A few years back, about six now so that would be in 2010, my friend, who wishes to remain anonymous, and I were in my bedroom on a particularly sunny day that had no clouds in the sky and no forecast of rain nor thunder/lightning that day either, attempting to contact the dead through means of EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon.) We were probably attempting contact for about two, maybe two and a half hours, with no luck. It felt like forever, though, because we were just sitting up there and not doing anything else. We didn't have my TV on, we didn't have my radio on, nothing. We wanted to make sure that there wasn't going to be any interference on the voice recorder that we were using during that EVP session.
A few minutes into the two, two and a half hours that we were up there, for some reason I blurted out something to the effect of, "If you are here, will you touch one of us?" Nothing happened for the first few seconds, although to us it felt like minutes (more minutes then we would have liked to count)!
And then, all of a sudden, I felt two taps on my right shoulder, and I instantly had chills go right down my spine. The feeling of the chill lasted a few seconds as I was attempting to figure out how to process the events of the last 30 seconds.
When I "came to," so to speak, and realized what exactly had just happened, I asked my friend if he felt the same thing, and he said, "No." I was the only one who had felt it, which I thought was kind of odd, as he is a psychic, as I am, but he was more "developed" at the time than I was.
I haven't had anything like that happen since that time.
My son was at my sisters house which is the house that I grew up in and is haunted. They tried to do E.V.P.s and the rats she had in a cage were going nuts. They got one E.V.P. Of a child saying I want to play with that. They assumed the child meant the recorder. My son stayed the night and my niece and nephew were asleep but my son kept getting tickled on his feet all night.
When we tried to do E.V.P. In my house the tape slowed down to a stop!
We never could figure out how it would work in one place and not another.