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I Need An Answer!


I am 2 3years old. Ehen I was 10 until I was 15 I was what they called a lost soul. Suffered sexual physical abuse, came from a broken home. Growing up I was a rebellions child, hanged around with the wrong crowd, doing drugs, having sex etc.

During those bad years I started feeling a presence or something. I always felt like I was being watched, never felt like I was ever alone something was always there with me. I suffered with bad dreams with a shadowed man. You couldn't see his face but just his shadow, very tall guy I might add. When I would dream of this figure I couldn't wake up. As hard as I try I couldn't move, felt a heavy pressure on my chest, I felt like I was paralyzed, I would try to scream but couldn't would last for a couple seconds. When it was over I was finally able to move I'll feel my bed move as if someone was getting out of bed.

All this thankfully stopped but it's been two years now that it's been happening again. I moved in with my baby's dad but we were always fighting, he was rarely home. One night I woke up with no pants and was having nightmares again. I moved out came to live with my mom. Everything okay until it started again. This time my new boyfriend is getting the bad dreams as well as being paralyzed, he saw the shadow to in his dreams.

My 3 year old was just baptized. These past few days he has been having bad dreams of the same figure. He wakes up screaming, he says the man wants to get in bed so he screams at it NO! My son is scared to sleep in the room with me. I don't know what to do. I am scared for my son, he can see the shadow. But I don't know what it is that is following me or am going crazy! Someone explain!?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, iggyjay03, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-30)
I did re-read the story and this does not fall under Karma. Karma is something that comes back to bite you in the butt.
The O.P. Came from a very troubled childhood which was the cause of her doing drugs and sleeping around. During those bad years she felt like she was being watched then in a dream she is being chocked by a shadow man. She moves in with the baby's father which didn't work out because they were always fighting. Moves home to mom's house she gets a new boyfriend and he starts having nightmares of shadow man. Now the child is seeing the shadow man and won't sleep in her bed. Paranormal or not it's definetely not Karma she didn't do anything that a physically/sexually abused wouldn't do unless they got counseling which it doesn't sound like she did. She should use Rooks cleansing/shielding method. Also she needs counseling.
dreamer01 (1 stories) (117 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-30)
hello ygs community,

Can I just say that any comments I make on this site are and never will be directed toward anyone at a personal level.

There are many comments that I do not agree with at times but I have stated before that I am generally an opened minded individual that is willing to take things on board, file them away and maybe I will have a eureka moment some day and say may be that was right.

I have studied spirituality all my life and I base my comments and theories on what I have seen and experienced myself.

I have had many bad, extremely saddening and terrifiying experiences myself. I have suffered a lot but have always taken note of the cause and effect and done my best to improve things.

I am saddened that people are upset by my comments which was never my intention but I believe what I believe from observation and experience and that is how I draw my conclusions.

I still value every ones comments and feed back, how else will we grow and learn in this life without questioning and debating?

I only ever ask that we all try to look and feel at life in a different way.

Thank you all, have a great new year.

😊 😊 😁
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-30)
If I can wade into the karma debate and cast my pearls of " wisdom" here...
This what I reckon; karma is another word for the natural law of cause and effect. (An example of natural law is gravity). One event follows another with mathematical precision.
Depending on what you believe to be true, what ever happens was always meant to happen simply because it's happened.
We have to go through all sorts of experiences both positive and negative in order to unfold our spiritual development.
Some people believe we actually choose these experiences before we incarnate because we know what we have to go through to learn particular lessons.
In terms of negative (as far as we spirits encased in matter are concerned) experiences that effect children, cancers, abuse, etc. I really struggle with that and can only hope that a balance of compensation is made eventually.
Finally a good perspective to take I believe, is that our physical earthly experience is but a blink of an eye compared to the eternal evolvement we have ahead of us in the spirit realm.
Phew, there I go getting all deep!
I need a lie down...
C2C (3 stories) (62 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-30)
Hi Iggy: You don't need to feel alone. Many have been in the same situation and come through it shining bravely. You are also going into what I call "Mommy Alert" mode. Do try Rook's cleansing and shielding methods. I found I was using similar methods inadvertently before ever reading on this site and have to say they've worked well for me. You really know deep inside you are strong enough to withstand this negative presence because you have done so in the past. This is really about your child and you should do everything you can to provide a safe haven. That's what I would visualize on day 2 and maybe day 3 of the shielding process. The white light for me is becoming one and in tune with the universal power and maybe you can work on that in day 2, and day 3 would be visualizing the white light in you and your home and then focusing on the concept of being the safe haven for your child.

Many blessings Iggy. I know you can do this.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-30)
Wow, check out all the karma fairy action in here! Pretty sure there's been a massive misunderstanding though.

Red, I just re-read this story, then related it to Dreamer's post. I don't think Dreamer was saying physical ailments and tragedies can be explained away by karma.
It seems to me Dreamer is addressing the o/p's general choices and attitude in life, post abuse. Pointing out the filter through which circumstance can tint a person's outlook. The o/p has had some heavy crap to overcome in their life. The general vibe from Dreamer's post, to me, is a reminder that happiness is a choice. Which, for an abuse victim, can be a very hard concept.

This is more or less what I thought when I read this story. Karma begins with us, including poltergeist activity but excluding physical ailments and tragedy.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-29)
My point is that unless the post is threatening, confrontational & argumentative, or insulting, I don't vote it down. If I don't agree with or care for a post but there is nothing wrong with it I just go onto the next post.
I felt that the comment that Dreamer01 made was insulting and rather than using my neighbor's problems I used my own as she died years ago. Then when I got -5 yes I will admit it hurt, because I thought I was liked better than that, but as I said I won't be talking about my back anymore. But when my back feels like crap I won't be on here. Not only is Dreamer insulting to me but to every other handicapped person that reads this and sees Dreamer thinks it's just Karma is why they are handicapped.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-12-29)
RedWolf - I'm not sure what you think our mod powers encompass, but we aren't responsible for hiding a comment. I believe the system is set up that way. And we do not delete comments just because someone requests it. We do not delete our own comments even if we get voted down, we are in a bad mood and take it out on another member, or we screw up and put our comment on the wrong story (all of these, and more, which I have done. Unless the comment falls under the guidelines in which we can, and do, use our discretion to delete, we don't.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-29)
While you talk about people whining and saying why me about their problems. I used just myself as an example and got -5 so they hid my comment. I don't understand this, if you don't like a comment ignore it,that's what I do unless it is a threatening comment and have been sympathetic to people who have worse problems than mine even if it isn't on here. Mods please remove the coment rather than hide it. I was using myself as an example of how bad things happen to good people which turned out to be a big mistake. Evidently there are people on here that don't have a sympathetic bone in their bodies and rather than ignore the post
They have to vote it down to the point that it is hidden. BUT the comment that bad things happen to good people is because they
Have to take a good look at themselves and their negativity by Dreamer01. What about our men overseas getting killed, or toddlers getting cancer? By the way thanks a lot to all the people voting me down just because I used myself as an example. I won't say any more about my back since evidently nobody gives a s hit. Just nobody ask where I have been when I am not on here for awhile.
I didn't think of using my neighbor as a child. I called her my other mother. She got into accidents but thankfully never got hurt.
This woman did not drink, eat anything bad for her. She grew her own vegetables etc. She wouldn't hurt a fly and was a genuinely good person. A very positive person.
First she got breast cancer and had to have a mastectomy, never complained to others, then she got ovarian cancer and got depressed. When she was 5 years clean of those cancers a few months later a bomb dropped, she had liver cancer. My mother drove her to get chemo and radiation therapy. It killed me that I couldn't because I was married with an infant, but made sure to visit with my daughter when I could (I lived 35 miles away). One time my mother brought her to the oncologist and complained about being in pain. The doctors response was what do you expect you have cancer. Didn't give her a thing for the pain until my mother said she was going to write a letter to the AMA. The cancer metastasized to her brain and she died in the hospital shortly after. The world lost an angel on earth that day. So where did karma fit in here?
Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-27)
Dreamer01, I hope this doesn't sound rude, but your response about why things were happening is totally illogical. How do you explain bad things happening to infants or children? They haven't hurt anyone. Bad things happen and it's not the fault of the individual.

I do believe there are entities that thrive off the suffering of others. They attach themselves to people in pain and are capable of manipulating emotions to create negative emotions they can feed from.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-27)
I'm kind of insulted by your comment that some people whine why me when it could just be there negative attitude that causes their problems.
Well my back is a mess and by that I mean I have been fused twice because of car accidents, people hitting me. Now I have to go through more surgery because some titanium screws have started to work their way out. Nothing to do with my bad attitude but sometimes I have to ask why me because I also need surgery on my neck again because I have two broken titanium screws that should have been taken care of years ago. I also have new herniated and bulging disks in both my lower back and neck because of a 25 year old young man on a phone came flying down an overpass and rear ended me at about 40 mph. It's a good thing I stopped so I wouldn't block the side street or I would have hit a car in front of me that was also stopped for a red light. I have bad luck not bad karma. I'm also not a bad or negative person but am petrified of a fourth back because that may be a two surgery deal and third neck surgery a few months later.
EmmCruz (2 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-26)

I believe what you are experiencing is a condition called sleep paralysis. Millions of people suffer from this as well, and there is an entire documentary on the condition called The Nightmare - available on Netflix.

The symptoms of this condition are everything you have described: an inability to move, speak, or react, with the presence of some tall, dark being in the room.

I myself have experienced this once as well and it was the scariest thing ever to happen to me. I hope this is helpful information and comforting to know that you are not the only one to experience this.
dreamer01 (1 stories) (117 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-23)
hi there,

There can be all sorts of ways of looking at things. Some of us are quite level headed, practical and calm in our approach to shall we say " situations. " others, reactive, fired up, defensive and angry.

Since I am of the first mentioned genre I always recommend that certain procedures and protocols are followed. Eliminate every possible avenue available before jumping on the paranormal wagon.

I also recommend taking a good hard look at ones self and asking the questions why me and is this just karma. I do believe that we are put to the test many times throughout our lives on this planet to better our selves. After all, if one follows the law of action and consequence why do bad things happen to good people, to me karma is the only reasonable explanation to fit the bill.

I see countless people living their lives from one calamity to the next and whinging about it and blaming everyone else and everything else, unwilling to even entertain the thought that maybe, just maybe their own negative attitude is attracting these circumstances into their lives and the lives of those around them.

Any way, just a few thoughts of mine that may or maybe not be worth while for others to ponder.

Merry Christmas and take care everyone.
Have a safe and enjoyable time 😊 😊 😁
lsandhu (2 stories) (360 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-20)
Without discounting the possibility of a "paranormal" explanation, I would like to encourage you to pursue any and all medical and psychological help you can. Your experiences of an outside force could have been the externalization of your feelings/reactions to the abuse you suffered, and your child's situation could be a reaction to your subconscious cues (i.e. You have a sort of "psychic" link to your child (and perhaps you new B F as well), and are causing them to externalize certain stressors). I apologize if I'm not making any sense. Bottom line: don't discount the paranormal (lately, I find I am willing to believe in old-school demon possession, as I can't think of any more logical explanation for certain horrible events). However, take full advantage of any and all resources at your disposal to investigate medical/psychological causes and assistance. If this doesn't work, I would definitely recommend seeking spiritual assistance as well (from a reputable religious person or paranormal investigator). Very best wishes to you. I'm sorry for the abuse you have experienced and I hope you can overcome this problem and give your child all the best.
Autumnbaby (11 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-16)
I hate that your son is also experiencing this. I hope this thing starts to leave you and your family alone so you all can live a peaceful life. Although I really do not have any advice to give you other than pray without ceasing and stay faithful, I will also keep you in my prayers. From what I have read on this site, I think you should contact Rook, he seems to have an immense amount of knowledge and may be able to help. Lots of luck:-)
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-16)

Many thanks.

The best thing about the 'formula' I suggest is that it's simple and anyone can do it. You can simply focus on positive thoughts while you preform the steps. Or insert any prayers from your chosen Faith, play upbeat happy music and dance around the house. You can preform it by yourself or make it a Family 'fun time'. Whatever it takes to get the positive energy flowing within the environment.

The 'Shielding' portion takes a WEE bit more focus and visualization but it gets easier the more you try. I used this method BEFORE I met my wife (of 24 years as of 23 Nov 2015) which was before I joined the Church I now attend and I have found that nothing in this Method goes against Church Teachings. It's not 'witchcraft'...It's Hope, Joy, Love, Happiness, Positive Thoughts, Good Memories, Good Friends (there is so much more) and the good emotions that go with each filling a space keeping the negative emotions and energies out.

We have friends that visit us just because they feel 'better' in our home. It's the 'Shield' at work... Any 'negative energy (baggage) they are carrying gets left 'at the threshold' and they can take a deep breath and relax, with some of our friends they relax so much that the first 30 minutes to an hour of their visit is spent with them napping where ever they sat down at (mostly on the couch).

Now I am not saying there is no negativity in my house... There are arguments between siblings, between parents and children and even between my wife and I but we understand that these things happen, we apologize AND forgive each other... We do not dwell on the negative and let if fester in ourselves or the household.

Sorry, rambling... Anyway Happy Christmas season to everyone and a Merry New Year!


Mystic25 (guest)
9 years ago (2015-12-15)
First I am sorry to hear about the struggles you have faced and I commend you for speaking so openly about it. Though I have a question, you said that your son was recently baptized are you religious or was it under his father's beilf? If you are religious would there be someone you would trust to pray over you and your son? Though I must say while I am new here Rookdygin's cleansing method sounds very similar to one I use and it sounds like it could be very helpful in this situation. I truly hope the best for you and please let us know how things are going. P.S. Rookdygin: I must admit that it is refreshing to see that people are still using that method of cleansing as it is very effective. It's so kind of you to be willing to help others as you do.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-15)
Darn I missed her other posts unless the 2 I read were the only posts that were there. Usually if there are too many negative votes they just hide the post and you can read it anyway. This poster must have gotten pretty bad if not threatening for the posts to be removed all together. I haven't been able to get on the computer this morning but by Rooks reaction there has to be more. How this person posted a second post as I was writing mine kind of creeped me out and my "bad vibe" seems to be spot on.
Someone who writes that they were here before all, thousands of years ago is either not in touch with reality, or has a very dark personality.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-15)
snowglaive, snowglaive, snowglaive,

(I should know better but this statement got under my skin...)

"With all respect to you there is nothing called Cleansing will stop these encounters and there is no Shielding cz no one can do shield in the states."

Bring on your worst then you mouthy youngster (Oh yes I went there).

Your tantrum reads like a young teenagers, 'I know everything you know nothing stage'... Well prove it.

What information do you need from me so we can have this out... My e-mail address? It's on my profile... A description of how I look when I project myself onto the Astral Plane? I'll provide it but one so 'skilled' at HELPING individuals as you 'claim' to be should be able to find me without the need for signposts.

Choose ANY of my experiences, Let's see what you've got.

With My Dander all Up,

lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-15)
Snowglaive: if you are "from where ALL started thousands of years ago", isn't it time for you to outgrow the terrible twos and have more control over your temper?

Your anger and disrespect towards others makes me wonder the accuracy of your claims. 🤔
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-15)
Snowglaive - the only AGONY I'm experiencing is when I read your rambling posts.
If you are, as you claim, to "be from where it ALL started thousands of years ago " I would have thought you might have some helpful, if not at the very least coherent, advice to share with us all...
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-15)
What do you mean when you say: iggyjay03
I came after a year but it's time and I need you to contact me right away...
You need HELP for you and your child not answers no more...
This is my YM snowglaive
Then you give your e-mail address.
I am sorry and mean no disrespect but what makes you think can help iggyjay03 better than anyone else on this site? It kind of gets people riled up when someone who JUST shows up with ONE comment that implies only THEY can help.
I'm sorry but I get a bad vibe off of your post. Please don't play with this woman's head via e-mail. Rookdygin gave her sage advice and I think that she should use his method as it has worked for many people and will work for her if she does the cleansing/shielding as he said.
Ryan_Elizabeth (1 stories) (1 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-14)
That paralyzed thing has happened to me and it was truly terrifying. Some people say it is a demon trying to steal your soul because some people get a pressing feeling in their chest but I can't be 100% sure.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-13)
Hi Iggyjay. Thanks for sharing your experiences. It takes a lot of courage to reach out as honestly as you have done.
In my experience when you are in a dark place in your mind, it tends to attract darker energies.
I believe we are sometimes forced to find positive energy within ourselves, when we have nowhere else to turn.
But I believe this in my heart; we are all surrounded by love from the spirit world. The challenge is to have faith in that love, accept it then visualise it all around you.
Believe that nothing unenlightened can harm you and fill your being with positive, white energy.
Not always easy when life seems against you but the key is faith.
I hope I've been of some help.
Be strong and peace to you.
Darkangel73 (4 stories) (127 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-11)
I sympathize with what you went through as a kid, I know I have been through it as well... I am no expert but when I was the age of 15 I seen my first shadow man (The Hat Man) I wrote a story about him look it up, I don't know maybe all these negative experiences attracted something dark toward your family, but I would follow Rook's advice on the home cleansing. Good luck!
Caz (342 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-11)
Sorry Iggy... It didn't seem to work! Must've missed a dot or something, but you'll find it easy enough and I hope it helps! I wanted to say too, that I'm so sorry to hear of your troubled past and I hope you and your family can look forward to a brighter future! Best wishes to you!
Caz (342 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-11)
Iggy...Rook's cleansing method has been tried and tested by many, many people with good results, so it's definitely worth doing. In the meantime, there is a prayer which someone kindly posted on this very site a few years ago and though I'm not a religious person, it works for me regardless! I prefer to 'speak it', rather than just reading it! I'm not very good at links, but I'll give it a go. If it doesn't work, just google it
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-10)
A few questions...

Where are you currently living? Is it with your boyfriend or your Mom?

Younger children seem to be more sensitive to the spirit realm and as such they tend to hear, feel and see spirits better than adults. In this case what he is seeing is scaring him.

From what you have shared with us it sounds as if a spirit may have formed an attachment to you when you were younger... Now that you are sharing a real connection with somebody they are seeing it as well as your son who is young enough to do so. The recent Baptism may have 'stirred' things up.

Start a Journal, keep details of everything that is happening. Have everyone who has seen this 'shadow' describe what they have seen and compare notes YOU just may find an answer to what s happening by doing so. If you truly feel threatened please try this for yourself, your son and your boyfriend as well as the house...

"Recipe for a Home Cleansing/Shielding... (allow for two or 3 days to complete)

Day one: Open all curtains window and doors with screens installed, let fresh air and sunshine into the home. Have all closets, cabinets and other 'dark spaces' open so that as much natural light as possible can enter those spaces. After 2-3 hours take a broom and 'sweep' out each room (this is symbolic and you do not have to really sweep) focus your thoughts on sweeping (pushing) out all negative energies / entities /thoughts. Close home up after completing each room of your home... Please do not forget your garage if you have one. (Optional) Light incense (sandalwood or Dragons-blood works well for me) and let aroma fill the home, and/or play a tape that contains your favorite Church/Positive, Upbeat (songs that give you good thoughts) songs before you begin sweeping.

Day two (or three): Once again open all curtains, windows and doors. Take a White candle (Optional) to the center most point of the home, sit on the floor and place candle in front of you. Light the candle (visualize a white ball of light) and then focus on the flame... Visualize the flame (white light) filled with positive thoughts, energy. (Say a prayer at this time if you so desire... Ask for cleansing positive energy to fill the candles flame/white light). Hold this 'image' in your mind and then visualize the flame (light) slowly expanding outward, visualize it filling the room your in, every corner and 'dark space'. Continue to visualize it's outer edges pushing away (burning away) any and all negative energies/entities out and away from each room in your home. Once you have visualized this flame (light) filling your entire home, picture it expanding to your property lines. Hold this image in your mind for a few moments then visualize 'anchoring' this flame (light) where you are sitting which is the center most point of your home. Once you have done this. Take a deep breath, relax a few moments and then blow out the candle. (If you didn't use a candle just let yourself relax a moment or two.) "

Now you can create a shield for yourself using the 'home shield' technique but instead of focusing on your home visualize the 'flame' simply surrounding you instead of your home... Best time to do this is after a nice shower using a rosemary scented soap (rosemary is good for purification and protection.) " (Cut and pasted from my own profile.)

Please keep us updated as well.



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