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Unseen Entity In My Room


Over the years, myself and those around me have experienced certain things that we could not quite explain (not through rational means at any rate). As my first submission here, I will describe my most vivid experience, which also served as somewhat of a turning point in my life. Well, in connection to the paranormal anyway.

I'm based in Canada, though for this time period in question, I had traveled to India to meet family. It so happened that as part of my first stop I ended up staying at a relative's house, which unknown to me at the time, was believed to be haunted, at least by some members of the household. Among other things, they would see things like fresh meat falling out of clothes in an unexplained manner as well as blood stains appearing in different places of the house, in an equally unexplained manner.

Another important detail is that the flat was quite high up, like the sixth floor, where it would make it very unlikely for any animal to climb up from the outside. Now this is a detail that will be important in the coming paragraphs. So after the day of spending time with the relatives, I went to sleep in the room that they had designated for my stay.

In the middle of the night (midnight or 1AM if I remember correctly), I was awakened by a strange sound. It sounded like scratching on wood, like it was coming from outside the window. More specifically, it sounded like something was scratching the wooden exterior shutters of the window, so while I could hear it, I couldn't see anything on the other side due to the shutters being closed.

For for a few seconds, I hear something on the outside, scratching on the shutters. I'm thinking to myself "what kind of animal wants to come up here just to scratch these shutters?" and then I think this is way too high for something to climb up... Something isn't right here. After a few seconds, now it seems like that sound is coming from the corner of my ceiling. Another detail to note is that there were flats above the one where I was staying, so it's not just something getting on the roof to scratch.

A few seconds later, the source of the scratching sound started moving, back and forth between two of the corners. Looking up at the ceiling, I still couldn't see anything though I could hear it very clearly. Then I start getting spooked for a second. Being of the Muslim faith, I believe in paranormal entities--we call them jinn. So now I'm convinced that's what it is. On another tangent, not too long prior to this trip, I had started learning about Ruqya, which is often confused to mean Islamic exorcism, but encompasses more than that. Perhaps I'll discuss that more in future entries but the important thing to note was that one must not be afraid of the jinn and this is key in overcoming them. Anyhow, I mustered some courage and with an assertive tone, I recited a verse from the Qur'an, known as the Verse of the Throne. It is commonly used as a means of protection from harm and especially effective against jinn.

No sooner did I complete my recitation that the scratching stopped and I was able to continue sleeping with no further interruptions. When I mentioned this to my relatives the next morning, then they told me of the strange occurrences involving the meat and blood that they had experienced in their flat.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Soul_Edge, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Spiritual_Paganist (15 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-13)
yes definitely a evil entity, saying the verses was the right thing to do, if it comes back stand up against it, this entity feeds off of fear, individual power and strength is their weakness, if it attacks/ scares any other family members tell them to stand up. The blood and meat, jeesh that's scary af, hope that's passed by, very unpleasant.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-05)
RANDYM - No problem. I've misread things on this site more than once myself!

Regards, Melda
RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-05)
My apologies
I read that completely backwards

Thanks for pointing it out
But I still that particular incident is a mouse

Sorry for the misunderstanding

Soul_Edge (1 stories) (8 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-03)
Walaikum as salam talib,

You are right, there was effect of black magic as well as some haunting (I would suspect that they're connected). That was not the topic of my story, so I didn't expand on it, but you seem to know quite a bit about it already.
talib (58 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-03)
As Salam Walaikum, Brother/Sister,

Thanks for sharing your story, you did the right thing when you recited Ayatal Kursi or the verse of the throne from the Quran and it had the desired effect. The verse is very effective in warding off evil jinns and spirits.

The family living in the apartment is probably under the influence of black magic, hence they are seeing meat and blood stainshear strange noises, this is a symptom of black magic, it's well known in India, not suprised to know people in the west have not heard about it. Also, stones falling in the house from unknown sources, clothes of family members getting torn or cut mysteriously, fires in home starting by itself, people in home suffering from unknown illnesses etc are some of the effects of black magic.

I am suprised that the family is unaware and suffering, perhaps you can tell them that it could be a case of black magic and they need to contact a Maulana or Islamic cleric who can help.
Soul_Edge (1 stories) (8 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-03)
Hi Melda,

I understand that people like to rule out rational explanations first. I also rule these out before chalking things up to being paranormal. Of course there are a number of things I consider before doing that.

I'm still open to hearing any rational explanation of this and had considered the ones mentioned here. For the reasons I've explained in my first comment, I had my reasons to believe it was something else (no mouse, no neighbors etc).

As for the blood, meat etc. It was just mentioned to me in passing and I mentioned it here only to give context of strange things people mentioned seeing before I experienced what I did. I didn't ask anything further about it myself.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-03)
Soul_Edge - Thanks for your reply.

Most people on this site will look for logical explanations before going with the "ghost" theory. However, I do believe what you experienced.

I appreciate the fact that you do not want to expand on your relatives' experiences about the "meat falling out of clothes".

Regrds, Melda
Soul_Edge (1 stories) (8 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-03)
I would like to start by thanking you all for the welcome and for reading my experience and commenting on it.

After going through your comments and the story again, I realize I should clarify some details.

First, the meat falling out of the clothes - well this is from hanging clothes, most likely hung to dry. Mind you, I did not actually witness this personally, but was later on told that this type of thing was known to occur there when I recounted my own experience.

Next thing is that the construction there is quite different from what I've seen in Canada and the US--one of the major ones being soundproofing. Often without trying (or I could say even trying to do the opposite), we end up get too noisy for the neighbors in adjacent units or vice versa. In India however, even living in an apartment unit where they have young kids in the one above (as they tend to make more noise), you wouldn't hear anything from above or even adjacent units.

So for those reasons, I would strongly doubt that I was hearing an animal or anyone else on the other side of the ceiling. Initially it was clear to me it was outside the window and then a few seconds later it sounded like it was on the inside, right above me.

The other thing that makes me feel that it was not an animal or something else was how that sound stopped instantly on reciting the verse. This is not the only time I've seen that type of result (strange sound, then recite it and then the sound stops instantly).

Now apart from what I've told you about the clothes, meat and blood stains, I haven't asked anymore about it and just mentioned it here to give some context that strange things had been known to occur in that house prior to what I experienced.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-03)
RANDYM - The OP specifically states: "Another detail to note is that there were flats above the one where I was staying."

This is why I made the remark about the upstairs tenants! 😊

Regards, Melda
lady-glow (16 stories) (3179 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-02)
RANDYM: better keep that toothbrush handy, I'm sure we'll be using them pretty soon!

Soul_Edge: I agree with RANDYM about a mouse causing the noise, or perhaps a bat or a bird landing on the shutters. During the dark and quiet hours of the night the mind tends to create monsters out of nothing.

I don't know if the walls of Indian houses are hollow or solid, but a small rodent living inside the wall would be free to move around making considerable noise without being detected.

Still mystified about the meat! 😉
RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-02)
Soul edge
Welcome to YGS and thanks for sharing

1st I think the OP stated there were no flats above his so that rules out a noisy neighbor

What I do think is perhaps a mouse in the walls
It happened in my last apartment. It would first be at the top of the window then be over in a different wall. Annoying little sucker I might add
If only I had my Official Lady Glow Sanctioned Toothbrush.
Anywho. When I read the events of the scratching it was exactly like what I had going on. And I do mean exactly

As for those he meat falling out of clothes
Could the OP clarify.
Do you mean clothes that were just hanging up?
Was the meat wrapped like it came from a butcher or store?
I can envision where fresh meat that is cold or frozen becomes warm in a pocket thus the frost melts and a hole is formed in the paper it is wrapped in. Then the weight of the meat takes over and it falls through.
Could someone purchased the meat, stuck it in their pocket and forgot to take it out?

I'm not Implying the experiences are not true. Only that perhaps more careful deductions of the events may help reveal a solution

If the OP could shed some light we all may be able to help

SN_kumar27 (5 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-02)
Hello soul_edge
Is your relative still living in that flat as spirit may harm them
They may find another one

God bless all
L_Melb (220 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-02)
Sorry Soul_Edge!
When it said meat falling out of clothes, I had pictured it coming out when someone was wearing the clothes - don't ask me why 😕
It just poped in my mind that the clothes could be folded up - that's why I asked about anyone feeling it prior to seeing it (just in case that didn't make sense! 😁)
Thanks! L
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-02)
L_Melb - I'm with you on that! Hygienically sealed AND marked. I don't know about you and lady-glow but I'm not always the greatest at identifying certain cuts of meat, especially when it comes to beef.

Well here's hoping our OP will come to light with his relatives' experiences 😊 I hope we haven't scared him off before he even has a chance to reply, what with all the banter going on 😆

Regards, Melda
L_Melb (220 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-02)
I like your thinking lady-glow, I can't say no to a freebie! 😆 😆
Hygienically sealed would be nice though... 😁
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-02)
lady-glow - I don't know how many invisible, obedient ears you have in your home. You might just be lucky enough to fill your freezer in very short shrift 😆

Regards, Melda
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-02)
Soul_Edge - You now have three very inquisitive readers regarding the meat. Please do tell! I promise I won't call you a liar, after all you didn't experience it.

Regards, Melda
lady-glow (16 stories) (3179 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-02)
At the price meat is at, I wouldn't mind if a pork sirloin fell off from a pair of my blue jeans! 😊

That's weird and creepy. Do you know if your relatives have asked for religious help?

Thanks for sharing.
L_Melb (220 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-02)
I too am curious about the meat Melda!
I don't know how it would fall out of clothes in an explainable manner let alone unexplainable 😁
Did people feel this meat before it came out? Was it something that had been in the house or was there no way anyone could account for it?
That would be foul indeed 😕
Don't think I've heard of this before and I find it rather creepy
Thanks! L
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-02)
Soul_Edge - I don't know how you are affected but the first few nights I spend in any place away from home I have huge difficulty sleeping. Firstly the bed is different (nothing can beat my own bed!), the room, the house/hotel, the sounds, smells, etc, all different.

Having said that, is it possible that what you were hearing was coming from the flat above you and that these noises were made by the occupants of the flat for some explainable reason?

I know that it sounds highly improbable that the people in the flat above would be up and about at that time of night, or early morning, scratching on shutters and their floor for no apparent reason.

It seems that you just might have had some curious jinn wanting to take a better look at you and test your reaction. At least you knew how to cut its visit short and send it on its way.

I'm very curious about the meat falling out of clothes and the blood stains. Somebody will probably tap me on the fingers for asking questions about things which you didn't experience but when something is mentioned in passing, I just hate being left in the dark!

Regards, Melda

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