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A Bullet And A Hand Print


At the start of 2017, I was experiencing odd things I couldn't explain. I would see what I was sure was a silhouetted figure in the corner of my eye, and turn to look but it would be gone. This happened several times a day whenever I was alone, no matter where I was, and it continues to happen nowadays. At this point I was unsure if I was imagining it, hallucinating or even suffering symptoms of a mental illness, but I know what I've seen and the frequency of the sightings confirms to me that this is real; I am either being followed by this entity, or it has attached itself to me.

A Bullet And A Hand Print 1

A Bullet And A Hand Print 2

One night around this time period, I had just got into bed and had been lying in the dark for only 5 minutes when I heard a metallic "ping" followed by a thud. I turned on the lamp to see what had happened and saw a small bullet casing in the center of the room on my carpet. I collect bullet casings and artillery shells, and I keep them on shelves against my wall, so the bullet was 3 feet away from where it had been displayed for years. The metallic sound I had heard was forceful, like the bullet had been thrown or hit across the room - there was no way it could have fallen.

That morning, I woke up and opened my blinds and was shocked to see a hand print with very elongated fingers in the center of the pane of glass. This could not have been the hand print of myself or anyone in my family, because first of all the fingers were abnormally long for any normal human hand, and the windows had been scrubbed and wiped clean the day before due to black mold. No one could have touched it during the night, and so with the bullet incident too, it cannot be a coincidence and leads me to believe that the black shadow figure I see (or equally another entity entirely) did these things.

They may not seem like experiences worth mentioning, but they were the 2 experiences that convinced me that what I was experiencing was not a figment of my imagination or a hallucination, but supernatural/paranormal activity. Since this I have experienced much worse, and I expect that my experiences will continue to get worse.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, pokemon_trainer, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

pokemon_trainer (guest)
7 years ago (2017-07-05)
Hi AugustaM,

Thank you for reading and commenting!

Yes, I guess there is always the possibility that it could be a human print made in two movements.

Ah, thank you, I hadn't thought of using a dehumidifier! Thank you very much.

Best wishes,

pokemon_trainer (guest)
7 years ago (2017-07-05)

It was difficult for me to explain without the photos, I'm very glad now that it's clear how large the print is - I agree, it doesn't look human.

Thank you for checking back for the photos!

Best wishes,

AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-05)
After reading the account and all the comments and seeing the photos I just wanted to add a few things.

First RANDYM - bravo on your comment! Both in terms of possible rational alternatives and your explanation of ghosts - very well said!

As for the hand print - I don't think it is out of the question that it could be human (living or spirit, I don't know). But it is very easy to make weird looking hand prints on non-porous surfaces. Remember the scene in 'Titanic' in the car with the fogged up windows? Next time you get out of a hot shower, experiment a little on the mirror. If you touch your fingers to the glass first, drag down then plant the rest of your hand - you'll get a similar effect.

And last - the mold. I have dealt with that mess before and it is no easy thing to get rid of! I agree completely with all the previous suggestions and comments about it including its ability to make you feel ill and cause hallucinations. If possible, consider a dehumidifier for your room - they can be had rather cheaply on Amazon or found second hand on Craigslist. I hope you and your family can get rid of it soon!
spookie1 (5 stories) (72 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-05)
I came back to see if they put on the photos, and boy... They're interesting

The fingers' length doesn't look human to me, and to me that also doesn't look distorted... That looks like a clear print to me.

Thanks for those photos.
Martin (602 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-07-05)
Note: some new photos provided by the author have been published 📷
pokemon_trainer (guest)
7 years ago (2017-07-03)
(apologies for the typos in the message below, I pressed publish before I had proof read!)
pokemon_trainer (guest)
7 years ago (2017-07-03)
Hi rookdygin,

Yes, the mould is all on the interior, not on the exterior. We probably should consider getting an air quality check, thank you.

After the motorcyclist died, I didn't notice an immediate change but not long after, the shadow figure began to appear more frequently - could or could not be as a result of the death, but could equally be a coincidence.

Thank you for reading a commenting and offering you support!

Best wishes,

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-03)
After reading this and the comments I will start by saying this...

Please get an Air Quality Check for the house. Black Mold = Bad JuJu.

If it's just on the outside of the windows that's one thing but if you are cleaning interior ceilings and such the home needs a check up and some preventative work done.

Molds can cause illness, hallucinations, all kinds of 'bad things' to people and pets not to mention its damaging to the structure of the home.

You stated this...

"I've researched the house and street and no deaths previous to my family moving in have occurred. However just over a month ago, a motorcyclist died in a car collision directly outside my house and I think this has caused an increase in the paranormal activity in my house. I think this is as a result of the negative impact of the death, but it may just be a coincidence."

While 'Death' is very unfortunate it does not always carry a negative connotation to it. You mention you keep a Journal/Diary...did you note a change in the 'energy' at the time of, or just after the time of the accident?

Please get things checked out. That Black Mold, and other types that can/do grow with it are no joke.


pokemon_trainer (guest)
7 years ago (2017-07-03)
Hi lady-glow,

The bullet casing is one of hundreds in my house, and if memory serves me rightly, it was bought as part of a small collection of bullet casings at a car boot sale.

Regarding the mould, as I was writing the story to post on the site, I did not believe the mould to be as a result of paranormal activity. My windows are always condensed and therefore I assume this is the reason for the mould. However, since a commenter below mentioned details of the mould, I explained where the mould was and only then did it seem even remotely possible that it could be as a result of something paranormal, although I remain sure that it is just damp - the hand print and the bullet are the only things I am sure that are paranormal occurrences.

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment.

Best wishes,

pokemon_trainer (guest)
7 years ago (2017-07-03)
Hi Goggzy,

Thank you very much, I'm very glad to have your input! I hope you have a lovely day and thank you for you help.

Best wishes,

lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-02)
Pokemon: may I ask how you got the bullet casing? Did you find it on the street or did you get it from a shooting range?

Don't take me wrong, but before assuming that the mould may have a paranormal origin, it would be a good idea to call an inspector and check if there's not a moisture problem hiding and lurking maliciously between the walls. 😨

Other than that, I have nothing else to add to the advice provided by the previous posters.

Thanks for sharing.
Goggzy (2 stories) (63 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-02)
I read most stories on this site only a few I comment on due to others making the exact same points I would but it was my pleasure reading your story.

It's good you keep track is any part of it regular or is it just random stuff and random times.
pokemon_trainer (guest)
7 years ago (2017-07-02)

Thank you, I do indeed take comfort in this.

Of course, the possibility of it being the angle of my sight is difficult to rule out, so I understand your caution with that.

Regarding the hand print, we cleaned the windows the day before and as I prepare myself for bed, I close my blinds and doing so if there was a hand print I'm sure I would have noticed it that night, as there is without doubt condensation on the windows every night and every morning. The fact that I didn't see it in the night time condensation means that it can't have been left after the window was cleaned and therefore must have happened during the night, in which time nobody (to my knowledge) came into my room and left the print. I have sent off photos so when they are shown, you may be able to see what I mean about the elongated fingers. I understand it's hard for you to visualise it without seeing it first! 😁

I see what you're saying about the bullet casing. My main concern regarding this was the fact that the bullet had been on the shelf in the same position, unmoved and gathering dust, for over a year and is on a shelf much higher than I can reach without standing on something. Therefore I couldn't have knocked it or dislodged it, and that's what frightens me the most. As for the sound of it, I could indeed test whether it sounds any different during the day or night to see if it sounds more forceful at night. I agree that yes it could have rolled, I'm not sure if it could have rolled very far at all due to the thick carpet, but this could be a factor.

I totally understand, I too would want to exhaust every other possibility.
Thank you very much for this after thought.

I would like to ask your opinion (or anyone else reading this also!); do you believe that if it indeed was something paranormal that threw/knocked the bullet, it could have been akin to a trigger object? Since posting the story, I have wondered if maybe a bullet was something that related to the spirit, maybe what killed it, or perhaps that it used to own a gun. I don't know, it's just one of the endless possibilities.

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment.

Best wishes,

pokemon_trainer (guest)
7 years ago (2017-07-02)
Hi babygoatpuller,

The black mould was along the rubber that seals the windows to the frames, and around the edges of the glass as well as on the windowsill. The last year or so has seen an increase in the black mould growth, and we regularly scrub the windows, ceiling (when it gets bad) and windowsill/rubber seals.

I don't know whether this is of any relevance, but the black mould only seems to grow in my bedroom - occasionally my sister's bedroom will be mildly affected, but no other room, and in my bedroom it grows back very quickly no matter what mould killers we use.

Yes, I think you're right about it trying to frighten me - I must say, it's working.

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment.

Best wishes,

RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-02)
Hello Pokémon

Thanks for sharing.
Another thing. Take comfort in the fact that people here have also had a lot of strange things happen to them so your in good company and you won't be ridiculed here

I do think we should start by always looking for rational explanations first
For example. Seeing something from the corner of your eye. I do believe your seeing something
Perhaps another member can help out but there is something about the way the optics of our eyes work that can make us see something just on the edge of our peripheral vision. When we turn that way to get a better look it's gone because we have changed the angle of where we were looking.
Now I can see where if this keeps happening then we sort of convince ourselves that something is there. I'm not saying this is what your doing, just a possibility to explore

Hand on the glass
It can be very easy for a print to get distorted on glass or a mirror. Just a possibility

The loud shell casing
Try an experiment. During the day drop the casing on the floor and try and note the noise level
Now repeat dropping the exact same way at night when things are very quite. See if it doesn't sound much louder at night when the ambient noise is much lower. It may not be any different but I know for me at least when I hear a noise in my room at night when things around me are still it sounds much louder.
As for it landing 3 ft away. That doesn't mean it landed 3 ft away. 3 ft is where you found it. In my experience things dropped on the floor never come to a stop where they first hit the floor. Most times we don't hear that movement from hit point to stop point

Please understand I'm not discarding what's going on. You may very well have something there. I just want you to exhaust all possible non paranormal explanations first. If it turns out only the paranormal is left then so be it. At that point I'm inclined to believe it may have to do with the accident victim
Violent,sudden, and unexpected death can supposedly lead to a haunting. Perhaps the victim could be confused about his state and where he is
That is a line of thinking anyway.
If that were the case try and remember something
A ghost is NOT some evil scary thing out to get you
It's a human being who has lost the body he functioned in. If he wouldn't have harmed you when he were alive he won't harm you now. In fact I think most people are kinder, more peaceful, and see a much clearer picture of themselves and others once they die and perhaps become a ghost
He could just be trying to communicate with you the only way he can right now until he learns his communication skills better

babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-02)
Hi pokemon-

I'm curious about the black mold you mentioned. Are you saying the black mold was on the window or that you have a black mold problem and therefore the house was getting a good scrubbing?

From what I understand about black mold, it's likes to lurk in dark damp places and I don't know if I've ever heard of it being on windows. I could be wrong about that. In any case, black mold is not a good thing to have no matter where it is.

You may be onto something with the death of the motorcyclist outside your home. Whatever it is sounds as if it's trying to scare you but try not to show it fear. It's like giving Popeye a can of spinach.😊

I look forward to seeing the pix you sent in.
pokemon_trainer (guest)
7 years ago (2017-07-02)
Hi spookie1,

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment.

There was nothing else unusual about the hand print other than the elongated fingers. What I found particularly strange was that the palm was an average size, but the fingers and thumb were elongated; it looked odd because if the fingers were that long, I would expect the palm to be consistent with that and therefore much larger.

I had taken 2 photos of the hand print, the second one with my hand over it to illustrate how long the fingers were in comparison to mine (my hands are averagely sized, and my palm and the hand print's palm were roughly the same size so the elongated fingers look very odd indeed.) This morning, I sent the photos to the site along with a photo of the bullet, so I imagine that soon they will be posted/attached to the story, I don't know how it works if I'm honest, but I hope that this will help you visualise what I mean.

Thanks again!

Bets wishes,

spookie1 (5 stories) (72 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-02)
Quite an interesting story might I add.

I've also experienced similar happenings with these shadow figures but just like spiritwaiting, I never actually felt threatened or afraid of them (except for one time but that's a whole other story)

Now about that handprint, did you notice anything different about it other than the elongated fingers? Like did it have 5 fingers?

Thanks for sharing.
pokemon_trainer (guest)
7 years ago (2017-07-02)
Hi spiritwaiting,

I first started to notice the figure in January 2017, although there had been odd occurrences previous to this which I would brush off as a trick of the light - however at the start of 2017 it became more than just a coincidence and has a noticeably human form, although whether it is male or female I could not tell you.

As for any other occurrences that could have caused the shadow figure, I'm not aware of anything; I've researched the house and street and no deaths previous to my family moving in have occurred. However just over a month ago, a motorcyclist died in a car collision directly outside my house and I think this has caused an increase in the paranormal activity in my house. I think this is as a result of the negative impact of the death, but it may just be a coincidence.

Thank you for sharing your experience with me! I'm glad that you aren't afraid by your experience, I think that will be beneficial in dealing with its presence. Your experience of shadow figures is quite similar to mine in the way that you can hear it and see it, so I actually feel comforted by the fact that I'm not alone in my experiences.

Thank you for reading and commenting, and for sharing your experience with me.

Best wishes,

pokemon_trainer (guest)
7 years ago (2017-07-02)
Hi Goggzy,

I keep detailed notes on the experiences I have, and will be posting them on the site in due course. Hope this helps?

Thank you for taking the time to read.

spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-02)

Do you remember when you started to notice the shadow figure around you?

Have there been other occurences that have made you think this shadow being is the cause of?

I'm most definitely not an expert, but have and still have my fare share of shadow beings, or being around me.

On this site, there have been many others that have also had experiences with them, so I'm interested in this one.

Around just about 2 weeks ago, I saw a shadow man standing infront of my sons bedroom door, tonight I was upstairs taking a shower, my son comes up stairs and asks me if I had just come down the stairs. I told him no as I had just gotten out. So he proceeded to tell me, he heard someone walking down the stairs and across the living room floor towards him, while he was in the kitchen, he turned around thinking it was me, and no one was there.

And have been experiencing the feeling someone is walking up behind me or on the side of me, i turn around and no one will be there. That has happened to me more than I can count.

So I'm quite curious, as to what these shadow beings are doing. If they have an agenda or could they be just watching us, and we just happen to catch glimpses of them here and there.

I have never had a bad experience with them, have just freaked me out a bit or this last time ran after it, and caught myself actually not being scared at all by it.

But I do know hes around,I'm never alone while I'm the only one in this house.

Thanks for sharing,
Goggzy (2 stories) (63 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-01)
Pokemon trainer

Can I ask you to keep a diary of your experiences for the next and either comment on this your experiences or email me at goggzy60 (at) gmail.com



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