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Real Ghost Stories

Spooky Taj


A brief introduction about myself, I am professional lawyer based in Delhi. Born and brought up in Delhi. I hold a Masters Degree in Sociology and Law. I have travelled the world over, I come from a deeply spiritual Bengali Hindu family. Learning all the rituals, hymns in Sanskrit and astrology directly from my father. Mind you I am not a Brahmin (priest class), I belong to the Kshatriya clan (Warrior class), therefore while I was growing up, I had gathered considerable knowledge on Ghosts and beings from the spiritual realm. Our Hindu scriptures provide minute and acute details about them (no point discussing here). I have had many spiritual and spooky experiences. I am going to narrate the one that has been the most overwhelming for me.

I had this uncanny experience at none other than the world famous monument Taj Mahal. I still have to rack my brains to understand what it was that happened with me on that chilly December evening of 2004. One of my relative had just come to India with her husband and as usual she was very keen on visiting the Taj, so she along with her husband, me and one of my friend set out for Agra from Delhi and by the time we reached it was like 7 PM and it was dark. We were fortunate as we were part of the last batch to have entered the Taj, as the time of closure was approaching soon. I and my friend asked the newlywed couple to go inside the Taj Mahal and see it to their heart's content, we did not want to go because we had seen it a billion times before. So I asked my friend to take a stroll with me towards the left side of the monument, where there stands a grand old mosque.

The first sight of that mosque created an eerie feeling in me, I don't know why both of us started walking briskly towards that mosque. I and my friend paused just a few meters from the entrance to the mosque, she was afraid to go any further, we could very well see that at the central part of the mosque, on an altar there was small candle burning, which was the only source of illumination, otherwise the entire mosque was pitch dark. I ventured into the unwelcoming mosque, leaving behind my friend who got stuck, due to fear, a few meters from the entrance.

I went straight to the central altar where the candle was burning, there was aroma of itr (traditional Indian perfume) and to my unpleasant surprise I heard a loud growling noise that seemed to have come from the dome that was just perpendicular to me. With that sound the flame of the candle also wavered violently, that whole thing sent chills down my spine. I realized the unknown entity inhabiting that place was not in a welcoming mood, I simply rushed back to the place where my friend was waiting.

She inquired about the reason of me being profusely sweating on a chilly December evening, I narrated her all that briefly and we started walking back, we didn't go towards the main monument but rather we started strolling towards the back side of the Taj, where the river Yamuna flows.

We were still discussing about what had happened and all of a sudden I had a very strong urge to go there once more, I told her that, "I want to go there once again", she said, "no you are not going", I said, "I will go no matter what", she said, "I think you have gone crazy, why do you want to go there again, when you know there is something wrong". I was relentless, she held my hand tightly, suddenly I saw two men in white shirts and dark coloured trousers just a few feet away from us going towards that mosque, I told my friend, in order to gain her approval, "that look these two men are also going there, so why can't I go there again...?". She looked at me in disgust and said which two men are you talking about...? I said, "look here, these two men", I pointed out walking a few feet towards them, she said, "my god that's plain stupidity, there is no one there". I could so clearly see them walking towards the mosque, I could also sense their unspoken of invitation, it was so weird. Bizarre and frightening for my friend and strange for me. I saw those two men entering the mosque and walking up to the burning candle and disappearing into thin air. I could not believe my eyes.

By this time, my relative and her husband had come back to the point from where we bifurcated, my friend and me both shocked to the core somehow managed to reach that point.

Upon noticing our condition the newlyweds got very serious, the entire episode was narrated to them and we all preferred to leave for Delhi as soon as possible.

Pertinent to mention here is that while I was taking long strands to escape the eeriness of the Taj, there was a relentless desire to go back to the same spot in the mosque, there was a disparate cocktail of dread and desire brewing inside me, I strongly felt as if some large magnet was pulling me.

Anyhow once out of the Taj complex I felt considerable relief and we drove back to Delhi, pacifying ourselves by having dinner at The Great Kebab Factory at Noida, the only good thing about the outing.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Montu, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

TheSweetDevil23 (6 stories) (49 posts)
4 years ago (2021-08-01)
I know it has been years since this spooky encounter with some jinn had been experienced by the writer. Although it wasn't mentioned clearly that it was a jinn but as pointed our by previous commenters and as there are some hints about it being a jinn...
Also the mosque inside the Taj Mahal Complex is on the west side and doesn't have a name. Its opposite to the Mihman Khana which used to have visitors commemorate the first few death anniversaries of Mumtaj Mahal. I am more aware of that mossque as I had lived in Agra briefly and went to the mosque in Taj M Complex multiple times at day time. It gave me creeps even during daytime... 😨
ashar123 (6 stories) (168 posts)
9 years ago (2016-06-28)
Listening about jinns is something really spine chilling. The experience is horrifying.

And by the way Jamali Kamali is in Mehrauli, Delhi.

Thanks for Sharing!
moon-gang (1 stories) (9 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-07)
You definitely saw a jinn. Jinns are attracted towards places such as mosques, tombs and graveyards at night or right after evening, the itr smell is what made me believe it was a jin-theyre attracted towards things that smell good, like flowers etc. So yeah, you did see a jinn. They don't usually harm anyone since most or a lot of them are peaceful but sometimes they can follow you home and try their best to harm you or even kill you so you were pretty lucky. They probably disliked your presence.
Ankitresearcher (guest)
10 years ago (2015-03-30)
The Mosque that you mentioned. May be Jamali kamali that is counted among top 20 haunted places in india and is famous for jinns and thus named as jinns of Jamali kamali
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-16)
Hey Cutiepie11... Yeah! I think you are right they could be jinns. I heard the same about jinns... Nice catch...
Montu (1 stories) (12 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-12)
To Cutipie,

Glad to learn that you liked it.

Thanks a lot for your comment:)
cutiepie11 (17 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-12)
Great story Montu and very well narrated... And about those two people entering the mosque I can only say that maybe they were Jinns... I am not quite sure about it but according to what I have heard until now about Jinns, people say that they worship in mosque during midnight... Whatever it may have been, but you were lucky to escape unharmed...
jess001 (1 stories) (22 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-11)
Yes montu I loved the story:) it was very fascinating and intreigued me.
Montu (1 stories) (12 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-11)
Hi Miracles,

You are right absolutely. What I meant got lost somewhere and same is true from the otherside.

Conversing over these mediums has its limitations. But atleast I am thankfull of these meduims as I can converse with wonderful people without even picking the fone.

Hope you liked the story.

Warm regards and respects to you
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-12-11)
Montu - you have to realize there is a definite language barrier going on here. Sometimes, especially conversations via the internet or even texting, our intent does not come across the way it is meant. It's easy to get upset or annoyed when we take a comment offensively.

When someone comes across a little aloof, or displays irritation with questions or comments, the language barrier is even more difficult to get past.
Montu (1 stories) (12 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-11)
Hi Jess,

I could be understanding the subject incorrectly. I could be full of faults.

There is nothing more disorienting than realising that my actions anoyed somebody.

Thanks a bunch for liking the story.

This comment from jess001 is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

Montu (1 stories) (12 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-11)
To Logan,
Sorry if my previous comment annoyed you.

My best wishes and
Warmest regards.
logan (3 stories) (222 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-11)
Don't really think anyone is arguing, was just asking since I am curious and guess others perhaps are the same! Again, no one was questioning your spirituality either, I certainly was only interested in the so-called Hindu literature you mentioned!

When one can't answer a question with a straight answer, I kind of have to call it BS and move on and which is what I shall do! Walking away...

This comment from Montu is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-10)
Sorry to interrupt montu, but Garud Purana tell about the tortures based upon the karmas done by a every single person on the earth realm. I don't think it tell anything about ghosts or spirits.

Montu (1 stories) (12 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-10)
Hi Logan

There are many, for the time being you can read GARUD PURAN.
Montu (1 stories) (12 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-10)
Hi Sheetal,

I have no plans to visit Taj in the near future, but if I will ever have a chance to visit there, then I will surely make some inquiries and let you know the updates.

logan (3 stories) (222 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-10)
Thanks you again for coming back on my question.

Hmmm...I am sorry but I still fail to understand what
Aspects of Hindu spirituality & rituals teach us about ghosts? Would be interesting to hear which scriptures teach us about them.
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-10)
Hi, Montu Thanks for reply, I just want to tell if you again visited there then please try to inquire about it. I am very curious to know more.

Montu (1 stories) (12 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-09)
Dear Logan,

By that statement I am trying to tell that while undergoing training in Hindu spirituality and rituals, coverage of topic about ghosts etc comes as an essential part.
logan (3 stories) (222 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-09)
Thanks for sharing, although I am not sure what you mean by 'I had gathered considerable knowledge on Ghosts and beings from the spiritual realm. Our Hindu scriptures provide minute and acute details about them'?
Montu (1 stories) (12 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-09)
Thanks a lot Sheetal and Tina for writing your comments.

Dont know who those two men were. They seemed in their mid thirties and were thin and of medium height.

I never had a chance to visit again and I don't wish to go there because of this experience.

Warm regards to you both. Thnx.:)
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-09)
Hi, Montu... Really a spooky story... Like tina I've also not visited Taj but yes I want to visit. There are many stories are attached with Taj... Like some says Mumtaj Begum is still seen by people...

I am amazed who was that people? After that incident did you again visited Taj? If yes, then did you inquired this incidents with locals.

TinAA (1 stories) (84 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-09)
Hi Montu... Let me tell you that I love Taj Mahal for its unique history and that's what made me read your story as soon as I came across the title...'Spooky Taj'
Well your experience is really spooky and I believe it was true. I don't understand one thing that why was that mosque's unseen force pulling you towards it. What if you would have went inside the mosque...? Thank God you were with your friend during that time and she restricted you from going ahead.
I have personally never visited Taj Mahal but have a great desire to see it once. I will keep this in mind while being there and would never go towards that mosque.

Thanks for sharing...! It was spooky as the title suggests... 😨 😁 😁
Montu (1 stories) (12 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-08)
Yes seems so that I am special:)
Before this incident and also after, until now I haven't heard of any such thing from anyone visiting Taj, but this has never given me a reason to dismiss all that I experienced that evening. It was so vivid and will always be with me forever.
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-08)
Hello Montu! I too belong from a bengali family. I would like to extend my greetings for having an account in this respectful website. I have visited Taj Mahal for several time and the only spookiness about Taj is its architecture and nothing else.
May be you are special.
Never the less, thanks for sharing your experience.


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