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Real Ghost Stories

Forever Cursed


My story is long, but I'll make it short. It starts when I'm a child and my parents moved into a house. You could feel the pressure in the air. We shortly found out the house was haunted with me being it's victim. I saw my blanket float like someone was under it and heard a window break, but found out in the morning it wasn't. When we moved out I thought it was over, but that is not the end.

Fast forward to eighteen years old, I was attacked by a demon in the worst way in a different house. It held me down. I was chased up the stairs and heard voices in a different language.

When I finally moved out I was happy. But still didn't help. The place I moved to had a basement and used to be a funeral home. I couldn't go into the basement alone. I kept seeing shadows and even saw a young man dressed all in black.

I finally moved out on my own and for a short time it was peaceful. Then it started again. First it messed with my cat. Then it decided to stay put. It stayed this way on and off for years. I would be held down then I would get free. Then it would stop only to happen months later.

Finally it got to its peak. I was sitting on the couch and the voices were bombarding me. They were saying get out. So I went to bed. I immediately started having nightmares of sea monsters only to see my apartment. That's when I was thrown out of bed, thrown around like a rag doll and bitten on my leg. I woke on my couch only to find a bite.

So one to two weeks later I was almost dragged out of bed and I immediately stopped it. I went to a friends apartment scared. What's going on? What should I do?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, lightgoddess, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments but I won't participate in the discussion.

flyguy (9 posts)
5 years ago (2020-05-11)
Hi [at] lightgoddess

This sounds very concerning.

In those experiences, did you feel like the energy around you was bad and felt heavy on you and get a bad sensation?

I know this was posted many years ago but have you had any recent experiences like this?

I hope to hear back from you if this if this is the case.

Thank you

John Fly
mazahir_winchester (1 stories) (14 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-24)
Miracles51031, I have many experiences and I want to submit them really badly, but the thing is that the story submitting server is not available because there are too many uploads.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-05-24)
mazahir_winchester - one thing that our members take into consideration is whether or not the person giving advice has shared any of his/her own experiences. It helps back up claims of being able to help them. If you haven't already, why don't you put some of your experiences in writing and submit them to our site. That might help validate some of your claims.
mazahir_winchester (1 stories) (14 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-24)
Hi there! I guess you're really cursed by someone (most probably your enemy). Say it as a black magic.
I've seen many black magic cases like yours.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-23)
Miracles you're welcome. You're job is hard enough without having to deal with rude people like Trischa_D. She may come back under a new account or just lurk as a guest which I did not know you could do.

Rook thank you for letting me know what guest meant. I had no clue about that. I thought that once someone cancelled their account they couldn't come back.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-23)

Trischa_D has already removed herself from the site. If you look beside her name it says 'guest'...that indicates that member 'canceled' their account... Or something to that effect...


Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-05-23)
RedWolf - first, thank you for your support. And second, I guess Trischa_D decided to delete her account. Again, thank you 😊
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-23)
First of all your comment to Miracles IS being a smartass. A mod is a moderator who reads the stories and publishes a lot of them. There are 2 other mods on this site who do the same thing. Another duty of the mods is to watch over this sight and intercede if there is a problem and delete posts that they feel are disrespectful of the storyteller otherwise known as the O.P. Or other posters. So if you want to stay on this site I recommend you show some respect to the site,the,posters,and more importantly the mods.
Puppeteer13 (131 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-23)
Ok First and foremost Our author Lightgodess you have it goes without saying something nasty after you between the demonic Assault, bombardment by voices, the feeling of dread coupled with the young appirition, and pulterghiest activity not to mention the physical harm inflicted upon you in the form of the bite, I personaly recomend my standard treatment. Firstly smudge yourself and dwelling with sage smoke commanding negative energy and beings to be gone and calling love and light to enter, Next lay down lines of salt across all doorways and windowsills leading into your house to provide a barrier against negative spirits. Thirdly keep vases of as many wild roses as you can in your house, their powerfull life energy drives away restless spirits. Fourthly bathe one a month in a tub of warm water into which has been mixed a combination of holywater, ash of frankinsence wild rose petals and lavender extract, this will prevent negative spirits and Demonic entities from being able to touch you. Hope it helps
Trischa_D (guest)
10 years ago (2015-05-22)
I'm not being a smartass. I'm making a valid point. I don't even know what a "mod" is so you just seem like a know it all to me. Would you mind explaining to me what exactly that is? Because right now I'm under the impression that you're a regular on this site who likes to tell people who have dealt with horrible things that their advice isn't worth diddly.

valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-05-22)
It's too bad that you won't participate in the discussion because that really inhibits the chance for you to clarify any questions we may have and can lead to very faulty advise. Simply put, what may be helpful in scenario A, could be quite useless in scenario B. With that being said, going solely on the tiny bit of info you supplied, I would say first get a thorough checkup. Medical has to be ruled out before jumping to the paranormal- especially since you didn't mention any witnesses. Folks have been known to do some really weird things in their sleep. Look up Parasomnia. The most common is sleep walking/talking, but they can be down right bizarre; like throwing yourself out a window, hallucinations, eating, driving, fighting with yourself (physically throwing yourself about), committing violent crimes and more. So, if you're fairly limber, it's possible that you might even bite yourself on the leg during a night terror. Mind you, I'm not saying that IS the cause, just it could be. On the other hand, you could be a victim of high EMFs, or a score of other things I can think of. It could even be a compilation of things.
I'd also recommend Rook's cleansing just to be on the safe side. Http://
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-05-22)
Trischa - let's get one thing straight. Now. Sarcasm and smartass comments are not tolerated. I haven't done anything differently with you than anyone else. If you want to continue like this, your comments will be deleted.
Trischa_D (guest)
10 years ago (2015-05-22)
Ok Miracles, but instead of critiquing me over trying to give some helpful advice- you could have offered some suggestions yourself. I apologize for assuming the author of the story had the gift of common sense. Forgive me oh righteous one.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-05-22)
Trischa_D - I am not Rook but I am a mod and have a strong suggestion for you. If you are going to reference someone's cleaning method, referring them to that member's profile page (if it is listed as Rook's is) would be the best way to do this. Especially considering you have stated you've never used a cleaning method.

Also, I've read Rook's cleansing method hundreds of times and I've never seen where he says what you have stated. I could be wrong, but I even double checked before composing this and he doesn't say anything like this on his profile.
Trischa_D (guest)
10 years ago (2015-05-22)
I think that for some reason a demon has attached itself to you. This is very stressful and scary indeed. Give Rooks cleansing a try, but be prepared to do it at least once a week for about 3 months, and then every other week for a few months and then every month (if it's a sage cleansing). I do believe that people can be haunted just as well as a place can be. Make sure you pray and if you're not particularly religious you might want to strengthen your relationship with God. Honestly, He's the only one who can protect you.

Always remember that wherever the devil is, Gods there too! Be safe and take care ❤
saher (4 stories) (52 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-21)

I find the story is very scary, please be careful & try to find the history of the house you were first staying. That might help you find answers for many questions.
ladymoira (3 stories) (30 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-20)
That's the link to the cleansing. Hope it helps
ladymoira (3 stories) (30 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-20)
Lightgoddess: there are bits and pieces missing in your story and it seems jumbled up but from what I get every house you've moved to has been haunted, and you've been attacked and bitten (correct me if I'm wrong) ...has there been anyone in your family that has experienced these things too? Maybe there are other explanations for these events but to feel comfortable I think you should give rook's cleansing method a try... Most people that have used it have had positive results.
Stay safe and keep updating!

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