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Hello Mary 2: Moving Away


Hey there everyone, since my last post there has been a bit of activity, but I don't believe some of it was done by Mary.

There has been a lot of bumps and bangs as usual. I haven't been seeing much of Mary though, but I can feel her most of the time, but not as much as I have in the past. Instead I can feel a negative energy, I could tell it definitely wasn't Mary.

Next door to my flat (apartment) is a family friend, who has had some activity of her own. In her bedroom there are a bunch of stuffed dolls on her bed. One night my family and hers were in the living room. Her daughter went to the bathroom (it's opposite to the bedroom) and when she came back she asked her mother, "What the heck is going on with your bedroom?" So we ask her what is she on about, and she tells us that the dolls are all on the floor and the wardrobe is wide open. Her mother then explains that that had been happening a lot lately, so since I was curious about it I told her I needed to go to the bathroom, just so I can see it for myself.

When I got to the bedroom the door was shut. I opened the door and it was exactly how her daughter said it was. Then at that point I really needed to go to the bathroom, so I shut the bathroom door on my way in, and when I was going to go out of the bathroom I checked to see if the door was unlocked, and it was, but when I tried to open the door the handle wouldn't budge. It felt like someone was on the other side holding the handle up. It got to the point where I slammed my body against the door and it just opened. This really freaked me out so I went home. I knew whatever did those things next door wasn't Mary as Mary has never done anything like that before.

The next day me and my family went to see the house we are moving to, as we have decided to move away, and when we got home I had to take the rubbish (trash) out and when I went to go outside to put it in the bin I saw Mary in the car. It made me jump and I swore out of shock. About an hour after, I was in my room and I felt a lot of negative energy, I would even go as far as to say it felt dark. The only other time I felt something like that was when I was alone next door. Hopefully whatever is occurring will only last until I move, which is in a few days.

I have not been able to speak to that woman I mentioned in my last post as she has had family problems.

Until next time my readers.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, HauntedChildUK, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

sia1234 (1 stories) (4 posts)
9 years ago (2015-03-22)
Oh god... Maybe mary isn't so good after all? Maybe what the physchic said was wrong? It couls be that Mary was just being good to you for a while and is now showing her true self?
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-17)
Hello HauntedChildUK! It was quite creepy. I hope that you do not have face any haunted experience in the new house in which you had moved on.

With regards and

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