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The Little Boy On My Motorcycle


Maybe most of us have experienced driving at night, maybe in a foggy night, a cold night, or even some people have been on a bus on their way home. In my case, I was on my motorcycle. It all happened in Huehuetan, Chiapas, Mexico. This was exactly two years ago, that night I had gone to my friend's house. We watched a movie, it started around 9 pm and finished at 11 pm, it was around 12 am when I left his house.

There I was, at max speed on the road, just feeling the breeze on my bike. To get to my house, there is only one trail. There is another road to get to my house too, but it takes forever, so I took the one I always go on. It was a silent night, I could only hear the owls and the air as I was passing through this trail. At a long distance I saw a kid, he was just standing there in the middle of nowhere. I got surprised and at the same time I felt scared. As I got closer to him, I slowed down a bit. He asked for a ride, but I denied to give him one because it was midnight and this was not normal. I continued the trail like nothing happened.

Whenever I am on my bike I sometimes close my eyes for a bit just to feel the breeze, somehow it feels like I am flying, so I closed them for a couple of seconds. Once I opened them, I was not on the same trail anymore, I was on the other road I did not take. I noticed because I know my trail like the tip of my palm. I also knew I was on the other trail because sometimes I would take that trail to visit my Uncle. I decided to go back and take the same trail because it was going to take forever.

Once I got on the same path again, I noticed the same kid up ahead. This time I felt pretty scared and nervous. I slowed down and decided to give him a ride, he got on my motorcycle, I did not even talk to him, I just kept on going. After a few minutes there was a curve up ahead, after passing this curve, I turned around and the boy was not on my motorcycle. I felt really scared, I just had this weird feeling.

I got home, I told my parents about it the next day, they were pretty shocked, they told me that it had happened to another person too. My parents told me not to do drive so late. From that night, I do not use my bike very late, unless I am with another person.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, JoeEspinoza, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

JoeEspinoza (6 stories) (14 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-19)
Hey sheetal, thank you, it was pretty scary, yeah, scary things happen here in Mexico.
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-17)
OMG This is scary JoeEspinoza... I enjoyed reading your story... Actually In night, many people have experience these paranormal things... I am glad at least your are safe...
permramaan (1 stories) (27 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-07)
to Otteer, that road I was talking about don't have any diversions hence only one destination and at the time he want to get down, he tapped on my shoulder. And as I mentioned, I was back from office, I wearing my bag as a kangaroo in the front, I was moving it around to wear it normally and it took only a few seconds. Though there was moon light, he wasn't there.
JoeEspinoza (6 stories) (14 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-06)
Thank you for your comments. Thank you for your humble opinion otteer, I didn't ask him where he wanted to go, I just stopped and he got on, I was quite scared cause he just got on wthout saying a word. I didn't give him a ride the first time because it's not normal seeing a kid at midnight. Definitely not here in Mexico, back where I live a lot of weird stuff happen, like you can hear the weeping woman, people have seen a person on a horse dressed in black, they call it "El Sombreron". He comes out at midnight, there are many spooky things here in Mexico. I'm not trying to pull anyone's leg, this is true, it's hard to believe these stories until you live it, maybe I wasn't being too detailed and I apologize for that. Also, I wasn't going at max speed when he got on the bike, I was going at a slow pace, I would have heard a noise if he would have fallen off, which he didn't. Sorry for the description about the owls lady-glow, maybe I exagarated on saying that, but it was really quiet, I could hear the owls but at a slow pace. Once again, sorry for not adding enough details, I will take everything into account, thank you so much.
WillowWaly (2 stories) (97 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-03)
RedWolf, it's American folklore, yes, but I'm pretty sure it predates the 1950s and I doubt it has a singular origin story. It sounds like a version of the 'phantom hitch-hiker' which is many, many decades old. In fact I seem to recall an Edwardian ghost story with the same events, written in the 1910s. I'll try to find it.

Actually now I'm wondering if Dickens did a version of it in the mid 19th century, with a horse-drawn stagecoach and a mysterious disappearing passenger...? I've read an awful lot of stuff like this and it might be 20 years old in my memory at this point. But I will try to dig it up.

At any rate, it's intriguing how long *some* version of the story has been around, and that it still is. I'd welcome hearing from any UK people on this point, as I suspect it was already a 'thing' way before motorcars and probably way before the colonies.;-)
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-02)
At Permraaman, when you stopped, didn't you ask him where he wanted to go? What did he say? Or did you just say get in. Then, did he say anything to indicate he wanted out? What did he say? Did you see him vanish before your eyes? Or just walk off into the dark. Somewhere where there is no lights around, you can vanish by walking into the dark 5 feet out. Big difference. Not saying you didn't have the experience, but out in the sticks in pitch black darkness its easy to vanish quickly. (traveling on a moonless night in the mountains with my family en route to a campground for a quickly weekend camp out, I had to err... Relieve myself. They stop the car and I get out... Walk less than 3 feet from the car and pitch into a dry ditch! They couldn't see a thing but could hear me say &*^&%%! Finished my business and "appeared" at the door and scared the crap out of my sister!)
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-01)
This sounds like the American urban legend of a girl in a party dress is found by the side of the road crying. A teenage boy, always a teenage boy,
Gives the girl a ride home and watches as she enters the home. The next day he goes to the house to check on the girl. It always turns out that the girl died in a car crash years earlier. The number of years always change depending on where and who is telling the story.
But as with a lot of urban legends there is a seed of truth. I believe this one came from a teen age boy bringing a crying girl home and the next day an accident was in the newspaper and the picture of the girl was in the article as a fatality. From there an urban legend was born. Since this has been going on in different parts of the country since the late '50s the accident must have happened in the late '40s or early '50s. Usually around home coming or prom time is when you hear about this. Although I haven't heard it in years but I'm older and all of my children are out of school. But my daughter did hear about it in High School and asked me if I heard about it. I had to tell her it was an urban legend.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-01)
Thank you val & lady-glow. That's what I guessed it meant. There is a bad cold going around my town and I thought I dodged it but it caught up to me. My head has been muddled and during a nap or two I've had cartoon dreams, freaky to say the least. πŸ˜†
dreamer01 (1 stories) (117 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-01)
like some others I can not believe you would leave a small child stranded out in the night. There are other things about your story that just don, t add up. You may need to explain yourself abit more. πŸ€”
permramaan (1 stories) (27 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-01)
even I had the same experience. But I was returning home from office. And it was an old man. I have to travel an hour in the highway and I never give lift to anyone. But for this guy, I don't know what happened, I gave lift and drove for nearly 45 minutes without a word and dropped him somewhere its so dark. Without a word of thanks, he vanished in thin air and it was spooky! πŸ€”
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-31)
RedWolf: I apologize for not translating that last sentence... At midnight my brain couldn't find the English equivalent to its meaning!

Valkricry: thanks, that's exactly what I meant.

JoeEspinoza: I hope you are not trying to deceive us into believing this story.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-10-31)
Red, if I may? You are quite right about the translation. "To take the hair" is the equivalent of our saying "you're pulling my leg". Sometimes idioms loose something in translation. πŸ˜‰
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-31)
I agree with val,otteer,and lady-glow.
Lady-glow my spanish is muy mas mal so I used google translate for what you said to Joe. It came out translated as I hate to think you're trying to take the hair! If this is correct please explain what that means.
Okay everyone you can laugh at me πŸ˜†
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-31)
JoeEspinoza: your motorcycle has to be a very quiet one if you're able to hear the owels over the noise of the engine going at full speed... Were you wearing a helmet? πŸ˜•

I second otteer's and Val's questions...
No quiero pensar que estΓ‘s tratando de tomarnos el pelo! πŸ˜‰
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-31)
Well, don't know what to say about this, two things bother me. Could you please explain in a some more detail the conversation between you and the child when he first asked for a ride, and what were you thinking that made it ok to leave him alone to fend for himself, so much so that you blissfully closed your eyes to enjoy the breeze on your face while riding away? And, after getting lost and coming back upon the child, what made you give him a ride and where were you planning on taking him if he did not declare his destination? Did he touch you when he got on the bike? Did you not ask him to hold on, and if not, and he wasnt, when you went around the curve, and discovered he was no longer on the bike, didn't you freak and go back to find where he fell off? This just sounds so cold, regardless of what your mother said about "someone else had this happen to them". To cold for this to be true. Sorry, just my opinion.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-10-31)
Ok...I understand seeing a 5 year old standing in the 'middle of nowhere', on a trail at midnight not being 'normal' - but you just left him there?!? Without trying to determine anything? Like had there been an accident, was he lost, hurt... You just abandoned a child in the middle of nowhere?
JoeEspinoza (6 stories) (14 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-30)
Hey Paranoid_believer, by judging his age, he was around five years old, he looked like a typical boy, he was a wearing a white t-shirt with black pants, I'm assuming he wanted to get to a certain place, because right after the curve he just vanished, I looked to see him and he was not on my motorcycle.
Paranoid_believer (1 stories) (35 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-30)
Can you remember how the boy looked like? Or if there was anything odd about him. These little details should help you grasp more info as to what was the purpose of the 'boy'

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