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Real Ghost Stories

The Farm Haunting


The following account took place approximately June of 2002, on a farm west of Hurley, South Dakota.

I was 18, and had just began dating a girl I worked with, but there was a lot of driving involved for us to see each other. We lived better than 50 miles apart, and worked in a city in between us. To spare myself the commute, I decided to move to a farm outside of town with her uncle, who was a friend of mine.

It was more or less a shabby hobby farm, as nobody living there was working the surrounding land. The house was dirty and run down, and the living room would practically flood whenever it rained. I brought myself to deal with it so I could be closer to my girlfriend; besides, I was really only going to be there to sleep.

I had been there about a week, sleeping on the floor in what was pretty much the upstairs "living room" each night, because I never made time to clear all the junk out of what was supposed to be my room. Sleeping on the floor for this long proved to be more than my back wanted to tolerate. One night, around 11:00PM, I had had enough and decided to clear out the room, and move my things in. I was probably at this for 2-3 hours, and finally laid down in my newly remodeled room around 2 am to catch a few winks before I had to be up for a 35 mile drive and a long day at work.

I was awakened by the sounds of bootsteps coming up the stairs, and the hallway light being turned on. It startled me, because both the uncle and the homeowner were away for the week, and my girlfriend had no license, or means of transportation to get to the farm; especially at 2 something AM! I was home alone, and had shut all the lights off before going to bed. As the steps reached the top of the stairs, I squinted my eyes open just far enough to see the silhouette of a man leaning against one side of the doorframe, before closing them again. At this point I believe I have an intruder.

The new set up of my room included a long coffee table against the wall to my right, upon which laid a sword that I use in my study of Japanese martial arts. I made the decision that I'm going to explode out of bed, and simultaneously draw the sword and cut this guy down. I got my breath right, and the very instant I'm about to leap out of the bed, he starts talking to me... But his voice is directly next to my ear. This means in 2 seconds he crossed the hardwood floor to the back of the room without making a sound, knelt down in the 12 inches of space between my mattress and a smaller coffee table, and began speaking as though he had been there all along!

I, however, didn't bother processing all of that fully, because I recognized the voice to be the uncle's. At least I thought so at the time. His room was upstairs next to mine, and I figured he was home early, and on his way to bed had noticed what I had done to the room.

Even the next day I couldn't have repeated our conversation verbatim, but I do remember the first thing he said to me was to the effect of, "I see you got the room all fixed up", and "It looks really nice in here now." We conversed about it for maybe a minute, then he said "Well, goodnight" and the hall light turned off after he left the room.

The next day I went about my routine, went to work, and hung out with my girlfriend for the rest of the night until around 10:00 PM, then went back to the farm to retire for the night. When I got there, I found all the lights on, and the uncle tooling around in the kitchen. He acted all surprised to see me; it was kind of strange. We hung out for an hour and a couple beers, when in the middle of conversation, I asked him about something he had said to me last night when we were talking in my room. He shot me a very confused look, and explained that he had just got back from his trip today, and only a few hours ago at that!

The flood of adrenaline that went through my body at that moment was almost crippling. Unless the "intruder" had bothered to lock the deadbolt as he left, and knew of some way to latch the door chain, and lock all the windows from the outside - I had spoken to a ghost.


Because I had no other place I could go, and because the encounter was relatively friendly, I stayed in the house for a few more weeks. I always had to know when someone else was going to be around though, because I refused to be there by myself! I guess I was always kind of waiting for something else to happen, but nothing ever did.

Then I woke up one morning and started down the stairs. As I came around the wall, and made the sharp left turn halfway down the staircase I caught, with both eyes wide open, the bare foot and leg of a woman, under a white gown, step quickly from the bottom step in front of me. I stopped in my tracks, because there should be no such woman, in any such clothing here right now!

I immediately thought it must be my girlfriend and started calling her name while heading the direction I saw her run. I realized something wasn't quite right, because my girlfriend doesn't wear gowns, dresses, or skirts, and she wasn't responding as I called her name. I searched through all the rooms downstairs, and realized that the uncle and homeowner were both gone, and they were both single anyway. I braved the creepy, cobwebbed basement nobody ever goes into, I went back upstairs and searched those rooms, I even went outside and searched the property, the barn and sheds but there was nobody.

I left after that, and found my girlfriend at her house, waiting for me to show up. When I realized it wasn't her I had seen, we went back, moved my things out, and I have never returned.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, nattydreada, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

nattydreada (1 stories) (8 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-19)
RedWolf: The whole body was present, but I really just caught a glimpse of the leg. It was as if someone went down the stairs right before I did, and cleared the landing just as I rounded the corner, and all I could see was the foot as they stepped away.
As for going out of my way to look for her, I stated in the story I study martial arts; so I am programmed to pursue potential threats, and secure the area. All that aside, it was an outright WTF moment! No barefoot woman in a gown should have been there at that time, so I needed to know what I just saw.
nattydreada (1 stories) (8 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-19)
Tweed: That's pretty much what I've always thought too. I started doing everything between 11 pm & 1 am, or so. It is said that spirits are most active at that time, so it makes sense that he would appear after I had made such a great disturbance. It helps to know that I am a very tidy, organized person. If you walked into that house, mine would probably be the only room you felt comfortable in; perhaps he felt the same way?
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-19)
haha Wish Not, you have EVERY RIGHT to run scared! I know some of your stories and that's real crap your pants time! There's *that feeling* I shudder to know it too, eeks!

Natty, I wondered if this man was prompted to communicate with you because you moved your stuff into that room. Maybe, for whatever reason, he resided in that room. Kind of like he liked the house and claimed that space to hang out in while he visited. Then, as a friendly gesture, welcomed you to his space. I don't know, that's what occurred to me while reading your story.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-08-19)
RedWolf - I made the exact opposite decision with my daughter. I didn't tell her until she was 14, and then found out she'd been experiencing things for years. I'd been very open with my son since he was old enough to see things that weren't there. I don't regret that decision. When criticized about it, I told one family member to raise her kids and I'll raise mine 😉
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-19)
I enjoyed reading this. The first experience I wonder if the uncle had been sleeping at the time and without him knowing he had an O.B.E. I don't know if people can have one without knowing.
You say you saw a womans barefoot leg peak out from under a gown did you ever see her whole body or just the leg? Why would you go so far out of your way looking for her. You're sensitive no matter where you go if there is a ghost or spirit you're going to see it.
Do yourself a favor. If you ever have kids don't make the same mistake I did and tell them your experiences. I don't know how many times I had to explain to non-believers that my kids were repeating stories I told them and was embarrassed and angry at the same time because the teachers said they didn't want to hear things they don't believe in. One guidance counselor I didn't like asked me about it smugly and I told him I was a psychic medium and if he didn't like it that's his problem, he could have his beliefs and I had mine.
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-19)
nattydreada- Great account. And I understand about the your exit.

Tweed, *I'm raising my hand* I am one of those "whimps" 😨
Some of them things can just scare the poop out of you.

Great story. Thanks for sharing.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-08-19)
Ah! Brilliant! Okay, sorry about the added "corrections". You handled it perfectly 😊
nattydreada (1 stories) (8 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-19)
Miracles51031: False name, wrong direction. It was meant to prevent trespassing, etc.
nattydreada (1 stories) (8 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-19)
Tweed: It was definitely a unique experience. I'm not sure why he talked to me, but he was friendly; I really thought he was the uncle. Just not comfortable with the extra roommate!
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-08-19)
natty - I wonder what happened then because when I edited it, I took out the name of the farm and the miles from town. Oh well, as long as the info isn't here for public viewing all's good 😊
nattydreada (1 stories) (8 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-19)
Miracles51031: I'm aware. For the record, I already changed those pieces of information before submitting the story.
nattydreada (1 stories) (8 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-19)
ChrisB: Thank you! The uncle and landowner said that they never experienced anything out of the ordinary. My girlfriend once told me that after I had pulled out of the drive one morning, she saw what amounted to a "cat-like creature, as big as a black lab, with a tail that must have been 4' long, that moved in ways not physically possible", hiding behind an old plow, and occasionally poking its head up just enough to see over it. She was not aware of my experiences when she told me this.
nattydreada (1 stories) (8 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-19)
nosidaM: Thank you! I think about it all the time, but have never brought myself to do it. I live in a different state now anyway.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-08-19)
nattydreada - in case you wondered, I deliberately removed the address and miles from your story to keep people from trespassing, etc.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-19)
Awww Natty, I hate it when people up and leave after a supernatural encounter, ya'll are such whimps.😜
I bet you're a bit glad, right? Well I for one think you're quite lucky that the man and you talked for a bit.

Thank you for sharing it with us!
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-19)
Wow this was a great read. Thank you for sharring. Did you ever ask the uncle or land owner if they had any starnge encounter themselves? Maybe somebody eles who stayed there told tchem about there encounters aswell. It would be great if you could get that information but as you said in the beggining that this was a long time ago. Thank you for sharring and hope to hear from you soon and take care
nosidaM (3 stories) (34 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-19)
I really enjoyed reading this story. I'm curious to know if you have ever thought about going back to the farmhouse?, presuming it has been a while since this all happened.
Goggzy (guest)
9 years ago (2015-08-18)
The one speaking to you seems intelligent as they where able to speak to you but this case is strange as you also saw a woman run but not answer or speak, this seems residual. My first thought was a mimic/prankster ghost which can change its voice and how it looks.

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