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Personal Ghosts Haunting My House


So, since I was five years old, I've been able to see the paranormal. Up until I was five, however, I was never able to do that.

It all happened when I was walking home from the park with my older brother, Jacob Thomas. We were about a block from our house when a man staggers out from the alleyway a few houses down. My brother and I thought he was drunk because, well, as he came out of the alley, he fell flat on his face and groaned when he fell. My brother told me to stay back as he cautiously approached the man to help him up. Turns out the man wasn't drunk, but a gang member. He pulled a gun out and pointed it at me.

To make this story short, my brother put himself in front of me just as the gun went off. My brother died on September 2, 2001. Nothing really happened that truly scared me. I mean, that's when I started seeing the paranormal, but nothing that frightened me.

Well, then my step-dad came into the picture and I started seeing another ghost, his dead fraternal twin brother. Then my Aunt died of stomach cancer in 2006, so that added her to the ghosts I've seen. Lastly, the last family member that was added to me seeing them after they died was my Uncle who committed suicide in 2012, when I was 15 years old. That's when every single paranormal sounds and sightings started.

It was the night of my Uncle's funeral. My family had already gone to his funeral, so it was me, my mom, my step-dad, my cousin Zach, and my Aunt Tammy at my house that night. Zach and I were inside watching television. I was reading my family tree book and Zach was on Facebook on his phone. My parents and his mother were outside smoking.

The television show Ghost Adventures was on, but neither of us were paying attention. All of a sudden both of us hear, upstairs in the hallway, footsteps and the bathroom doorknob jiggling. I looked at my cousin and he looked at me. I asked him, "Did you hear that?" He replied with, "The footsteps and the doorknob?" I replied with, "Yes..." He nodded his head in agreement. We looked at each other for three seconds, then together we jumped up and raced out of my house. My mom asked us what was going on and why we both looked so pale and we told her.

My mother didn't believe us, but she noticed I had the family tree book in my hand. She told me to go back in the house and put it away, which I proceeded to do. As I was walking back out of the house, I was reaching for the back door handle and, from the basement, I heard a deep growl. I froze and turned my head to look down into the basement and I saw a pair of glowing red eyes. I do have two cats, but they were both asleep at the time upstairs, because I went and checked on them.

Right now, I'm in college living in the dorms on campus. My roommate, also one of my best friends, woke up in the middle of the night last night to see a tall, male figure, shadow standing over my bed. My last roommate had to move out of the room because something kept attacking her during the night. She has literally woken up with scratches up and down her legs, arms, and back.

I'm not sure what it was that attacked her, but my new roommate and best friend told me that she thought that the male figure that was standing protectively over me last night was my brother, because she says she saw the figure stroking my hair as if to soothe me in my sleep. The only male in my family that has ever done that for me or to me when I was sleeping was my older brother, and that was only because I would have nightmares every night.

I don't know what to think of all this, because, frankly, all this paranormal stuff is starting to freak me out. A few weeks ago, I was watching Paranormal Activity with some of my friends in our dorm wing lounge. We were on the 5th movie and about halfway through it, I suddenly started feeling sick. Like my head started to hurt and, no matter which way I lay, my stomach was churning. I went to one of my best friends, who is also Wiccan and an actual Medium, and told her what was going on. She started to chant something, put her hand on my stomach and head, and started to retract her hands away from my body, as if to draw out whatever was inside of me that was making me sick. After she was done doing that, a second later, my stomach stopped churning and my head stopped hurting.

There is something evil in my wing and it tried to possess me. I don't know what it was, but it frightened me. I'm also a Psychic-Medium, so it's harder for me to get possessed than it is for Mediums. At least I had some type of warning. I need help with what I should do with the evil thing that's been following me since I heard the deep growl in my home almost four years ago.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, VampireGirl20, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Yheladeth (1 stories) (16 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-23)
I have to agree with Tweed here, the story seems to have not much emotions. If I were to describe (the Gods do not permit that) the death of one of my sblings I think it would clearly show the emotional charge involved in doing such a thing πŸ˜• All the questions I would ask have been already asked so I hope the OP answers to give us some clarity.
rynne (70 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-21)
HA! Good one, Mack!:)
And will surely get the Cadburys there! But still, about that overcrowding on the fence though...:)
sn69 (6 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
great story, I have to say...& I also do feel sorry for the happenstance...
Regards & respects to you
softballplayer15 (9 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
I'm sorry about your brother, When I read that a figure was standing over you and you think it was your brother, maybe it was, maybe he was protecting you! I would love if you reply back to me sometimes when you have a change. I'm sorry about your brother

Softballplayer (Aka. Runningwish)
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
No, no, no, "kiwis" not "Kiwis"
...on second thought, getting athletic adults to run on a treadmill will generate far more energy than abusing adorable flightless birds... Damn, that 'shine is strong stuff.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)

Yup plenty of room underneath, it should fit right in.


Pass the shine... But what fruit is in it I can't quite make it out... Is it an orange?


It's up to you now... While there are many of us ready to have a BS Blankie TOSSING party it has not been thrown yet. Hope to hear from you soon, we would SO enjoy a good conversation with you.

Oh and Red make mine a double... We may be waiting for awhile.

Puff Bayram
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-19)
Hi Rynne

I have a suggestion; just go to London - you will encounter many drunk kiwis there! Sure, they aren't in their natural habitat but if you go out in the early hours of morning into the urban jungle, and are really quiet, you should be able to spot a few stumbling around, doing really bad hakas and vomiting 😊
rynne (70 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-19)
Hey Biblio, yes for Cadbury chocolates:) The Fruit and Nuts one. Thank you!
(And would love to see the drunker kiwis!)
jane_lee (4 stories) (32 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-19)
Hi Biblio... Thank you for the info... Now I know moonshine and me will be good friends haha... We also have our own moonshine version we called lihing... But sadly is getting hard to get as the knowledge to make this drink is not pass on to the younger generation...
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-19)
Hi, Jane: true 'Moonshine' in the US is illegally/secretly distilled liquor. Traditionally, Moonshiners had honest day jobs to avoid suspicion, but would take advantage of the light of the full moon to sneak into the woods, mountains, or swamps to their hidden shacks where handmade distilleries produced grain alcohol. The reason this alcohol was illegal was because it was smuggled away by night and sold to distributors; in America, you need a license, regular health inspections, quality control, etc, to SELL liquor. However, while it still counts as moonshine, being a home-produced hard liquor, Red is distributing it for free among friends, which is perfectly legal [so long as she doesn't cross state lines, doesn't transport it through a "dry" county (where alcohol is illegal), or get Puff Bayram inebriated before he fires up the Miss Demeanor...]. I hope that helps; just sip it at first, 'til you get a taste for it.

Val: Thanks! Built it myself: I was going for a "rustic" look, then discovered the brass hinges were on sale, and switched to "steampunk."

Mack: never mind, I'll show you how to use Moonshine to get drunken kiwis to run in circles to power a dynamo...

G&T, anyone? I've also got Cadbury chocolates...
jane_lee (4 stories) (32 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-19)
I don't know what's a moonshine is but its sure sound delicious... Red may I have a taste of your moonshine please...😁
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-19)
Bilblio - I'll make sure I've tasted LOTS of Red's moonshine BEFORE you explain hydrodynamic electrical current generation to me...

Cheers (hic)

RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-19)
I'm not getting on the fence because I know where I stand.
Witnessing a true paranormal event is very rare. Yet someone comes along that seems to be very into the paranormal and having experiences faster than I can read them. When you want to have a paranormal event happen it can be very easy to look past logical explanations. Please be sure to consider all logical reasons for an event taking place before racing to the paranormal conclusion.

Have a great day
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-01-19)
The acoustics at your house must be quite phenomenal to hear a door knob jiggling in an upstairs bathroom, when you were downstairs.
Another thing I don't understand is why would it be harder to possess a psychic-medium?
Nice stepladder, Biblio.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-19)
You're all on the bus already? Damnit! Do you have any idea what it's like lugging around this damn stepladder for fences? I nearly dropped the limes for the gin & tonic when you'd all vanished!

Puff, is there room in the luggage rack for the stepladder? I'm not carrying it another step 'til I've tried Red's moonshine and explained hydrodynamic electrical current generation to Mack.
haunter (guest)
9 years ago (2016-01-19)
well, your story fascinates me totally... I mean, from the beginning until the end it's just creepy, very creepy everywhere, I have to say... It's too hard commenting actually looking upon the whole part!, anyway, I do admit that your story did seem like that of a single mystery to me...
With Regards
Hayden aka haunter
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-19)
That's literally all I got while reading this.

On another note, Goatpuller, sorry to hear about Glen Frey, I know how sucky suck sucksville it is to lose a musician you love. 😒 Hug?
Have a hug anyway😊 ((hugs))
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-19)
After reading this story this morning, I was going to comment but was so confused I just moved on. Maybe now that everyone is boarding the bus, I can get more clarity.

Got any grape flavored moonshine there Red? And if you've got any Eagles on one of them disks Puff, crank it up. R.I.P. Glen Frey. 😒
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-19)
Sorry about the misspeling Mr. Bayram. I have some flavored Moon Shine with the fruit that flavors it right in the mason jar. I'll be sure to bring some.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-18)

It's BAYRAM Dear;

Though something with Rum would be good. That fence seems about full up... How about you good folks climb aboard the Miss Demeanor here for drinks, snacks and lite banter whilst we await the OP to reply. Sound good? I just updated the sound system... 24 disks and a random all button...

Puff Bayram
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-18)
Hmm. You never mentioned being a psychic. How many predictions have you made that came true, and how does that make it harder for you to get possessed? Seems to me like you were on your way when your Wiccan friend had to chant and pull something out of you.
Anyway I'm going to have a seat on the fence until Puff Byrum starts up the bus because the fence is getting mighty full.
P.S. I hope I spelled Byrum right.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-18)
VampireGirl: I know it might be inconsiderate to ask details about your brother's death, specially because it would imply an invasion of your privacy and bringing up memories that you might not want to share in this forum... But after a quick research in Google I couldn't find anything regarding what you describe in your story. πŸ˜•
...It's a downside of this era of communication...

I have to ask you guys to make room for me to seat on the fence or, perhaps, better move into the bus?
jane_lee (4 stories) (32 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-18)
Hi Vampirgirl - Interesting story but I too think there's so many questions raised by your story...

May I ask when did you knew that you are did you found out...

As Rook says more information please...

Rook,Miracles and Mack can I join you guys? I'll bring black coffee and some snacks... 😜
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-18)
Interesting story! Sounds like you naturally attract those that have passed, they may be good, they may be bad. Over and over I have heard people becoming physically ill when energy from an entity is in close proximity, it does not mean you are possessed. If you are indeed a medium, and you have others in your wing that are dabbling in the arts, and or are mediums, you may have a hotbed of activity just with the extra energy projecting and beckoning. Sounds like you need to learn to protect yourself and start accepting your gifts, and learning to protect yourself (cleanse your room and wing) and deal with your visits. Glad you found a place to reach out to, please answer the questions so they can get a better feel for your situation.
Thanks for sharing.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-01-18)
Hey Mack - I think we're going to end up with a lot of company on this fence. Pretty sure it'll hold the weight LOL
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-18)
Hi Vampirgirl - I have to agree with Rook and Miracles. There's so many questions raised by your story for me personally.

You mention both "Ghost Adventures" and "Paranormal Activity" in your story. I have never seen "Ghost Adventures" (I'm from New Zealand and we still have no electricity here yet πŸ˜‰) but I imagine it's essentially a sensationalized affair with thrill-seeking "professionals" stumbling around spooky places trying to find something scary? Please, tell me if I'm wrong (it's happened before, once😊).

I have also not seen any of the "Paranormal Activity" films, purely because in my opinion these kinds of films do nothing to advance any genuine advances made in terms of understanding the realities of our spiritual dimension, and in fact promote cliches, superstition, misunderstanding and irrational fear of spirits.

Without wanting to sound like an echo of Rook's voice: how did you know there was a "possession" attempt? Are you able to explain that in detail? It would help us understand your situation much better.

And finally, with all due respect, if you were a genuine phsycic -medium you would know that you are not immune to possession simply because of a label. It appears genuine possession is extremely rare and even then its a contentious issue. As Rook says, the victim has to be worn down over time, which could feasably happen to anybody under extreme circumstances.

Rook and Miracles, would you mind if I sat with you on that fence? I hope it can take our combined weight...


Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-01-18)
Rook - I wondered the same thing about the possession. I've never been possessed before but would think no matter who/what you are, you stand the same chance as anyone if there is an act of possession going on (dumb choice of wording, but anyway). I'm going to sit on that fence with you, if you don't mind πŸ˜‰
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-18)
Hummm, Curiouser and curiouser, is all I could think as I read about all your experiences.

Then right at the end you state this...

"There is something evil in my wing and it tried to possess me. I don't know what it was, but it frightened me. I'm also a Psychic-Medium, so it's harder for me to get possessed than it is for Mediums."

So, with no warning something evil in your dorm wing is now trying to posses you? I'm alright with the 'background' experiences you provided but this seems very, tacked on... Almost an after thought...


What has been happening to make you think something is trying to posses you?

Why do you think its 'harder' for a 'psychic-medium' to be possessed? (What's more how do you know you are a psychic-medium?) Possession is not something that 'just happens', well not unless the spirit is invited in. It takes time to wear an individual down, both physically and mentally, before a spirit can 'take over'.

I will re-read this, a few times, while I sit out here on the fence awaiting a reply from the O/P.



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