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One Last Walk For Shandy


Shandy was my late husband's Fox Terrier. In May, soon after my husband passed away, we noticed that Shandy wasn't quite as happy-go-lucky as he used to be. Shandy had always been energetic and playful, even though he was considered an older dog. Usually he loved playing fetch in the back yard with our children, or going on walks, but lately he seemed not as interested in the outdoors. I chalked this up to him missing my husband, and possibly feeling a bit lonely.

When my husband was alive, every morning and afternoon he would take Shandy for walks to the nearby park, or local beaches. I knew that those walks were so important to Shandy; he so loved all the attention he got from my husband. Then one day, a few weeks ago, I noticed that Shandy didn't want to go for a walk. When I tried to get him up from his bed to play fetch, he didn't seem excited or even interested in going outside. I felt something wasn't right, so I called the Veterinarian's office and made an appointment for Shandy to have a wellness exam.

Later that evening Shandy wouldn't eat his dinner. I had a strange feeling that I should sleep in the living room that night, on the couch, near Shandy's bed so that I could keep an eye on him.

I can't remember when I finally fell asleep that night, but I woke up around 4:00am to the sound of Shandy pawing at the front door. I sat up quickly and called out to him - Hold on, Shandy! I was so relieved that he was back to his old self again; I jumped up from the couch and ran toward the front door to meet him. To get to the front door from our living room, you must go through a short hallway and then into a foyer where the front door is located. Once I was in the hallway I could see Shandy waiting at the front door, wagging his tail, anxiously jumping up and down (as per usual). Realizing I forgot my shoes in the other room, I turned around and ran back into the living room. I hollered back to Shandy- Be right back, boy! As I entered the room, I happened to glance toward Shandy's dog bed. There he was, laying motionless in his bed, his big brown eyes open, but looking lifeless. I walked over to him, knelt down and pet his fur - I sensed that he had passed away sometime during the night. Did I just experience Shandy's spirit, or was it 'residual' Shandy? Right at that moment, it occurred to me that maybe Shandy might have been letting me know that he was finally feeling better, now that he had passed on.

Shandy was a part of our family for nearly 13 years, and we miss him a lot. I guess I'll never really know what that was all about, but I feel comforted by the vision that I had of Shandy appearing happier and more carefree, just like he used to be...

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, LightMight, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

LightMight (4 stories) (137 posts)
4 years ago (2020-09-25)
AngieJo, thanks for the comment ❤ I'd like to think that my husband had something to do with my last glimpse of Shandy; happy and ready for whatever was in store for him next 😉
AngieJo (1 stories) (13 posts)
4 years ago (2020-09-25)
When I first read the part about Shandy being at the door all happy at 4am I thought your late husband's spirit was going to be on the other side of the door! I am so glad you saw Shandy one last time the way he wanted to be remembered ❤
LightMight (4 stories) (137 posts)
4 years ago (2020-09-19)
Thank you, Nelson_but_not_Mandela ❤ Same, I'm hoping that they're hanging out and having good times 😉
Nelson_but_not_Mandela (12 posts)
4 years ago (2020-09-19)
Oh...this is so sad... I'm sorry for the loss of your husband and your dog. 😭
I hope they are together and happy again. ❤
LightMight (4 stories) (137 posts)
4 years ago (2020-08-26)
Thank you, OCGirl, for the kind words and condolences.
Much appreciated 😊 LightMight
LightMight (4 stories) (137 posts)
4 years ago (2020-08-26)
MrsRamsay, I agree with you, I was very fortunate to have one last glimpse of Shandy.
I'm glad you enjoyed reading about him ❤ LightMight
OCGirl (4 stories) (64 posts)
4 years ago (2020-08-25)
What a sweet & touching story. My condolences on the loss of your husband & Shandy. ❤
MrsRamsay (guest)
4 years ago (2020-08-25)
Oh, what a really beautiful story, thank you! I needed that today. We all have such a heartfelt feelings for our dogs, and you were so lucky to see Shandy at the door like that! Really great story.
LightMight (4 stories) (137 posts)
4 years ago (2020-08-25)
LFrog and Boo Boo Whoo, both of you mentioned one of my all time favorite poems ~ 'Rainbow Bridge'. Sounds like a beautiful place to call home 😉

Thank you for the kindly comments ❤ LightMight
boo_boo_whoo (15 posts)
4 years ago (2020-08-24)
Oh this is so sweet and sad. I think Shandy is happy and healthy living in rainbow bridge. I love your story. ❤ ❤
LFrog1386 (1 stories) (73 posts)
4 years ago (2020-08-24)
What a beautiful, albeit bittersweet, story of love and loss. I am sorry for your back to back losses but it keeps my heart warm to think that your husband and Shandy are together once again. It sounds like maybe they met over that Rainbow Bridge. I hope one day I get to meet again all the fantastic, loving animals I have been blessed to care for when it's my time and I hope you are able to do the same!
blancdada (1 stories) (17 posts)
4 years ago (2020-08-24)
Thank you so much for the warm welcome LightMight! ❤

Regards, blancdada.
LightMight (4 stories) (137 posts)
4 years ago (2020-08-24)
Blancdada, thank you for the posititve sentiments ~ and welcome to YGS 😉
Yes, I agree with you, I feel that I've learned a life lesson here: that not everything that involves someone's passing equates to gloom & doom.

Take Care ❤ LightMight
blancdada (1 stories) (17 posts)
4 years ago (2020-08-24)
I just want to say that I'm sorry for hearing that your husband and also your dog passed away. I am praying for their eternal peace.

This is absolutely a wonderful story you had shared to us. Definitely an eye-opener that not all deaths are hard and heavy to accept. Shandy just showed you how happy he was before leaving.

Have a wonderful life LightMight! ❤
LightMight (4 stories) (137 posts)
4 years ago (2020-08-23)
RCRuskin, thank you for your gracious prayer and thoughts. I find solace in the whole idea of there being a very good possibility that Shandy and my husband are keeping eachother company. Writing about this experience has brought me some peace...

Best Wishes, LightMight
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
4 years ago (2020-08-23)
First off, I'm going to add a prayer for LightMight, may your husband, and your dog's, Memories be Eternal.

And also, I think you do know what that was about. "Right at that moment, it occurred to me that maybe Shandy might have been letting me know that he was finally feeling better."

Melda: we can never know the grief another human being feels, so, I fully agree with you that we cannot know what an animal feels. And they do feel. (Seriously, anyone who thinks animals don't feel pain probably has no sense of pain themselves, given how the feeling of pain is essential for survival!)
LightMight (4 stories) (137 posts)
4 years ago (2020-08-22)
I agree with you, VeronicaMarie, I think Melda nailed it!

There are so many interesting stories here: some are tear jerkers; some are eerie and mysterious, and then there's the super-creepy stories (the kind you wished you hadn't read before bedtime! 😲)...

Thank you for the condolences, LightMight
VeronicaMarie (5 stories) (106 posts)
4 years ago (2020-08-22)
LightMight, I am so very sorry for the loss of your husband and Shandy. That is one of the most amazing stories I've read. I love what Melda said about your husband waiting for him on the other side of the door. I really think she's absolutely right. Now I have to go find some Kleenex to dry my eyes.
LightMight (4 stories) (137 posts)
4 years ago (2020-08-22)
t_bev, I appreciate your thoughtful comment 😉

I sense that there's a silver lining in some of the recent loss I've had. What I've experienced so far, regarding loved ones & pets, it's heartening to see that there's the possibilty of experiencing further happiness beyond this realm.

May your senior pup continue to lead a long and cherished life.

Take Care, Light Might
t_bev (3 stories) (32 posts)
4 years ago (2020-08-22)
LightMight- I'm so sorry for your loss of partner and furry best friend. This was such a sweet story though. It gives me hope that my own senior pup will get to "see the light" for lack of better words, and that he'll be back to the healthy active boy he used to be. Thank you for writing this.
LightMight (4 stories) (137 posts)
4 years ago (2020-08-22)
Thank you Melda, for your kind words, and sincere post.

I'm so sorry that you went through such physical pain once your mother had passed. I can now completely understand what people mean by 'heartache'- it's a deep, overwhelming ache in the center of your being.

I have to admit, your message left me misty-eyed because I was thinking along the same lines as you described between master and loving pet. Wouldn't it be a wonderful feeling to be greeted by loved ones and friends once we pass from this existence? I'm on board with that idea!

Many Thanks ❤ Light Might
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
4 years ago (2020-08-22)
LightMight - Condolences on the loss of your husband as well as that of Shandy.

I have no doubt whatsoever that Shandy missed your husband terribly. Many people underestimate the emotional turmoil that pets can experience. I think Shandy's love for your husband could have been so strong that it might even have exacerbated his underlying illness.

I found my mother's death very painful. The pain actually became physical, I was ill. People might say I can't compare what I felt to what an animal felt. Why not? Love is love, animal or human, and in both the depth can vary.

What you experienced is indescribably touching. How wonderful to see your beloved Shandy happy and excited just one last time. Perhaps his beloved friend and master was waiting for him at the door and took him for that final walk. I know that sounds fanciful but I'm sticking with it because it could have happened and the very idea of it makes me feel good!

Don't be surprised if you notice signs of Shandy's presence occasionally. My passed pets have visited me, so I know it happens.

Regards, Melda

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