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Spooky Holiday Experience


Last year, I stayed in a house rented to me by a family. It was a nice house, although I can't remember the address.

The first day was fine, but the night was kind of creepy. I settled down to sleep, when I heard the front door open and two men shouting.

1:Why is she here? I don't want her here

2:She's not harming anyone. What's your problem with her?

1: She's in my bed. Why in my bed?

I felt a bit uncomfortable because I thought I was in someone else's bed. I got up to go to speak to them but there was no one there and the door was still bolted. I was kind of scared but put it down to either my imagination, since it does weird stuff to me, or someone else's front door.

In the morning I spoke to the home owner and she said only she lived there and only she was there last night. After this, I put it down to my imagination.

Nothing else happened for the rest of the week, apart from the last night. I was sitting, drinking with the homeowner and the TV suddenly switched on all by itself. I looked at her for support and she said that it did it all the time. Then the kitchen started emitting sounds. Like pot and pans falling on the floor. The homeowner didn't really bother about it. Even when I pointed it out to her, she didn't care. All she said was, "That will be Ethan."

I asked who Ethan was and she just blanked me and told me to get out. I was so creeped out anyway so I grabbed my stuff and went.

I got the plane home and tried to return to everyday life.

A few days ago, I got a letter, I will tell you what it says as I have it beside me.

Dear Isabella. (yeah that's my real name)

There was something dodgy going on when you came to stay. I'm sorry for not telling you, I just didn't want you to tell anyone about this weird stuff. I am so sorry for creeping you out. Ethan is my dead son. I normally leave his room be but I needed extra money that week, so I rented it to you. Ethan likes to sleep in his room every night and if he can't he gets cranky.

The guy he argues with, that's his best mate, Logan. They died together and they always come together. Those events are what happens when I have visitors. I really asked him to behave, but obviously he didn't. Sorry.


So do you guys think this is real or is Addison pulling my leg?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Oceana, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-07-24)
Dearest Ann,
I'm not writing this as a mod, but a mother who also dealt with the death of a son. Please believe me when I say, I understand what you are going through. I would give to you this piece of advise, if putting it down into words makes you feel any better, then do so, but write it for your eyes only at first. Hang the syntax and grammar rules. Just let it pour out. I think you'll find it very cathartic.
Then, when you're up to it, you can go through and make corrections where needed. Maybe, even figure out how to upload your video to something like YouTube, and include a link to it in your telling. I'm sure we'd all love to see it.
I don't know if you can feel it, but I'm sending you a hug. One mom to another.
L_Melb (220 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-23)
Hello Ann,
I am so sorry for your loss, I wish I had better words.
Your experience sounds fascinating but I would perhaps make notes to keep what happened fresh - for you more than us! - Also I would advise taking your time before submitting anything. Also, as your loss is still so recent and very emotional, you may change your mind about putting it anywhere and keep it for yourself.
In short, take your time and do what's right for you.
All the best, L
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-23)
Ann4Shadow: Please accept my deepest condolences for your loss.

Though it is only a small paragraph, your last comment is very touching and powerful, I'm sure your story will be moving and beautiful, Please give a tissue warning when you submit your experience.

Please do not believe every single story that gets published here, unfortunately many people use the site like a display for their writing skills and, in most of such cases, those pieces of fiction can not stand a little questioning and probing.

I wish you well.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-23)
Ann - My most sincere condolences. I don't have the words to commiserate with you. There are no adequate words.

Please do submit it whenever you're ready. I think you'll find that the members here aren't such a nasty bunch after all 😊

Wishing you the best.

Regards, Melda
Ann4shadow (1 stories) (36 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-23)
Dear Melda and Lady-glow,

Thank you for clarifing. The thing is I have a story of my son who died in 12-21-16. Also, I have it on video of an orb of yellow light circling my family on the beach after they scatter his ashes. I want to submit it to YGS.
This just happened last weekend so it is not on any other site. However, I have never uploaded anything in my entire life and I'm very sensitive about the whole experience. I am not good at writing and I have been very sick since November.
So, I may not be spot on with details. It is so amazing however and I think his little ball of light on the beach is just downright shocking!

Be Well,
Be Well, Ann
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-22)
Ann4Shadow: it is not cross-examination, it's about clarifying some fuzzy details in the original narrative.

Sometimes a little questioning helps to show the difference between a solid piece of Gouda or a holey slice of Swiss cheese.😜
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-22)
Ann4shadow - Don't confuse relevant questions and requests for clarification with cross-examination.

Everybody who submits an account for publication expects that to happen, so the more details you supply in your account, the better the readers will understand it and the fewer questions you will be asked.

Regards, Melda
Ann4shadow (1 stories) (36 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-22)
My Goodness! There are some pretty brutal comments on here! Why do people have to pick at everything a person says? How it is phrased or the exact address of the haunting?
I thought people came on here to share what happened to them how they experienced it. Not to be cross examined.
As long as an account can be read clearly as possible, then leave people to share in a good sporting manner.
Oceana, I enjoyed your story. Thank you for sharing. Be Well. Ann
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-20)
I'm struggling to understand the following statements about your experience:

"Last year, I stayed in a house rented to me by a family. It was a nice house, although I can't remember the address."


"A few days ago, I got a letter, I will tell you what it says as I have it beside me."

Do you mean Addison waited for several months before writing and sending a letter to you, or do you mean it took the postal service several months to deliver the letter?

How come you "can't remember the address"? Couldn't you just check it reading the envelope that, after all, was beside you? And by this I wouldn't expect you to tell us the street and number of the house, but at least the name of the town or city you visited during your holiday (perhaps Orlando?).

So, you had to spend your last night in a hotel even though you had paid Addison to stay that night at her place... I hope she reimbursed you some money an, at least, was considerate enough helping you to find a hotel to stay in. It must had been difficult for you to be alone and away from home and, on top of that, still have to figure out what to do when she kicked you out of her place.

I know some times I can give the impression of being nitpicky but I find difficult to give a nod and a wink to the things I don't understand.

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-14)
Motsville - Many people don't use euphemisms! You can't blame the OP for that.

I don't refer to my deceased relatives and friends as "lost loved ones", I refer to them as deceased relatives or friends. If I were to say "lost", they could simply have disappeared, not so?

Besides, I would hate to think that all the people that I loved in my life who have died, are lost 😢

Regards, Melda
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-14)
Oceana - In fact I wasn't criticising you in my previous comment, I was criticising the lady who owned the house.

You don't have to prove anything to anybody, just reply to the questions as best you can.

Regards, Melda
Oceana (11 stories) (47 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-14)
The letter was how I wrote it to here. It wasn't the exact moment I had to catch my plane. I had to get it the next morning after sleeping an a hotel for the night. I mean she was joking with me.

It said on my email as a family renting to me. I didn't know until I got there to find 1 woman.

I hope you guys believe this because it did happen. If you don't believe me then I don't know how to prove it to you.
L_Melb (220 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-13)
Well, I can't say if your leg was being pulled or not but from first not wanting you to tell anyone, putting it in writing doesn't seem like the best form of action 😕
Dead or alive, you can never really understand people 😁
Motsville2 (2 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-13)
I take it you are paraphrasing? Because, " My Dead Son " doesn't sound like how most people describe lost loved ones. They tend use euphymisms, like I just did.
Anno_Domini (3 stories) (167 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-13)
Oceana I'm having a little trouble taking your word as true. Inconsistencies like "I stayed in a house rented to me by a family", when it turned out that it's just 1 woman. Well I guess you did mention that your "imagination... Does weird stuff to [you]" so I shouldn't take it so seriously 😜
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-13)
I'm glad to hear that the landlady decided to throw you out of her house in the exact moment you had to catch the plane back home.
Good timing! 🤔

I hope you have posted a bad review for that Airbnb! 😆
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-13)
Oceana - Well if Addison was pulling your leg she certainly had an extremely odd way of going about it. Do you mean "pulling my leg" as in a joke, or do you mean she was lying to you? Either way, it probably wasn't necessary for her to send you a letter at all unless she was being truthful, to the best of her knowledge.

Nevertheless, throwing you out of her house was a rather extreme action. She could just quite simply have told you that as strange things occur in her house, you would probably be more comfortable elsewhere and assisted you with finding alternative accommodation.

I wouldn't have needed any explanation, or order, from the landlady, would have moved out of there in double quick time all by myself 😨

Regards, Melda

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