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The Dead's Account


This story actually happened to my sister. I was not involved this matter, but I heard comments from people around and was questioned by my sister herself about it.

My sister is using the famous "apple mark smart phone", recently she got the "version 7" and had downloaded an application called "W". (I have decided to use letters and logo marks to censor certain things. Some of you might know what I mean but for this story please do not name anything just in case we will get into any trouble). My sister had downloaded the same application on my "version 5" phone but was running slow. I cannot accept any more new friends due to lack of capacity, maybe I need to get the coming up "version 8"?

Anyhow, I was working late at night, my sister sent me a message on "W" and she was saying that she is meeting an old friend. I was happy for her and so I had just sent her a smiley face. When I was home, my sister was still out probably still in the bar where she will meet her friend, suddenly my phone rang, it was from my sister.

I drove my car to the bar where she was and fetched her. She did not drink at all and told me that her friend did not come. I asked her why she was there for such a long time, and she told me that she was sending messages with her friend and had a long conversation on phone.

From the log, her friend was telling her that she is coming "Estaria em um minute" (I will be there in 1 minute).

My sister had replied things like take her time, do not rush... Than her friend replied again "Preciso demais um minute" (I need another minute).

My sister tried to phone her but she never took the call but instead replied "Não posso falar agora" (I cannot talk now).

Than after that, she had received a very strange message from another friend at the famous SNS "F" asking her if she know about anything about the funeral of her friend.

My sister thought she and her friend were doing a really bad joke on her so she replied, "Se você quer vir também, venha, mas esteja no horário da próxima vez." (If you want to come too, come, but be on time next time.) Her phone rang and it was from her other friend, she told her that she was surprised that my sister did not know anything about her friend. Her friend was at the hospital for an year and half because of an accident, she became a "plant", and just recently her parents had decided to let her rest in peace. She had passed away few weeks ago. They did not believe that just minutes ago she and her friend was text messaging each other on "W".

Now, I cannot let you guys see my sister's texts since it is personal and I am not sure if her friend had a proper "W" account. The situation... Yes, could be explained very easily either it was a fake account or a "robot". But I need to say that it could be real since I too know her friend well, since she had been coming to our home since my sister was small.

The 2 of them met each other when my mother was working in an elementary school in the city as a secretary. My sister was the student of that school and her friend's mother was a teacher of her class and had a daughter just 1 year older than my sister. My mother took care of her daughter as well as a "part time child-sitter", and that is how the 2 knew each other and became good friends. The 2 were like sisters and they messaged each other as well when my sister had to go to the States. We moved out of our city during our adulthood but still the 2 kept in contact with each other.

And yes, I do know that she had an accident, my sister had been sending her messages through "W", she did not get a reply for a period, but few months ago she got a reply from her. Even I was surprised that she had been dead.

Yes, again it could be someone else playing a prank to my sister but she is not a teenager girl who knows nothing, she will realize it, like any of us will. She had even asked me if it is OK to take a person cured from an injury to drink alcohol. I thought she was OK and the accident was not as bad as we thought.

My sister still keeps her messages, but of course like any other stories that we could guess, there is no reply anymore. Sadness could be felt every time I think of the situation. We both went to her funeral held a few days ago. Let her rest in peace and I hope you all would be interested in this story.


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, roylynx, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Mona777 (2 stories) (20 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-17)
Roy, It was a long time ago so I'm over it now lol
Had a few experiences myself so I don't get that scared now, although nothing like that though 😁
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-10-17)
Mona777, Even if it is scary please do not let fear conquer you:-)

Mona777 (2 stories) (20 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-17)
It was really weird. Even though I was really young when it happened, I was scared for days after hearing about it. 😕
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-10-17)
Mona777, No problem! You can call me anything as long as I know that you are talking to me lol

Hmm... Eerie... The dream part is scary for me...

Mona777 (2 stories) (20 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-16)
Hi Roy,

Can I call you Roy? Anyways all your stories are really interesting. My aunt had a similar experience once, although her dead friend came in her dream to take her away. She didn't know that her friend was dead until the next day when she tried calling her and heard the news that she had died a few days prior.
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-09-24)
Jubeele, Thank you for your comment!
OK maybe it was a prank which tricked me as well...
Well, now the problem is solved and at the same time the messages stopped...
Perhaps those prankers just got another new target to go with? Hmm...
Anyhow, of course I am always there with her. She is OK now busy with her job now;-)

Thanks for caring!

Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-23)
Oh Roylynx, I'm so sorry for what has happened. Like Biblio, I also suspect that someone has played a cruel hoax on your sister. It is regrettable that there are thoughtless people who think it's funny to respond to text messages intended for the previous owner of the number.

Still, if the messages can help your sister through this grieving period, then perhaps that is what matters for now. Just simply be there for her as you have been doing and be gentle with her.
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-09-10)
Bilbliothecarius, Well, possible for all, I'd say...
I don't know about other applications but for apple mark phones, you need to enter your password in order to access to the "cloud" then you can update the information. I don't know about others but I did not set a password to access to the "cloud", when I first got my "version 5" I had to reset everything (what a pain in the *SS that was...), but my "version 4" account still is alive, yes, at this point 1 to 2 then 3... Yes, possible, but like as I have said, she is not "stone headed", but who knows?

Manafon1, Thanks for commanting!

Manafon1 (7 stories) (718 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-08)
Biblio--I had to interject just briefly. Your description of technology mirrors my own damn near exactly. I tip my imaginary hat with respect to anyone whose philosophy of text messages is to not send them. Because, like you, I have no patience or intention on ever responding.

Hey, it's just refreshing to find another human being who only accepts things like cell phones because, as your parallel of the stages of technology suggested to me, is not far from the stages Elizabeth Kubler Ross wrote of in her watershed books on death and dying of finally accepting and embracing death (the five stages being--grief, denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance).

Unlike a person dying of cancer, I can say that the acceptance part with cell phones isn't something I have fully come to terms with yet.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-08)
Greetings, Roylynx.

You'll have to excuse my ignorance with regard to "apps"; I suspect I know what "F" represented, but I'm at a complete loss for the other one. It took me two years to learn how to send text messages on my apple telephone and about four minutes to decide I lacked sufficient patience. I have gleaned that your sister was using more than one texting application during the evening while she was waiting for her friend's arrival.

Your sister's friend had been in the hospital for 18 months on life support machines; that is sad for her parents, hoping that she would come back to them and slowly having to come to terms with her death. While I understand that her parents would have done everything in their power to keep her alive, it does seem odd to me that they kept paying her phone bill. I know that Brazilian health care is legislated such that general health care and emergency health care are civil rights, but I was under the impression that extended care using life support machinery required private health insurance (I may be completely wrong on this point). *If* I'm not wrong, then her parents would probably have needed to save money wherever possible, such as cutting the service to her phone to continue paying for the premiums on the insurance plan that was keeping her alive.

I keep thinking that the sequence of events could include the following: 1) her phone service was cancelled by her parents; 2) after six months or so, the phone number was re-allocated to a different customer; 3) whoever had received the number was finding it funny that he or she could keep your sister waiting in a bar, by herself, for hours. If your sister began the text-message conversation, then the number --despite having been reassigned-- would have her friend's name from your sister's "Address Book" on her phone. Any subsequent message would still have her friend's name appear as the sender, irrespective of number's actual owner. If my hypothetical scenario is impossible, or improbable, I apologize for my technological ignorance; on the other hand, I would like to learn from a general explanation of *why* my guess is wrong.

My own use of technology has grown from deep skepticism to tentative optimism, followed by curiosity, frustration, outright hostility, and grudging resignation. (I tell people that I have a simple rule for sending me text messages: don't.)

roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-09-06)
Melda, I know, there are people whom would sell old numbers to companies. I thought they are just rumors but it seems that it is true around the world. I am going to make them delete my number when one day I will stop using my cell phone.

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-06)
Roylynx - Recycling of numbers happens in SA as well. I've had my cell number for years and still get messages addressed to the former owner of that number to collect medication from some or other clinic and other notifications to pay my TV licence!
I eventually stopped trying to get it through their thick skulls that they were wasting their time and that I'm not the person they're looking for, so the messages keep rolling in 🙄

Regards, Melda
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-09-06)
Shelbyloree, Hmm... I wonder why people recycle phone numbers... It does not make sense to me, but I know of some phone companies whom sells "dead numbers", bad idea which will lead to personal information leaking...

Gee! I do not like those kinds of spooky stories! Makes no sense and just inputting fear towards us! Those are very misleading in my opinion...

shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-05)
I'm not sure about recycled apps, but the actual phone numbers in the US are recycled frequently. You pick up a new phone with nothing on it, and get someone else's phone number. Lucky me, this time around I got some deadbeat loser who still loves to open credit cards, max them out and then skip town after giving them my number (his old one).

Now, unless one of his old contacts contacts me first, I had no access to any of his information from when he had my number. I wouldn't be able to find his mom's number, or anyone else's for that matter. That was what I had told my father-in-law. Even though HE still has her in his contact list under the old number, he would have to call it in order for the new owner of the number to know him. He never did that. It was just her number ringing him. He said next time he would pick it up!

I wonder, with your sister's experience, why the texts kept saying: give me a minute, I'll be back in a minute, etc.? Seems weird.

There's a bad storm rolling in (it is nighttime) and I can't get that Twilight Zone episode out of my head - Night Call. In it, the storm knocked down a telephone line in the cemetery, and the lady's dead fiancée kept trying to call her. Scared the bejeebees out of me!
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-09-04)
Shelbyloree, Oh, sad to hear that... But is it strange when accounts on applications too are recycled though?
Hmm... And I would say I agree with you too.

shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-04)
That is a sad way of finding out a friend has passed, especially after a night of texting like that, that would have thrown anyone for a loop!

My father-in-law had something similar with his phone; his mom had passed 4 years ago (on my husband's birthday), but my FIL had kept her number in his phone.

He told us a few months ago he heard his phone ringing, and went to get it but he missed the call. Looking at the call log, he saw two missed calls from his mom's cell phone number. This is strange because her number had been recycled (as most numbers are) and the new owner would not have my FIL's number. It was strange all around and really unnerved him.

Given other accounts that have spirits/energy messing with TVs, radios, lights, etc. It wouldn't surprise me if the same energies can have a heyday with electric phones!
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-09-03)
Argette, So sad to hear that...
Sorry I have no word for that, though my sister is OK now.

Argette (guest)
7 years ago (2017-08-31)
This one really hits home, Roylynx. I've lost four childhood friends over the past eight years. It hit me really hard, too. I feel for your sister.
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-08-31)
Melda, Wow, you sure know me well lol
I am not going to say more, but you know, she is the type of person that would need some personal time when anything happened. Of course I am there with her when she feels that she wants to talk. Thank you for your advice!

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-31)
Roylynx - I think your sister is going through the emotions of guilt together with grief for her close friend.

Guilt because she feels she should have kept closer contact and visited more often and grief because this friend is now gone from her. All she can cling to is memories. Add to that the text messages, which are physically impossible but nonetheless happened. All of this shows the depth of feeling they had for each other.

Your sister needs a lot of support. Yes sure, she will come to terms with it but right now its eating at her, which doesn't surprise me in the least.

Just from interacting with you on this site I know that you are a loving, caring human being and your sister knows that you are there for her. I'm not trying to be dramatic or patronising.

Just encourage her to talk to you and listen to her, which I'm quite sure you do anyway.

Regards, Melda
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-08-31)
Argette, Yes, it is very sad... Very!
My sister had lost weight these days and started to become "phone addicted" still thinking that she can be connected with her friend somehow, she knows that she should let it go already though. But you know? As a brother, seeing his sister being depressed it hurts every time... But no worries only time can change the situation so really no worries.

Argette (guest)
7 years ago (2017-08-30)
That's so sad. Scary, too, but it strikes me as heartbreaking.

Lots of things do these days. Strike me as heartbreaking, that is.

We aren't living in happy times.
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-08-30)
Melda, The meeting, from what I have heard was the idea of my sister's friend, she was going to bring her other friends along but they were all busy. The other friend at "F" lived somewhere closer to that friend in "W" that is why some information is lacking here, I should have been more detailed, sorry about that.
Oh, senhora! You have insomnia too? Try to drink some herbal tea, chamomile flower with honey is great, do some stretching and take a warm shower before bed, these works for me, and I hope it works for you too, Cheers!

Valkricry, That is what was going on! This really makes me think that even now days we can text each other and communicate BUT because of this there are lack of "care" behind. We have to see it our self to know the "truth". Really!

valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-08-30)
Very eerie indeed! I get what you mean though, I have some 'close' friends that I hardly see because our schedules are at odds.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-29)
roylynx - This is what lack of sleep does to me - insomnia or no. I meant I'll feel like death warmed up, not hell warmed up! I don't think you can make hell warmer than what it is already purported to be 🙄

Regards Melda
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-29)
roylynx - That must have been an extremely unnerving experience for your sister, receiving messages from her friend after she had already passed away.

I wouldn't like to believe that somebody was pranking your sister on her deceased friend's phone, or pretending to be her on another phone.

How was the meeting at the bar arranged, did your sister invite her friend to meet her there or was it the other way around?

Then another friend also contacted your sister about the funeral. How come the other friend knew about it and your sister didn't?

I might be confusing the issues here and as a result confusing you as well! Then again, it's way past my bedtime. Normally I'm fast asleep by ten at night and it's now 02:30 in the morning.

For some or other reason I'm having a severe case of insomnia tonight and will probably feel like hell warmed up later in the morning. So if I'm asking unintelligent questions, forgive me this once 😊

Regards, Melda
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-08-29)
Valkricry, I should have said in my story, we live far away from where she was, both I and my sister was busy... I know it is not a good enough reason to not visit a good friend while she is in the hospital, we would have at least called her parents to see what was going on, but since we saw a reply we thought she was fine! Ieree right?

valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-08-29)
Your sister did not visit her friend while in hospital? Or know the extent of her injuries?
Texts from the departed - now that's creepy!

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