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Living In Fear All Of My Life


I am new to submitting stories on here but I have been reading ghost stories off of YGS everyday for about a year. In advance I would like to apologize for any grammar mistakes I will make.

My first experience with the paranormal was when I was maybe 4 and I was sitting on my sister's "Sabrina" bed and I was waiting for her to come back from the kitchen. So where I am sitting on her bed I can see straight into the hall. I am just sitting there when I see something run by and, me thinking it was my sister, I call after her and chase whatever this was. When I come to where it had ran, I see nothing and being a four year old I didn't think much of it.

My next experiences all happened around the same time when I was 10. I started hearing whispers saying my name and I started feeling as if someone was behind me at night. I would wake up every night around three or so. One night I woke up to see the outline of my passed away grandfather standing in my doorway. Another night I saw what appeared to be my sister standing in the hallway, staring at me. I wave at her and she just looks at me with no emotion and goes into our bathroom. The next morning I see her come out of her room and realize that she is NOT wearing the same pajamas as she was that night.

In 2011 my other sister Samantha had bad depression, etc. And her negative feelings seemed to be manifesting an evil spirit because me and my mother would often see black shadowy figures in her room/entering her room. Also, my family and I are Christians so we often anointed our house and rebuked demons from it.

One afternoon I felt something bad coming from my sister's room and I prayed in my head to rebuke all demons out. Right after I rebuked, I heard a bang come from my sister's room. Since my sister has moved we have had no more problems with any evil things like that.

In 2013 I woke up from sleeping and saw a man's head and shoulders floating above my bed and he waved at me so I waved back and fell asleep with him continuing to wave at me.

And now in 2015 I heard occasional footsteps, the feeling of someone's presence and my mother has heard me and Sabrina calling for her when no one else was home.

Thank you for reading my story and please leave a comment.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, VickyJ, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Trischa_D (guest)
9 years ago (2015-05-18)
That is definately demonic activity. Your sister Samantha moved and it got better because it was feeding on her energy the most. NO HUMAN SPIRIT can mimic another living being. Only demons can do that. Be safe always and keep praying! The Lord will protect you- always remember that!
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-11)
Miracles - these sites are about sharing and support, to me, anyway. I am a scientist. And the only way we understand something is to talk about it. So, we have to talk in many different languages. I appreciate that there are no boundaries here, no dogma to constrain people's open sharing of their experiences. Thank you.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-05-11)
Yeah this is exactly why I hate using my phone to comment lol.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-05-11)
Hecate - thank you for your support and for see understanding what I was trying to say. I appreciate that. 😊
VickyJ (1 stories) (7 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-08)
Valkricry, my sister is now on medication so she isn't as bad but some days are worse so it varies. -Vicky
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-08)
I think when read in context, Miracles was spot on in her comments.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-05-08)
I have a question about your sister, Samantha. From what you've said, I gather most of the activity centered around her and her depression. I was wondering how she is fairing since she's left? Is she still plagued by these things?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-05-08)
MandyNichole - I apologize for offending you and anyone else my comment may have insulted. It really wasn't my attention. I also didn't mean to come across as minimizing Christianity, as I was raised a Christian. I also didn't mean to imply that Christian beliefs are wrong. Guess maybe I should have found a better way of saying what I was trying to get across. I don't know everything, half the time I don't think I know anything 😉 But I certainly don't think I am qualified to tell someone their beliefs are wrong.

I want to thank you for realizing I was not intentionally trying to offend anyone. And I appreciate you pointing that out. I'll try and find a clearer, perhaps better way of expressing my opinion. And no, you didn't offend me 😊
MandyyNicole (7 stories) (183 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-08)
I'm sorry for this being off topic right off the bat. Miracles, I find that statement slightly offensive (but not totally because I doubt you meant to be, in any way).
"Sometimes Christians believe something to be a demon when it isn't. I'm not arguing with you or debating your statement. Just pointing out that sometimes faith/culture, whatever raises people to believe something is evil when, after stepping back and truly assessing the situation, it isn't."...
To me, it feels like you are minimizing the beliefs of Christians who fall into that category and are flat out telling them that their beliefs are wrong, according to you.
If someone is raised with those beliefs, or just plain believes that any (/all) "spirit" activity is demonic in nature, that is their truth (while it is not mine, I do have family and friends who believe that). You have your own, but theirs is not "wrong" or misinformed. It would be like a christian telling an athiest that god exists- whether or not they believe it, and because they obviously do not, their belief is wrong... Which would be just as offensive, as you would be minimizing the athiest's beliefs.
At least that is my opinion. I know you would never mean to shut down another's beliefs. It's just that, if the poster feels as though this activity were demonic, as they clearly do and are unwavering in that decision, then nothing will change their perspective and you should just let it be rather than being unintentionally insulting. I hope I do not insult or offend you either with my comment here. Just hoping to bring to light another perspective regarding that aspect:)

Anyway, Vicky, after reading this story, I side with Rook in thinking that it may very well have been a manifestation of her negative energy and depression. Nothing to do with puberty, but those emotions can be incredibly strong and there have been lots of instances where adults have had/created (unintentionally) poltergeist activity. It would explain why you still sometimes felt the bad energy after cleansings, and why it stopped/lessened once she moved away. Either that, OR, your sister, bless her heart, had something negative feeding on that energy. I hope she is no longer dealing with those issues!
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-07)

You are right and the 'demon' thing became big because some individuals mentioned it may have been a demon or demonic in nature (including yourself) and others, like me, are saying its not.

You have just said something that...well...concerns me.

You stated...

"I believe even though we Christians bless our houses not all evil spirits listen."

(Apologies up front this may get a wee bit Religious...)

Really? Really?!? As a believer and High Priesthood holder in the Church I attend I have to ask this...

What just ignores Aniontings and Blessings done in the Name of Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ?

Either an individual who does not have enough Faith has preformed the Blessings or Anointings OR someone from within the home provided a means for these things to enter... This would have to have been from the inside because NOTHING can 'overpower' anything, Sealed, Anointed, Blessed, Rebuked, Cast Out in Heavenly Father's and His Son's Name by individuals with True Faith in Him (Them).

So either there is a natural explanation for these experiences... HIGH EMF is my guess... Or the Anointings and Blessings were done by someone with insufficient Faith to 'hold' them in place and 'something' may have gotten in... Or someone INSIDE 'called' something in.

I could say so much more but this is Ghost, Haunting Experience site not a site for RELIGIOUS Discussions.


VickyJ (1 stories) (7 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-07)
I don't even know how the demon part became the largest part of this thing. It was either a demon or it wasn't!
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-05-07)
RazorsharpShadow - from personal experience, as well as many, many stories on here, sometimes Christians believe something to be a demon when it isn't. I'm not arguing with you or debating your statement. Just pointing out that sometimes faith/culture, whatever raises people to believe something is evil when, after stepping back and truly assessing the situation, it isn't.
RazersharpShadow191 (1 stories) (13 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-07)
There are demons that can hide while a blessing is taking place so they won't have to leave. Sometimes things like this CANT BE EXPLAINED BY SCIENCE. Us Christians know when a demonic presence is close. 😐 😐
VickyJ (1 stories) (7 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-07)
Sds, thank you. Like I said to Rook I believe that demons don't always listen. And I think demons would have more reason to terrorize Christians than the people who don't care. They try to break down believers.

VickyJ (1 stories) (7 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-07)
Grimwiz13, thank you. I agree people should do more research. I believe that depression, etc can manifest demonic things.
VickyJ (1 stories) (7 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-07)
Rook, I mean I stick strongly to what I saw and know. I believe even though we Christians bless our houses not all evil spirits listen. Before my sister moved out the energy felt bad and evil. When she left it changed drastically. My sister wasn't going through puberty when she left she was probably 22 but thanks for your ideas. I strongly respect your take on this. Thank you alot.
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-07)
Hi VickyJ, welcome to YGS. Rook, my friend, you have summarised whatever I have in my mind in the first comment to this write-up. I do feel that there is nothing demonic could be attached to whatever you have explained VickyJ. Demons are different and their manifestations are different from negative energies or spirits. And as you said that you are regularly anointing the house, then the chances of demonic activities are quite slim. But as for others, I feel that instead of paranormal, we could deduce it to your vivid dream of waving of a person and other activities related to the high EMF levels. I don't say that I am not believing you but that is my view.

Regards and respects to you.

Grimwiz13 (1 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-07)
Great story, man! It's good to know that you've been with ghosts around and never actually got scared and fell off but stood your ground and did what you had to. Ghosts are merely energies, some are positive, some are negative. Negative energy attracts a lot of bad spirits, depression, sadness all being part of it. I think people need to know and study more about ghosts, there are a lot of bs misconceptions about them, you know.

Regards. 😁
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-06)
Thank you for the added information... But you really seem to be stressing the point that you annoint and bless your house... On a regular basis.

This is a wonderful practice but that being the case... Where has the negitivity come from? Or perhaps this is the case... If not activity related to puberty changes... Then perhaps there are people in your household who are sensitive to EMF (Electromagnetic Frequeincies) People who are experience symtoms much like everything you have described as well as illness... Rashes and even headaches.

Just a theory because your home is annointed and blessed regularly.

I am not saying I do not believe you but if your home is so well looked after this may be a posibility.


VickyJ (1 stories) (7 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-06)
RazersharpShadow191 and spockie, thank you for the advice. When my sister Samantha was living with us she often felt like there was negative energy coming from her room. She also felt stuff watching her. She would feel like someone was sitting on her bed when there was no one there. I also would feel very uncomfortable being in her room at night. We would see shadowy figures sitting in the corner of her room.
And my family and I regularly annoit and bless our house.
Thank you, Vicky
VickyJ (1 stories) (7 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-06)
Rook, I do believe that our house had demons in it at one time... And my sister Samantha wasn't even going through puberty anymore. We annoit and bless our house regularly.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-06)
I do not 'read' anything demonic in any of the experiences the O/P has shared... Many of them hit kind of high on the Poltergiest scale... And one on the 'Out of Body' or Astral Projection scale. But nothing 'demonic'...

Your experience in 2013... Either your actually were awake and saw this man OR it was a vivid dream that you remember as 'fact'...but only you know for sure.

I am going out on a Limb here and saying your sister 'Samatha' is older that you? If that is the case the 'black shadowy' figures may have been visual manifestations caused by her depresion, fueled by her goping through puberty... Not anything Demonic... You say that your home is anointed and rebuke demons from it... Do you also Bless and Cleanse it? It sounds to me that the likelyhood of this being demonic is quite low based on your families beliefs and pratices... There are exceptions... But to find out if they apply the questions can get very personal.

Anyway thanks for sharing, ask any questions you may have and I hope the members here can help. I know we will do our best.


RazersharpShadow191 (1 stories) (13 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-06)
I think some of the spirits are there to protect you and your family. About your sister Samantha I believe that a demonic entity has attached its self to her. Only she can get rid of it. As of the voices that sound like you and your sister spirits can mimic the voices of anyone because that happened to me. Let them at least know that you feel, see, and hear them. They could very much be your guardian angels. With seeing your sister in your doorway that could have either been her doppelganger or she has an ability that when she sleeps her spirit is able to leave her body and wonder around the astral plane. There are many possibilities for that. Just be sure that if you feel something evil know that it is there to harm and pray and try to get rid of it.
Spockie (8 stories) (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-06)
The best advice I can give anybody in your situation is to try your best to not acknowledge what is there. The more attention you give a thing like this, the more power it will have since they feed off our fears. Since you are Christian, I give you the following advice. Continue to anoint the house, and it would not hurt to anoint yourself. Make a cross on your forehead with olive oil before you go to bed at night. Pray, read your Bible and try to let your thoughts dwell on good things.

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