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Strange Knocks


I am writing this on the basis that I really need some help. Since October I have been hearing knocks all around my house, it started one night, about 1am, I was having a hard time falling asleep so I went to watch tv. I'm sitting on the couch channel surfing and I heard someone call me from my room. I go to my room and asked my husband what he needed but he was out so I blew it off as me being so sleepy.

About two weeks later I heard knocks under the house, but I dismissed it as neighborhood cats under the house. Well a little while after the "cats under the house" I went to bed and thought nothing of it until I heard 3 really loud bangs on my front door so I went to get a golf club and see who was at the door. When I got there, nobody, so I start to look around the house and down the road, nothing there. Well it stopped for a while after that night then shortly before Thanksgiving I was home alone and getting ready to take a shower and on the bathroom door, I heard bang, bang, bang, maybe Tim came home early and was letting me know he was home. I poked my head out of the door no one was there so I yelled "Tim what are you doing home so soon?", I got no response. I was thoroughly freaked out.

Nothing happened after that until last Friday when my mom came over to see the kids and me, as I'm getting ready to go she yells at me and says someone was at the door so I went to answer nobody was there, my poor mom about had a stroke over the whole story. She was very mad at me for not telling her but, I needed to make sure that it wasn't just me. So I have been just sitting back and observing and trying figure out what exactly what is going on.

This is the only time beside telling my mom that I have spoken of these incidents. I really need help with what is going on mainly I don't feel anything good or bad just strange things going on, and as to date I have not seen any thing. I do know it is not the house settling that is a totally different sound.

Thank you very much for your time and advice.



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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, haleybug, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

haleybug (10 stories) (89 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-28)
hi whitebuffalo,
yes it is working very well.i'm glad I found that one. ❤ haleybug
whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2007-12-27)
Hi Haleybug!
I was going to recommend a soda, but it sounds like you caught onto that with the coffee, though. There are ways to work around it and sodas and cappucinos worked on this end.
Thank you.
haleybug (10 stories) (89 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-27)
thank you for you comment, and I have a for lack of a better term "soultion" for his adhd and it tends to be a big shocker to everyone I explain it to. Coffee works the same as aderall and ridalin but with out the side effects. And now I am almost positive that the activity is surrounding me. So now I have to figure out how to calm my self and reduce my stress to get a handle on this and again thank you to every one who has commented and put their two cents in.
love ❤
whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2007-12-27)
jwhitfi, Thank you for commenting on what may have been my daughters problem with her medications. We went through a period of about three years where she was tested with various different meds, none of them suited her. Against all of her doctors urgings (she had several doctors of all varieties trying to keep her on the meds and asking us to please reconsider) I decided to wean her off. It has NOT been an easy road, and I did seriously doubt the wisdom of that choice many times in the past. In the present, I am glad that I did. She still has her problems, but at least she has learned to deal with them head on and with a clear mind. Thanks again. 😊
xxbabyhannah (18 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-27)
i witnessed the same thing it was chistmas eve and my family was in bed I was only 11 and I hearded foot steps I got out of my bed no one was there but when I got down stairs I found this dust on the floor I saw a man hanging outside on my tree I screamed and closed my eyes and then it was gone I did not even want to see it agian ❤
jwhitfi (2 stories) (10 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-22)
I am an adult with ADHD, Iwas diagnosed when I was very little and know a lot about it and how it effects the body/brain. I do believe that it is possible that your son could be causing the activity. We ADHDers are hyper but we DON'T use up ALL of our energy like most people think. I really respect your desiscion to not medicate him... I have been taking medications daily since I was 4 years old, and I really don't think I benefitted from it at all... Our society is too dependent on chemicals to make us feel or act better, but that's a whole 'nother subject. Try getting him a therapist that can help teach him some coping skills for his ADHD, so that he can function in school and behave a little better at home, it will help with his stress levels, also, the therapist can teach YOU some skills to deal with your son when he is acting up.

ADHD medicine's are different forms of anphedimines, basically they're speed. However they have an adverse recation for people with ADD or ADHD, so Whitebuffalo, this may be why your daughter had such violent reactions to it... It sped up her metabolism, gave her more energy that got focused on by a poltergiest. Just a theory, and a possibility.

Hope I could shed some light ❤
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-21)
I am with you and Whitebuffalo, against giving medications to children when not necessary! I know it's hard on you but you will be glad you didn't in the long run. I know parents who talk about putting their kids on medication for their OWN sanity and I hate it.~Shelby ❤
haleybug (10 stories) (89 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-21)
Thank you ohiowathai really apreciate that, it's nice to know that I'm not the only person to have experinces like this. ❤
Ohiowatha (11 stories) (415 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-21)
dear haleybug,

i cannot offer you an explaination, only reassurance. Please don't get too freaked out about this stuff. I don't know what it is, but rest assured that is it SOMETHING and not all in your head. I have recently been getting woken up in the middle of the night to something tapping on my windows. This is very unnerving because I live on the 4th floor. The windows are right next to my pillow, too, so it scares me awake. All I can do is think, well, this happens to other people, too, so let's not get too upset or scared about it--you know? So, for what it's worth, I feel you.

thanks for sharing!
haleybug (10 stories) (89 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-21)
i'm glad that I'm not the only one to take the hard path. I know that he'll grow out of it in a few years and what's the point in just masking the problem and possibly making a worse one later on. ❤
whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2007-12-21)
Haleybug, when my Essie first started having her experiences she was on a medication that could be used in patients that had ADHD. Her doctor felt that even though she had not tested positive for ADHD, she was borderline. When we continued to give her the medication the more "violent" episodes occurred. About four or five months after being weaned from the medication the violent issues stopped. Then we just had to deal with a ghostie. Just another parent voting against the medications, I guess. Thought I would put in my two cents, for what it is worth.
haleybug (10 stories) (89 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-21)
THANK YOU GUYS FOR ALL OF THE HELP! 😁 I am very greatful for the comments, and for letting me share my experinces with you. ❤
Darkangel101 (1 stories) (5 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-21)
Mustang is right high stress level and scary movies could get you hearing things like knocks and feelings on your body. But if there is something going on and you surely know it, get comfortable hearing it until the fear goes away. 😊 😁
siddharth (4 stories) (37 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-21)
Hi Haleybug,
Errr...I got really confused and amazed reading the comments by Mustang. 😆 I appreciated his knowledge. I think that it's a poltergeist activity.So, you better purify your house.
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-20)
Okay! Well then I think we have more than likely found your source for the poltergeist activity! Wouldn't you say? ~Shelby ❤
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-20)
I looked ADHD up and upon reading all of the information, it seems as though it has everything to do with the brain functions. It also seems that the child or adult has high stress levels expecially if they are taken out of their everyday routine.
haleybug (10 stories) (89 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-20)
no it is not only me who hears the knocking my mom herd it once, and the knocking happens when he is upset or really mad for whatever reason.
haleybug (10 stories) (89 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-20)
mustang I am just learning about ADHD he was diganosed in june, but I think it is more physical. And we are going at it without meds so I am almost always really stressed out. But he does get really stressed him self.
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-20)
Sorry, I am thinking some more on your question. I guess I should wait to answer when I have all of my thoughts together. If the things in your home are happening when your son is around, then I would say it is HIGHLY likely the cause of the activity since he is very emotionally charged. I wonder if the activity will increase or change. I know that it can disappear as quickly as it came but only to come back and increase in activity. Every case is different though. So, are you only hearing the knocking, or are other things happening too. Are you the only one that hears the knocking? It is difficult to tell who is the real cause of the phenomena. Also, it may not even be a poltergeist. You really have me more curious on this now! 😆LOL ~Shelby ❤
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-20)
Sorry Haleybug, let me correct myself. It IS mentally handicapped people of ANY age! Is ADHD a mental handicap? I don't know.
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-20)
Hi Haleybug. I don't really consider a person/child with ADHD mentally handicapped but it could be possible. From what I've read, is that it is young people at the border of puberty and during puberty or mentally handicapped adults. You know, I would think that people with ADHD WOULDN'T have any pent up energies because usually their energy is releasing all of the time and not built up inside of them. Now if he were a little older I would say, "OH YEA, DEFINITELY THE CAUSE" but if he is only 9 years old, I really don't think so. I don't know too much about the difference between this ADD and ADHD. I'm not an expert so, I mean, it could be possible but I doubt it. Does it center around you? From what I gathered in the story is that it does. Do things happen when your son is around but then stop when he is out of the house? ~Shelby ❤
haleybug (10 stories) (89 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-20)
😕 so would a child with adhd bring one about? My 9 year old son has adhd and is very emotionly charged could this be the cause?
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-20)
Yes, Whitebuffalo, pretty much. I went from thinking at one time in my life that it WAS an entity to it wasn't but just thinking it was the physical manifestations of a teenager going through puberty and the sexual angst they feel creating all of the havoc to realizing, after reading so many books, that it makes since that it most definitely IS a ghost that is literally feeding off of the 'host's' emotions (hormones).

The majority of ghosts are not able to obtain the kind of energies necessary to manifest physically or move objects. Only when there is a powerful source close at hand can they draw on the larger energies necessary for such a feat. Of course it can be frightening to see objects move seemingly of their own volition. But, they don't-they electromagnetic force manipulated by the ghost is responsible for this even if the ghost itself is not visible. As hard as it may seem, it is not an attack on anyone but an attempt to get attention, and, if possible, help.
~Shelby ❤ 😊
whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2007-12-20)
So, Mustang, there IS an entity, with no powers of their own, or with very little power. Then all the HORMONES of certain people seem to be able to energize it?
That actually makes a lot of sense. If we can fuel them by fear, then certainly we could fuel them by desire also. That almost sounds like they are "emotional vampires" so to speak. Uh, that may be opening another discussion and take away from this story, sorry about that haleybug. We can get into a discussion about emotional vampires some other time... 😉
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-20)
Hi Haleybug. As you probably already are aware, the term 'Poltergeist' is German, meaning "noisy ghost". The German scientists decided, after researching, that a young person at the threshold of puberty; the energies that make the sometimes very violent phenomena possible were actually the unreleased sexual energies of the young people in a household of the occurrences. Young people on the border of their sexual awakening can be the source of the energy allowing the phenomena to occur, but so can mentally handicapped people of any age and sexually frustrated individuals of any age, consciously or unconsciously. A poltergeist, then, is nothing more than that stage of a haunting when manifestations occur that are clearly of physical nature, such as the movement or throwing of objects. The originator, however, is not the youngster or mentally handicapped older person. They are merely the source, tapped against their will and usually without their knowledge by a ghostly entity desperately trying to get attention for their plight from people in this world. Not to harm anyone, but to get people to notice their presence.

How to deal with a poltergeist? No differently than the way one relates to an earthbound spirit, a ghost who is unable to realize her or his true condition. Contact can usually be established through a deep trance medium. This way the entity is calmed or released.

Poltergeist cases are much rarer than "ordinary" hauntings, but they do occur.

Whitebuffalo: As for the scratching, punching, etc... I can only say that that does not seem to be a poltergeist but something of another nature. Of what? I do not know.

I really hope this helps. Talk to you soon! 😊 ~Shelby ❤
whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2007-12-20)
I could deal with a little more information too. From what I have looked up just now (prompted by a question I could not answer) "Some poltergeists that remain unexplained and may involve actual spirits..." That is a direct quote from the Mystica. With that as my spring board, I would say that poltergeist are nothing but our own power projected through inanimate objects. If that is the case, the reports of scratching, punching etc, where does that come from? Do we inflict these injuries upon ourselves?
haleybug (10 stories) (89 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-20)
hey mustang I have a question for you. Could you please give me further insight on poltergeists?
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-20)
If it is a residual haunting, I am almost positive that a blessing will NOT work since a residual haunting IS just a recording. ~Shelby ❤
essiej (guest)
17 years ago (2007-12-20)
If it is a residual haunting, will a blessing work? It is just a recording. I am asking cause I don't know.
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-20)
Hi haleybug. This is really interesting. I think it may be a residual haunting. I'm not sure what to say. Just in case, you should try asking the spirit to move on but, I don't think it will work if it is a residual. Get your house blessed (if that is what you believe in) or try a smudging ceremony. Maybe you could check the history of the house and land, you never know what you might find out. Hopefully one or the other will work. It sounds pretty annoying but also harmless. Nothing to worry about. Thanks for sharing your experience, like I said, interesting.

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