times in my life.

Does this mean I'm blessed or cursed? I'm not sure. 😉
HoppingCorpse (2 stories) (42 posts)
11 years ago (2013-12-01)
Valricky, you crack me up:D.Cosmic battle between angels and demons - hahaha!
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2013-11-29)
This is my kind of math and science! I may have gotten better grades in school if it had been taught this way lol. 😆
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-11-29)
Dear HoppingCorpse,
Just to satisfy you: A religious explanation of how magnets work;
Positive pole is good, negative pole is bad. The reason they repel each other is good thrusts evil away, when reversed it is the cosmic wrestling of angels and demons. 😆 😆 😆
simon155 (18 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-29)
I don't know anything about your experiences, and make no claims to being "psychic" or "perceptive" anything of the sort lol. Despite my hesitance to accept it as real, my first impression IF it were:

The girl is a victim, lashing out in anger. She was constantly rebuked and told she was evil. Constantly told to read the bible. Told she was wrong. Told it was her fault. Abused by the real evil doer.

Ingrained that long in suffering it might be hard to release. I'd be inclined to tell her shes not evil. That the bible is just a book. That everyone makes mistakes. That you care about her anyway. That god does too. That maybe that's why he let's her talk with you... So you can talk to her.

Heh seems a little random:) Still, part of the fun here's coming out with your first gut feelings I guess.
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-29)
Algebra? EW! Calculus? I thought that was what I have on my finger from holding my pencil too tight! 😕
HoppingCorpse (2 stories) (42 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-29)
This is the first time I see religion adapted to explain the mystery of maths curse. Next there is going to be the demonic truth behind how magnets work.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2013-11-28)
Algebra? Calculus? Division?!? You've just put the idea of evil numbers into terms I can understand. 😭
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-11-28)
I agree, BJJ. I do not believe that numbers are evil. (Although I think Algebra and Calc were designed by evil sorcerers 😆)
Like everything else in this world it depends on how they are used whether they are demonic or divine. And I use the term 'demonic' very loosely here. The thing is, humans seem to have a penchant of classifying everything as good or evil, and totally disregard the grey. I too have no idea why people want to consider 3 as evil. Except it is rather hard to divide equally among it.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2013-11-28)
Thanks Val. I just get extremely annoyed over mindless superstion. More often than not, a number is just a number. No idea why 3 in particular seems to set people off on "evil," or "demonic," considering all the 3's involved in the salvation story, which no one considers evil. 3pm, 3 crosses, 3 days in the grave, 33 years old, but here we are 2,000 years later and 3 is evil? I gotta go find some Excedrin lol.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-11-28)
While I believe the numeral 3 to be 'mystical' number (the Trinity, etc.), there are many that associate it and odd numbers with witchcraft. Unfortunately, the word 'witchcraft' tends to send us to dark thoughts. However there are those who use it only for good (so white and black magic). Most spells are recited three times, sometimes nine, many 'ingredients ' are used in sevens.
I had to do a search, but here are some articles, I found interesting:
Http:// (odd numbers in witchcraft)

But sometimes a number is just a number.
HoppingCorpse (2 stories) (42 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-28)
To Liza02 - maths and arithmetics what is this black magic?! Sorry, could not help myself.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2013-11-28)
3's and all uneven numbers, huh? Liza, do you have any sources you could cite to back that up? Father, Son, Holy Ghost is a three, are they associated with witchcraft? I believe the common lore is that Christ was crucified at the age of 33, and at 3 pm, was his death witchcraft?
liza02 (2 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-28)
The number 3 has absolutly everything to do with witchcraft. Actually, all uneven numbers are used in witchcraft and curses.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-11-28)
Red, thanks for your concern, but my town was one of the lucky ones. The winds here only reached 45- 50 mph, but no funnels were sited.
It's been 5 days now, since the first comment was posted, and I too am beginning to wonder where the op is.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-27)
I hope that all is well in the area that you live and you didn't get any tornados.

I bet those 3 books would be a good read. BUT how can the OP write
A book if he/she can't answer our questions from a story posted on the 18th. Maybe val is right and the OP doesn't have any power 😕
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-27)
I too am confused with this one. You say it's been going on since you were eight when your brother brought the statues home and everyone has been affected by it. Yet nothing was done except a reading "session" of the bible, in which you were "thrown across the room". You say you haven't slept well for 2 years now, so how did you sleep with all this going on before that? Answers would be good.
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-27)
Hi draddish39, please do respond and clarify the position. Your narrative is quite confusing and the timeline just don't merge right. I don't know as to how a family, when each member of the family is being followed, would not ask for so many years help. You said that you believe in God and that when your mother started reading Bible, things had gone violent and you were even thrown across the room. If that were to be the case, definitely your family should have asked for some help because whatever you described was and is violent and harmful and you also said that the visits start with an attack. So these are the aspects that require clarification from you. If you don't give correct and cogent answers, apparently the narrative becomes a 'story' and not an experience. So, once again please do respond.

Like RedWolf and Ladyglow said there are some unbelievable stuff that have been posted in this site despite the best efforts to the Mods to filter them. Hence, our anguish, be it the Ladyglow's or RedWolf's, so Orpeus, it may be that you might not be new to the paranormal stuff but fairly new to this site. Hence, perhaps you might not have come across such narratives.

The comments we give is to improve upon the site and to weed out trash and to dissuade such writers from spoiling this site and not otherwise. It should be seen only from that angle.

Regards and respects to every one.

BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2013-11-25)
Pfft, I ain't afraid of no priests...
In all seriousness though, you bring up some very good points Swims.
Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-25)
I'm kind of thinking the same as RedWolf about the story, but reading about the statues posibly from Haiti and the dream about the woman, here goes. I've lived in neighborhoods where you can run into voodoo practiced by good Haitian Catholic people and have learned to respect it as where the people are at the time but it's scary to me. It's real. And it's mostly dealing with nature spirits. I'm not knowledgeable about it but I do recal hearing about a water spirit who is femail (actually hermaphrodite) and can be sweet or nasty depending on her mood. Found a website,, that explains a lot about voodoo. So there are statues of these spirits and if you bring them home without cleansing them you're kind of stuck, because you're choosing to honer them but you don't honer them. So probably the best way to get rid of bad ju ju, (really what it's called,) is to get a priest to bless your home and your person, and if you tell him ahead of time it's voodoo deities, he'll have speacial ways to deal with this-it's not an exocism. At least priests in Florida do. And in Haiti, of course.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-11-25)
I think, maybe I can cast a little light on this story - at least what I THINK the op meant. The paranormal events began when she/he was 8 and the brother brought home some statues. They experienced the "normal" signs of activity; doors slamming, (the sounds of?) babies crying, voices, and shadow figures. They've been successful at getting the entity to leave, however it always returns.
Apparently, it flared up again within the past 2 years, causing the op to not sleep well. Now, in the past year, the op is having a reoccurring dream every 2 or 3 days about a woman in the bed who changes to something evil looking, and the activity increases.
At least, this is what I understand the op to mean.
Many of you seem concerned that the op hasn't commented yet. However, I have information that might be an explanation of this, on November 17, the Midwest was ravaged by at least 51 confirmed tornados.
Illinois (where I live) was the worst hit, but it did reach into Ohio as well. It could be that the op is unable to answer at this point. I know we still have areas without power, or lost everything. All I'm saying is 2 days since the first comment, isn't really all that long when you consider what Life can throw at a person. Heck could be something as mundane as a lost ISP.

I do have questions though:
"Follows everyone in the family" what does that mean, exactly? Does everyone still live together in the same house, or did it follow each member to different locations?
Just what kind of wooden statues were these? What were they suppose to symbolize or represent? What was done with them?
Too little information given to actually propose any kind of help or theory.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-25)
RedWolf: it's such a disappointment not to be able to read those 3 books! -Just imagine how good they could be! 😜
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-25)
I think we are right about draddish attempting to test out his/her writting skills on us. There have been no responses from the OP and he/she has said that he/she could write 3 books about the experiences. Hmm something doesn't smell right to me about this don't you agree?
Arwen1957 (7 stories) (47 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-24)
You are most likely right Zzsgranny I didn't even think of Haiti I guess it didn't seem to match the time line in the story But of course her family member could have gone there years before the earthquake. Also most of the Haitian people I have meet are very strict Catholic. I just was not thinking about the dark side of the country.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-11-24)
The term "Haydi" in Turkish means "Come on!" like one would cheer during a sporting event, etc. It's not place; I believe the O/P intended to write Haiti.
Arwen1957 (7 stories) (47 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-24)
Just for information Haydi is something associated with Turkey and or Instanbul They do have a web page for HaydiTV that broadcasts in English and Arabic among other languages that would explain buying the statues the OP was writing about Perhaps OP thinks something is or was attached to the statues and is now in her family home. Until OP responds that is what I think the OP is trying to say
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-24)
This women you see in your dream does she have a very old face? It may well be what some refer here to as the old hag?, your probably lucky your experience with her was just in a dream, some people here including myself have met her in a 3d reality and that's when things get really scary if you let it, but to over power her and some of these other accounts you have experienced which perhaps are a form of poltergeist? You need to first accept it's mind over matter and literately that's what it comes down to in my view with most of these accounts and others like sleep paralysis...i'll try and offer you an explanation as to how it works, in hope you may understand it yourself and sleep better at night, no offense intended to you religious beliefs in the process... There are 3 states of reality, the most common one, is the one we live in and what physicist refer to as the classical state of reality... Where everything is made of matter and generally apply to laws that can be measured "what goes up must come down" space and time, Einsteins theory of relativity etc... And then beneath this classical state of reality, we have what physicist refer to as the quantum state where these thought like patterns of information are guiding and influencing the level of behavior of the classical material of which we function in physically day to day, they are physical fields but don't generally apply to the laws of physics associated with our primary classical... And at the deepest level of reality, is the whole creator to our classical world including the quantum is consciousness itself... And here's what I think has happened to you my friend, as a child. You was told the Devil was real and along with your church group attempted some confrontation with him... So at your deepest level of reality your consciousness is convinced the devil is real along with your sister and parents so most likely in my view, it has influenced the quantum fields with in each of you and your family of which in turn changed the classical state of reality and events you have experienced in your home?'s how doors slam on their own, things fly across rooms, voices are heard, Old hag experiences, sleep paralysis etc,etc, everything in the universe is controlled by consciousness in my view and our minds are very powerful when certain activation's are in play and certain reality's become the world we live in?

Rregards Daz.

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