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Phantom Car?


Greetings one and all!

This is my first posting, and I may make a few others depending upon how this is received. If I may be permitted a few words about myself. I am at heart a skeptic as regards matters of the supernatural. I believe that most people who tell these tales and relate these experiences are telling the truth, from their perspective; but if they were to investigate the event sufficiently they would find that there was a natural explanation for what they have experienced. Having "busted" several "ghosts" I am not speaking out of my hat. I follow these stories hoping to find that I am wrong - I wish I believed that there was life after death I just have never seen any evidence of it.

To my story:

Perhaps seven years ago (2011 or so) in the summer (lord don't ask for the month) I was driving home from work it was about 4:30 PM on a bright sunny after noon. I work in a small city in the coastal plain of Northern North Carolina. I live in a small county with no cities or towns, pretty rural and pretty flat. I was about midway between home and work, pretty much smack in the middle nowhere. As I was approaching one of the few intersections, a farm path running onto the main thoroughfare, I noticed an antique car coming off the farm path, it was a brown car from the early 1930's (I'm hardly an expert on such matters but am a huge fan of older movies so a could pretty well fix time frame of the car if not the make and model). After I passed the car (and no I didn't look inside the car to see the driver, I was admiring the restoration job the owner had clearly done) the car pulled out an followed me. I was surprised that anyone would take such a car on the farm paths, but what the heck right? After about a quarter of mile, perhaps a half mile, I looked in the mirror and was surprised to see that the car was no longer there. In most cases and in most places this would come as no surprise, but here, the middle of nowhere, there was no place the car could have gone. I came to place where I could turn around (I drive an F250 so not really maneuverable) and back tracked to see if the car had fallen into the deep ditch, really the only place it could go. I found nothing.

In the ensuing years I've seen the car on the same road several times and and every time I've seen it it disappears. This is not to say I've actually seen the car vanish, but I'll be watching the car, my attention is called elsewhere and when I look back the car is gone and there is no place it could have gone to. I've told several people and nothing. I've looked for the car parked in a yard or open barn and again nothing. My wife, who does believe in ghosts, thinks I'm seeing a ghost car. I have no explanation but would be interested in the thoughts of this crowd.

Thank you for the time you took to read this, sorry it wasn't spooky or eerie.

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Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-13)
This is likely to be my final posting on this article, unless other questions arise.

Since posting I've done what research I could. There was no "local paper" at the time. Without a date searching back issues of the nearest papers is a daunting task that I just don't have the time for. Goggle produced nothing, not surprisingly as the stretch of road I'm talking about is flat, straight and through farmland. I can actually find no fatal accidents ever occurring on that stretch of road.

I did find that the farms on either side of the road existed in the late 1890's so the road was probably much as it is today, though likely unpaved...

As I mentioned there is a seldom used railroad track that crosses the road, at the extreme far east end of the stretch, again I've never seen the car that far along the road, but I can find no evidence of a fatality associated with that crossing, the rail line seems to have existed prior to the 1920's, I can't find out when it was laid, but it was around by the time the car I've seen was made.

I'd like to thank you all for taking the time and your suggestions. Should I see the car again I'll be sure to post.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-31)
When you search, CudddleBear, I'd suggest adding the name of the road where you spotted the car. If there are reports, they should mention the accident happened on, or near, the road.
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-31)

You might have some luck by simply googling 'car accident' with a time frame. Or visit your local library, and explain what you are looking for. The staff can point you in the right direction and help provide the correct materials to search.

Lots of luck in finding some answers 😊

Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-31)
Some of you have suggested I check into the the history of the area, to see if there was a fatal accident around that area I sight the car. I'm not sure how to do that. If the car was new, the accident would have needed to happen no later than the early 30's and perhaps as early as the mid '20's. That would give a ten year search area, if I could find a paper that would have covered the story.

Any hints on cutting down that search?
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-31)

You've definitely done the research. I honestly have nothing more to suggest. I really enjoyed your account and hope that some day, you'll encounter the car again or come across some information that would help identify its existence.

Thanks again for sharing😊

Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-31)
To those of you who have suggested that the car pulled off the road I assure this is what I would have wished but there is just no where to turn. I have "google earthed" it many times to see if there is something I'm missing, and no there isn't, also looking for nice bike rides.

I've only seen the car when I've been heading east. The car turns off from the north and heads east as well. Yesterday I clocked the distances to these points of interest from the north south farm path. It is one quarter of mile to a culvert that would allow the car off the road without getting stuck in the ditch. This culvert/bridge allows farm equipment into a field. If the car were to have gone in the field I'd have noticed the damage to the crops. The access is to fields south of the main road. A mile from the intersection is a railroad crossing, again it is possible that the car could leave the road here, and either ride on the seldom used tracks or next to them, however I've never seen the car make it this point. One and one-tenth mile from the intersection is a new housing development to the south of the main road, neither the development nor the road through it existed the first time I saw the car. After a mile and a third the road curves northerly and you lose sight of the road behind a number of houses.

When the car pulls out in front of me, I gain another half mile of straight ahead visibility until the curve allowing only three areas where the car could possibly turn and two of those are beyond points I've ever seen the car travel.

I should also note that I've not seen the car for a a number of years three or four at any rate. This could be for a number of reasons: I have taken up coaching youth soccer and Lacrosse, so I'm less likely to take this route home; there has been a a lot of new construction on the road the car turns off from; and, if the car is not a phantom, the owner could have either moved or sold the vehicle.

I will keep a watch out and hope to see it again, if so I'll add to this story.
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-31)
Gah! Sounds like a really beautiful car! I'd probably have driven myself right into the ditch oggling it!

There are a few of avenues that I can think of to check on what's going on.
1.) Since you seem to have something of a window of time in which it "appears" perhaps try preempting it. Position yourself somewhere on the side road where it seems to pull put of before 4:15 and wait.
2.) Since the vehicle seems to be in very good shape, if this is a ghost car then the fatal accident most likely occurred when it was still fairly new giving you a fairly circumscribed window of time - say from 1930 until 1945 - to check area newspapers for an accident with fatalities in that vicinity. You could also try asking at local churches that have been in the area since then.
3.) Have a look at the area on Google Earth and Google maps. You may be able to locate a road that way that is otherwise very difficult to see. If you are very lucky indeed, you may even be able to spot the car parked somewhere.

You could also install a dash cam or a mount for your phone and see if you can get video of it next time.

Happy hunting! Keep us posted:-)
Zaruje (15 stories) (182 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-31)

Ok this experience of yours is really interesting. I can't wait to read more stories from you

Thanks for sharing!
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-31)
Cuddlebear - If the situation and time of your sightings of this car are consistent, it could possibly be a residual event. Just an aspect to consider.

Regardings, Melda
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-30)

I apologize, I just saw that you answered some of my questions in your last comment. However, it would still be great if you can keep us updated on the phantom car. 😊

CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-30)
Hi Cuddlebear,

Your account is fascinating! The possibilities seem endless. I like Tweed's suggestion regarding Agatha Christie. Perhaps there is a road hidden from view that the car turns down? I'm sure you know the lay of the land so to speak and would be able to confirm this.

I agree with the suggestion from others to follow the vehicle. Who knows? You may be able to debunk it or see the car disappear. Another suggestion if possible; maybe attempt to take a picture of the car if you are able to get behind it.

Thanks for sharing a thought provoking experience. Please keep us updated. 😊

RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-30)
A time slip isn't so much shifting from this time to that time. It is more like looking through a window, and you see only what the window shows. It could be as expansive as a whole estate/city or just a pub, or just a car or a single individual.

Of course, in this case, it could just be an aficionado of older cars and there may be a hidden drive you never noticed before.

Or it could be nothing at all.:)
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-30)
Hi Cuddlebear,

Have you searched in old newspapers, online, anywhere if any accident occured in that stretch of road with a similar vehicle?

You know it could have turned suddenly and you missed it, then as being na antique it can be kept/parked inside a closed garage. But it's still strange that no one has seen it around besides you...

Take care. ❀
Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-30)
Tweed and Spockie - When I've been behind the car I've never been really close enough to follow it. The road leads into a small settlement that includes less than a dozen houses, a church and a Rotarian Club after a bend crossing RR tracks. It is entirely possible and even likely that the car could turn off here two side roads, any one of the number of driveways or park behind the church. However no one I've talked to, save me, has ever seen the car, and trust me this thing would stand out. I have gone to uncounted car shows looking for it to no avail. Waiting for it to pass is another matter I've not tried, the road is narrow and there is no shoulder with VERY deep ditches to the sides. Every winter car (or cars) will find their way into the ditch once you're in, you ain't coming out.

Tweed ~ frankly I'd love to believe that the car turned off somewhere behind me, but that really is impossible. The area where I've lost him the most is a flat stretch of road that extends for a mile and a half surrounded by farmland with two access paths for farm equipment. Unless the car fell into the ditch, or plowed into a corn field it could not disappear. I can assure you it wasn't in the ditch and I've surely have noticed the damage to a corn field that a car could inflict.

Melda ~ (See I did get around to you, I'm on a lunch break.) While I'm not a native to this area my wife and I have lived here since '93 and for most of that time I've driven this route to work. I've explored the area extensively by car, truck, jeep, bike and foot with several dogs. There are the ruins of some old farm structures, houses and barns, as well newer homes and structures.

Your post did make me think of somethings however, I've only seen the car on my way home so make it between 4:15 and may be 5:00 (running errands after work). I've only seen it in the summer. Also I've only seen it turning off the farm path or on the main drag, and only in that one one mile stretch of the main drag.
Tweed (36 stories) (2526 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-30)
Hi Cuddlebear, cool experience, thanks for sharing.

I thought the same as Spockie, if you find it again, try following it.
This reminded me a bit of Agatha Christie, but not one of her novels, something that happened to her. She had an emotional breakdown and went completely AWOL for a couple of weeks. It sparked a nation wide search, big news of the day. But it's the situation with her car that I'm reminded of.
She'd abandoned her car in the country. Where she'd parked wasn't visible to the main road. She'd driven down a narrow side 'road', that wasn't on the map. Her car wasn't found for a long while, despite being where the police had searched. The lay of the land and all the angles worked together a bit like stepping behind a mirror. This 'side road' had always been there, but very few knew of it. It was completely invisible from the main country road.
Just maybe something similar is going on with your mystery cool olden day car. I mean there are some freaks in the world. It's not hard to imagine some cashed up dingle berry attempting a wind up with a hoax ghost car. Hey at least they restored it properly and didn't paint stupid flames down it!

Of course, being hippy minded, I'm just as open to this being an actual phantom car. Let's hope so, that'd be cool!
Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-30)
RCRuskin and Spockie - A time slip is an intriguing idea, but I think off the mark. First I think I would have noticed a change in time unless I shifted to a time that was the roughly the same time of year (crop size is a big indicator), same time of day (sun shift) and same time the crop rotation cycle. Additionally, based on old photos I've seen, the road was not paved until the 1950's and this car would have been an antique even then. This is not say that the car didn't time shift.

Melda - I'll address you later out of time now. But will get back - promise.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-30)
Cuddlebear - Many people claim to have seen phantom cars but I can't count myself among them.

What convinces me that this is a phantom car is that you have seen it on more than one occasion. Does it always enter the road from the farm path? Do you know what lies along that path, such as old buildings, houses and so on? Perhaps you could take a short drive along there and have a look?

Regards, Melda
RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-29)
I'm with Spockie on this one.

Might be some sort of time slip, in which case it might be fun to look into local lore and see if anyone's spoken about a big, futuristic truck?
Spockie (8 stories) (203 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-29)
Thank you for your very intriguing story. I'm wondering if you are seeing something from the past replaying over and over in a loop, or if you actually cross over into the past briefly and encounter the car. The next time this occurs, why not try to pull over and then follow the car to see what happens.

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