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Real Ghost Stories

Motorcycle Accident


Everyone, first of all, sorry for English and I will try the best to describe the situation which happened to a Brother of one of my friends. It's much of a boring story but try to enjoy it.

This victim's name is Gihan and my friend's name is Shan.

Shan used to work with me and then he went join different company but we kept in touch, going for a Beer, garage parties and WhatsApp... So on.

On this day about two years back I was at home around 10. 30PM and I got a call from Shan, I answered and he was crying and somehow he managed to mumble the words of his second eldest brother has met with an accident and so on.

I told my wife and we both drove to his place at that night to see if we can be any help and to share his sadness... Yes it was all true. Gihan has passed away, met with an accident while riding his Motorcycle.

Gihan had spent the day so happy since he had been approved to live and work in Japan. His girlfriend also was there with him and his family were celebrating, and in the evening he has taken his Girlfriend to drop her at her place but after dropping he could not come back home but he arrived in a coffin two days later dead.

Time passed by after about four months, I was at work in an unusual time I got a call from Shan. He said there is a CCTV footage of Gihan's accident and if I am not busy to drive him after work to the location where his brother met with the accident, I said yes and I took him.

Basically it's a place where many accidents had happened. For me I can't imagine why this place got such a bad reputation with accidents.

I parked the car and we went to some shops nearby, finally we found the shop and managed to check the CCTV footage.

All we could see just seven seconds footage. Gihan riding his motorcycle just seconds before he hits the concrete light post he's turning his head as if he's trying to see if someone seated on his back seat. We watched it many times and yes! Gihan definitely trying to see who is sitting with him.

The shop owner told us this is the reason why this place famous with accidents. A newly married couple had died long time back in this same place and that was the first accident. After that this place became famous for accidents only one person riding bikes.

The shop owner said, the accidents were caught by his CCTV have almost the same scenario, just before the accident the rider turns his head to see if someone sitting on the back seat.

Strange is it?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Pasindu, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
5 years ago (2019-04-10)
Sometimes tears are part of the process and love softens the hurt - do what you feel is right. Grief is primal, your instincts are your best guide.

Wow RSA... I understand your skepticism but wow that "lady" is far easier to make out than many "ghost" images I have seen! In this case, *if* she was there, given the driver's blood alcohol level perhaps she was less the cause of the accident and more a harbinger or spirit collector. Either way, the end result is as devastating to those left behind.

I hope there are some changes at the intersection in question here. Sometimes the smallest element can be at fault and change a simple intersection into something very dangerous.
Pasindu (9 stories) (25 posts)
5 years ago (2019-04-08)
Unfortunately the incident in my case happened two years back, the location I can pin point but there are no videos shared.

Shan's family was a three Brothers family, Shan in the youngest and the one who died is the second,

Recently I visited them and his mother loves me so much since I am old as her lost son Gihan. Every time she see me, she burst out of tears. So my wife said not to go there anymore, I might be hurting Shan's mom when visit there.
RSAChick (115 posts)
5 years ago (2019-04-07)
Hi Augusta, here are the links requested:

Here is the english article:

And a link to the clip on YouTube:

I am sceptic and am of the opinion the 'lady' is a distorted image of the person on the bike. But judge for yourself...
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
5 years ago (2019-04-07)
Could anyone provide a link to the incident in the Philippines? It seems so similar to the tragedy narrated here that it is certainly germane to the point. It seems as though there are stories of hauntings connected to forms of ground transportation all over the world from ghost trains to spectral hitchhiking prom queens. Some seem to be more sinister than others as not all repeatedly cause accidents. But it is an interesting phenomenon - as though we are haunted by progress.

I hope the wounds left by the loss of yoir friend have begun to heal.
silverknight (1 stories) (25 posts)
5 years ago (2019-03-14)
Hello Pasindu. Sorry for the untimely lost of your friend. Just like what majarlika012 mentioned, your story rings familiar to what happened in the Philippines weeks ago. Motorcycle accident involving a rider and his passenger both male and CCTV footage showed a white lady sitting behind the driver right before impact. Driver died on the spot but the passenger survived.

There could be other non paranormal causes for this accident prone area as RSAChick mentioned. It could be the road design flaw or lack of lighting since that accident happened at night. But there is also the paranormal twist, since you mentioned in the past a couple died there and accidents and death started to happen regularly. Some cultures believe that the soul of the dead is trapped in that spot and can only move on or be free if someone new takes his/her place.
Pasindu (9 stories) (25 posts)
5 years ago (2019-03-13)
Hi Everyone,

Sorry, been busy a bit and could not reply you all, Shan was informed by Police that there is CCTV footage of the accident. Then only he told me to take him there to check it by our self's.
Police told its just an accident and nothing much.
The Area is Matthegoda near the filling station there is a concrete light post.
There is nothing on internet to search for regarding the accidents of that place. But if anyone can go there I'm sure the filling station workers will tell about the accidents.

Thank you all for your comments!
RSAChick (115 posts)
5 years ago (2019-03-13)
Hi Pasindu, this is not a boring story!

Others here have mentioned the previous accidents' footage - how come you did not ask to see the footage as proof of the shop owner's claims?
And can you go back and see or even get the footage?

There could be other than paranormal reasons for someone to look behind them - a loud sudden sound for example.
Ladyglow is right - the police should be involved to investigate the cause of these many deaths.
majarlika012 (12 stories) (122 posts)
5 years ago (2019-03-13)
Pasindu, I've heard similar stories but happened here in the Philippines. Nice story.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
5 years ago (2019-03-13)
I don't know if things are done differently in your country but, wouldn't it make more sense for the shop owner to provide the video to the police to be used by their forensic team?

I agree with the previous poster, it would be interesting to review whatever recorded history of the accidents that have taken place in that location. Is there a chance to find the news reports in the internet?
freakedoutfreddy (1 stories) (77 posts)
5 years ago (2019-03-12)
Could you post where those accidents have happened? I don't want to drive that road ever in my life, and I'm curious to know how many people have lost their lives there, link? 😜


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