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As those of you who have read some of my posts know, my maternal grandmother is one of the guardians in my home. She passed away when my mom was 5 years old and has looked out for her kids ever since.

She is also not the easiest spirit, if you ask people like my medium friend, Tim. She was a stern woman in life, and she still carries that demeanour. She has her sweet, mothering moments, and she can be very noticeable if she does not like something. She knocks on the refrigerator when she wants my attention, and she can be very persistent if need be.

She passed away in 1969 at the age of 32. Only a handful of pictures were ever taken of her, and none of her kids have any. She did not like getting her picture taken. She still does not. So when she shows up on a picture, it is because she allows it. Like the picture on my profile, where she is a shadow next to my mom. She was there because her daughter was in pain and she wanted her to know she was there for her.


Unmistakable 2

This year she did the same thing for me. My mom was visiting my sister for a week and my friends Tim and Elaine came to stay in the flat for my mom. With all the break in attempts we felt better having flesh and blood testosterone in the yard, no offense to Charlie, my guardian. On this specific day I was feeling defeated. Things had been progressing to the negative for a few weeks and I felt like they just could not get worse. Tim and Elaine were busy getting their kids ready for bed when Tim sent me a picture. I tried to download it but my phone just did not want to co-operate. I sent him a message and asked him what he sent me, and he told me to come to the flat and see. I was at the kitchen door when the picture suddenly opened. I ran in and Tim had that knowing smile on his face. He told me to sit down in my mom's recliner and look towards the television. Above the TV, my mom has a framed picture of my boys. I looked at the picture and could see exactly what I saw on my phone.

As you look at the photograph, my sons are facing the camera, though H is looking to his right. T is actually looking straight at the camera, but you can't see him. On the right side of the picture, my son is obscured by a very clear reflection of a woman's face. She looks so much like my mother (when my mom was younger) it is amazing. She seems to have her head tilted back slightly, and her mouth is slightly open.

I sent the picture to valkricry for verification, and she could see her too. But, Val also discovered a second face reflecting basically between my two sons. The second face is of a black (African descent) man. Val, I'd love your input. You can see where I am limited.

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roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-11-13)
Yes, I know. But it is very confusing sometimes, don7t you think so?

Thanks again Tweed!

Love from São Paulo

Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-13)
Roylynx, the site admin has been putting photos on some older posts that weren't included when they were first posted. The date on these posts has been changed so they can appear on the front page again, with pics.
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-11-13)
Now with a picture, this story became a lot more meaningful.
The comments seem to be old though... The way the stories reappear is very confusing.

Love from São Paulo

valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-10-11)
I wonder why I kept getting that name. Maybe for confirmation - a 'yes, it's me' type thing. Seems like it would have been more logical to say "Meisie", as it would have had more 'instant' meaning for your Mom, and it isn't exactly a common name either.
I think your Gran just wants to remind you that she's always there for you and your Mom.
triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-09)
Hi Val!
A little update. The name you keep getting is apparently a neighbour the family had before Gran passed away. My mom said it could be why the name did not seem known to her, because she knew adults on the nick names they used for each other. She knew Caroline as "Meisie".

It's like my paternal Gran, she was one of a set of twins. And I knew her twin sister as aunty Toots (funny, but true). So the day I got the news that Gran's sister, Anna, had passed away, I didn't know who she was until my dad spoke about aunty Toots. What was more amusing, was that Anna's kids referred to my Gran, Mary, as Toots too.
chria29 (3 stories) (25 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-06)
Walter is an internet troll. He has posted his name post... This makes the 3rd story I've read...
triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-06)
Hi samtillie
It's the photo val mentioned below. I added it on to my profile too. Her face is so clear it still amazes me. For someone who could never see, and who only had a vague idea of what my grandmother looked like, seeing her and how much she looked like my mom is mind blowing.
samtillie (5 stories) (242 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-06)
WalterAkram, I just wanted to say to you that how can paranormal stories be generated out of fear? When not all stories are frightening, some are happy! Just because you never experienced any paranormal at the places you have visited, doesn't mean nothing paranormal occurs.

Triden & Val, is this the photo mentioned in the other post? I have seen it on your profile its very clear ❤
triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-05)
Hi Val
It's so very sad. At least he was there, some good in a time when a little girl had lost so much. Now my mom has the chance to really open as many doors to her past as possible. I'm actually so excited for her.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-10-05)
Moses... Yes, I remember now. Family's gardner, had a soft spot for your mom. It's possible he wanted/but didn't want to be seen. Shoot even as late as the 50s, servants and help were expected to stay in the background, and be as unobtrusive as possible. Kind of a hidden message for Granny, you know?
triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-05)
Hang on, sorry, that made very little sense. And I wrote it. My mom's cousin tracked her down through her brother's facebook page. This is my uncle Tim, who passed away in June this year. She and her sister then met up with their cousin one Wednesday evening last month (September 2015) and he then told them that he was going to go to the farm to see his parents that Saturday. Mom and her sis jumped at the chance to see their aunt and uncle, as they were actually the people my mom and her siblings ended up with right after gran passed. They were with them for around 2 weeks before mom and her oldest sis were shoved in to the system and the youngest 3 were adopted by a couple.
triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-05)
Hi Val!
The name is still a bit of a mystery. But, as strange as this sounds, right about the time that the name came up, my mom's cousin tracked her down, and my mom went to visit them. This would be Gran's brother. My mom said she learnt so much while visiting with her uncle, things that she had been led to believe as a child, such as being abandoned by her family, were not true. My mom has found a major piece of her missing family, and they are helping her piece together the truth of what happened. Mom said she will rather ask her uncle the next time she sees him about the name.

And the man IS Moses, as my mom's first instinct suggested. Tim says that Gran was so happy that someone was looking out for her girls when she was not able to. He just couldn't tell me why Moses appeared on the picture suddenly, because not even Tim saw him on the night the picture was taken.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-10-05)
Hi Triden!
I remember very well when you sent me that picture asking me if I could see anything in it. Just for the record, I want to add that I'm the one who outlined and labeled the images I saw. You gave NO indication of what you expected me to see. Just to make it a bit easier on others to see it
Also, for the record I hold a degree in multimedia technologies. In other words I know a lot about manipulating images. With no insult intended to triden (I've no reason to doubt her word) when I saw the first face (woman on right) I automatically looked for tells of Photoshop. I saw none. I also asked questions to help rule out the possibility of a reflection in the glass from another picture across the room.
I think most of us will agree that this isn't a case of matrixing either. Too clear for that.
Now the 2nd face, came as quite the shock. Curious, triden, has Tim came up with any ideas on this or the name I kept getting?
triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-05)
Hi Walter

You are entitled to your opinion. Which is why I turn to people who are more adept to seeing real from fake.

I submitted the picture with my story but I see it is not reflecting. It is loaded on my profile as well.

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