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Unexplained Pillow Tapping


I haven't posted in quite a while, but I am hoping for some help from the great YGS community. In the past week, I have begun hearing a very odd tapping sound coming from under my pillow, something like a finger tapping but with a "popping" quality. At first, I assumed it was an inner ear muscular spasm, but my wife has been experiencing this, on and off, for nearly two years! She kept quiet about it until it started keeping her awake at night.

It usually starts with a single tap, then a quick burst of three, followed by another three, and can continue for long periods. At times, it seems like it's coming from the inner ear, but then it is clearly coming from under the pillow. My wife has heard it loudly next to her on the bed. There have also been loud knocks and taps on the room's walls, doors, and other objects.

My initial thought, which has always worked for intrusive paranormal activity in the past, was to speak aloud, telling whatever it is to please be quiet so we can sleep. This seemed to work for a night but was back with a vengeance last night. I have to head to work soon and didn't get more than a collective couple of hours of sleep. I understand that rearranging the room (for whatever reason) can sometimes help, but I hope someone here on YGS has experienced something similar and knows how to make this phenomenon cease.

My wife and I have experienced quite a few paranormal occurrences in this room - everything from a loud, complex ticking (that I've written about) to shadow figures and disembodied voices. Unlike those incidents, this one doesn't seem to want to stop. Luckily, we will be away for the next four nights, but any ideas or theories will be much appreciated.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Manafon1, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Manafon1 (7 stories) (721 posts)
2 months ago (2024-08-03)
Hi Tweed--Interesting thought connecting the sound to that speaker thumping many years ago, but I don't think there's a correlation. Whatever the tapping was/is, it seems to have calmed down dramatically. I'm glad it did because I had a weird feeling it wasn't going to.

We haven't moved yet, but I still feel that whatever was making the tapping noises was responding to a tension that had briefly fallen over our house. I do still hear the occasional tapping, but it's much more infrequent and doesn't bother me any longer.

Thanks for your input.
Tweed (36 stories) (2526 posts)
2 months ago (2024-08-02)
Hi Manafon, bit late to party on this one, hope it's better now. Read you say in one of the comments you were moving, has it followed you since then?

Guessing you must have thought of this but it reminded me of that banging speaker you guys had troubles with many years ago. Hope it's not connected. Well, if something had followed you from that place you'd surely know by now.
It seems to mean well. Preventing sleep is a bridge too far though. Ghosts be pesky. 🙄
Manafon1 (7 stories) (721 posts)
3 months ago (2024-06-24)
Hi KenS80--Yeah, it might very well be me who's haunted! Luckily, this tapping has become much less frequent. It seems like the spirit (or whatever it is) has lost interest as I've become used to its repertoire. When I hear it now, I'm able to roll over and go back to sleep.
KenS80 (1 stories) (44 posts)
3 months ago (2024-06-24)
I am far from knowing of these matters, I also think your wife is onto something there Manafon1.


Manafon1 (7 stories) (721 posts)
3 months ago (2024-06-06)
Jubeele--So great to hear from you! You bring up many interesting possibilities and avenues. I did think that what we were hearing might be a prankster, but now believe it is connected to the upheaval of a major move to another state we're starting to plan, as well as some general anxiety and tension related to that, work etc.

After returning home after two nights away yesterday, I had a full night of pillow tapping. Like one other incident, it perfectly mirrors Mrs. Manafon's breathing, starting and ending EXACTLY with each breath.

Like Rex telling your farting refrigerator to stop making its weird noises, I have spoken to whatever is bugging us but with no positive results. As an aside, soon after we moved into this place, and after everything was given a clean bill of health, our water heater caught fire and then flooded the unit below us. Like you, I wonder if we missed some warning.

I am becoming convinced that the odd tapping and clicking we've been hearing is related to our pending move and the stress associated with it, among other anxiety-triggering things. Thanks so much for your very considered comment. All the best to you and Rex.
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
3 months ago (2024-06-04)

This is really odd - it's pillow talk on another level. But I wonder at the timing of it. Why has it started now? Has it taken all this while for enough energy to gather critical mass in order to manifest? Any particular issue bothering you and Mrs. Manafon, close family or friend? Is it the anniversary of a significant event?

If the tapping was confined to your home, I'd suggest that it could be a warning that something needs attention in the place, since you also had rapping in the walls. Rex and I had the water heater explode last year and it flooded out all of downstairs. I now wonder if we overlooked any warnings that we got.

Some time ago, we were constantly hearing taps on the glass door downstairs and the ac unit upstairs, rapping on the wooden shutters, clicking of the kettle switch, and clacking from the fridge. There have also been sounds of something falling onto the kitchen floor, but nothing was there. We have ruled out temperature changes, activity from the neighbours, and even bought a new kettle. But the noises continued.

Once, the fridge even began to make these loud flatulent noises. It was weird and I thought it was quite funny. But Rex got irritated and growled: 'Will you stop playing with the fridge?' The farting noises stopped in the next instant. Followed by a softer clack. To date, we still have the same fridge and thankfully, it has not fallen apart.

After a few years of these antics, I met a medium and a few Gifted friends who confirmed that a friendly prankster visits us. She had been a childhood friend of someone we knew. Once we began acknowledging her, the frequency of the tapping and other sounds lessened. We still sense her presence around on occasion, checking in on us. I've felt the back of my head tapped or hair tugged in the car, with the window shut and all. These days, she feels more like a spirit guardian, following us everywhere.

Now that you've heard the tapping away from home, I think you've got someone trying to make contact. Doesn't seem to be hostile, or you'd be getting that run-for the-hills feeling. But hopefully, acknowledgement and acceptance will help, and you'll find a way to establish boundaries, so that you and Mrs. Manafon can get a good night's sleep.

All the best to both of you. Take care of yourselves.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (721 posts)
3 months ago (2024-06-04)
Hi KenS80--There doesn't seem to be a particular pattern, but that said, there are threes in there. Two nights ago I again heard the pillow tapping, but it was bursts of multiple taps. However, there was also a new sound added. It was what sounded like a metallic squeaking, almost like hearing just snippets of a squeaky bicycle wheel.

I have been away from home for the last two nights, and last night (Monday), I heard the faint tapping. It was single taps, quite weak. What's interesting is that it was the first time I'd heard the sound away from my house. As my wife told me, maybe it's me that's haunted. Maybe she's on to something.
KenS80 (1 stories) (44 posts)
3 months ago (2024-06-04)
Sounds like an attempt to communicate with you Manafon1.

If It is three short taps followed by three long taps, and then three short taps again, it is possibly a SOS of some kind?

Try and keep a record of the taps and then you can decode it.


Manafon1 (7 stories) (721 posts)
4 months ago (2024-06-02)
Hi Rajine--I missed your comment. Sorry about that! My wife and I don't feel whatever it is is necessarily harmful or menacing either. It's just an extremely odd ongoing phenomenon. Thanks for your comment.

CantunSEEit74--I remember your experiences with the mirrored hallway. That was some wild stuff! To answer your questions, the sound isn't coming from the closet or mirror. We do have an antique mirror in the room, but we've had it for many years, and nothing seems to be attached to it. Still, I might try moving it from the room if the activity spikes again. The sounds we've heard only happen in our room and never on the couch or other locations. Last night (Saturday), I didn't hear anything, but I believe my wife did. To be honest, I'm sort of getting used to it, but I would still be happy for it to stop. Thanks for checking in again.
CantunSEEit74 (5 stories) (78 posts)
4 months ago (2024-06-01)
I will admit I purchased most of my equipment for the mirrored hallway and after setting up camera and leaving the room with it pointing at the opening of the master mirrored hallway, I asked myself, am I really prepared for what this floor squeaker looks like. After 2 hours of filming, I stopped it and never filmed again. I felt I should not give it any attention at that time. I moved thinking I was leaving them behind. NOPE but I have had some great visitations, once I realized they were not threatening and just wanted to be noticed. I really do not like bedroom visitations. Do you think it is coming from a closet or a mirror does it happen napping on the couch or only at night in your bed. I have no mirrors in my bedroom now. I have checked everything we have with my ROOK. Mirrors are portals.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (721 posts)
4 months ago (2024-05-31)
Hi Redbaron432--Thanks for your interesting reply. Wow, you've been hearing this nearly your whole life! I'm curious if your girlfriend has heard the sound as well? For the first time, just last night (Thursday into early Friday morning), I heard a clicking sound in my ear facing the ceiling on four separate occasions. The first time I heard it I felt an intense chill down my back. It sounded like it was coming from three or so inches from my ear. My wife told me she heard it on and off all night long. She usually hears this sound as opposed to the tapping I initially was hearing. We've had some anxiety related to our business lately, and I wonder if the spiking of these sounds has something to do with that. Do you find the activity increases when you're under stress or experiencing anxiety? Thanks again for sharing your experience.

DarriuxDarkk--More happened just last night (see my reply to Redbaron above). There has been no consistency with the taps or clicks coming in threes. Last night, they came in various numerical bursts, so I don't believe that has any particular significance. I do have to state that it's annoying and sometimes a bit eerie, but so far it hasn't escalated to anything like Redbaron has experienced and I hope it subsides so we can get some better sleep!
DarriuxDarkk (6 stories) (80 posts)
4 months ago (2024-05-31)
That is scary for me if I were to experience that. The knock of threes usually have a paranormal significance. It's like an omen from what I read about. Is there anything more that happened? This is quite intriguing.
Redbaron432 (1 posts)
4 months ago (2024-05-31)
Thabk god I'm not the only one. So to make short this has happened my whole life started when I was a kid. So as a kid iwould hear the tapping in my pillow and ignore it and move into another position so the tapping would stop ot I couldn't hear it. But one time I decided to keep listening and it got louder and louder then eventually something pulled my sheets off from me. So I never listened again. Well recently keep in mind this has happened my whole life I'm 31 m. I was asleep at my girlfriends and well heard the tapping and was kind of just to tired to move positions or just kind of forgot not sure what came over me and the tapping got louder and louder then something starts thumping my pillow right beneath my ear inside my pillow. So I react pick the pillow up slam it. Odd I think cuz maybe it was a mouse but I'm like it's fine since nothing paranormal happened must be been a mouse we have them occasionally. We'll trying to go back to bed and finally about to hit sleep and I'm sleeping on my arm as to not hear the tapping in the pillow and my arm gets jerked/pulled from under my head. I also brush it off. Try not to show it I'm scared. Well that's my story and I've always felt maybe something is attached to me tbh believ it or not not sure. Always have had bad sleeping. Always have had night terrors with the hag on my chest since my mid 20s if it wasn't that it's the tapping if it's not either then I wake up at 3am the so called witching hour with the feeling like someone is watching me. Lately I've been trying to give my life more and more to god sleeping with a bible and crosses helps. Sometimes I'm almost to say being tested? I'll feel something on my bed heavy so I pray and pray for God and jesus protection rebuke the evil. Is it in my head don't know to be honest... I don't think soo wearing crosses and praying amd reading the bible seems to help praying for God's armor also helps but like I said sometimes I'm tested in my faith I don't know? I try to look at it from both views scientific and religion I believe both can go hand and hand. Thanks to whoever reads this never really shared like this before...
Rajine (14 stories) (875 posts)
4 months ago (2024-05-30)
Perhaps it's a spirit trying to get your attention for some reason 🤔, personally I haven't experienced that so it's hard to say exactly what it could be, but from what I have read, it doesn't seem to be menacing or harmful. I'd like to read about your other experiences as well.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (721 posts)
4 months ago (2024-05-30)
Hi CantunSEEit74--Great to hear from you. I still remain a few inches above the grass 😉. Your idea of recording questions put to whatever it is is a good one. At present I am hesitant to do that for concern it might actually increase the activity. My plans to be out of town for four days were canceled, and the last two nights have been mostly paranormal-free except for a couple of wall knocks. However, if the activity returns, I will definitely consider the recording option.

Hi Linjahaha--I did once hear a voice coming from between a pillow and my wife's head. That was jarring! Yes, I believe the room and indeed the whole house is haunted. This recent activity seems like it might have been facilitated by some anxiety my wife was experiencing. I'm starting to think that her anxiety was either picked up on by a spirit in the house or is/was a type of poltergeist-like activity, at least partially created by my wife. I do know a bit of the history of the place. The condo unit directly below me has had paranormal activity. The last tenant was a sensitive, and she had seen on multiple occasions the apparition of a prior owner who died in the unit. I do consider it possible that he wanders up to our condo once in a while. Who knows, maybe it's him. Thanks for your input!

RCRuskin, This particular activity is specific to our house. My wife and I have experienced other paranormal activity in other locations, but not this tapping. Great question, though - thanks for your thoughts.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
4 months ago (2024-05-30)
From my days doing tech support, I know that if a customer has a problem with just 1 computer, or just 1 TV set, then whatever is wrong is specific to that device, or perhaps its location in the house. If 2 or more devices are affected, then the problem is at the junction common to both/all those devices.

I am curious to know if this phenomenon follows you. And hope you have a good vacation/trip.
Linjahaha (24 stories) (161 posts)
4 months ago (2024-05-29)
Manafron, Welcome back. I have heard of people actually hearing voices coming from their pillows, but the tapping could be a form of communication also. If you wife hears it, too, then it's definitely not an inner ear problem.
I'm sure getting out of town will be helpful. Do you suppose it's the ROOM that is haunted? Have you ever had cause to research the history of your home? Might be a good idea to do so. An interesting read, & I hope you get some resolution with it!

The Best to You! 😊 😊
CantunSEEit74 (5 stories) (78 posts)
4 months ago (2024-05-29)
I noticed you had not commented for a while, glad you're still above the grass. Even though I personally have not experienced this, I would tell it I am going to record you and ask if you need help. Why are you here. Tell me your name. Letting it talk will give you a direction good or bad. Hard to find a free physic medium. Glad You're OK Good luck with your tapper.

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