I have had a few supernatural encounters. Nothing particularly scary but very interesting all the same. My first encounter was when I was a young child (about 8) I went to church every Sunday with my parents and once when all the congregation where praying (eyes closed, head down) I saw a monk stood at the altar. At the time I didn't realize what I was seeing and did that thing where you open your eyelids wide with your fingers to ensure your not dreaming or something. I know I didn't imagine it and it was as clear as day. I let the moment pass without saying anything but remember it to this day.
The corner of the church where I saw the Monk I remember always feeling scared when I had to go in there and I would run fast through it, or do what I needed to do and get out quick smart. I wondered if this was just down to being young and not wanting to be alone in a church of all places, but when I go back now I feel the same and quiver all over. It was and still is a modern Methodist church built in the 20th century, carpet and stuff very nice - so not a drafty dark old place, that would create these feelings. - Think I will do a little research on its location.
Second times were at University. I lived with a girl and two lads. The girl had a mother that was a medium. I was studying design and had a large drawing board in my room. I would be drawing away and turn to do something or go make a drink and when I returned, turned back, my pencils, ruler etc would be missing. I would look on the floor to find if it had fell and nothing would be there. I never felt scared and would just say out loud "I am going down stairs when I return I want them back" I would do this and sure enough they would be back as is it never been anywhere. My house mate (the girl) said that she once awoke to a man in her bedroom, I believe her as she said she wasn't scared just could see him there.
Third times were many instances when I worked for an Architects practice in the Peak District. Our Offices where haunted by a similar ghost to the one in my Uni house. He used to walk up and down the spiral staircase in the middle of the office (it was a old house) we would hear his foot steps and see him from the corner of our eyes, also he would take drawing equipment etc. We never felt threatened just aware of him. Once on the ground floor, where our reception was I walked down stairs to find the receptionist talking to herself. I said to her, "who are you talking to" and she said "I thought you were just around the corner" and had been for ten minutes or so as she saw me come down stairs.
Also while working at this practice I had to spend many days on my own in very old Churches that were in the middle of the countryside miles from anywhere. I never saw anything, but I was always VERY apparent to me when I had entered a Church that was haunted. I would be able to feel a presence and also if they were happy with me being there or not.
I got to be aware of this as, all the churches were alike (dark, old, draughty) but some would feel welcoming - just like walking in to your house, others scary.
As I said I never saw anything and whilst surveying towers, crypts, chapels (over 2000 photographs) never ever caught anything on camera (I always checked) but always knew when there was a presence and if it was happy with my presence. If it was happy I would feel content, also aware of them, but not threatened - I used to talk to them to keep me happy.
If it didn't like me being there I would feel not scared just a deep deep sadness (I can feel it now) welling up from inside of me, getting stronger and stronger until I would not be able to take it any longer and I would have to leave or I would have gone crazy. I can only describe it as that sadness, not anger or being scared. Something like when your mad at someone and you bit your tongue, turn the other cheek, but your blood just boils and then you can't help yourself but explode in a fit of rage, or like suffering from vertigo and being high up and just waiting for you inevitable death so you have to get out of there.
I worked with guys that had done the same for almost 50 + years. It was never spoke about if you returned to the office with a half finished survey, it was just silently concluded, accepted that the spirit there was unhappy and there was nothing we could do about it. It happened all the time, and was just treated as an occupational hazard, and we would have to telephone the Vicar and ask them to be in the Church at the same time as we were there. Whether we were in groups our by our self it was always the same.
I have not experienced anything now for 4 - 5 years. I see things out of the corner of my eyes, and then quickly look to the area to find nothing there and nothing possibly that could have caused any movement to attract my attention. But no personal encounters. I have posted on the psychic web site associated with the site about my experiences under that banner that are daily.
I am very interested in all of this and would welcome a discussion.
I haven't posted in a very long time. But reading my previous post and comments got me thinking again, particularly the comment from Bellissima. Could it be that I have spirit following me or that I am just susceptible to little changes in my immediate environment? Supernatural or not.
It is quite often that I will feel a presence and see movement at the edge of my vision. Its always quite real and when I investigate immediately after I don't find anything and can't quite believe my senses. Having such a real experience, and trusting my senses has taught me how to distinguish between experiences and just...wind/ natural movement.
I try not to dwell on any experiences I have, as it can unnerve we terribly. It would however love to learn how to refine may awareness, does anyone have any tips?