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Figure That Knocked On My Door


I live in a small town in Cheshire, England UK. My house is a small 2 bedroom that is approximately 125 years old. I'm an only child and I live with just my parents. We have had paranormal experiences here before, but I'm going to tell you my most recent experience that I can't stop thinking about.

Ok here goes. I'm a typical 16 year old teenage girl, and I love to play my music loud from my bedroom. This particular day I had it on quite a high volume so I couldn't hear anything from any other rooms or downstairs.

So there I was, dancing away in my room or doing whatever (probably tidying up or something, I'm not the tidiest of people) Apparently whilst I was doing this, my mother was calling me from downstairs to come and get my lunch, Obviously I couldn't hear her and she gave up after calling 3 times. She was in the kitchen and my dad was also downstairs.

Needless to say my mother was pretty annoyed that I didn't answer her but I couldn't hear so I just continued. Then all of a sudden, I hear 3 distinct knocks on my bedroom door, loud enough to be heard over the music. I looked at my door expecting to see my dad wanting me for something, but instead all I see is a human shadow walk past the door (the door was partially open by a couple of inches).

At this point I think it's my dad as I thought he was still upstairs, I thought he was telling me that I was needed by my mother by knocking on my door, and that then he proceeded to walk into the bathroom, which is directly left as you come out of my room (and this is the way the shadow went). As I think it's my dad, I walk to my door and open it fully. I look left expecting to see the bathroom door closed because supposedly my dad was in there, but it's open. I look around confused as ever as I literally just saw someone knock on my door and then walk into the bathroom.

At first I thought my dad was playing a prank and hiding behind the bathroom door so I even went and checked. Of course there was nobody there. So then I think ok maybe he's in my parents' bedroom, but I take a look and their door is already open with no one in there.

Now I'm a little scared and I race downstairs to my mother and say to her, "Have either of you two just been upstairs?" Also now I see my dad sitting comfortably in a chair in the living room. She replies with "No, why?" and I proceed to tell her that someone just knocked on my bedroom door and walked into the bathroom. My mum was quite intrigued as she likes ghost stories but my dad wasn't really bothered.

So yeah basically this happened to me and there was no one living who could have physically done it, as I was the only one upstairs. I do have some questions that keep coming to mind about this...

We do know that we have some sort of presence in the house, but usually things just get moved around for no logical explanation or we see orbs. We never have seen full body figures until this event. So my question is, why the sudden heightening of activity which has progressed up to shadow figures? And whoever this person was, do you think they were trying to be helpful by notifying me that I was needed? Or do you think they were getting annoyed at the fact that my music was too loud, and they had had enough of my mother calling me and all the noise?

Any responses would be greatly appreciated, thanks, Katy.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, KT432177, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

JustAnotherPerson (9 stories) (36 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-06)

This is pretty interesting! I've had my experience with ghosts knocking to get attention, since it occasionally happens in my house.

From what it sounds like, this spirit might have just been trying to get your attention since your mother was calling you. If it was annoyed by your music, I think it might have acted more hostile since you said you normally have your music loud and this is the first time you encountered this. At the moment, this spirit sounds friendly and helpful. 😊
KT432177 (3 stories) (8 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-27)
Highlandsparrow - playing music loud in our house is pretty normal. My dad is a guitarist and he has an amplifier which makes the whole house shake when it's used it is so loud. But nothing ever happens to him when he's playing his guitar. So the spirits don't mind him. If they minded my music then it's me and me only 😁
Goggzy (guest)
9 years ago (2015-08-23)

Well you hit the nail on the head this spirit was attracted to females. I have came across a few malevolent spirits one almost killed one of our team members. Demons we did come across what we believe was a demon wether or not it was is harder to define.
Highlandsparrow (2 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-23)
Katy, firstly, I have to say that is is so cool that you live in a house that is 125 years old. Love it. Secondly, I know you are young, but it's important to remember to respect others in the house (living and non-living) with your music volumes. Blaring music in a house with other people is not very respectful. Just my 2 cents. Otherwise, fantastic story!
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-23)
Have you ever come up against a Malevolent spirit (s) or demons? Yes demons exist. How do you deal with them? If there is no activity when you are there, but the client calls two days later because activity has increased. There are cases of a spirit attaching to a person and if the person isn't in the house during your investigation you won't get the results you would if they were there. Some people don't realize that the spirit is attached to THEM.
Goggzy (guest)
9 years ago (2015-08-21)
Dvr not DVD, as I edited realise now it auto corrected this allows clients to help out as in some cases we bring our clients in on our investigation
Goggzy (guest)
9 years ago (2015-08-21)

We also allow people to buy stuff from a set wish list stuff gets added if we need a replacement last time it was a DVD recorder we needed and one of our clients helped get one as he works in the security sector.
Bonifaz (2 stories) (51 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-21)
I am one of those people Wardo mentioned, who believe that spirits feed on energy and can grow, especially orbs. I guess, these orbs you saw first, noted that you were able to see them, so they, or only one of them, took a tiny bit of your energy and manifested itself as a shadow that knocked on your door, because you couldn't hear your mother calling you. Very helpful, indeed.
Goggzy (guest)
9 years ago (2015-08-19)
The way I see it is if I wasn't a investigator I would be glad to have people like our team help me as I have a six year old daughter who has had experiences. Already my daughter wants a EVPs recorder to listen to what they say while she sleeps the children she talks to seem to be my youngest kids (2 boys) and my wife's oldest daughter, so there is no danger here. The meters you will be talking about are EMFs which read electronic feilds high EMF feild will in time cause paranoia and hallucinations.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-19)
Aww Goggzy, wow you guys are sooo nice doing that for folk! I can just picture some people drumming up business with dumb ghost stories, oh well.
I wrote paranormal investigators off as air heads for years and years, despite believing in ghosts and such all my life. All that EVP and those meters (I don't know what they're called), I figured it was all reading way too much into nothing. That is until I saw a paranormal investigator on (of all people) Mr Nihilist himself Derren Brown, gotta love him. It was one of those debunking docos he did a few years ago, not one of his illusionist shows. There was a paranormal investigator on this doc who took Derren out on a ghost hunt and a house call too. Oh My God! Hello EVP! I couldn't believe what I was hearing! After the investigator put the recordings through a program to enhance the audio I was like 'WHAT? NO WAY!' and there was Derren claiming he couldn't hear anything! What the heck Derren?! He's such a talented, intelligent and humane person, I love the guy. But I do wonder about people who refuse any hint of proof. How some people just really, really don't want to be even the slightest bit open to ghosts. Even when there's one replying on a recording for pity's sake!
In a bizarre twist I have Derren Brown to thank for opening my mind to the world of paranormal investigators and their equipment. Now I look forward to reading some of your experiences Goggzy. 😊
Goggzy (guest)
9 years ago (2015-08-19)
You would be surprised what people try out off the 600 and odd cases the team I work with has done only 156 have ever yielded evedince and about 200 fakers who are running businesses and think being haunted is good for business. We do charge businesses but this usually is for how many camaras we. Red to run as review can mean some team members have to take time of work to set up (we have current police officers and ex military guys in our team and one computer technician) we have never charged anyone for personal cases and if they are on PAYG electric usually we will top this up as running 5 or more camaras for 9 hours can cost a lot especially with old wiring. If we do get places with old wiring we try to run the camaras to our rv.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-19)
Ahhh, now that makes a lot of sense, thanks! For a minute there I took you for a mopey chap whose heart wasn't in what they were doing!
That's ridiculous people actually go out of their way to fabricate a haunting. Don't you charge money for your services? That's insane that someone would waste your time and their money for what, a cheap thrill? 😕 Man some people are idiots.
Goggzy (guest)
9 years ago (2015-08-19)
I'm not always a sceptic just with being a paranormal investigator, you have to look at this as scientific for example as everyone knows orbs can not be taking as evidence same as a lot of faint EVPs as this can be seen as fake by sceptics. I want to prove to myself and every sceptic out there that ghosts either don't exist or do exists. As a investigator I have had people put pictures behind mirrors with lights behind them to make you see someone in the mirror. One case I did someone wrote on the bathroom mirror help me and told us that they constantly see some words on the mirrors. The funniest case I have been played on was one what're someone made out that mysterious handprints were turning up then said person was caught on camara, 4 hours into the investigation going through rooms with something on there hands touching all the walls.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-19)
Hold the freakin press... Actually hold that thought.

Katy, hello and welcome!

Your story really gave me a giggle! Here's my initial impression of what happened to you.
The fact the figure proceeded to the bathroom suggests it was simply there to relay to you lunch was downstairs. Maybe it was tired of the loud music, who knows. But I'd say it wasn't. There's stories on here where people have their music turned down or up, on or off and things thrown across the room! I had a ghost growing up who requested songs, she still does this sometimes! So I don't think this ghost of yours was having a go at your music, moving along toward the bathroom is a non threatening act. I'd say this ghost, whoever they are, was just doing a nice deed for your good Mum and your good self, letting you know lunch was ready. It could even be a deceased family member of yours/a guardian, someone who likes your home for whatever reason, or as Wardo said someone just passing through. Keeping a journal is always a great idea if you're curious to get to the bottom of it, couldn't agree with Goggzy more on that!

Goggzy I hope you don't mind my asking whhaaat the hell do you mean about not believing most times? That's fine right, the only reason I ask is 'cause you're a paranormal investigator! I know this because you keep spruiking it! There are heaps of skeptics who visits and it's great to get their input, always. Yet I'm so compelled to ask how does one conduct paranormal investigations and retain a disconnected stance? Does this not decrease your perspective and generate incohesive results?
Goggzy (guest)
9 years ago (2015-08-18)

As you say no one knows what actually happens maybe when we die nothing happens and this is a parallel universe coming through or if it actually is a ghost. To sceptics I myself to this day are impartial somethimes storys/cases make me believe most times I don't believe there will never be enough evidence to prove either way what happens.
Wardo (8 stories) (171 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-18)

No one can really say why things progress the way they do in the after life. Some people believe that apparitions can gather energy over time. Others believe that they will have only one form. Maybe it is because of your heightened awareness at the time of the encounter that makes them appear a certain way. The truth is nobody knows. There is another type of ghost known as a wanderer or passerby. They will just pass through a space and make their presence known never to be seen again. I have had strange encounters of my own, but have never seen a full bodied apparition, yet.
Goggzy (guest)
9 years ago (2015-08-18)
If anything happens around the same time of night/day for more than 4 days and this is called a residual haunt, with this type of haunt the easy explanation as I have stated above is a DVD playing over and over and over again it will be annoying at the start. The best part of a residual haunt is they don't know you are there and they are there because they loved the place as much as your family do now. This is comforting for most people.
KT432177 (3 stories) (8 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-18)
Alright Goggzy I'll keep track of my experiences for the next month and see what happens,Thanks:)
Goggzy (guest)
9 years ago (2015-08-18)
What it wanted would be guess work just now. Try and write down everything that happens for 1 month and then do another story and that would be easier to help with.
Goggzy (guest)
9 years ago (2015-08-18)
Hi this seems to be a intelligent haunting by all understanding this basically means the ghost knows what it is doing where as a residual haunting is like a DVD playing itself over and over again.

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