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Loved Ones Never Really Leave


I come from a very close knit family, we did everything together. I was a self-proclaimed Daddy's girl and often called on my Dad for help. Life as I knew it changed in 2003 when my Dad passed away. To say I was heartbroken would be an understatement. Although I had already reached adulthood, I felt like I needed my Dad for so many ordinary things.

In 2007, I became pregnant for the first time. Even though I was beyond excited, part of me was sad that my Dad would never know this child. At 13 weeks, there were complications and I went to the hospital. Sadly, I miscarried and once again I was devastated.

As the medical staff performed routine exams, I began to feel lightheaded. I went to stand up, but instead I fell to the floor. I was out cold. As I lay there unconscious on the hospital floor, I realize that my Dad is there! He never said a word but I felt overwhelmed with love and I felt the sensation of being hugged, not physically but emotionally perhaps. I cannot fully express in words the feeling I felt but I didn't want it to end. It was pure joy. As I began to come to, I heard the voices of several nurses calling out to me trying to wake me. I was annoyed by their efforts, so much so that I actually told them to just leave me there. I didn't want it to end. My Dad was there like always in my time of need. I'd also like to think that he was there to accompany his grandchild that I was worried he'd never meet.

Several years and 3 amazing children later, I was up alone doing laundry. I clearly heard a little boy's voice right next to me say "Mom?" It was said like a question, like Mom, is that you? This was not any of my children's voices. It was an older child. It was so clear that I immediately went to check on them thinking maybe someone was in the house but of course; they were fine and fast asleep. Then I remembered that the morning before I was up making breakfast, when I heard little footsteps upstairs. I was expecting my crew to toddle down, but after a couple of minutes I went to check on them. Again, they were all sound asleep. My husband has told me that when he's home alone, he has heard a child running upstairs. Thinking that I somehow left one of the kids, he'll go to investigate only to find no one.

These instances are a sweet reminder that although we may have lost loved ones, they never truly leave us.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Trio, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Trio (4 stories) (24 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-20)
Notjustme - he's 3 now, so some of the things he says could just be an active imagination. But there are other things that he says that he shouldn't even know about. For instance, he's talked about a basement before. I'm in Texas, we don't have basements here! Anyone remember when Pee Wee was told he could find his bike in the basement of the Alamo? Lol 80's movie reference, but I had to throw it in;)
notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-19)
That's very interesting Trio! Maybe one day he will tell you more about that... Looking forward to hear more.
Trio (4 stories) (24 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-19)
It's true that it can be a touchy subject, but I was not offended by any means! Your comment was interesting. As a matter of fact, my son has said things similar to what you mentioned. He also talks about when he was a "man" or when he was a "dad". Thank you guys for reading and commenting!
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-09-19)
notjustme - yes, it can be a touchy subject and there have been comments on here that have lead to heated...let's just say discussions (by me as well as others). But what you said shouldn't offend anyone. You voiced your opinion and it wasn't said to provoke an argument or hurt anyone. And you followed that by stating just that. ❤
notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-19)
Thanks Miracles, because I haven't gone through that myself, I can't say I would know how someone might feel reading my post. It is after all a touchy subject, and I really wouldn't want to hurt anyone with it.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-09-19)
notjustme - I feel pretty qualified to respond to your comment. Having had 5 miscarriages, I was not offended in the least by what you said 😊 I actually read your comment three times to see if there was something I was missing 😉, but found nothing at all that upset me.
notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-19)
P.S. My heart goes out to those who has lost/miscarried any children. Please don't take what I said beneath to offense. I did not mean to offend anyone, if I have. It is just simply my own theory and stuff I've seen from the show.
notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-19)
MidnightPhantom - I'll have a go at your question!:)
From my own experiences and belief, I think all living things have a soul. Our bodies are just shells. So as we come into this world everything is "reset" so we learn from being a baby to old. I don't believe spirits so much as "grow" older, but more of they went back to the soul form, in spirit world. I hope this makes sense to some people. I believe in "soul form" we are "together" again. Therefore, I believe if we lost someone at a very young age, they are back to being a soul without a body, until they chose to reincarnate.

According to a show called "Ghost inside my child" based on real people and their stories about their child remembering their past lives, souls can choose WHEN to reincarnate. As one mother had miscarriage, then she had a child a while later, that child said he remembered the moment before he re-entered this Earth. He said something being afraid the first time so he didn't come yet. That's when the mother thought of her miscarriage. So, according to the show, children we have now could have been ones we miscarried.

All of the above information is based on my own opinions and a show, just thought I'd give my idea because I thought it was pretty interesting. ❤ ❤
Trio (4 stories) (24 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-15)
I actually miscarried at 13 weeks pregnant, and at that time it was too early to know the gender. I don't know if a spirit grows older. I've considered the possibility that it could've been a random lost spirit, but of course, I'd like to think otherwise:)
MidnightPhantom (9 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-15)
Nice family story.:)

But I have a question (anyone can answer), you said that you heard a voice of an older child and refering him as your eldest son (probably and because he said mom?)... If you lost him as a baby (if I read it right) do he get older as a spirit?
Trio (4 stories) (24 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-13)
Swimsinfire - yes, I think they will understand soon. I believe my oldest had an encounter with my dad but she was only 2 at the time and doesn't remember it. I may share that story soon.

Spiritwaiting - I look forward to reading your story! I love to hear/read other peoples encounters!
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-13)
Trio, your experience has made me once again think of my passed loved ones. Smile all across my face. Thank you for sharing your heartbreaking experiences. Its always difficult to lose a parent, and also a child. I to have lost a child in miscarriage. I may share a similar experience once the submission page has opened again. I hope you continue to experience your beautiful. Child around.
Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-11)
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhw. Love these family stories. And just short of a box of tissues. Thankyou much, and don't be suprised if the kids start getting it. Kids always do.
Trio (4 stories) (24 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-11)
Thank you all for your comments. This was very special to me, so it's nice to know others find it sweet too. It's kind of funny though because I will tell my kids that their Grandpa watches over us and they will kind of look over their shoulder and whisper "is he here now? What about when I go potty? Is he there too?" They don't quite get it lol
notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-11)
Thank you for this. This is a special story to me because I can relate. I'm sorry for your losses, but also very happy for you that you got to see your father and happy to hear that you felt comforted in desperate times by your loved ones. I lost my mother at a young age, my dad and I are basically best friends and I couldn't imagine losing him, and would be devastate me if he never gets to meet my future children. But you are right, he is always there and he does know your children and watch over all of you. God bless you and yours. ❤
Raftingirl (2 stories) (113 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-11)
This is a very touching account. As devastating as these losses must have been for you, you have the fortunate ability to still have some kind of contact.

You are correct. You never really lose your loved ones:) (hugs)
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-11)

I am very sorry for your losses. This story is extremely sweet.

I agree with the sentiments from Wish-Not and Khili.
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-11)
Trio- Such a good story. So sorry for your loss. I lost my father and know that emptiness. And couldn't begin to know the feeling of the loss of a child.

Congrats on the family have. I will echo Khili180 on the feeling of knowing that we might have lost the physical part of loved ones, but we never actually lose them from our hearts.

Look forward to more stories.
Khili180 (3 stories) (78 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-11)
Aaaaaawww:)) ) this story brought suchhhh a big smile to my face:) so sorry for your loss. But it's great to know you have a lovely family now. And it feels even better to think the loved ones never went anywhere:)) thanks for sharing:)

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