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Real Ghost Stories

The Ninth Day Visit


I have had already several experiences with ghosts, and most of them have to do with the souls of relatives that have passed on. In the Philippines, we have a tradition called "pa-siyam" wherein we offer a nine day novena for a departed soul, practiced by Catholics. The first day of a novena will count from the day a person passes away and 8 days following that day. There is a a superstition or an old myth that a departed soul would always come to visit their relatives and friends within those nine days anytime between the 3rd, 7th, and 9th day, which are odd numbers.

The first time my mother told me this, I just ignored and brushed it off simply because I took it as just mere coincidence, but I was wrong, until something happened to me which I will never forget in my entire life.

This happened way back 1978 when my grandfather died. When we were all done with our novena prayers, late night snacks and chit-chat, all of our friends and relatives have gone home, and I was the only one left in the house still awake. I could not get to sleep for some reason so I decided to just read a book until I feel like dozing off. It was 11:00 pm when suddenly I felt goosebumps and the dogs where howling like crazy. The howling sounded deafening and as if there were a hundred dogs outside, so I got curious and got up from bed, and managed to peep on the window. What I saw horrified me... Believe it or not, there were countless dogs outside. God only knows how many they were, and how they got there. What was more scarier was they were all looking and facing the house, when suddenly I heard footsteps coming up the main stairway leading to the main door, and I felt an eerie presence on the corner of the bedroom. There was an atmosphere of intense silence. The kind you can only describe it as if you hear a pin falling on the floor. This lasted until 11:30 pm. That is when I realized it was the 9th day of my grandfather's novena, which is the last day. So I thought of saying something to him, and I said, "Papa, please don't worry about us. And please don't scare us. Everything will be okay." After uttering these words, my goosebumps and the eerie presence went away, and to my surprise, the dogs stopped howling immediately.

The funny thing was that the only time I felt scared was after all the commotion had calmed down. I woke my aunt who was sleeping in the next bedroom, and told her what had happened. I pleaded with her if she could join us in the same room to where we were sleeping with my Mom and 2 sisters, and she gave in.

The next morning when we were all having breakfast, my aunt related everything to my mom, sisters, cousins and uncles of what had happened, and they were so freaked out. All my cousins, uncles, my Mom and sisters confessed that they were all awake the whole time, and knew what had happened, but they just waited until one of us will share the experience because they didn't want to scare anybody, so they pretended they didn't knew it at first.

At the beginning of this story, I mentioned that I had several experiences of ghosts particularly on souls? Well, this story is the scariest one I have encountered. So I hope you enjoyed reading it.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, bokybaby, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Tjkkn (2 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-19)
My story isn't as creepy... My dad had cancer and was in the hospital. The night before he passed away, our dog that we'd had for years howled all night long. You couldn't calm her at all. The next morning we get to the hospital to find that my dad had taken a bad turn, he passed later that day. She never howled like that before or after.
bokybaby (1 stories) (3 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-13)
Hi valcriky,
Hmmm... Interesting. My grandfather was a dog lover and yes, you are probably right that animals are sensitive and they mourn of their owner's loss. You see, my grandfather was a contractor and he happened to be all around town most of the time to meet some clients, and maybe, some of them had dogs that's why they were drawn to him. So that kind of explains why this is so.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-08-13)
Animals are sensitive creatures. I have witnessed dogs, cats, and even horses mourning someone they have lost. I wonder if, in life your Grandfather had some connection with those dogs. A friend of mine told me that her grandfather had been a policeman back when cops walked a beat, and were well known figures in the neighborhood. He had made friends with all the kids and animals on his beat and often carried a pocket of treats to hand out to his furry pals. She has always maintained that shortly after his death, every dog in the neighborhood appeared on their lawn and howled their mournful good-bye to him. Could this somehow be the case for your grandfather?
bluemer04 (1 stories) (58 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-13)
miracles51031- no, not at all. You don't have to apologize 😁 Well I agree even the most experienced people need advice/help from others- as the saying we can't have it all can be applied to this. Well I am thankful this site is existing as people around the globe can share ideas and experiences which is/are very helpful to each other. 😁
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-08-13)
bluemer04 - I didn't mean to sound as bad as that came across. I apologize 😊 I do like well-experienced, though LOL Even those of us who may be more experienced than others still seek advice and/or help from our members and friends 😊
bluemer04 (1 stories) (58 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-13)
Point taken miracles51031. I mean for ME, someone like you is an expert. Though you are trying to say you are not. Compared to us that are just about to explore the paranormals. Maybe I used the wrong word. I should have used well-experienced individuals, my bad.

And I do appreciate all the help that you guys give to those that are in need.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-08-13)
bluemer04 - I understand your comment to bokybaby, but want to point something out. None of us here (or anywhere for that matter) are experts. We are always learning something new about the paranormal field. There are things we are sure of, based on our own experiences, but there are always people who have a different opinion than we do about that too, as many stories and comments on this site have proven.

Although we are not experts, we do try to give the best advice/help we can when needed.
bluemer04 (1 stories) (58 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-13)
Yes I agree it's very creepy. Maybe the experts here can explain why there are lots of dogs when your granpa visited you. Oh it happened in Bohol- great place. I want to go there one of these days. Hope everything's okay with you and youre family.:) It would be best if you would send your other stories. Hope to see more from you.:)
bokybaby (1 stories) (3 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-13)
Hi bluemer04,

Thank you for reading my story! I appreciate it.
No, not literally... The commotion died down within 5 minutes So, it's probably considered instantly for a kind like that. The dogs were countless beyond expectation Something I have never seen before. It was as if the dogs had followed my grandpa's tracks which is really spooky. It's really a different feeling having to experience it yourself. And you know what? As I was writing this story, It still gives me the creeps. By the way, this happened in a province in Bohol. 😨 😊
bluemer04 (1 stories) (58 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-13)
Hi bokybaby, I am from the Philippines as well. I am familiar with "pa-siyam" as well. Elders used to tell me when I was younger that the soul of the departed loved one is still lingering up to the 40th day of his/her death. I am not sure I may be wrong. I guess, yes you are right your grandpa is just checking on you and making all of you aware that he is still around. You said there are countless dogs outside your house? So they were gone instantly after you have said that everything will be alright to your grandpa? Can I ask if this happened in the City or in the province? Hope everything is okay with you. 😁

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