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Real Ghost Stories

Unexplained Sound


So I am writing for the first time what I experienced. I had completed my exams and had been living with my aunt (father's sister), her daughter (S) and S's son (J).

Where they live is an empty apartment building. There are two buildings and they are on the opposite side of each other. My aunt lives in building A and the opposite one is B. In building A, only my aunt's family (consisting of 3 people) live on the first floor and an old lady lives on the 4th floor. In the opposite building one couple and 4 boys live on 2nd floor and 4th floor respectively.

As there are not many people living there it's kind of a peaceful place. So it was Friday afternoon and me and J were talking about ghosts and were watching videos related to the same. (There is very little age difference between me and my nephew because I am the youngest sister.)

The next morning we were going to have picnic so that night we slept early, but the excitement kept both J and me awake. Now around 1:30 I heard a sound like someone was dragging a chain along the road and not just once but through the whole night until almost 5:00. I couldn't sleep the whole night, and woke up around 5:15. Everyone else was asleep.

Then I see J also waking up in his bedroom. So we both after having refreshed, started talking as there was still time before everyone else woke up. The first thing he asked me was "Did you heard the sound of chain dragging?" and I was like you heard it too? We both explained each other what we heard. It was same but he said that whenever he heard the sound the door of his room would be shaking violently without making a single noise.

Now as I mentioned earlier it is a very old apartment and the doors were replaced 10 years ago. So it is bound to make noise even if you just open it. After that I described it to my another sister (my aunt has 4 daughters) and she said that she also heard the same sounds most of the night when she took care of our grandma.

We used to be a joint family before the family separated. The whole family lived in various apartments in the same building for 17 years and once I casually asked my mother about anything paranormal there and she said no. No one has even committed suicide there. So I don't know what caused the noise but it was there.

P.S. J heard that same noise twice after the above incident.

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Argette (guest)
7 years ago (2017-03-18)
RedWolf, I like knowing that something we place outside near the alley will be found and repurposed. Until recently when I began working from home, I didn't realized how many people are into junking, or gleaning, as my husband calls it. We have some who drive through in trucks, others on bikes. The latter two meet over in the park and compare notes.

I'm glad I figured out what the early morning noise was, tho.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-17)

Have you considered the possibility that an animal like a dog had a heavy chain connected to it's collar and his running up and down the street is what caused the sound?

As for your cousin saying that ever time he hears that noise his door shakes violently but silently. To me this sounds like he is in the lucid dreaming stage of sleep and thinks he is awake seeing this, but in fact he is not.

I am also confused. You say that the building is in the middle of the City nor are there any major roads or industries to make such a noise. Did you misspeak?

My father was one of those garbage pickers. He would walk around in the middle of the night and if he found something he wanted he would walk home and get the car and go pick it up. At one point we had around 10 broken lawn mowers he was going to fix but never did. 😆

RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-12)

I'm sorry but "feeling" something is NOT good enough to declare it as paranormal. That is simply not the way science works. Just because you couldn't see what was making a noise doesn't mean there wasn't a perfectly good explanation. It only means 1 thing. It means you didn't see it.

The world of the paranormal has a very hard time as it is being taken seriously. To be taken seriously it must be able to withstand the rigors of scientific scrutiny.
If you do not uphold those same tough standards with your evidence and data you are not doing yourself and those with a keen interest in finding the truth any service

DayviRose (1 stories) (6 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-11)
Hii argette I know anyone can be skeptical and I don't mind it. But somethings are just felt and I know that at that time I felt terrified. Some things don't harm you but you can feel their presence and I know what I felt.
Argette (guest)
7 years ago (2017-03-11)
And I am increasingly skeptical. Sorry.

I have to take issue with the statement that "we actually know what we heard was something paranormal."

It's possible, yes, but it has not been proven.
Zaruje (15 stories) (182 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-11)
Hello dayvirose! I am now both skeptical and really curious to what causes the noise. Your story is both intriguing and creepy. Love to read more of your stories
DayviRose (1 stories) (6 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-11)
And lady-glow both the houses were unoccupied. The reasons I don't know.
DayviRose (1 stories) (6 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-11)
Yes lady-glow we actually know what we heard was something paranormal. Now not coz of my experience. In the story I mentioned my sister who heard the sound several times while taking care of our grandma and at that time she was 18 now she is 38 and 20 years ago the building was surrounded by nothing but one or two houses and rest was barren land.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-11)
DR: Your following statement is very interesting and could shed some light to the source of the sound:

"... The apartment is surrounded by commercial buildings and even they shut their buildings at almost around 8:00. So no A/C's or any machinery can making such noise..."

Just because the businesses close at 8:00 pm doesn't mean that the activity in, at least, some of them shuts off completely. It is possible that someone is doing some maintenance work during the night in a way to not interfering with the daily activities of the place. Another possibility could be a piece of equipment malfunctioning during the night without anyone taking notice until the following morning.

Even if you went around asking if the watchmen have heard the noise, you still have to take into consideration that the location of your aunt's apartment is unique and could be affected by different factors than the ones affecting the location of the surrounding buildings.

I'm not denying that J and you heard this unexplained sound but, in my opinion, there's no enough evidence as to consider it to be paranormal.

If you ever hear this sound again, would you be willing to walk around the neighborhood trying to find where it comes from? You may be surprised to find the answer.
DayviRose (1 stories) (6 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-11)
Argette, for your question, no the apartment is surrounded by commercial buildings and even they shut their buildings at almost around 8:00. So no A/C's or any machinery can making such noise. I asked around with the watchmen of different buildings who are on night duties and they never heard a sound. And junk pickers come in the morning at around 10:00, so I am positive it was neither of the sounds you mentioned.
Argette (guest)
7 years ago (2017-03-11)
DayviRose, I was just wondering if it might have been a piece of machinery outside, in the neighborhood. Noises carry at night, especially when there are no other sounds.

For years I heard the sound of something dragging down the street in the middle of the night. It finally dawned on me that it was a junk picker, going around on a bike with a cart, on nights that homeowners place junk or recyclables outside for pickup by city workers.
DayviRose (1 stories) (6 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-11)
Sorry lady-glow I did not woke up I meant to say I went out of my bedroom to refresh myself and no the building is in the middle of the city nor there are any major roads or industries around it to make such noise. And for the rail roads they are like 5km away.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-11)
"... I couldn't sleep the whole night, and woke up around 5:15..."
How could you wake up if you were not asleep? 😕

Sorry, I couldn't help to make a joke!

Did J or you check if there was something or someone making the noise on the street?
Are the buildings close to an industry or to the train tracks or a busy road that could be making the noise and causing the ground to vibrate?

For what you say, the noise has been heard for some time but no one seemed to have experienced anything particularly scary or unexplained what makes me think that this sound has a very mundane explanation.

Thanks for sharing.
DayviRose (1 stories) (6 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-11)
Hi Argette,

No as I said the building was occupied by very less people and it doesn't have a lift as it the building is very old, so there cannot be chains lying around and no other equipment that would make a noise like that. And Thank you for reading.
Argette (guest)
7 years ago (2017-03-10)
Ooh, that is what I call scary! It's stuff like that that really creeps me out.

Could it have been a piece of equipment running?

Thank you for posting, DayviRose. Well told.

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