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A House Of Which Was Haunted


For the good part of my childhood we lived in this old, run down house in the worst part of town. The house literally had an oppressive atmosphere to it; you'd walk in and it felt like it was smothering you like a heavy blanket and EVERYONE felt it.

Rumor in the neighborhood was at some point, before we moved in, a married couple lived there. Classic story of a husband coming home, finding his wife cheating, shooting her, the man involved and then himself. How true this is, I don't know and I never bothered to investigate it.

Anyway, I grew up with 'weird' stuff happening all the time. I'd wake up in the middle of the night and it'd sound like the living room was full of people, but when you got to the living room, it was dark and empty. Footsteps, opening doors, someone knocking on doors. My sister claimed she woke up one night to find a man, standing at the foot of her bed staring her down.

To be honest, what happened in the house would look like a pretty generic list of things you'd find in a haunted house, but at no point did it ever turn violent.

The one thing I remember most prominent was one night when I was screwing around with a Polaroid camera. I was taking random pictures in the house. I took a photo in the kitchen and the picture that came out made my heart skip a beat.

Right in front of the cabinets, maybe about half a foot off the ground was a solid, humanoid shadow, arms, legs, torso and head. I showed it to my Mother and Step Father. My Step Father insisted it was just a blemish and took the photo. I never saw it again. I think this spooked me the most, because seeing it suddenly makes it much more real.

The last thing I remember, a few months before we eventually moved out* of the house, my Mother and I, her boyfriend** and my sister were sitting in the living room. We were telling him about all of the stuff that happened in the house.

He responds it's bullshiat and there's no such thing as ghosts. Suddenly a door slams upstairs, we can hear someone stomping down the stairs. We all just sat there waiting to see what would happen next. That was when a decorative wicker basket in the living room was thrown across the room.

My Mother got up out of her seat saying, "Sure, there's no such things as ghosts."

* We stayed in the house because it was convenient for my family. We eventually left when the landlord lost his house and kicked us out so he could live there.

** First step father died, Mother found a new boyfriend, such is life.

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Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-30)
A psychic niece or nephew, perhaps. 😉 You have me laughing here, Larkin. I was not motherly until I had my son. And many people told me that, too. It was funny. Luckily, in many cultures now, it is a choice. Best wishes to your sister. 😊
Larkin (guest)
9 years ago (2015-06-30)
Kids? No thank you. I have no intrest in procreation.

My sister on the other hand is currently pregnate.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-30)
Larkin, It sounds like you have it in a comfortable place. Kudos to your mother for being honest and open with you. I have been that way with my own son, and he has turned out to be a fairly skilled medium. He hears them. And luckily, we knew how to sort this out from certain psychological problems. Do you have children? They are also likely to be open. Thanks for sharing your story. 😊
Larkin (guest)
9 years ago (2015-06-30)

My mother claims she is some sort of senestive, so it would explain why for the most part, growing up we had odd experiences happen around us.

My Mother didn't like the idea of misleading us, so at a early age she discussed how ghosts are real, how some can hurt you, but felt the ones we shared space with don't feel violent.

Living with my family odd stuff did happen on a regular basis. After moving out of the house and on my own, I haven't really had anything happen, although sometimes I still get this funny feeling, but unlike my Mother I tend to ugnore it.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-30)
Hi Larkin, Nice story. It is interesting that the rest of your family is all open to these things. That is the more uncommon. I love Tweed's idea about the basket/door slammer being your deceased step-father. 😆 I can just hear it - "hey, man, it's real!"... Do you still have experiences where you currently live, or were they centered around 'that house'. It does sound like openness runs in your family.

Thanks for sharing. Best!
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-30)
Hi, Larkin very nice story I enjoyed it... I really want to see that picture... But anyway... Your story is simply spooking... Thanks for sharing 😁
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-30)
ooohh Just had an afterthought!

*Maybe* the door slammer/object thrower was your step dad! This would certainly give motivation for a ghost to have a 'That's enough!' kind of reaction to hearing the boyfriend's remark. Kind of like 'Yeah, that's what I used to think too buddy, here catch!'
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-30)
Hi Larkin, and welcome. I have been enjoying your posts over the last day or so, and was happy to see a story from you.

Had to laugh at your Mother's response to her boyfriend's statement! What is it about wicker ornaments? I had a ghost fascinated with one for years. So it's intriguing someone chose to throw it across the room! Man that's a classic. I guess your family were just the right kinds of people to coexist with these ghosts, however many there were. I love how ghosts get mad when someone claims they're not real, well it's not always a good thing. But in your case it was fun to read about. I kind of wish something like that would happen to some of the non-believers in my life. I wonder how he feels about ghosts today. Skeptics who get narky when faced with oddness they can't explain make me skeptical about just how skeptic they really are. 😉
Larkin (guest)
9 years ago (2015-06-29)
It was back in the days of instant poloroid film. The kind people would shake to get to dry faster. The physical print was the only one I ever had and my step dad took it, I assume he threw it away or destroyed it.

He was a massive skeptic and when confronted with stuff like that he became almost aggressive.
Vasrod (2 stories) (11 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-29)
Nice story, OP. One question, did you delete the picture? If you didn't, could you upload it to this website?

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