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Unexplained Scratch Marks


This started to happen 2 or 3 weeks ago. My room is kind of a big room and is very open to the garden and I sleep alone. Everything was fine until this started to happen. Normally I sleep late night but everyday I woke up around 5.30 a.m.

Since the beginning of this month (June, 2015), When I woke up in the morning am having around 5 or 6 scratch marks on my left arm. At first I didn't thought much about it. I didn't even apply any medicines. Then the 2nd day exact same thing happened. It was not the marks from the day before, it was new, I say so because it was red colour lines which is about 4cm long. Also I got a slight pain from those in the morning when I woke up. This is happening for about 2 or 3 weeks now. Surprising fact is that scratch marks from the previous day is not visible when it gets new marks.

I don't understand what is this. I feel that this is some kind of paranormal thing. I even told my mother but she is telling me that, this might be scratching marks which I have done on my own in sleep. I agree with her if this happens only once or two. But this is happening every single night until today. Now also I have those marks, unfortunately I cannot take a photograph since am wearing a long sleeve top and am at office. Is this done by a ghost? I really don't understand. But am sure this is not normal.

This is so annoying, I am sure this is some kind of ghostly thing. But I can't understand. Is there anyone who's suffering from the same problem? Anyone who's agreeing with me? Please feel free to comment below.


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Kshaya_SL, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

ashar123 (6 stories) (168 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-15)
I have read many stories of this sort on this site and even heard of even more violent attacks by the paranormal entities. I advise please don't ignore it. If its trying to harm you just try the ways to remove it from your life because if you ignored it the results can be threatening.
Vampirekid (2 stories) (5 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-06)
Hi Kshaya,
I heard such stories before. If you think that this incident is disturbing you too much, you can take expert help. I think it will be best for you.
crashhat69 (1 stories) (2 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-18)
I've been scratched before by a unseen force, it's not fun. I was laying down one night and I rolled over and a few seconds after I rolled over my arm started burning. I got up, turned on the light and realized I had scratches on my arm. They weren't regular straight scratches either, one was kind of a obtuse triangle and the other was a capital J? It creeped me the heck out so much where I just sat on the edge of my bed and kept thinking "did something seriously just scratch me?" I took pictures a few minutes after it happened
Larkin (guest)
9 years ago (2015-07-07)
I only mentioned the salt because it may have made them feel better. That's about it Red. Go take a chill pill.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-07)
Go back and look at your first comment. Last sentence. You say to encircle the bed with salt. Some people believe salt is a natural deterrent to spirits.
Then other people start mentioning bedbugs and scabbies. When I tell her to use Rooks cleansing method you got snarky and said. Yeah, god forbid they examine the more rational explanations first.

I don't want to start an argument so I am going to remind you that she said that she would get new scratches and there would be no sign of the old scratches. She also states the scratches are on the left arm only. You have been nice to me before and I appreciate that. I think everybody lost sight that she was concerned that the old scratches would disappear with no sign of having them but had new ones in the morning. Scratches don't heal and go away in such a short time.
I have a head scratcher. I was scratched by a puppy in December. The scratch healed up but just last week the blood vessels right where I got the scratch broke and it looked liked the puppy
Scratched me again.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-07)
Thank you for deleting the first comment. It was so weird that I went to another story and came back and the comment was sitting there as if I had not posted it. My deceased father in-law has been messing with my tablet for over a week. I know it's him because it's something he would do. I can sense him but he won't let me know what he wants.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-07-07)
A scabies rash is very apparent throughout the infestation and they itch constantly, but the itch intensifies during the night. Bites from bed bugs would be apparent, also.

And by the way, thanks so much because now, I'm itching like crazy LOL 😆 😆
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-07-07)
RedWolf: I went ahead and deleted the first comment so it's all good now 😆
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-07)
LOL. I have NO idea why after I posted my comment that after I posted my comment and I re-read the last part of her story and went looking for Larkin in my last story and you were so nice to me it came back to post a comment and I added to it. My only explanation is my deceased father in-law has been screwing around with my tablet for over a week and thought as I do that your comment was uncalled for. The O.P. Is asking about something she felt could be paranormal and everyone forgets that the old scratches disappear and suggest it could be bugs and mites
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-07)
My point is that she said when she woke up the next day with fresh scratches the scratches from the day before were gone. Scratches don't heal that fast without any sign of them being there in the first place. Bedbugs bite they don't scratch, chiggers and scabies burrow under the skin and make you itch so they don't scratch. THAT is why I suggested doing Rooks cleansing method. If there IS a medical reason for her problem there is no harm no foul in doing the cleansing method now is there? Besides she feels it is not normal and thinks it may be a spirit. If it caused by the above mentioned she would be scrathing so much it would wake her up.
Larkin (guest)
9 years ago (2015-07-06)
Yeah, god forbid they examine the more rational explinations first.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-06)
Before you go looking for bedbugs,scabies,or chiggers do the cleansing/shielding method Rookdygin has on his profile page. The scratches you are describing may be from a malevolent spirit. Is your garden well kept or over grown and full of weeds? If that is the case it may be a nature spirit and you should go out and start trimming,weeding,and watering.
Griff84 (5 stories) (289 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-06)
Hi Kshaya_SL, I can not tell you if these are or are not 'paranormal', but I would strongly lean to the latter, especially if you have done little to find another cause.

I would suggest cleaning the room thoroughly (I'm sure its very clean already, I am by no means calling you dirty 😉). Maybe try sleeping at a different location, see if it still occurs. Do you have any animals? Could this be a cause? Also, you say you sleep very open to the garden, could some sort of insect be the cause, I know ants can be very aggressive?

Please keep us updated, and thanks for sharing 😊
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-02)
Hi Kshaya,

This sounds to me like scabies. These are little microscopic mites which burrow under the skin. (Sorry about the gross factor!) Good news is they're easy to treat. Not sure what it's like in Sri Lanka, but over here we simply show our scratches/itch marks to a chemist/drug store worker, and they give you some topical cream.

The only reason I suggest scabies is that this only happens at night. They are nocturnal and are only active at night, especially in the early hours of the morning. So you are probably scratching them in your sleep (they itch). But by the morning they don't itch and can disappear completely, only to resurface again at night. It's very possible you're unaware of the itch since you are asleep.

But hey don't take medical advice off a paranormal website. 😜 Just get it looked at by someone in the know.
brettscharff (11 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-01)
have you tried sleeping somewhere else? If you get them at someone else's hosue then it's likely that you are doing them yourself.
WiniPu4 (207 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-01)

I know this sounds disgusting, but you could have bedbugs which only come out at night for a blood meal. Google them to see what evidence to search for (and specifically where) in your bed or sofa. They are difficult to find, and are currently an epidemic. This could be a logical reason why you might be scratching only late at night in your sleep. Or, maybe mosquitoes?
If you do not feel this is a possibility, you could always do a house blessing. A member here named Rookdygin is experienced with this type of thing and has a detailed generic blessing/cleansing/shielding which many here attest to. It's under "About me":


ZulaGirl (50 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-01)
Agreed. It is probably something you are doing in your sleep. If you Google 'scratching while asleep,' you will get a lot of interesting links. I would say put socks or some kind of covering over your arms before going to bed. See if that helps. Paranormal scratching does happen, but it is usually something that happens along with other disturbing activity, not by itself as the first and last stop of a train.
Larkin (guest)
9 years ago (2015-06-30)
Could be micro scratches, you can sweat or get dirt in them, which causes them to become irritated and then become red and visible.

If this is only happening in your sleep, you could very well be doing it, kind of like how some people sleep walk, talk in their sleep or grind their teeth.

You could try surrounding your bed in a circle of salt before going to bed and see what happens. Some people believe salt is a natural deterrent to spirits.

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