I have enjoyed reading Phantom Cat stories here. My personal experience has been somewhat disturbing.
Phantom Cats are not new to me, but I never called them that before now. I have felt them for many years, and occasionally seen one out of the corner of my eye. At first, they were more surprising than disturbing. I thought it was kind of neat! I was not disturbed at all. However, this has recently changed.
Several weeks ago, for the first time in a while, I began to feel the Phantom Cats again. In addition, I was again seeing the "creepy crawlies" in shadows. They are like Daddy Long Legs, but with hundreds of legs, kind of fuzzy and legs wiggling. They grow. I have never seen them leave the shadows, but I do see them on the periphery.
Well, when I began to feel the "cats" once more, it quickly progressed to feeling like the "creepy Crawlies" were climbing on to my feet and lower legs - that's what I thought anyway. There were multiple ones at the same time. They would bite my toes, and I could feel it very acutely, and with associated pain. I was scared of them.
I tried praying them away, I would "kick" them off, but they would persistently return. They would only go away if I were to fall asleep.
I thought perhaps this was some psychosis associated with peripheral neuropathy. As such, I tried taking more Gabapentin at bedtime. At first, I thought it was helping. That did not last long, and they returned in force.
I literally thought I may be possessed by some evil spirit. These incidents even began to occur when I was sitting or lying in my recliner and would move with me if I got up and walked around. At times I felt a heaviness from the creatures, and always a sense of feet of some kind walking on my lower extremities.
One night, I though "Oh my goodness - they're Cats! We once had a cat that would nibble at my toes at night. This, I thought, was an exacerbation of that. I felt much better, thinking these were phantom cats rather than the creepy crawlies.
To stop the biting, I began to wear shoes to bed, but that did not help. I could still feel the bites. I just wanted it to stop. I tried taking a sedative and holding off on getting in the bed until I was very nearly passed out. That helped, but sedatives tend to work a very long time with me, and I would oversleep.
I feel I am back to square one. I am afraid to get into my bed or recliner. I am experiencing progressive sleep deprivation and psychologically I'm screwed. I fear discussing it with my doctor for fear of being locked up or something. I'm not generally "crazy" - but this is slowly eating at me, and it is only getting worse by the day. I do not know what to do. Tonight, it started in my bed, so I moved to the recliner. They followed me. It seems this time there were even more cats than usual, and they followed me when I got up and went to the kitchen for a snack. That has never happened before. That's why I am writing this, hoping for some advice.
Welcome and thank you for posting. I hope you have access to a decent health care provider. Neuropathy is no joke. Do go see a doctor if possible, and never change up med or dosages without a pharmacy approval.
I have never had " bites" but I used to see phantom cats sometimes, out of the corner of my eye. I am fascinated that other people have seen them too. I never " felt" only "saw" them.
It was weird to admit to an eye doctor that I had been seeing cats -but I did. He was kind enough to do a normal exam, to verify that what I "saw" was not my eyes playing tricks.
If someone reacts judgementally they are probably not a very competent pro, keep asking until you find an answer. There is no shame in asking your primary health person for a referral to a general sort of counseling, and you don't have to say why you'd like a counselor. If you have a rabbi or someone spiritual you know, they might offer some decent perspective or advise.
You could maybe frame the question as if you were describing a dream, if you are shy to admit you "see" things while awake. Finding out it was not my actually my eyes failing, really put my mind better somehow. I also have not seen any cats since then, so for me it may have been some kind of projection? They never touched or scared me but was very odd to see. I am very unconventional person, so I geuss I just ignore mean opinions. If you are scared or hurting, I don't think it matters what anyone what anyone thinks of you to ask around and get help.
I still don't know why phantom cat sightings happens but if they or the peripheral creepiecrawls ever actually bit or threatened me... I would be telling them off. Like very loudly and plainly state your claim and purpose. "This is my body, you cannot touch me" or " Get Out of My Home- You are not ever welcome". Or both. Do not bargain, do not be afraid.
I am a however, a little superstitious and would hesitate to name a questionable form, even if it reminded me of a bygone pet or anxious house elf. If it were more pesky than frightening, you might placate it-
Sometimes putting out a little milk and sweets overnight will settle pestering sprites. In old times you would also leave the door unlatched that night, but maybe a safer modern variation would be to stand in the open doorway a moment and focus on ending the annoyance.
Or-spill a bowl of lentils and leaving it so, is an old fashioned overnight way to distract bored spirits, who are said to be unable to resist the task of returning them to bowl. I read this method in a book about medieval carpentry.
Would a spirit cat would probably be more distracted by the bowl left very near the table edge, all the better to swipe off? I am a dog person, I don't know.
In any case, declaring my space and self off limits has always lended me courage even if I may be imagining the unseen threat. You are brave to write and share this phantom biter cat experience. I really hope you find relief. I am sure you have what it takes to reclaim your rest and peace of mind.
As always I appreciate everyone's kind comments and the top-notch Mods at YGS.
Best of Luck
Bettina Marie