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Miscarriage Atop The Tree


Greetings! This is a small incident but a very scary one, that my grandmother still remembers as vividly as one that took place yesterday. It's not my personal experience, but I've heard of this incident from not only my granny but also other village people. Living in a big city like Mumbai and never having been exposed to such stuff makes it a little difficult to digest. But I'll tell you nevertheless.

I hope though, that you would read my other story first, because this sort of stems from that. Thank you.

So this is a year or so after my grandpa's death. Granny had been confined to her room and was extremely depressed for way too long, so her mom-in-law told her she should go outside the house, visit her friends and lighten up her mood. She decided to visit her friend from the village who used to stay across the lane from her old village house.

This friend of granny's was six and a half months pregnant at this time. Granny was going to stay with her for 2 days, and just sort of catch up. The first day was uneventful. The two friends had a great time chatting and laughing away. On the second day however, after an early dinner, just as the two were about to retire to their room and chat some more, the electricity went (was very common then, in fact in my village it still is). So the two of them along with the former's husband, took their bamboo and jute beds and went to sit out in the lawn. (There were no wooden beds and chairs those days- it was either scrap iron or bamboo and jute- the latter obviously being lighter, was carried out and used to sit in the lawn whenever it was too hot inside). The kids were already asleep so they let them be inside.

Out in the lawn, they were chatting and remembering the good old days, while granny's friend was simultaneously oiling her hair, when all of a sudden an extremely cold wind started to blow. Now, it was the month of May and that too in the state of Haryana, India- there is supposed to be intolerable heat at this time of the year. So it was a little strange. But granny dismissed it. However, the husband began to over react- his face went pale and he immediately got up from his bed and told his wife to do the same. He started repeating loudly and frantically that they should go inside immediately. She followed his instructions quietly- she began to get up from the bed, but naturally it took her a while, thanks to the big baby bump she was carrying.

Guess it was too late. While she was half standing, she suddenly fell onto the bed violently, and started to yawn widely several times. Her eyes started rotating up and down and round and round. In the meanwhile her husband started swearing and chanting prayers simultaneously (quite ironic huh!). My granny knew what was happening. (Although she was seeing her friend like this for the first time.) She knew that the people of the neighbouring house had contracted some illness which had taken away many lives. She knew most of the people who died there had come back to haunt their neighbours. She knew they were bad bad spirits. She knew they were responsible for her husband's death and were now troubling her brother too (kindly read the other story). She knew her friend was bothered by these spirits too. She had heard from the other village people that almost once every 3 months or so, her friend used to start screaming loudly at night, running about madly and uncontrollably, throwing utensils outside the house, and glaring at passers by. On some days she would even be found scratching the door of that neighbour's house and even though her nails weren't too long, they would make a distinct screeching noise. Granny knew all this, but she had never seen her friend being "possessed". Not like she wanted to either. But here it was.

After a few extremely wide yawns, the lady got up, and jumped in one swift movement onto the bed (with her feet on the bed). She slowly turned her head and looked at granny and then the husband, then smiled naughtily and jumped off the bed (don't forget she was very pregnant). Her husband was used to this possession of hers. He knew what was to be done. He ran in and woke up his oldest son, who then ran over to the priest's place to get him.

While the husband had gone in, my granny was left alone with her possessed friend. She had no idea what to do. When my grandpa used to be possessed, all he would do is stare about and be quiet. This jumping around was new to her. Her friend had by now jumped off the bed and was screaming and laughing and dancing on the dry grass in the lawn. She seemed to be in a trance- she had no idea what she was doing- just flinging her arms violently and jumping here and there. (Also if you would remember, she was oiling her hair- which means they were open. And Indian village girls those days weren't allowed to cut their hair as it was a "manly thing to do"- so they were pretty long too. Now imagine a very pregnant lady with long open hair jumping up and down in front of you... Scaryyyyyy!). Now imagine if this is your dear friend. Obviously granny was petrified but just stood there silently. The friend would randomly stop in the middle of her "trance dance" and glare widely at granny, with a slight tilt to her head. This look, granny says, was sending the chills down her spine. And when she narrates this story to me now, she STILL gets goosebumps.

The husband then came out and stood there waiting for the priest while the son ran to get him. Note that the son wasn't scared seeing his mom like this either- it was that common a happening. Anyway, so while doing the trance dance, this lady had reached near a tree in the lawn, around 80 metres away from where they had been sitting before. Granny and the husband followed her there. And then the unbelievable happened... She rapidly climbed up this tree- with her baby bump- like she was used to doing acrobatics like this on a daily basis. (This tree is an ancient tree that has been standing in the village since years. According to traditional village folklore, it is haunted and it houses plenty of dead spirits on it... Frankly, I don't believe that, but well my village relatives swear by it). Anyway so she climbed it up rapidly- and obviously this was an extremely scary sight. They couldn't see much of what was happening on top as it was dark and there was no electricity either. But they could make out that, from atop, she was intermittently staring below and smiling slyly at the two of them. One such stare got particularly scary as she leaned forward with her feet on the trunk below and holding a branch above. She leaned rather dangerously forward at a very acute angle and glared creepily at granny. At this point, granny got extremely freaked and passed out unconscious.

She has no clue what happened after that, but when she opened her eyes, her friend's son was sprinkling water on her. She immediately stood up and asked him where his parents were and was told they were at the hospital. The village had a basic amenities primary health centre where simple medical cases used to be handled. There were no doctors but trained midwives and nurses used to come there and work in turns. Granny walked there as fast as she could (it wasn't too far). On reaching there she found that her friend was absolutely unhurt (don't ask me how), but the baby was declared still born (dead on delivery)

The husband was crying as this was to be a son (Indians were, and some still are, fixated with having a boy child). He told granny that the priest managed to get the spirit out by some enchantments and by threatening the spirit to leave the body (yeah... That's how it's done in Indian villages- they beat up the person possessed with a broom sort of thing and continuously chide the spirit to leave him/her alone; all along chanting some prayers too... Don't ask me how, but it seems to work just fine, each time). So anyway, the spirit left, but while she was climbing down the tree, his wife started to bleed and he had to rush her to the hospital. He was obviously very heartbroken with this news. Granny was glad her friend was fine and went over to speak to her. She was sad due to the news and in pain due to the delivery, but was in a state to talk to granny. Except extremely red eyes, she seemed fine. Though apparently, she didn't remember a thing. All she knew was that they were sitting in the lawn and then she started bleeding so was brought here.

Coming to the end of my story, I must tell you that she never became pregnant again. Maybe it was a coincidence also. No idea. (Not like I am complaining, she had 4 kids already). They later got so troubled by these happenings that they gathered some money and shifted to another village. She has never been troubled again after that! Touch wood.

Granny came back to her own place a day later, only to hear of her brother's first suicide attempt (kindly read the other story). Her troubles, it seems, were nowhere nearing an end...

Thank you for reading. Take care.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Khili180, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Sakie (1 stories) (23 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-18)
Poor woman! The loss of a child is heartbreaking but nonetheless, good heavens she survived.

I feel sorry for the little soul who had to sacrifice his life so that his mother could live and be there for the rest of the family!
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-08)
Hi... Khili... My granny was also suffered from miscarriage when she saw one spirit roaming in field... And the baby boy thing... It is use to say that evil spirit mostly posses woman who has boy foetus... That's why our elder advice to pregnant ladies to do not roam more during this delicate period.
sukhmani (1 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-08)
One of the creepiest stories I've read on this site.
Seems like that pregnant lady was doing a sort of witch dance. 😆
shaimamirza (2 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-19)
Hey khili. This a was one hell of an experience of your granny huh? ANd I'm so delighted that she stood through all of that. Your story gave me goosepimples. Literally. Thank god I'm not reading it in the middle of the night with my rooms lights off. I would definitely have a major heart attack. Lol. God bless you.
allesgute154 (3 stories) (254 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-23)
Thanks Khili! She's a handful, the naughty toddler that she is.:)
Khili180 (3 stories) (78 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-22)
Aaawwww that's cute:) how tables turn huh! Now it's your turn to be all concerned about the little one:) I'm sure she's adorable:)

About the chums and pregnancy- this is new... And interesting! Will definitely ask granny if she knows more about this:)
Thanks again allesgute:)) ) take care- of yourself and the little one:))
allesgute154 (3 stories) (254 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-22)
Absolutely Khili! I remember one particular incident when I had gone to Matheran with my parents and a group. This group decided to explore the cemeteries there at night and asked me to join them. My mom put her foot down, but told me later that since I was chumming at that time, I was vulnerable and should not go on such adventures. Years later, when I used to work late nights (newspapers) during my pregnancy, she used to worry too. But all is well, and now that I'm mom to a 2-year-old girl, I understand her concerns...:)
Khili180 (3 stories) (78 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-22)
Hey allesgute:) thanks for your comment! Oh is it? I wasn't aware about the pregnant and menstruating ladies bit. Interesting... Probably just makes them more vulnerable I guess. You know allesgute, I always thought all these old beliefs and warnings and superstitions were just silly and made to scare the shiat out of people! And would always brush it off when granny used to warn me about them. Now I sometimes wonder if maybe they were right after all! Maybe there is a reason behind it all! Nah?:)
allesgute154 (3 stories) (254 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-22)
Hi Khili. Perhaps the woman's open hair and pregnancy attracted the evil spirit to her. My granny always forbade me from going out at night with open hair. She also used to say that pregnant and menstruating women are vulnerable to possessions.
Khili180 (3 stories) (78 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-20)
Thanks a lot jennilou:) really sweet of you:)

Elnor and rynne I don't know how I managed to miss seeing your comment- I guess I got too engrossed reading other stories... It's possible... I don't really know. May explain why it happens more among the less literate village people, though there have been stories among others as well. It is definitely a possibility... Not sure how to confirm it though.
rynne (70 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-20)
elnoraemily, good point re. Spiritual views and mental illnesses.
Jennilou87 (6 stories) (19 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-20)
[at] Khili, I've read both of your stories and I've found them both fascinating!

You are now on my favourites! Lol

Best wishes,

Jennilou 😁
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-17)
I do have to wonder if it is a spiritual view on mental illness that could lead to it. The spiritual views of those effected could also work to placebo them as well (and seeming how a lot of medications work on mental placebos, it's not always a bad thing).

It's a theory, as least.
Khili180 (3 stories) (78 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-16)
I agree mayathelion... Some of these spirits can be really notorious. That why I said right in the beginning of my first story- you can't take it lying down. They can do a lot more harm than you know. (May I recommend one of the first stories I read on this site... Daisukiharu's -"a being is haunting my sister"... I don't know what happened finally, but the 4 stories and comments are pretty spooky. I hope she managed to save her sister from her though...)

[at] elnor, you know infact I noticed that too. Was just pondering over it yesterday- most stories from UK and US or even other places are about seeing a spirit- good bad or neutral and harmless... But most of India's stories are related to possession. I wonder if there is any explanation to that:o
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-16)
Going off the comment of the last person, I noticed that a lot of the stories coming out of India on this site have to do with possession. It's a strange thing, really.
mayathelion (9 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-16)
My nepali friend who studied in india in his highschool days told me that evil possession is very common in india. Many incidents he experienced in their school and with dorm mates. He told me that's one of the reasons he converted from hindu to christian. Its sad though... These evils take many innocent lives. Maybe that's why the evil left your grandma's friend's body is because it took the baby's life.
Khili180 (3 stories) (78 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-16)
Hmmm I agree with you on the unkempt hair, voodoo and witches val... And lol yes I'm not denying the fact that I might find other favourite stories and authors. I'm new and so far, I've read very few (oh that rhymes!). Nevertheless, you will be my first favourite:)
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-09-16)
I don't think that is just the 'open'/loose hair, that makes it creepier. But also that it seems unkempt, flying about. Very reminiscent of the old ink drawings of hags and witches. Yes, I did watch the video. In many ways, it reminded me of some rituals performed by the mambo or houngan (voodoo priestess, priest) where folks are worked up into a frenzy.
Ah, Khili, you flatter me. As you read more accounts you will find many knowledgeable folks on this site.
Khili180 (3 stories) (78 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-16)
[at] animation gal... Oh yessss! Thank you! I had totally forgotten about those superstitions- the forbidden fragrant oil and perfume, anything sweet to eat, and the flowers- stuff that was forbidden for girls if they are going to step out alone at night. And ah yes! The amavasya- no moon days! Granny doesn't remember what moon day it was- I just asked her! I wish she did! Wow man! I never believed all these superstitions. Infact I always labeled them as stupid. Maybe they do have some truth there then! Thanks for reminding me ani gal:) And Wow! I'm so glad I could manage to create the picture so clear in your head! Hehe:) and by the way, would love to hear your khaala's experiences sometime:) thanks for the comment. Take care:)

[at] elnor- hehe... Yeah I guess it was my bad. I didn't explain it too well!
But, if I put a story up next time, I'm going to keep you in mind and double check it, just to be sure:-p! Though I have a feeling your still going to manage to find something:-p hehe! Take care:)
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-16)
I can equate that in my mind to a Native American blessing where you are rubbed with sage and sort of slapped down with an eagle feather.
That is what that reminded me of, at least.

That makes much more sense. At first, all I could envision was a poor pregnant lady getting beaten with a broomstick!

Animation_Gal (5 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-16)
What a terrifying story. Can't imagine what it must have been like for your daadi (father's mother) to witness this incident - especially since she was already going through so much at the time, and had come over to relax:/ Visualizing comes very easy to me, since I'm an artist but your descriptive writing made this possessed pregnant woman crystal clear in my mind: so, great job, LOL. The part about your daadi's friend oiling her hair outdoors when the possession took place was freaky. I'm from India, so I know about older relatives warning young women about not to step outside with open fragrant hair, sing or wear perfumes or flowers in our hair around sunset and very late at night - especially when they are alone and find themselves around trees or out at Amaavas. My family mostly lives in the bustling cities, yet the older folks still believe in taking such "precautionary measures". My khaala (mom's sister) tells us she's seen a thing or two. Anyway, thanks so much for sharing your daadi's horrifying (and sad) account.
Khili180 (3 stories) (78 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-16)
Oh my god val! I totally love you <3! Your comments always make me feel so good!:) and yes that's exactly how it is... Like I said it's made of peacock feathers and soft dry grass which means it doesn't hurt much or anything- it's just annoying the spirit to make it get out. Thank you so much for putting it into better words... And yes it was totally freaky- granny is still so scared while describing it to me. Don't know how her friend just climbed up like that... And somehow the open hair must make it even scarier. Did you see the video link I posted in the comments? Open hair just makes it creepier, doesn't it?
Anyway val I have to tell you something... I'm a big fan! Most of your stories are in my favourites. And you are the only author so far who is in my list of favt posters... Also, the only person all of whose strories I've read, is you- so far! Infact I found all the stories you wrote so touching (and since I was new and didn't know which ones I should read), that I read all the stories in your list of favourites too! And many made it to my favourites as well... Thank you:)
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-09-16)
I get it! * dances about* - I think. The 'broom' they used is kin to our 'feather duster'. So the 'beating' would not be so harsh as annoying as all get out. I tried to look it up, but any pictures I found were blurry (broom in use), but apparently it is more of a symbolic 'broom', then one would find in a kitchen. I could be WAYYYYY off here, but it seems that maybe, just maybe it is meant to be like a symbolic 'sweeping clean' of the soul?
I am trying to imagine a pregnant lady climbing a tree, when I know most women in that condition can barely tie their own shoe... Must've been quite the sight.
Khili180 (3 stories) (78 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-15)
Lady-glow- I wish I could tell you that, but I don't know either. Because granny wasn't in her senses then, so she has no idea. This is what she was told later. But maybe the priest screamed at the lady to climb down and then did everything, or maybe he started the prayers while she was up and did the rest of it once she was done. I'm pretty sure he would not have climbed up too. Lol that would be just funny! But sorry, no idea how he managed. Just glad he did:)
Khili180 (3 stories) (78 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-15)
Hahhaha! I'm going to wait for that day elnoraemily, and I'm going to pray it comes! With all my heart:-p! Hehe yes they did... But sorry my bad- I didn't explain it too well- it's not how it sounds- it isn't so harsh. The "broom" is made of soft dried grass and peacock feathers- so it isn't that traumatic... But yes that's how they do it in Indian villages... I find it quite fascinating and shocking too, but trust me that's how it's done. (Somehow possessions in india always get violent.)
Watch this video if you have 5 minutes. It's not depicting the broom thingy but it'll show you how violent things get and why you need to beat or chide it out. The guy is screaming at her, if you hear it carefully- before the translator's voiceover comes that is! I hope you are satisfied with this answer:-p;-)
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-15)
Uh...did the priest climb onto the tree to beat up that pregnant lady? 😲
I just can not imagine how a person could manage to hold from the branches at the same time he's trying to hit an acrobat with a broom. 😕

Thanks for sharing, anyway.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-15)
One day, Khili, I will comment on one of your pieces without finding something to nitpick, I promise.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-15)
"they beat up the person possessed with a broom sort of thing and continuously chide the spirit to leave him"- This is the part where I have to ask if they beat a pregnant woman.

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