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What Just Happened?


This experience happened when I just turned 18 years old. It was really late at night and I was just walking back home from my friend who lives up the hill from me. Tell me what you think.

I was walking back home with my friend Tanya and her brother (names changed for privacy). It wasn't that far of a walk, we were neighbors so it would only take me about 2 minutes to get home. But they insisted to walk with me until I got into my house and out of the dark.

It was just about 1:00 in the morning when we started to walk back to my house. So knowing it wouldn't take long, we walked a little slower just talking and laughing. My aunt had probably forgot that I wasn't home yet so all the lights were turned off. I didn't think anything of it but the three of us all had this strange feeling like we were being watched. The closer we got to my house the stronger the feeling got.

I looked at my friends and could see the uncertainty in their eyes. They wanted to follow me all the way into the garage where my back door was located. I told them that it wasn't necessary and that I would be fine. They didn't argue but did follow me until I was right outside of the garage.

The moment we got there Tanya and I looked up in shock and I knew at that moment that she was seeing what I was seeing. A shadow or silhouette of a man about 5'11 just standing right where our outside table should be. I felt like he was looking right at me, so out of curiosity I tilted my head to the side and saw him follow the same motion. I don't think he noticed the two other people with me until my friend's brother asked what was wrong.

The second he heard his voice the man's head turned so fast to see him and Tanya on either side of me. The shadow man didn't hesitate, he seemed to be running toward us and Tanya and I saw that and heard him running toward us and hid behind her brother who also seemed to hear the running footsteps and had decided to jump back just as we hid behind him, putting a good distance between us and my house. Tanya and I looked at him and asked if he saw that, he told us no but said he heard it. Then asked Tanya and I, "What just happened?" but we never told him. I ran into my house and saw my friends run back up to theirs. They never came down to my house at night after that day.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, OmiJulesAvi14, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

OmiJulesAvi14 (1 stories) (1 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-02)
We were a few feet away from the Entrance of the garage, Its just an opening so the cars can park under (No Doors) It was not a person. It may have been dark but My friend and I saw the just dark shadow and he ran toward us, My friend and I may have hid behind her brother but he would have saw the person, If it was an actual person. And He jumped back giving us a few more feet away from my garage. They made sure I was inside my house before they ran up and all the lights were working except the garage lights, I had to reset the lights for it on the breaker. No one but my dad and I ever touched the breaker. And when the figure ran at us and out of the dark garage, no one came out into the light. From the street, it just vanished and everything felt normal again.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2016-06-28)
Thank you for sharing... A couple of questions though...

1) Did you see this 'figure' disappear or vanish'?

2) How did you and your friends put some distance between you and your house? You describe it like this...

"The shadow man didn't hesitate, he seemed to be running toward us and Tanya and I saw that and heard him running toward us and hid behind her brother who also seemed to hear the running footsteps and had decided to jump back just as we hid behind him, putting a good distance between us and my house."

Maybe the better question is, how far is 'a good distance'?

3) You state..." My aunt had probably forgot that I wasn't home yet so all the lights were turned off." Once you got home and entered the house... Were you able to turn the lights on 'normally' or did you have to reset the breaker/fuse box?

4) Are you 210% sure that what you saw was a shadow figure and not someone dressed in black? I ask because we as individuals see differently in low light levels... Perhaps what two of you saw was actually a individual dressed in black and your other friends eyes simply had not adjusted to the light level so all they did was hear the 'footsteps'.

Everything mundane MUST be ruled out before the Paranormal can be considered.


PunkysMama (4 stories) (62 posts)
9 years ago (2016-06-27)
Hello OmiJulesAvi14,

I myself have had an experience with a shadow figure though I was not able to identify the sex though to me it did lean more towards a feminine being when I think of the details after the fact. I'm trying to piece together what you experienced...

From the way you made it sound you were right at the entrance of the garage and this being was mighty close to you. It is interesting that you say it actually had footsteps. Are you sure this was not an actual person that ran off while you and your friend were cowering behind the brother?

Was he running directly towards you and then suddenly vanished? Just trying to understand a little better how it all went down... It sounds like whatever it was, was waiting for you. Any more details you think you can shed on what happened that night?

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