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Have I Been Followed By A Spirit?


In my previous story I explained the only experiences of the paranormal that I had had up to that point in my life. As I previously said, I'm still unsure whether to believe in the paranormal or not but I have recently had some odd experiences which I will share now.

Since my last story we have got two new cats since my last one passed away. They would often display behaviours that I had thought unique to my last cat, almost as though they were copying her. I did not find this too disturbing, more comforting to think my last cat was still here. As I said in my last story, I thought that she may have hung around for a while after her death as I was convinced I saw her walk past doorways several times.

Anyway, the female cat we have is much more nervous and sensitive than her brother. A couple of weeks ago she was sat in the doorway to the kitchen, half asleep while I was in the kitchen. As I went to leave the kitchen she sat up suddenly and began staring down the other end of the kitchen. Her behaviour was not scared but she was definitely watching something I couldn't see. I began to become unnerved, being home alone and, being religious, acted in the only way I could think. I sat down in front of my cat and, after failing to distract her, said The Lord's Prayer. After a couple of seconds my cat laid back down again and looked at me half asleep. I thought this to just be a coincidence and headed to the lounge where I could still see her in the doorway. After about 5 minutes she repeated the same behaviour, looking in the same place. Now getting quite disturbed I again said the prayer and she once again relaxed.

I did not feel any malevolent prescience or any of the sort, but the idea of something being there was quite unnerving! Every now and then both cats will stare at the ceiling or randoms spots in the house. They never look worried, just curious. Could this be a spirit of just the cats being weird?

Another event that happened in my house was pretty creepy (for me anyway). I was sat in the living room eating lunch, home alone again. My iPad was lying on the sofa next to me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw it unlock itself (not the password part but turn on the screen) and drag down the calendar and events button. It freaked me out because it was right next to me and I definitely did not touch it, but I put this down to a glitch. That is until after I told my mum and my sister. The next day the same thing occurred on my mum's iPad and the same with my sister's the day after that. Again, I felt nothing malevolent, another coincidence or something more?

The final thing that occurred was when I was at work. I work in an old pub and I am often there late into the night. The pun is quite creepy and I often feel like there's something watching me that I can't see. One evening a glass threw itself off the shelf in the bar. It could not have rolled off accidentally because no one had touched them recently and the glasses were quite far to the back of the shelf.

I'd like to mention that all these events mentioned occurred since I stared working at this pub, I've only been there a few weeks. If it is a spirit, is it possible something has followed me home?

Sorry for such a long story and thank you for taking the time to read it, I would appreciate your views on this.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, MissSkeptical, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-23)
haha Biblio, for a very brief moment I thought I'd be correcting you for once. 😉

MrMonty, could be wrong but I think MissSkeptical meant the glass was flung from a shelf. Not from across the room. I never thought of it being one of the customers though, that's a good call. 😊
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-22)
Tweed: my mistake! Ignore the P.S. In the previous post! I misread your comment as "but let's play it safe," which you DID NOT write, meaning that not only am I far more tired than I thought at 4 a.m., but also that we still await the day YGS's autocorrect corrects grammar and punctuation correctly. -Biblio, chagrined.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-22)
Greetings, MissSkeptical.

While MrMonty does have a point about cats behaving strangely just because they're cats, whenever my cats look at a specific location, I have found that they're either watching something (e.g.: a minute insect) or listening to something (squirrels on the roof). Cats pay attention when there is something they deem worthy of attention: the rest of the time they're sleeping, eating, grooming, or indifferent.

I will refrain from commenting on the strange behaviour of the iPads, because I'm one of those people to whom every repair tech has said, "it can't do that," "I don't know why it did that," "it shouldn't have done that," or -my favourite- the befuddled observation "it is programmed NOT to have done that."

As this is your second generation of cats with the same behavior pattern, it is possible that whatever they're staring at has been present for a prolonged period and means you no harm.


(P.S. For Tweed: "let's" is a contraction of "let us," which is what you meant, as opposed to "lets" meaning "allows," "rents/leases to someone," or "loosens/adjusts a stitches." For once, the YGS correction is indeed correct! It's the "stopped clock is right twice a day" phenomenon, but I suppose it had to get something right eventually.)
mrmonty (8 stories) (48 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-21)
I would think the incident and feeling at the pub are probably a customer who was stayed past:his last call". I've been around cats most of my life, sometimes I wonder if they are "just putting us on."
MissSkeptical (3 stories) (17 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-21)
Mrmonty, I don't know much about the pub's history although it is certainly a few hundred years old so has seen many customers! That's a good point with what you said about the cats, as I said the female one particularly notices things as she is more nervous.
mrmonty (8 stories) (48 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-20)
Now with the cats seeing things you can't see I would have put that off as cats being cats. Their vision is extremely acute and they can see the tiniest things in very dim conditions. But with the IPads makes me think something is there, trying to communicate. As far as the pub with the glass incident, is there any history involving the pub?
MissSkeptical (3 stories) (17 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-20)
Hey Tweed,

While I was at work the glass was actually thrown next to someone else, I was a few meters away. I wonder if it was just intending on getting attention and I was more curious about the incident that the other person so perhaps it is possible that it has turned its attention to me? I'll take your advice on not making contact, for now all has been quite so I will just leave things be unless anything else starts up!

About the iPads, I certainly thought it may have just been a glitch as mine is a few years old now, but for it to occur on two others and only after I had told their owners about what happened to mine makes it seem a bit odd to me. And it only happened to them while I was in the room with them, not at any other time! Even if it is just a glitch it's a weird one haha 😊
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-20)
Weird, seems YGS is haunted too! The preview insisted on putting an apostrophe in the word 'lets'. Hmm wonder if it'll do it again. Lol
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-20)
Oh I forgot, about speaking to it, I'd suggest you don't for now. If this is a negative presence, for example, and you start talking to it, giving it attention, well err yeah no good can come of that.
BUT with that said, I'd hate to put you off potentially communicating with a guide/guardian figure in the future, if that's what you're dealing with. But for *right now*, play it safe. Have you ever done a cleansing/shielding on yourself or your home? This will help determine if it's a negative or positive presence. Regular cleansing/shielding keeps negative individuals out and let's the positive ones through.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-20)
Hi Miss,

I agree with Caz, someone wants to be noticed. Whether or not their intentions are innocent or not remains to be seen. Given the cats aren't freaking out and remain calm I'd lean towards this presence being on the innocent side.
The time line of you working there with everything happening also makes me think someone followed you. This may not be the same individual responsible for the glass being thrown. I imagine public venues would attract a lot of ghosts.
Were you alone or was it crowded when the glass was thrown? If you were alone, or in close proximity, it could be someone wants *your* attention in particular.

The ipad stuff, I'd be far more concerned it *wasn't* a ghost. For example a hacker.

One of the members here Redwolf has a ghost (who she knows and is comfortable with), who plays with her ipad when he wants to tell her something. This isn't necessarily an indication of what's happening in your home, but an example that yeup ghosts can interact this way.
It's interesting that it drags the calender down on both ipads. I can only assume someone would do this if they wanted to check your/someone's schedule.
Worse case scenario, in my opinion, would be a hacker.

If it's a ghost they may be trying to communicate a particular time or day. Seeing how it happened on two separate ipads.

Hope you keep us updated if anything new happens. 😊
MissSkeptical (3 stories) (17 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-19)
I did think it was weird but my mum and sister just brushed it off, glad to have someone see how odd it actually is! Should I try and speak to 'it' if there is another occurrence? 😕
Caz (342 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-19)
The same thing happened to 3 different people on 3 different pieces of equipment within a 24 hour period? Too many coincidences to 'be' coincidence in my opinion! Someone wants to be noticed I think! 😉

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