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Two Occurances That Happened After My Gran Passed Away


When my grandmother had passed away I was five at the time, the date was 18th of February 1994.

I do remember bits and pieces of that day, and have very fond memories of the place she stayed at. There are also other weird things that happened there, but that's a story for some other time.

The first spooky thing that happened the night my grandmother passed away, while everyone went to lay down, was a heavy and hard knocking on the front door. My cousin, who was a toddler at the time, started crying and his mum went to go see who it was when everyone told her not to open the door.

The second and most scariest and weirdest thing that happened after she passed away was on the 10th day memorial service (as per Hindu custom). After all the visitors and some family had left, a beggar came to ask for food. My aunt was about to chase him away when my mum warned her against it as my mum believes that we should never refuse anyone who asks for food or water. So my mum did give him a parcel of food that was prepared on that day. The old man thanked my mum profusely and walked of.

As this man stepped onto the pavement or sidewalk of the street, he simply vanished before my mum's eyes (from the front door of my gran's place you have a very wide and clear view of the street out front). My mum stood there shocked for a few minutes, trying to find some logical explanation as to what just happened. Even when she called my aunt to tell her what she witnessed my aunt was a bit skeptical. But up until this day my mum still talks about that incident with a bit of shock and wonder.

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Rajine (14 stories) (841 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-07)
Yes everything disappeared the food the man, everything just vanished
dpny (4 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-07)
Phoenix poses a great question- did the food also disappear?
Rajine (14 stories) (841 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-06)
When a person dies there's 4 ceremonies that ensure the deceased reaches their destination. First being the 10 days then 13 days then 6 months and one year. Out of the 4 the 10 and 13 days are of most importance as we believe that the soul remains at the house for 13 days before it departs to wherever its going. If a person is poor then there's no need for extravagance. Simple foods n simple offerings can be made. And usually when a family member passes on all the family and friends come together to make sure whatever needs to be done is sorted
Rajine (14 stories) (841 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-06)
Hi kikigirl, yes there are many ways we can offer our gods/goddesses with special types of sweet dishes in our culture we offer our gods fruits and milk. Nothing with salt, and for our dead we do offer a wide range of vegetarian dishes, drinks like water and cool drink even alcohol and cigarettes. There is a 2 week ritual where we only focus on the people that has passed on which usuall occurs during sept-oct we cook all their favourite dishes n favorite drinks n offer it to them under a tree. And we also donate money and food stuff, clothing to needy people in that late persons memory. The more good we do and more we give to people we believe the soul will be happy wherever it may be
Rajine (14 stories) (841 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-06)
Hi [ [at] ]alex my guess is if she opened the door something would have been there, and yes my mum stands by what she says the man had vanished with food and all
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-03-05)
Are you honestly attempting to give advise based on a fictional movie, that had a bare minimum of the understanding of Egypt's view of the after life, or even their gods? You could not have picked a worse reference choice if you had tried. First, the Egyptians believed we would live eternity out in The Field of Reeds which was a perfect reflection of the life one had lived on earth.
"The Egyptian Underworld was called Duat, and it was pictured as being much like Egypt, only better. The problem was that getting to Duat was difficult, and a lot of things could go wrong. The deceased person's body has to survive; without it, the dead person's soul would be annihilated. The person's name had to be preserved as well. There were complex rituals to embalm the corpse (hello, mummies!) and "open its mouth" so that the dead soul could speak the proper ritual formulas as it journeys through Duat, so it can get past various monsters and obstacles. The dead person's heart was weighed against the feather of Ma'at, the Goddess of Truth, to ensure that the deceased had lived a proper life; if the feather was heavier than the heart, the heart and its soul were devoured. The deceased had to be able to make the 42 Negative Confessions, truthfully denying a long list of moral failures and crimes. Burial practices involved an array of spells, charms, and texts, designed to make sure the dead person knew what to say and when to say it, and that various difficulties could be overcome. And the body of a wealthy person was provided with expensive grave goods to ensure that he or she would live comfortably in Duat." (taken from A Historian Goes to the Movies
What about the poor who couldn't afford the expensive embalming?
There were actually 3 grades of embalming. The third being the cheapest, as the ancient Egyptians believed that if the deceased were not properly buried, the soul would return in the form of a ghost to haunt the living. As mummification could be very expensive, the poor gave their used clothing to the embalmers to be used in wrapping the corpse. This gave rise to the phrase "The Linen of Yesterday" alluding to death. It's interesting to note that even in the poorest situations, the deceased were buried in simple graves with those artifacts they had enjoyed in life or whatever objects the family could afford to part with, so that they could continue enjoying them in the afterlife. Nothing to do with "offerings".
You seem to have mixed the Greek mythology of the River Styx in with the Egyptians... According to that story, the River Styx separates the living world from the land of the dead. When your soul reaches the River, you are transported to the other side by a boatman named Charon - but it wasn't free. If your family had failed to bury you with coin for payment (these were what the coins placed over the eyes were for) then you were stuck. You could try to swim across, but most didn't make it. Once you did cross over all you had to do is wait to be reborn. These souls wouldn't remember their prior life. So unlike the Egyptians, the Greeks didn't spend a lot of time preparing for their after life because they didn't expect to be there very long.
KikiGirl (8 stories) (207 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-05)
Rajine, thanks for sharing your experience! I do not know much about Hindu customs and religion, but, I was wondering if there is such a custom to "appease" or please the God/s whereby, you prepare a meal or water and offer it? In the old Egypt, Pharoes etc were buried with gold and other items so they would have "bounty" or offering/s upon arrival in the spiritual realm. Some people believe, a person will give the offering to a spirit at the crossroads which oversees entering "heaven". If the person has nothing to offer, they will wonder aimlessly throughout the underworld or invisible world. I think, this concept was recently used in the movie, "Gods of Egypt".

I am not very familiar with this theology, but, I do know that some cultures believe it.
ThePhoenixIsHere (2 stories) (27 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-04)
whoa! Wait, did the food and water that you gave him disappear with him?
alexandrapr369 (2 stories) (16 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-03)
Hi there!
Did she opened the door? What happened if she did so?

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