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A Glance Behind The Curtains


Greetings YGS family, thanks for reading my first submission and interacting with me. I'm pleased that you liked it. Here is my next story... Although story is not the word that I am looking for here, as it was much of an experience.

This particular incident happened when I had just finished my 12th standard board exam and was living with my maternal grandparents for vacation, well that's what we called it because the results were yet to be announced and our fate yet to be declared. I had my cousin sisters with me, all three of them and we enjoyed each-other's company very much. I am the eldest grandchild both maternally and paternally.

My grandmother was a kind-hearted and religious woman who used to love cooking very much. Anything she would cook would be so delicious that we would be left longing for more. She always liked to try out new recipes and stuff. Her specialty was "Puranpoli"...its a Maharashtrian delicacy which is very sweet to taste. It's complicated to explain it but it is kind of a flat bread stuffed with a filling of jaggery and cooked, grounded chickpeas. Why I am detailing this stuff because this is related to the incident. My grandmother was a firm believer and a devotee of Shree Swami Samartha Maharaj, who was/is a very well-known saint in Maharashtra.

One fine night, I had a dream wherein my grandfather asked me to bring a pen from the room next to their's. I went to that room and saw my younger maternal uncle sitting on the floor in distress. Also our Puja ghar - the place where we keep and worship our gods, was in the same room, whereas in reality, it is outside in one of our halls. I tried to ask my maternal uncle as to why he looked so worried. He did not reply or even notice me, like he did not see me standing in front of him. I tried again with no luck so I dropped the topic and decided to return to my grandparents' room. Little did I know what was waiting to greet me there. Mind you, this whole dream scenario was taking place in the noon time, like there was sunlight in my dream. When I entered my grandparents' room, to my shock, it was dawn time, somewhere at around 5-6 AM. I could not see my grandfather anywhere but what I saw was my grandmother lying in the bed, completely still, no movement, not even the rise and fall of her chest while breathing. I could not see her face as the darkness had shadowed over her face, but I could make out the outlines though. I was completely frozen on the same point where I stood. I dared to ask her what was wrong and was she alright. To which I heard her voice saying that now that she was old, Shree Swami Samartha had made a provision for her. I would like to point out that, her face was not at all moving like when one speaks, it was just a disembodied voice clear as a day, ringing in my ears. I did not think of it as much and left the room, leaving her to rest.

As I was heading from her room to the hall, I saw a woman standing near the stove in our kitchen which was separated from the hall. To my horror, when she turned towards me, she was my grandmother but completely in black and white. Rest of her surroundings were colored if that makes sense. I was totally freaking out at this point as I had just seen her lying on the bed in the other room. There was some weird quality to her appearance on which I could not lay my finger on. She just calmly smiled at me and said that Swami had made a provision for her and she was going to stay here always. And zap!, just like that my dream ended.

I was so horrified, dumbfounded and confused about this whole experience. I did not talk to anyone regarding this until my grandmother noticed my changed behavior and coaxed me into telling her this. To my surprise, she too had a dream where there was a river, she and other Suvasinis (married ladies whose spouses are still alive) were trying to cross it and Swami Samartha was seated in a small boat and helped the other ladies step inside the boat except my grandmother. She said he told her that she would soon meet him. I somehow felt relaxed that a huge weighing burden was lifted off of me and at the same time knew that she also knew that her time was soon going to come. I am very sad and sorry to note that just three days after my dream, my grandmother passed away at 6:00 AM in the morning, due to heart attack and she was exactly found in the same state as I had seen her my dream. But it was an auspicious day of Gudi Padwa, so she passed away on a good day which is considered to be a good sign for moksha or mukti. I miss you grandma... Be at peace wherever you may be. Love you always!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Orora99, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Orora99 (2 stories) (14 posts)
5 years ago (2020-06-17)
Hello Nikachi
Its great to hear from another devotee of Swami Maharaj such as yours. I hope you and your sister are doing well due to Swami's grace and protection. Yes, my grandmother had dedicated rest of her life to Swami's teachings and I do to believe that she is happy and at peace in his presence. Shree Swami Samartha
Nikachi (2 stories) (8 posts)
5 years ago (2020-06-15)
Hi Orora

When I read ' puranpoli' I understood your connection with Swami Maharaj and Maharashtra. Puranpoli is the one which Swami likes a lot. I am from North india but still a devotee of Swami maharaj and associated with dindori seva marg. Due to swami's grace my sister got rid of a very negative energy which would not let her get married and she got married. Swamiji is very powerful and to see him in dreams is really very auspicious. Your granny was very lucky that she had dream about swamiji before her death and swamiji had some provision for her. Sorry for your loss but your granny is in absolutely safest hands. Shree Swami Samarth
Orora99 (2 stories) (14 posts)
5 years ago (2020-06-15)
Hello Alina5,
Thank you for reading my experience with such a keen interest. I'm glad you liked it. Also thank you for your references regarding eastern folklore. My grandmother's memories will always be cherished by me and my family. Regards.
Orora99 (2 stories) (14 posts)
5 years ago (2020-06-15)
Hello Lealeigh,
Thank you reading and liking my experience. I appreciate you extending your condolences. God bless you. Regards.
Orora99 (2 stories) (14 posts)
5 years ago (2020-06-15)
Hello lady-glow,
Thanks for reading my experience. I will always cherish my grandmother's fond and loving memories. Regards
Orora99 (2 stories) (14 posts)
5 years ago (2020-06-15)
Hello RCRuskin,
Thank you for reading my experience. I'm glad you liked it. My grandma was indeed a saintly women... She was very kind hearted and would help anyone in distress.
Orora99 (2 stories) (14 posts)
5 years ago (2020-06-15)
Hello silverthane61,
Thank you very much for reading and liking my experience. What you said is true... There is indeed nothing to fear about death... We only have one thing to remember that the reason we are alive today shows that we died once upon a time and came to being! This is a cycle.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
5 years ago (2020-06-11)
May her Memory be Eternal.

Your grandmother must have been a saintly lady, for it seems they are the ones blessed with knowing when they shall pass.
silverthane61 (4 stories) (344 posts)
5 years ago (2020-06-10)
You have had an impressively fantastic experience. Thank you so much for sharing this incident with us. May it serve as an example that there is absolutely nothing to fear from death and that whatever awaits us on the other side of the veil is both pleasing and peaceful.
Alina5 (3 stories) (136 posts)
5 years ago (2020-06-10)
Hello 0rora,

What a fascinating experience! You actually experienced a vision of your grandmother's death. I always find it interesting when people experience something which defies the rules of time. Probably serving as as a proof love is the greatest of all powers

Her untimely demise must be a sorrowful event for the family. My condolences on your loss.

In one of my previous posts a fellow YGS member had mentioned the account of Swami Samarth Maharaj, considering how much of a reputed saint he is in the Maharashtra.

But the most interesting part of your narrative was when your Grandmother herself had a dream of her death.

In many East Asian folklores, the boat your grandmother referred to is a boat for souls to cross over the earth to descend towards complete salvation, the river on which the boat floats symbolises the emotional attachment to the material world which it has to detach from in order for salvation. And the fact that Swami Maharaj promised her to join later can mean that she wants to stay and look after her family a bit more before moving on. Very heart-warming indeed.

Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2020-06-10)
Hello Orora,

Thank you for sharing this touching experience with us. I am very sorry for your loss; but, I am glad that you have such beautiful memories of her to carry with you for your life. I am also glad that she did not seem to fear her death, even though she knew it was coming. May she rest in peace.

- Maria
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
5 years ago (2020-06-10)
Hello Orora.

I'm sorry for your loss.

What you had was a precognitive dream letting you know that your grandmother's departure from this plane was coming soon.

In my opinion, one is never really ready when the time comes to face a loved one death regardless of all the warnings one might have gotten.

Cherish your grandmother's memory for all the good times you shared together.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

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