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Activities In My Apartment


This is the 1st time I'm sharing my story here. Someone helped me find this site and after some contemplation, I have decided to type this story here. The 2 incidents that I'm going to share took place some time ago now. I also have to let you know that I'm not the biggest believer of paranormal stuffs. As I've grown older, I've also grown skeptic about these things. So, I don't immediately jump to the conclusion that anything is paranormal related. I try to find other reasons. For these two incidents however, I haven't been able to find any rational or proper explanation.

So on to the experiences. Both of these incidents took place in my current apartment, where I have been living for 2 years with my family. For a month everything was fine. Then one day, I had some kind of thought or for lack of better words, something clicked and then, things started. Most things were easy to ignore, rationalize or forget. But these 2 incidents worry me a little.

The first one happened in June, on a Sunday night. I will have to explain the lighting situation in my room. I have 2 types of lights in my room. 1 is the main light, the other is my night light. I don't enjoy sleeping in the dark, so the night light helps with the issue. It stays on during the night, while I sleep, the main light stays off. I also have the habit of waking up at around midnight hours or say anytime from 12-2 am, to drink water and use restroom.

On this Sunday night, I went to bed at around 11 pm, as usual and as usual I woke up at around 1 am to use the restroom and also get myself a glass of water. I got up, switched my main lights on and did my business, returned, drank some water, made myself comfortable, locked my door, switched off the main light and went back to sleep. The only light that remained on was the night light. I remember cause it took me a few minutes to fall back asleep. Now, in the morning when I woke up, I felt something was off. Then I realized that the main light that I had switched off, was on. It confused me. I remember switching it off but it was on. I tried to rationalize that perhaps I forgot but I remember, locking my door and then switching the main light off. I tried to rationalize that maybe I sleepwalked. The problem with that is that I have never sleepwalked, not even as a child. I'm an adult now. I don't have any medical issues. As puzzled as I was, I decided to let it go. No point in wasting my time on it.

Then something else happened on Wednesday, a few days after the 1st incident. For context, this house is not old. It's still relatively new. It's not falling apart. We would not move in if that were the case.

On Wednesday, I was home alone. I was preparing for my classes after having made myself food and cleaning the dish. I cleaned the dish. Turned the faucet off and went to wait for my classes to begin. After sometime, I heard water running. I was a bit confused and decided to ignore it but just couldn't. So, I went to check. There in the kitchen, the tap was running, faucets on both sides fully on, the water was gushing and the floor was completely wet. The tap albeit a bit old, isn't a mess of rust and falling apart. It's perfectly fine. The plumbing is fine too. That tap had never done that and has not done so since.

What is more confusing is that the floor was wet enough that I thought that the water over filled and spilled from the sink. The sink however was not full. There was very little water pooling at the bottom of the sink. The cabinets below were not wet either. They were in fact dry. The floor however looked like a bucket of water had been spilled. The sink is big enough that it catches the water, the water doesn't go to the floor, even if it did, I'm sure the cabinets would be at list a little wet, but as I said, they were completely dry. I again rationalized that maybe it was a faulty tap or that I forgot to turn it off. Cleaned the mess up and just tried to forget about it.

I'm coming to terms with it as time has passed but, I just want to stop it before it escalates any further. This is maybe the 1st physical activity. After moving to this apartment I have also been having nightmares and sleep paralysis episodes almost on a daily basis, after the 1st month. The only time that I had one was when I was in my early teens because I decided to watch a horror movie I wasn't ready for. And nightmares were also only from horror movies or if I was sick. Just child stuff, nothing disturbing.

The nightmares I have now are disturbing most of the time. Anyone who shares the room with me, will have a sleep paralysis episode at least once during the stay. I don't think these are stress related as they began before my stressful student life ever began. Even then, my life is regular, the only stress I have is when we have projects and assignments. Even then it's not a big deal.

Can someone help me with perhaps finding it's origin and putting an end to it? Thank you.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, GhoulofTheWorld, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

GhoulofTheWorld (1 stories) (8 posts)
3 years ago (2021-11-18)
[at] Ryanlesner111,

Hey, I'm sorry it took me this long to reply. I've forgotten about these things. It's somewhere deep in my memories, locked away, to not be remembered unless required. I changed rooms. I no longer use that room. So, I'm doing better. Things have settled down. Thank you for the information though.
Ryanlesner111 (9 posts)
3 years ago (2021-09-23)
Listen carefully I recently went to a friends who encountered a very physical ghost. A ghost that was linked to a crystal. I know the ghost was linked to the crystal because I relocated it to my Apartment and the ghost also relocated. So in my experience when humans die due to violence they become attached to the murder weapon or an object that has been soaked with at least 80% of their blood.
I once was invited to my uncles house who was encountering a ghostly banging and discovered a rug that was completely soaked in blood. I used a black light to search for body fluids. After I removed the rug the banging stopped. My other friend Tim invited me over after his entire key chain vanished four times. While at Tim's house I found his keys using a key fob finding Application. All four sets of keys were found in the gun cabinet. Tim would lose his keys and have new ones made. Lose those keys and get more made. All four sets of keys were in a hand guns drawer next to a trigger locked hand gun. I asked about the gun. Police auction. The gun was found on a guy who Over Dosed on drugs. I simply said " Sell the gun." The point I am making is check the history of the Apartment and the history of every object in the apartment. Wouldn't be shocked if you found out your stake knife was used to kill 12 people.
GhoulofTheWorld (1 stories) (8 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-27)
Greetings again The_Lost_Voyage_11,

I'm thinking about sleeping in another room, yes. I hope it's the room and not me. Depending on how things go, few changes might be made in our living accommodation.

Interesting theory about 1 trying to warn about the other. Indeed a very interesting theory. Thank you for your insights once again.
The_Lost_Voyage_11 (8 stories) (257 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-26)
Hello GhoulofTheWorld, by all means if you can get a reputable person involved such as a priest or medium, that would be helpful. Have you tried also to sleep in another room, most of this activity seems to be centered in your room? At least until you can get this matter resolved? I'm also beginning to wonder about something based on your comment about there being more than one entity involved. It could be possible that the one trying to get your attention could actually be trying to warn you about the more harmful entity. Especially since it seems to be determined to attract your attention specifically. Good luck!
GhoulofTheWorld (1 stories) (8 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-25)
Greetings again The_Lost_Voyage_11,

Thank you for your insights, you've definitely provided me with some interesting information. I'm very grateful for that. I had definitely not heard of the old hag. Learned something new.

About laying ground rules, I did, even though I'm struggling with accepting this, I have to acknowledge when things seem really off. So, I did acknowledge it and set rules. So far, that doesn't seem to be working. I'm starting to think it's taunting me. I heard these things can attach and now I'm questioning whether it's attached to the room or me.

I'm actually thinking about getting a priest or someone similar involved. It's getting a bit out of hand with now mysterious bruises just appearing on me even when I have a clean bill of health and never harmed myself accidentally.

Once again, thank you very much for your insights and very interesting explanations. I appreciate it.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-25)
Hi The_Lost_Voyage_11

IMO you add some really useful ideas and comments but, my God, it's hard to read when it's not broken up into paragraphs. 😆

Are you able to please paragraph your posts?


The_Lost_Voyage_11 (8 stories) (257 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-25)
GhoulofTheWorld, you are most welcome. That's what this community is for, to share experiences, offer insights and possible explanations and to share safe space with others who have had similar encounters. I'm glad I was able to help. It is more than possible you are dealing with more than one entity. As far as the attention, it may actually be easier for an entity to get attention from someone who's skeptical than from someone who just readily accepts and believes. This is primarily because a skeptic will ask questions and try to validate their experience one way or the other which gives attention to the experience and the entity as opposed to someone who just accepts the situation, because for an accepting individual who believes in the paranormal, it's just like taking the experience for granted and as we all do, when something is taken for granted we don't really pay much attention to it unless it does something threatening. Sleep paralysis has not been truly tied to the paranormal, the effects have always been chalked up to the whole experience. On the physical side, sleep paralysis is typically described as the mind coming awake before the body can regain it's physical capacity for movement. The body is essentially paralyzed during our sleep states in order to prevent the body from acting out our dreams. The mind comes to first and their for some reason there is a delay in the 'paralysis' of the body wearing off so the person can move. Seeing entities, feeling someone sitting on the chest, shadows, feeling an ominous presence etc are all supposed to be a side effect of the sleep paralysis. Somehow it's thought that the mind manufactures things in this state, though it's unclear why, if the mind is fully active but the body is not, why would people report these things. If the body is truly paralyzed in the sleep state as is suggested, why do people toss and turn at night in their sleep, Why do people thrash in their sleep during nightmares? People have wild visions during the day using their imaginations, they don't act them out, so why would they need to be protected from acting them out at night, Then there's sleepwalkers. I could go on and on, but you get the point, there are some problems with the simple explanation of sleep paralysis. As I mentioned before, ghosts/spirits are able to intervene in electrical environments. They do it all the time, turning lights on and off for example, Some people even seem capable of this feat. Our bodies are essentially electrical conduits and batteries for lack of a better word to ghosts and entities. If they draw energy from our forms to manifest and to interact in our world, then they can interfere in the electrical functioning of our bodies including our bodies nervous system and physical responses, essentially hijacking them. Whether they do this on purpose, interfering in our bodies, causing temporary paralysis and then able to manifest and torment us, or if it's a side affect of drawing the energy from our forms to manifest and as they do so, it disables our bodies temporarily from moving is a point of conjecture. I find it more than coincidental that as many people awaken in this state of paralysis, they feel presences and see entities or shadows, as if the ghost or entity is actually there drawing the energy to manifest and by the person waking up, the cycle is interrupted. When the person regains control of the body, the entities typically depart. This kind of dovetails with the older tales of what they call 'The Old Hag' experience, the precursor to the modern day scientific explanation of sleep paralysis. Those tales were that this 'spirit' would sit on a persons chest, suffocating them, essentially drawing their breath out of them, in effect sucking their life force out. Not too far from off from my explanation. My feeling is that sleep paralysis is way more than a physical/biological experience, my theory is that there is definitely a supernatural element to it, but again that's my theory. Quantum physics can go pretty far in these fields, but traditional science which requires hard evidence and experiments are much harder to conduct in these areas. You said you have acknowledged these entities but have you tried to lay down some ground rules? You could tell them that you don't mind sharing space with them but not to bother your guests or interfere in your sleep. Have them try other ways to communicate if they need something. Perhaps set out a pen and paper at night, some people have had some interesting results from this kind of experiment. I'm not sure if you have any spiritual or religious beliefs, so I can only suggest if you do, you can call on guides and angels for protection, but again only if it fits within your beliefs. You can try putting a ring of salt around the perimeter of the room or bed, this offers protection and there are many instructions online. Another member, Rook on this very site has a very thorough cleansing ritual which many have found helpful, I can try and link it for you if you'd like. I do know, that sometimes a cleansing ritual often has to be performed many times to get rid of stronger entities/ghost. Unfortunately it's not a one and done solution. Hopefully I haven't rambled on too long here and you find this information and explanations helpful. There are several options for you to regain your space and protect yourself and your guests, and these are just a few. Good luck!
GhoulofTheWorld (1 stories) (8 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-24)
Greetings The_Lost_Voyage_11,

Thank you very much for the explanation! It has helped me understand somethings, learn new things. I was actually thinking I must be losing my mind. The one point I want to focus on, among others, is that I also believe that it probably wants me to pay attention. Some of my mates did point that out when I shared about the experiences to them. Anytime some time passes and I've forgotten about "its" existence, it seems to start doing its things. The moment I realize something is amiss and start paying attention, things stop. This cycle alone has been driving me crazy.

Now, about it not being threatening. I have mixed feelings about it. Either there's more than one thing at play here or it's just trying to mess with me. I don't feel threatened all the time, but, there are certain times when I feel like I need to deal with it. More than threatened it's like that feeling you get when you know you have work to do but just can't be bothered about it. Could it be that more things are at play here? Would a non threatening entity bother you with sleep paralysis and nightmares. I've woken up twice with bruises on my legs. None of which have explanations. I'm concerned about my guests being bothered by sleep paralysis and rarely by bad dreams. I don't want guests to have to deal with these issues. Also, as I mentioned before, the activities seem more deliberate this time. I have acknowledged its presence already. I have tried cleansing too. I don't believe it's leaving anytime soon though.

About using ouija boards, I have already learned my lesson about not using it, whether real or fake. I would not use it for anything.

Once again, thank you very much, definitely does help me realize and accept it more easily. I was struggling a little with accepting these activities and was starting to doubt that I may be going insane. Thank you very much, it definitely explains a lot!
The_Lost_Voyage_11 (8 stories) (257 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-24)
Hello GhoulofTheWorld, great story, thank you for sharing and welcome to YGS. I understand your frustration at having these experiences, but rest assured healthy skepticism, is a great perspective with which to consider these events. The fact that you are here and questioning these things at least means you have a somewhat open mind which is also a good thing for unraveling these mysteries. I know you had questioned as to why these things took a little time to begin manifesting. It's a theory that ghosts/spirits actually need to draw energy in order to manifest, to be seen, to interact physically on this dimensional plane. Typically they draw energy from people and electricity. We are essentially electrical beings so it makes sense. It also makes sense that one of your early encounters involved your electricity being messed with. Why it took some time for these manifestations to take place is essentially when you moved into this location, it took time for the entities to draw enough energy from you and the others in order to show itself. My feeling is something wants attention and these 'interactions' are the attempt to garner that attention. I've come across many of these stories and encounters where people move into a new place and usually the first few weeks or months are pretty peaceful, sometimes with just brief things occurring, perhaps shadows or a floor creaking, maybe an object being moved, light stuff. Then suddenly it seems to pick up or start occurring. The entities gather energy and then being utilizing it to interact with this world, whether they show themselves or start manipulating objects. Your skepticism, which is great, (it's not a judgement) plays into this, because 'it' seems to want to prove its existence. The incident with the water indicates that because it cannot be rationally explained, The electrical switch, possibly, just a memory lapse, someone could try to rationalize that incident away. However because you just left the sink and the fact that water ended up on the floor in a way that shouldn't be possible, to me seems pretty deliberate and focused on you. As if it knew and had to challenge you in a way that you couldn't merely reason it away. It doesn't seem to be harmful, it's up to you now whether you want to interact with it, or try another cleansing to remove it from your space. You could try talking to the presence, create boundaries if it's bothering you. Spirits and ghosts are supposed to respect those boundaries, especially if it's bothering you. You seem more perplexed by these circumstances and the fact they don't fit into the natural order or things as it were, more than anything. If you choose to interact, just be careful, don't use divination tools like a Ouija board, because if not experienced, it could make things worse. I could elaborate if you need and I'm hoping these explanations provide some insight and answer some of your questions, certainly shift your perspective and add to it. Your skepticism is healthy and asking questions if the best way to get to the root of the situation and find out what is paranormal and what is not. Good luck!
GhoulofTheWorld (1 stories) (8 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-23)
Greetings again Rajine, (some updates down below)

The house that our apartment is in, did exist before we moved in. It doesn't have a very long history though. I couldn't really tell how old it is though. Still, not that old and also well taken care of. No history of ill happenings.

I really can't think of a trigger other than the day where I perhaps thought of something but dropped it before it even became a comprehensible thought. I don't believe I've done anything that may have offended it, especially when we moved in. I'm confused about it.

Something interesting seems to be happening currently, I seem to have developed a very light bruise on my left leg. I had one on the other leg some days/weeks ago, in the inner thigh area, I think. I didn't do anything to cause it, neither did I pay attention to it. I haven't done anything to cause this one either but, well here it is.

We got a little surprise last night as well. The bedroom door was closed. I have a guest currently, sharing the room with me. They were asleep and I was just working on my laptop and listening to some videos (for background noise). All of a sudden, the door banged really loudly, pushed against its ill fitted frame. My guest woke up surprised and confused. I too was stunned, but after staring for a bit, we both ignored it and they went back to sleep while I continued my work. Now, because it's ill fitted, and also there's a hallway (I guess), every night after I close the door, almost always at or a few minutes after 11, the door lightly pushes against the frame, producing a soft thud. I'm confused as to whether it did that before or not but my parent did change it a little to make it more better fit for the frame. That may have started that soft pushing/thud noise. Last night's was a little too hard though. It had already done it's usual routine of light thud. After a few minutes, it banged really loudly. There was no wind (I was sitting right in front of the open window with my back to the door), no bad weather. It hasn't done that even during bad weathers so, it confuses me for sure. I can't blame it on the neighbors either cause it was my door. Now, people tell me to ignore it but, I don't believe that is going to do any good.

I am very confused and a little concerned as to whatever is happening.
Rajine (14 stories) (920 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-23)
Hi GhoulofTheWorld

My guess is that it could be a random wandering spirit (I'm assuming) or perhaps something followed you or someone at home (again just a wild guess) as you say that your home is relatively new so I suppose there isn't much history on the house to suggest it was there from before you moved in.

Or perhaps, and I'm just thinking out aloud, that maybe whatever it is has always been in your home but is just presenting itself to you now, sort of like a trigger or awakening 🤷‍♂️

Apart from you has any other family member experienced anything unusual?
GhoulofTheWorld (1 stories) (8 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-22)
Greetings Rajine,

Thank you for your insight. Many suggested that I do a cleansing. My family in order to ease my sleep paralysis,mainly,did do somethings. So far, it hasn't worked, not as well as we had hoped it would. Also, I guess that being a skeptic doesn't help. I know something is amiss but I can't help but question it. Also, I heard that when you do any cleansing ritual, you need to have faith in it, otherwise it doesn't work? Well, being a skeptic and seeing as the 1st one didn't work, I don't know what else to do. Also, its origin has been puzzling me. Where did it even come from? Why did it start after a month?

Nonetheless, I will try and search for them here and hope for the best. Thank you.
Rajine (14 stories) (920 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-22)
Hi GhoulofTheWorld

I'd suggest you should do a home cleansing ritual, it will help with whatever you are experiencing, if you are willing to, there's plenty of great methods to use from this site.
GhoulofTheWorld (1 stories) (8 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-22)
Greetings Macknorton,

Regarding my location, I must say, I just chose it as I don't wish to give away my real location. I'm glad you found something new though. Apologies about the location confusion.

With sleep paralysis, the guests will dream of either being dragged or pulled somewhere or of someone sitting on top of them. With me however, I just find myself unable to move. I neither see nor hear anything. I just feel like either someone is already there or is about to get there, wherever 'there' may be.

The kitchen faucets, I'm ready to blame it on the about to be old parts that we replaced a few days after the incident. I still don't get the wet floor though. About the switch, it was a new one when we moved in and it's a short round one so, it doesn't get stuck. It was completely turned off when I went to bed. So, it still puzzles me.

Thank you again.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-22)
Hi GhoulOfThe World,

First of all, thanks I've learned something! I had no idea Andorra was a country. That's really cool; squeezed in between France and Spain.

Secondly, I have been on the receiving end of a very nasty sleep paralysis / spirit attack many years ago in Melbourne, Australia, so these really grab my interest.

Can you provide any more details regarding what people experience with these sleep paralysis incidents in terms of physical sensations / mental imagery / "vibes" of a presence etc?

Has anyone else in your family felt, seen, sensed, or heard anything that is unexplainable?

With regard to the taps; that does seem to be a fairly common "trick" spirits pull; they turn on taps. God only knows why, haven't they got anything better to do?

The light switch could possibly be explained by you having not fully turned it into the "OFF" position, and it flicked back by itself onto the "ON" position? I don't know; you would know the mechanics of that switch better than anybody, to understand if that was possible?


GhoulofTheWorld (1 stories) (8 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-21)
Greetings, thank you for your reply.

Yes, if I have guests sharing room with me, they will have sleep paralysis but, I will not. There are sometimes though when they will be spared and I will get it but, most of the time, if I'm sharing the room, my guests will get it. Once or twice, depending on the duration of their stay.

After having this for 2 years (almost 3 now) straight, I'm a little frustrated.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-21)
Greetings, Ghoul of the World. Some things to think about here, but I want to ask for clarification, because my caffeine has not yet kicked in:

Your guests get sleep paralysis but you do not. Is that a correct statement?

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