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My Uncles Being There


My name is Emma Martin and I'm 13 years old. For the past 3 or 4 years I have been experiencing people that are dead. I did experience this when I was younger, but it had stopped for a while then it all happened again.

On the year I was born, my daddy's brother named Eugene died in a car crash. Sadly his ribs and lungs got crushed and died from having no breath. I never saw him when I was younger but around 2006, I started seeing him. Whenever I saw him, he would have just been standing there smiling at me.

But one day something a little different happened. I was in my sitting room with my mum and dad and we where watching a movie. My uncle Eugene came into the sitting room and sat on the couch beside my dad. My dad couldn't see him but I could. He turned at daddy and rubbed his arm. My dad then had shocked expression on his face because he could feel something rubbing his arm. When I saw his face I told him it was Eugene but then Eugene started to make me cry because he was mad I told daddy that it was him. Then later on that night Eugene came into my room. He wasn't very happy but I did say sorry which made him smile. Ever since that day my uncle has been here and there around me. I always remember seeing him when I'm in certain situations.

Sometimes though, I don't see Eugene, I see shadows. Shadows of people that I don't think I know. Sometimes the shadows are very faded but sometimes they're beside me and they are very full looking. I remember when I was about 8, I saw this small shadow. It looked to be a little boy. I don't ever remember having a little boy in my family die so I started to get a bit scared. One time I seen the little boy's shadow and my uncle Eugene standing beside each other. Eugene seemed happy when the boy was there so I thought I should be happy. At night from that day I seen the boy's shadow I could always feel him sitting on my bed staring at me.

I always thought Eugene sent him here to me to take care of me when Eugene couldn't but then things started to change. This little boy was getting into my dreams. He always scared me sometimes for no reason and I always felt as if he was trying to warn me.

About a year after tall these nightmares my mummy's brother Peter died. This is when I got the thought of the little boy's warnings. Since Peter died the little boy never came to see me. I never seen my uncle Peter's ghost until his first anniversary of being dead. When I did see him he was standing behind mummy and he put his hand on her shoulder. She started to cry and told her mummy (my granny) that she could feel him touching her. I went up to her and told her that it was him, but she didn't believe because I was only young. But then Peter bent down to me and smiled. I remember this because he went to kiss me but didn't because he seen his two younger sisters and wanted to go beside them. Ever since that day I've seen Peter and he has always helped me in some way when I wasn't happy or if I was in bother.

In about 2011 or 12, I started boxing. I started it because my daddy and his two younger brothers, including Eugene, did it and seemingly it was on the blood that we were good boxers. Turns out that every time I fought in a club a coach would go up to my daddy and say that I have a special way of fighting. My daddy was my coach so he always took pride in these compliments. One day I was fighting in a big tournament. It was an Ulster tournament. Every time before I go to fight I always pray to my two uncles (Peter and Eugene). When I went up into the ring I could have sworn I heard my uncle Eugene. But I never paid attention to it. As the bell went for the first round to start I remember just freezing in the ring because my uncle Eugene was in the ring in front of me wearing boxing gloves. I remember him winking at me and then standing beside me. Every time my opponent went to hit, my uncle would do a move and I would copy him. At the end of my three rounds I won my fight thanks to my uncle.

Last year in 2013 in around November/December time my mum took a video of my little brother and sister dancing. In this video white things started to fly around and they were in front of the camera. Some were kind of of faded while the rest weren't. In this video my brother and sister go onto their knees and pretend to play guitar. As this was going on the door behind my brother, which leads into a bathroom, started to open slowly. After about 6 seconds, the door started to close, but I noticed someone in the bathroom moving which was unusual because it was only mummy and the two kids in the room.

About a week later or two later, my brother sat on my daddy's chair facing a painting of my uncle Eugene. He then said to my mum, "Mummy, I miss uncle Eugene. He was a very nice man. Will I ever see him again?" Keep in mind my brother never met Eugene for he wasn't born at this time. A few minutes later my brother then said to my mum,

"Mummy, I miss him, I'm going to cry.' Then he burst out into tears. Mummy was very scared for she couldn't understand how he knew Eugene.

A few days later, my brother then started taking pictures on his ipod. Daddy was babysitting him and was reading the newspaper. While he was reading my brother called him in and said, "Look at the bluepeter I took a picture of." If you don't know what a bluepeter is, then I'll tell you. It is a shadow of a person. Now, nobody told my brother what a bluepeter was, so we didn't know how he knew this. Daddy went and looked at the picture my brother wanted to show him. On this picture was a shadow in thin air shaped as a person. Daddy was very scared so he showed mum.

Recently in school I have not been doing so well. But my uncle Peter has been there for me because mummy told me to pray to him. I thought it was weird to pray to him but I did it anyway. And within a day he was there in school with me. Recently I have been in a fight with a girl. One day at lunch in school I seen Peter and Eugene together looking at this girl. They both looked angry at her. This was when I knew that mummy was right about praying to them.

A few days my brother said something but I didn't know about it until yesterday, when my cousin came up. My brother sat on her knee and said to her, "You see that painting on the wall? That is my uncle Eugene. He is my daddy's brother. Did you know he died in a car crash because he was drinking and he hit another car?" Me and my mum and dad were really freaked out that he knew this because no one told him how Eugene died. My cousin asked him how did he know this. My brother replied saying, "The fairies from up above told me." My brother pointed towards the sky when he said this. Then we all caught on that he was talking about angels.

Later on that night we put him to bed. I was sitting with daddy at the dinner table and we started talking about it. Daddy was upset because since my brother started talking about Eugene. He missed him a lot. He said to me that he would love to just at least see him one more time. At that moment I was going to tell him I could see him, but I didn't because I knew it just wasn't that moment of time to because he would be scared. As daddy was telling me how much he missed Eugene, Eugene was sitting at the table. He was smiling at daddy and then turned to me and smiled. He seemed happy that daddy was talking about him.

That is recently what has happened so far in my life with my dead relatives. Seems that me and my brother are special.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, emmz, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
11 years ago (2014-02-19)
Testoli456: I, too, think this story is fake; but prefer to give the OP the benefit of the doubt and hope for her to comment and answer the several questions that have been asked... Unfortunately it seems that she either forgot all about her story or decided that "it got too hot" and there is no point on trying to explain and justify what she says in her story. 😐

Perhaps you would like to read a story called "Emily, the boy and the man" by ccun2. It is a good example of a nice and engaging narrative, almost good enough to get away with covering a lie. If you do so, please, do not forget to read the tread of comments, they are very funny.
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
11 years ago (2014-02-19)
Ha, ladyglow, I got my very first negative karma vote a couple weeks back when I told someone their doors were probably slamming shut due to a simple process called air exchange. (Not that I worded it like that -- I was more gentle and explicative.) Ah, I do not miss being a teenager, getting angry at every person who expresses logic.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-02-19)
Testoli456: When a story is submitted, there are steps we as Mods go through before it appears on the site. It is reviewed for content to determine whether it adheres to the submission guidelines, then edited. The only editing we do is spelling, grammar and sometimes structure. However, members are given the opportunity to self-edit their story prior to submitting. Most teens skip that page 😆. If the story is so badly written we can't make heads or tails of it, it gets rejected.

So you see, stories aren't edited by just anyone.
Testoli456 (7 posts)
11 years ago (2014-02-18)
So I was right about it being a little too perfect for a child. So if it was re-edited that proves my point on one hand but doesn't prove my point of it being fake. So. Kind of at a stand still. Didn't realise people could edit stories and whatnot so seeing as I now know that, ill bare it in mind for future reads.
It's not the grammar I had trouble with it's how fluid it is, with the correct full stops and new paragraphs. Call it jealousy possibly!
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
11 years ago (2014-02-15)
Testoli456: Miracles is right, I wasn't talking about giving you negative karma but about some teenagers whose stories are over the top and get very upset at the slightest criticism.

You are fairly new to this site but if you stick around you'll have a chance to see what I mean.

BTW, I voted you UP on your comment.😉
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-02-11)
For what it's worth, I read lady-glow's comment the same way Miracles did. Also for what it's worth, many 13 year olds are gifted writers. The problem is, there's more who aren't.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-02-11)
Testoli456 - I don't mean to get in the middle of this, but will if I find it necessary. But I think you misunderstood what lady-glow meant. I could be completely wrong, and I'm sure lady-glow will correct me if I am, but I think what she meant was the "teenagers" who get bent out of shape if someone doesn't believe their story are, most of the time, the same ones who go on a negative karma spree. I don't believe lady-glow was threatening to give you a negative karma point for expressing your opinion. Again, I could have misinterpreted her comment, but I don't think so.

And to put this whole thing to rest over how well this story is written, and that a 13-year-old couldn't have written it so eloquently, let me clear something up. I should have done this at the beginning, but I had other things going on and forgot. This story, in its original form, was not so "well written", nor was it as eloquent. There was some editing done; not a major overhaul, but I did make some grammatical/spelling corrections. I did not, however, rewrite the story. Nor was it bad enough to be returned. But I did do some editing. Hope that clears up some of the "conversation" on this story.
Testoli456 (7 posts)
11 years ago (2014-02-11)
Lady-glow, I'm entitled to my opinion, and no. Not even the most intelligent child could write that perfectly. Don't threaten me with karma for having an opinion, jeesh.
freakedoutfreddy (1 stories) (77 posts)
11 years ago (2014-01-25)
Babe there is no way you could cheat like that in boxing!
I don't believe that part of your story 🤔
Niksterrific (19 posts)
11 years ago (2014-01-22)
Wonderful story, you have a lot of special gifts. I lost my Uncle in 2008, we were only 5 years apart in age, so he was more like my brother. I have only dreamt about him maybe twice since his passing. I want so much to see him, why won't he come to me? I don't have any of the special gifts that you and others have (at least I don't think I do) but, does anyone know what I could do to contact him. I HAVE to know that he is happy and at peace.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
11 years ago (2014-01-19)
Testoli456: some 13 year old's write very eloquent stories, if not convincing; and will give negative karma to anyone that dares to doubt or question them! 😆 😆 😆
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-01-18)
I'm with lady-glow - I'd love to see the video and pictures if at all possible.
I'll admit to having a problem with wrapping my mind around the boxing incident though. From the boxers I've known a match seems to be almost 'action - reaction', there just isn't time for someone to do a move and be shown a counter move and copy it. However, it could be I'm just not understanding your telling properly.
I also don't get why Eugene got mad, when you told your dad it was him rubbing his arm. I too, would have interpreted that as him wanting to make contact. Question: can you hear as well as see your Uncles?
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
11 years ago (2014-01-18)
BTW, could you post the video and pictures? Please?
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
11 years ago (2014-01-18)
emmz: Interesting story though, to tell you the truth, I find it very disturbing that the spirits of both your uncles would take sides on a little kid's quarrel, aren't spirits supposed to know better? 😕
Do not take me wrong but I find it unfair that the spirit of a grown man with years of boxing experience would help you to fight another KID, wouldn't this be considered poor sportsmanship?
I think it is time to talk to your parents about your "gift", perhaps they won't believe you at the beginning but it is important to help your uncles to cross over, it is nice that they are still around their family but they shouldn't remain forever on this dimension.
Testoli456 (7 posts)
11 years ago (2014-01-17)
No thirteen year old could write so eloquently. I don't believe this is real.
broiquapride (22 posts)
11 years ago (2014-01-17)
I love this stories this story was very touching in many ways I say you and your brother have a great gift and you have a wonderful family and two great uncles I love that they were around like they were for you and your brother especially when you needed them the most I will love to read more of your stories 😊 this story made me smile even though I get scared of ghost
Walks_on_Clouds (2 stories) (18 posts)
11 years ago (2014-01-17)
For us who can see into the spiritual, it's a gift and a curse. We learn things about the past and people that we and others wouldn't have otherwise known.

BUT...the curse comes from the bad spirits. They can masquerade as something or someone else. This is why they should NEVER be prayed to. To know for certain, ask Jesus about the spirit and to protect you if the spirit is actually evil. He will expose a crafty spirit and can protect you from it. All things are not necessarily as they appear.

And be especially careful of the shadow (blackened) spirits. In my experience, they are always evil and can even physically assault you.
Aaru275 (4 stories) (55 posts)
11 years ago (2014-01-17)
You and your brother are very lucky because you both can see your relatives and I think you should also like your brother share your experience to your parents
shhh_im_sleeping (14 stories) (62 posts)
11 years ago (2014-01-16)
That's wonderful. You should share this story with your parents. If you're able to see your Uncle then your parents should know. It will make you feel so much better and relieved. I know when I told my Mom about my paranormal experiences in 2010 it helped me a lot. Your Uncle must have really loved your family for his spirit to remain. I've also heard that sometimes when a person dies in a quick, tragic death that they may not know that they have passed. Maybe your Uncle doesn't realize he's deceased. Just a theory. Reguardless it's a wonderful gift that should be shared. Good luck dear.

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