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It Lives In The Closet


First off thank you for deciding to read my story. The following is about a few of the strange experiences I have had in my home throughout my youth (about 5-7 years old) and I will probably post more stories later about the experiences I had in my early-mid teens later.

The first paranormal experience I had ever encountered was when we first moved into my home, at the age of 5. As a child I would often awaken randomly in the night and lay there thinking in my room until I thought myself to sleep.

I have always slept with a nightlight to see, just in case I needed to get up in the night. The reason this is important to know is because one night I was laying awake, when I saw a shift of the light, as if someone had walked in the room almost like a passing shadow. Mind you, everyone in the house was asleep and the door was almost closed, slightly ajar. My door also makes loud creaking when moved and from my bed I can see the door when it opens. Plus, the blinds and curtains were pulled shut so I could never see when a car headlight passed by either. Thus, this startled me and I looked around but saw nothing, so I flipped onto my side in the bed and tried to sleep again.

Suddenly though, I had heard a sort of echoing, whisper of a voice say my name, "Brooke...Brooke...Brooke". It was a female and sort of raspy, but far away sounding. I was so scared, I just laid there anticipating my death; I didn't even want to investigate it this time. The more I ignored it though, the more aggravated and urgent it seemed to get. The voice grew into a loud whisper and said my name faster and more urgent, "Brooke. Brooke. BROOKE." I figured the only solution was to answer it, so finally I got the courage to say, "What? Who's there?" The whispering stopped abruptly, I thought maybe I angered it. So I slowly turned over and peeked out of the covers to look around. But nothing was there.

Not long after that I began to get very paranoid being alone in the upstairs area of my house, specifically my room, where I felt like there was always something staring at me or watching me. In my room I had an alarm clock that only sounded when you hit this button on its side, because the other part I never got configured to go off at a certain time (my mom woke me up, so it was more for decoration).

My friend came over to play barbies with me and everything was fine and we were having a good time until it became very cold in the room. It was the middle of summer, so this was unusual since we have no central heating and the air conditioner in my room was off. We looked at each other wondering why it was cold, but our head's snapped up when the alarm clock starting singing and playing its tune. The door to my closet then shortly after began to swing open very slowly. We both got up and ran out of the room and downstairs. We decided to never speak of the event, but we mainly played downstairs after that occurrence.

After this I was terrified of my room completely and I never wanted to sleep there again. I mainly kept the closet door closed and something heavy in front of it so I knew nothing could open it again. I slept in my mom's room at night, so I never had to be alone for fear of the closet creature getting me.

One night however, when I was about 6, I remember I was able to stay up late because it was New Years. I ended up passing out on the couch at about 10:00. What I didn't expect was waking up in the middle of the night in my room. Or that the closet door was wide open. I tried to ignore it and go to sleep but I just couldn't, I stared into the darkness until I heard the sound of my baby alive turn on. I could felt myself pale and start shaking and heard a thump as the baby alive fell from the top shelf and rolled to the edge of the closet. Its eyes were closed and it talked some more.

At this point I was whimpering and crying because I was so scared and I tried to call for my mom. I kept staring at the doll, too afraid to move. I spoke out into the darkness "Who's there?" and in the light I could see one of the dolls eyes open and it rock a bit. I ran out of the room when I saw that and locked myself in the hallway bathroom, where I sat on the toilet seat sobbing and crying for mom until she found me red faced and snuffling. She never made me sleep in my room ever again during my youth after that experience.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Brooklynnberceuse56, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-07)
Ummmm OZZI12,

It 'was' Ed and Lorraine WARREN...

Ed Warren passed away on August 23, 2006...

Oh why do I bother... I may as well just give Puff a call and have him muster the Troll Patrol and fire up the Miss Demenaor, it looks like its going to be one of those days...


ozzi12 (8 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-07)
hey first of all don't lose hope and whenever your in your house make sure your with people and contact ed lorraine or a really good paranormal investigator. 😁
SAYURI (1 stories) (15 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-06)
It was a wise choice not to let you sleep in that room again because that was an evil spirit. If it was a real ghost it wouldn't know your name.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-05-30)
Watty_X_writer - ask permission from the writer before including one of their stories from our site on your blog. A lot of people don't want their stories shared without their consent. Don't assume it's okay.

I ask that you remove those stories from our site that you have included without prior authorization from our members. Then, if there is an email on their profile, ask their permission via email.
Watty_X_Writer (guest)
9 years ago (2015-05-30)
Hi! My name is Thea and i'm a writer at wattpad. I included "It Lives In The Closet" in "Ghost Files". Don't worry I wrote your name. Of course it says that your the one who wrote "It Lives In The Closet". Sorry for my grammatical errors. Just tell me if you don't want your story to be included. Check it out:http://www.wattpad.com/133611541-vol-1-ghost-files-it-lives-in-the-closet
abbykay_luv (4 stories) (43 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-29)
Great story. I don't agree with those who say its a 'made up' story. And REDWOLF, what you said is not always so. It depends on the brain and intelligence of the person. I can still remember things from when I was around 3. If she can remember all these details, is nothing to make you guys say its not true. And besides the writer knows no one here personally to make up stories to impress us.
Brooklynnberceuse56 (1 stories) (4 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-27)

You didn't insult me at all:) in fact I appreciate your opinion. I will take your advice and try to upload all my expierences at once. Thank you so much for commenting!
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-25)
The main thing is for us to help you deal with what you went/are still going through. If you have a program like (don't laugh) microsoft office or Libre note, you can write your stories on that then as soon as submit your story opens up you can copy and paste. You might want to write as many experiences as you can each time rather than small snippets because the more you write the more info we have at once the better we can help you.
I apologize if I insulted you with the comment about writing a story about an evil Tooth Fairy. I'm glad you like the movie though. John Fasano was a good man. My husband took his death hard but he did have a chance to see him a month prior to his death.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-24)

Taking classes is great... Looking forward to your next submission... It may allow some insight to what caused (is causing) those experiences (or any you still may be having).


Brooklynnberceuse56 (1 stories) (4 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-24)

Thank you for reading and there will be more once the website allows more stories to be processed:)

It was very scary, and later the entity did manifest itself, as I will explain more in my later writings, but now I can tell looking back that it was a mischevious spirit, but not too malicious.

My father actually did look up information on the house (we still live here) and there were 3 families that consecutively moved out in the same year, but nothing too out of the ordinary otherwise.
Brooklynnberceuse56 (1 stories) (4 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-24)

I did in fact watch Darkness Falls before (one of the best scary movies of all time) and as I said to Rook, I am sorry if it seems narrative, but this was my life. This was what I went through, I remember every detail because it was so traumatic. I still to this day am afraid of the dark/being alone because of my childhood experience. I seriously thought I would die or be attacked by this thing so I remember it like a near death experience. Thank you for commenting and reading:)
Brooklynnberceuse56 (1 stories) (4 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-24)
I'm sorry If you feel it seems a little narrative. I am taking classes right now to better my writing skills, but everything I had written was 100% true. The reason I finally decided to post on this site (I had an account earlier) was because now I can finally successfully tell my story and my life as a kid living with this stuff around me. I have a really strong memory, especially when it came to the paranormal because it upset me so much. I was so scared as a kid that this thing would kill me that to this day I remember nearly every moment of that terror. You didn't offend me at all with your comment, in fact thank you for taking the time to read and respond:)
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-23)
I'm sorry but I have to agree with Rook. First for the reasons Rook brought up. Secondly I have 3 grown kids the youngest being 24. I can tell you that even during their teen years they couldn't remember with such great minut detail what happened to them when they were 5 even if it scared them half to death.
If your next story is about an evil Tooth Fairy I will scream. That is a screen play that my husbands now deceased best friend wrote titled Darkness Falls.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-23)

No disrespect meant here but is there more? At the moment my 'gut' is telling me this is a bit like the movie 'Poltergiest' and less like real life... Something about the way your naritive dwells on particular details makes me 'feel' you were attempting to develop the 'scary setting'...While well written it seems... Lacking and I find it hard to offer a teenager advice or help with something that happened to them a number of years ago.

So I must ask what else has happened to you... Do you still live in the house these experiences happened in and is that room still yours?


mazahir_winchester (1 stories) (14 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-23)
Your experience has attracted me to help you (as this is my job). If you do believe in God (Any religion) try reciting the Holy Book if you have and I suggest you to tell this to a priest or any paranormal expert:)
PS: Feel free to contact me.
Sparkie (6 stories) (30 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-23)
That is quite terrifying. I can only imagine being such a young age and experiencing something like that. But it seemed quite harmless, maybe just a curious spirit of sorts? I've heard of encounters that young children had with friendly spirits where it merely wanted to, I would assume, play.

If you have ever done any research on the property, maybe something could turn up to help you better understand who or what even, is there.

Can't wait to read your other stories if and when you do share them!

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