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She Hates Men


In 1992, I had the happy fortune to reconnect with my best friend from high school. We shared the type of friendship, that though 16 years had passed by without communicating we picked up right where we left off. Bonus points: our then husbands got along and our kids all adored each other. It wasn't too long after when Patsy announced that they were buying a house on the other side of town. That house - that's where the story really begins.

Originally, Patsy wanted to wait for me to see it, until after they were settled in, but within a week or two I started feeling subtle changes in my friend. She was always tired after working all day as a housekeeper at a motel, but now she seemed more so, with dark circles starting to form under her eyes, and she seemed a bit agitated, jumping at sounds and shadows. (Since I was babysitting her kids while she worked we saw each other almost daily.) When I asked if everything was alright she left it at stress over the move, trying to get things settled while working, and that she and Jerry were fighting a bit more than usual (he'd had an affair and she hadn't quite forgiven him). My instincts said differently, that there was more to it, but I've never been one to pressure people to talk.

Sometimes, clearing our coffee cups, I would get impressions that I really did not like. Normally, I keep myself shielded even from family and friends to at least some degree, because reading someone like this is pretty much an invasion of their privacy, but sometimes if the emotions are very strong I still pick up on them. One particular emotion came through loud; fear. Something was causing my friend to actually feel afraid. I reached out trying to pick up on what caused the fear, but it wasn't clear. Apparently, whatever it was didn't have a clear form in her mind. Sometimes I saw an inverted cross, or felt anger, 'saw' her and her husband arguing. Things of that nature. It was a jumbled mess, which told me her own thoughts weren't clear.

I remember it was a weekday, the kids were in school, the husbands at work, when Patsy showed up at my door. I thought it odd she had the day off, but she admitted to having called in sick. I looked at her, "Are you sick?" and in a flat monotone voice she replied, "Maybe in my head." The way she said it gave me a chill in the pit of my stomach. We went to the kitchen for a coffee and a talk.

Barely seated Patsy reached into her purse, taking out her cigarettes and a new pack of playing cards. The seal hadn't even been broken. She laid the deck on the table by me, then fired up a cigarette, "Do a reading for me?"

For Patsy to ask for a reading was serious stuff indeed. When we had first met, she was one of the all time great deniers of anything paranormal. In fact, the very first time I ever did a reading for her was just to prove it could be done; since we didn't really know each other she thought she'd be able to be all 'HA!' in my face with it, but after I described her mother (whom I hadn't yet met) to a tee, and an argument they'd had, Pats became more open minded. At least when it came to me. Over time, she accepted that there was more to this world then we know or understand. She also understood it was no parlor game for me and had witnessed some of my struggles to control various aspects of 'gifts' I had.

I took one look at the layout of the cards, and said, "Pats, would you be ok with me seeing the house now?"

"You see something," it was more of a statement then question. I nodded. "Care to share?"

"Not yet," and then I added, "I could be off, Pats. You know I'm not always right. I just think your house would help crystallize it."

"Yeah you're only right like 99.99% of the time. But, if you think we should -"

"I want to stop by St. Mary's first."

The priest at St. Mary's knew me, and I knew he wouldn't question my wanting Holy water and blessed oil much. I also knew he'd happily come bless a non-Catholic home for me, which I wanted to happen shortly after I visited the place. First, I wanted to put Patsy's question of sanity at ease, and maybe get a few answers for her.

Walking up to the two story house, everything seemed in order. Empty moving boxes neatly stacked in the car port, lawn neatly trimmed. Inside you could tell unpacking was still going on, but the bulk was done.

I walked through the living room and started down the hall. Patsy asked where I was going, and I said "Your bedroom."

"Val, you've never been here. How do you know where my room is?" I shot her a look and she gave a shaky laugh, "Ask a silly question, huh?"

"It's ok, Pats. The cards told me," to anyone else that would sound crazy, but Patsy just nodded.

Just inside her room I stopped dead and gasped. "What the heck is up with THAT?" I pointed at the upside down cross. Normally, I'd question if it was a St. Peter's cross, but Patsy was Baptist, inverted crosses were viewed as demonic by her.

"It keeps doing that," Patsy voice came out a harsh whisper.

"Does it now?" I dragged her dressing table bench over and climbed up to bring the cross down to examine it. I studied the hanger on it's back. "This new?" She nodded. "I think I see the problem. See the hanger-bar? It's at the bottom of the cross beam. Might be letting it be top heavy. Get me a little hammer and I'll fix it for you." I wasn't completely sure that was the problem, but it was a possibility, and I really wanted to be wrong on what I was feeling.

While I waited for Patsy to return, I prayed over the cross, and repeated my prayer for protection. Slowly I was letting my shields down. I traced a cross with the oil where the cross would hang, then climbed down and opened the windows in the room. Walked over and opened the closet door. When Patsy returned, I moved the hanger bar to the center of the cross's crossbeam, and rehung the cross. After that together we blessed the perimeter of the room (including closet) with the Holy water and I blessed every opening with the Holy Oil, while reciting the Our Father.

We moved through the entire house doing that, with Patsy saying, "This is my home now," and other similar phrases, in each one. Finally we moved down to the basement. Where I knew 'SHE' waited.

I walked over to the work bench that lined one wall practically. It was really old looking, heavy oak. I closed my eyes for a moment and cocked my head. "Here...there was something box like here. Jerry moved it." To Pasty I asked, "Jerry has a lot of 'accidents' down here, doesn't he?" She said yes, and some of them were very strange, like things hitting him from out of nowhere. Literally he'd get struck by things flying and tools being moved, when he was down there alone.

I spoke to the room, "I'm here. Talk to me. Do you need help? That's all I really want to do is help you." Patsy was rubbing her upper arms and I was a large goosebump, myself. Along with the chill, came that tingling, cobwebby feeling I get when spirits are near. I dialed back my shields a notch, I don't know how else to explain it. I wanted to be able to communicate with this entity, but I was not willing to be completely open to it. To do that would be completely foolish. A combination of sadness, confusion, and anger washed over me.

I saw a haggard looking woman in a faded flower patterned dress being bullied by a large pot bellied man. Their mode of dress reminded me of the 1930s. He grabbed her arm and struck her several times about the head and shoulders with what appeared to be a shirt. I cried involuntarily, while describing what I saw to Patsy, when I heard the words, "You call this clean?" growled. There followed a montage of instances of abuse at his hands. Each worse than the last. I felt tears spilling down my cheeks, as I wept, "He's beating her with an umbrella. He just keeps hitting her!" I, myself, wincing with each crash of the umbrella. In a flash, I saw the same woman but as a child being mistreated by another male (her father?), and then this man who professed to love her, doing the same. She had grown to believe all men were like this, and with that belief came hate.

By now, Patsy had wrapped her arms about me, trying to give some comfort. I was struggling to get out verbally the scenes she couldn't see, and the onslaught of feelings that choked me to the point I was kneeling on the floor. "It's Jerry," I finally managed to squeak out,"she hates him." I saw Patsy's eyes grow wide and knew she worried over the safety of their young son also. I patted her arm, "Bobby's safe, he's only a boy. It's full grown men she has a problem with. She thinks she's protecting you from him. She hears the arguing, and fears for you. Oh, God, Pats, she was put through hell by her man," my voice broke and in that instance I knew the truth about Jerry, what it was about him that I didn't like. "He HURTS you," I looked into my friend's eyes. "Not with his fists but in other ways. She's fighting back FOR you." At least that's the way I saw it; in her own fashion, this ghost lady was only trying to protect Patsy from the same fate she'd suffered. "Think about it, Pat's everything has been pointed at Jerry, not you or the kids."

I asked Patsy what she wanted me to do, I could try and help the ghost to cross over, or try and establish ground rules for co-habitation. Patsy was quiet for a moment, then asked if the ghost lady was responsible for all the unexplained stuff that went on. I said I thought so, at least she's the only one I felt or saw. We decided to send her on her way. Patsy just wasn't comfortable with a residing spirit.

I started by thanking her for being there for my friend, and saying how sorry we both were that she had suffered, but she was free to go. Then I asked her if she needed help to cross over, or if there was anything we could do for her. At that point Patsy swears she felt a hug (which I 'saw'), and then the lady simply disappeared. At least I no longer felt her.

The cross in Patsy's bedroom never did flip upside down again. I really don't think the ghost was responsible for that, just bad craftsmanship. We still had the priest come do a house blessing, just to be on the safe side.

As for the ghost lady, I'm not 100% certain she did move on, because every now and then, especially after a bad argument, Jerry'd trip on the basement stairs, or get his head bumped on 'something'. Ask me, serves him right for making Patsy cry.

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valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-09-07)
Actually, I was quite enjoying the discussion, fellas. 😊 Continue if you wish.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-07)

And here's me thinking a V word for 'question' was needed for a 'V' type effect at alliteration... πŸ˜‰ (Biblio, thanks for the refresher course.)



RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-07)
Biblio and Rook, after morning prayers and perusing morning news, always a depressing way to start the day, news, that is..., I found myself drawn to this story.

Biblio, if I do hear words as I read or type, it is not something I consciously do. In the case of 'very valid question, Val', I just noticed all but one word started with v, put my thought on virtual paper and set out to find an appropriate synonym.

Rook, vacillate is a synonym for question, at least officially, but all words have some subtleties to them. I won't go into that as the discussion seems to have veered off course from the original narrative to an extent. Summarily, vacillate does not, to me, convey the same concept as question.

I used to do telephone tech support for, among other companies, Verizon FiOS. I learned to be careful with my diction, intonation, and other vocal qualities which may convey anger or annoyance even when it is not intended. Although, it boggles my mind how someone could forget how to watch TV during a 5 minute discussion of the problem. πŸ™„ That really was the last phone call I ever took. I walked out right after.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-06)
Hey, Rook:
--First an apology to Val: this is the last point about diction I'll make here. Any further discussion will be conducted elsewhere.--

Yes, Rook, in the example, Lizzie is questioning which dessert she'd like, but in the abstract sense of two potential outcomes. She is dithering; she's wavering; she's mulling over the options. There are very few true synonyms in English (Odd Sidebar: "Inflammable" and "Flammable" *are* synonymous, but that arose out of a misunderstanding that has confused non-native English speakers and mystified English teachers). Most synonyms have a Venn-Diagram overlap, so clear communication is possible, but there are areas in the diagram that are *not* overlapping. Take the synonyms for "questioning" in the second sentence of this paragraph, then substitute them into in this example: "The FBI took him in for questioning" πŸ˜†.

Val was **raising** a question, as in suggesting it as part of the overall conversation about the potential for supernatural power-struggles or dictatorships --and the dragooning of other spirits against their wills-- in a home. This is an interesting concept, as it challenges some of the preconceived notions people *tend* to have about the location and the abilities of an entity involved in haunting phenomena. I know I spent some time considering it; the hauntings that I've read usually assert that it is inhuman entities with this type of power, but I can think of no logical reason that a particularly strong-willed dominant entity would not be able to amass power through fear, even in the case of other, weaker-willed spirits. As I stated in the original response, I'm a little cautious about this topic, but I am in no way *dismissing* it as a possibility. Sometimes, I just have to let an idea simmer in the back of my mind with an occasional stirring to prevent agglutination. (Sorry, my wife is making chicken soup, and I'm surprised I got this far without a food allusion!)

If Val had been "vacillating," she'd have ben anxious about not making the correct decision; she'd be in a state of self-doubt; it all comes down to the difference between a reflexive verb and a transitive verb. Looking into the history of a word can prove useful in this regard. If you're curious, one guy started a great website (back when the internet was black screens and green, orange, or white lettering) amassing the most accurate/probable etymologies for the English language; he's still doing it, updating it with the latest research and contributions from around the world. He's also improved the color scheme. The site is etymonline.com; he also has a page listing his Principal Sources and supplementary sources in alphabetical order (etymonline.com/sources.php). One of my favorite grammarians is in the Primary Sources section (Fowler, H.W., *A Dictionary of Modern English Usage*). While the contents of his site are not visually exciting, they are well-documented histories and uses of words.

I often teach Grammar and Vocabulary lessons through etymologies, as the students get to make mental connections (e.g.: "plumber" comes from Latin "plumbum" meaning "lead" which was used to make pipes and to prevent leaks from hypocausts & aqueducts. You can find it on the table of elements at #82 listed as "Pb." It's where we get a "plumb line" with a lead weight, which -in turn- is the source for the metaphorical "plumbing the depths," et cetera).

This method also clarifies the difference between Denotation (Dictionary Definition) and Connotation (implied meaning). While it is normal to vacillate before committing to a course of action, it's an unsteady wavering between options, whereas to oscillate is swing back-and-forth in a rhythm. Vacillate, then, *connotes* an imbalance (like the pressures one faces when deciding between Morality vs. Legality, or Legality vs. Authority). Seeking out the roots of the words is a good starting point to distinguish why one word may be preferable to another; there are many words that have changed meaning over time, but their histories inform our diction.

As a side-note, one of the former editors at Merriam-Webster was the tenured Professor who taught H.E.L. It's been rather fun to examine the logic of this process, Rook, so I must thank you. I have always benefitted from blowing away the dusty cobwebs and re-evaluating the rationale behind my statements. I stand by my comments, but it is a joy to lay out the logic supporting parts of the argument for a genuinely curious mind; it prevents me from becoming complacent, which -more than anything- kills good teaching.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-06)
My apologies for the derail... Its my last question really.


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-06)

Sorry, I did not mean for you to trudge through H-E-L for answers, but sense you did... (sorry for the dashes, auto correct was determined to capitalize my F in the word for if I used...)

Saying she 'vacillated' between the cheesecake and the chocolate torte; is not the same as, she was 'questioning' which she wanted more; the cheesecake or the chocolate torte?

I do try to write the way I talk, it helps me with my punctuation... Short pauses tend to be where comas go and longer ones indicate a semi colon, full colon or period depending on their length... And so on and so forth.


Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-06)

"To vacillate" is to waver in one's doubt; to hesitate while weighing the potential benefits and dangers of options, e.g.: "When tempted by the sumptuous desserts, Lizzie vacillated between the cheesecake and the chocolate torte." Val wasn't vacillating in her response to RC's comment, she was speculating and questioning. With "vacillate," she would be metaphorically torn by the potential to commit to one hypothesis and regret not committing to the other.

In context, RC was trying to find an alliterative verb, as "Very valid question, Val" is a series of fricative "v" words, interrupted by a voiceless velar plosive "q" in "question." (In Phonetics, "voiceless" means that the vocal chords are not used to generate the sound.) Reading it as "v, v, q, v,"looks fine, but if the writer is accustomed to *hearing* the words while they are being typed --I suspect this is true of R.C. As well as myself-- the pleasant softer "v" alliteration is interrupted by a "kuh" that grates on the ear (or, "the mind's ear" I suppose).

RC: am I correct in my guess that you can *hear* the words you read as you are reading them? Pretty much everyone does this to a degree, but "Reading as though You were Speaking Aloud" while considering the TYPE of sound is a skill/habit that I've found is developed by language teachers, public speakers, savvy advertisers, customer service personnel, good administrators, professional writers, and journalists; it's a great method to determine the preferred diction to convey nuanced meaning.

[God, I had to dredge up some of this data from "History of the English Language" --a.k.a. "H.E.L."-- as an undergrad two decades ago! Some of it I use on a regular basis in class (Public Speaking, Poetry, and Drama), but that was a mental stretch for mid-morning.]
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-06)

I do not mean to wax verbose πŸ˜‰ but could Vacillate (found under Scruple as verb, have qualms, hesitate, question or under misdoubt- verb: doubt; vacillate)?

Or am I stretching what I am reading in the Thesaurus?

Inquiring minds wish to know.


aisyah1987 (2 stories) (31 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-06)
This is such a sad story...
I wish the lady did not have to go through that...
Poor thing... 😨
Allicatt (5 stories) (68 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-04)
Valkricry, What a great share it makes sense, the abused protecting the abused. Especially considering her estimated time, the older women were to protect and guide the younger women, without interference concerning the relationship of course. It's great that you could help her and in a sense help open her eyes. The supernatural and spiritual gifts are very real. Great job, I am adding this to my favs as well, Keep up the good work.

Sincerely, Allicatt ❀
shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-04)
I'm not entirely sure the spirit of a woman with that type of relationship with men would be alright with just fading away or crossing over because she was told to.

Here she was, finally a ghostly specter no longer subjected, humiliated or abused, free to wreck havoc without any direct retaliation from men who were similar to those she had known in life. She probably was entirely focused on unleashing her hell on him, rather than "protecting" the abused.

It probably only subsided when she realized she was making things more difficult for P that she switched to a more toned down, subtle approach. Highly doubtful her conditioning (karma?) with abusive men would be broken just because one or two people told her to knock it off, but who knows?

I don't know about the whole motivation for cheating thing. The people I know who were/are avid cheaters just WERE, no motivation required. The people I know who were/are loyal to a fault just WERE, again no motivation required.

And funny enough the cheaters do seem to have a recognizable 'vibe' I can pick up on, although it's probably more behavioral rather than an energy output on their end. Just the way they carry themselves and always seem to be 'on the prowl' as it were.

If a relationship is over (assuming it ever began) cheaters I've known seem to stay. Non-cheaters tend to cut ties and start over again in new relationships. Seems to be what I've observed anyway.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-09-04)
Biblio, I quite agree "there isn't really a vocabulary to discuss the intangible nature of these actions/manifestations/abilities". I know sometimes when I'm asked a question (there really isn't a V word for that! Lol I cheated and Googled) I find I really can't explain the HOW I do something, I just do it almost without thought. Probably brought about from literally doing it for decades. So, I'm delighted to know I was fairly clear on the shields thing.
Yes, Patsy got custody. Jerry wasn't too interested in that aspect. He always felt a bit 'off' to me, a bit aloof to the marriage. Some guys are just that way, I guess. Now that I think about it, some women too.
Jerry had served in the Navy at the end of VietNam (he did not see action) but he always felt (to me at least) half ready to go off. He seemed to resent the fact he had a family to help support instead of being able to blow the money where ever he saw fit. But, after they moved to that house, he seemed a bit more intense.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-04)
Greetings, Val.

It's great to read a narrative in which you describe how your 'gifts' work. You have a much more nuanced control over your spiritual self than I've ever managed, so I was delighted to read the unveiling of abilities layer-by-layer without feeling that I was intruding. (Insert Complete Agreement with Rook's post, here.)

Rook has lamented on a few occasions that there isn't really a vocabulary to discuss the intangible nature of these actions/manifestations/abilities, but you convey the focus and process without confusing the reader; "I dialed back my shields a notch," is beautifully simple, without troubling the reader either with the process of slackening your grip or with how you maintain the integrity of the remaining shields. (Good Lord! This is beginning to sound like a "Star Trek" episode in my head: "Shields up! All hands to Blessing Stations. Fire Psychic Torpedoes!")

Verbal Abuse and Emotional Abuse are insidious; unlike Physical Abuse, it can take years for anyone to notice the bruises and scars: even the victims. Obviously, the Victims of Physical Abuse need help and protection from violent assault; friends, family, and neighbors are naturally watchful for the symptoms simply because it's part of human behavior for protecting our chosen communities. Verbal and Emotional abuse are much more easily disguised as "a bad day" or "stress," and they are hidden --even from ourselves-- in public. I'm glad Patsy divorced Jerry, and I hope she got custody of their kids; without Patsy to push around, Jerry would have moved onto the next domestic target 😒.

While I'm a little more cautious about RC's subsequent suggestion that Evil Spirits start to bring in souls from outside the location to do their bidding ("The evil spirit may also go out and collect other dead souls, much as a shepherd rounds up its sheep."), I am ONLY cautious about that statement. Like RC, I wondered if there was an unseen mover behind the scenes (Oh, great... From "Star Trek" to "Wizard of OZ" in one post; bloody Monday holiday observations! Today is "Labor Day" which has thrown my 'Teacher Mode' into overdrive).

The effects were apparent to you both physically and spiritually; were these effects on both Jerry's and Patsy's faces, or *only* on Patsy's? If "both," then there may have been something else ratcheting up the tension between them, potentially without the knowledge of the woman you released; if the answer is "only Patsy," then it was simply a badly-damaged relationship that was wearing down both of them. Adultery is not a cause, rather it is an effect of the failure to feel validated and supported within a marriage. This failure to feel validated may have existed entirely within Jerry's head with no basis in reality, but it is the mental factors that cause our behaviors to appear rational to us. As with so many other human failings, it is a matter of Motive *plus* Opportunity that leads to infidelity; Opportunity may exist all the time, but only becomes appealing when Motive is working like a searchlight.

Again, in agreement with Rook, your coda to the narrative seemed to me that the woman was returning to her past home, not trapped there. There's a colossal difference between being afraid & angry to being watchful & protective.

Thanks for sharing this experience, Val; it has provided some serious food for thought.

Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-04)
Vetting? (close)
Verification? (not quite)
...and I'm out, too. Damn.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-04)
Very valid question, Val. (Drat. Can't find a synonym for question that starts with v.)

I can only speak from what I've learned and experienced, but I believe there are non-human entities, usually referred to as angels and demons depending on whether they are good or bad, in the world. What follows is just my understanding (or misunderstanding if that is your position😁).

God created the world, and it was 'good'. That is everything possesses an inherent goodness. Some spirits and people rebelled against God and now seek to destroy what was created. They do this by various means and tricks, and temptations. Just as an example: if you're supposed to be volunteering at the homeless shelter kitchen but instead choose to watch a sportsball game, you're committing an evil and destructive act.

I don't know why an evil non-human spirit would attach itself specifically to a person, but it would seek to use that person to destroy, or as a food source. If the demon feeds on anger, it would seek to make its human angry as much as possible. If it feeds on fear or submission, it would seek to make its human inflict fear or submit to it wholly.

Once the human submits to the evil spirit, then the spirit can make it stick around. The evil spirit may also go out and collect other dead souls, much as a shepherd rounds up its sheep. Thus, it collects a conglomeration to haunt a place, using these spirits to manipulate the living as it desires.

In the case of the house in your narrative, there seems to be a spirit, whether human on non-human, that feeds on fear, or anger, or both. It used the husband to attack the wife, but it seems the first husband, the one you saw in flashback, did not have as strong a spirit as the wife did. So when the two died, the evil spirit discarded the husband and sought a new tool to use. The wife, however, stuck around to defend women who would be abused in the house.

Not the usual arrangement, it seems.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-09-01)
Thank you! 😊
I hope if she did choose to stay, that sometime over the years, she gets to see an honest, loving relationship. Just because, I think she actually wants to see that. To see proof that love like that really does exist beyond fairy tales.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-09-01)
Thank you for the kind words.

Howdy, Hi!
Hmmm... "where sufficiently violent and evil acts, such as what that woman suffered, may attract evil spirits." I had to ponder that a moment, because hauntings are usually based on the ones who lived there; ie the 'evil spirit' is the one who committed the crime (s) in life. However this could be taken a step farther; what about those who claim to commit them under 'possession' or 'direction' of a pre-existing force? Would they then join the original evil spirit in the haunting? From comments, it appears that the majority agrees that such entities feed off of fear and other negative energy. Does the secondary 'bad' entity simply become a full meal, as it were, for the original? Or does this now give the house two bad characters, causing trouble?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-31)

This went into my Fav's. Well done.

However I am reasonably sure that the 'woman' is still hanging about... Not because she did not cross over but because she chose to come back. To me it seems reasonable that she wished to continue watching over your friend, or ANY woman that comes to reside in that house who is in an abusive relationship.

Great 'trouble shooting'/ debunking with the cross.

Thanks for sharing.


RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-30)
Hi, Val.

Some thoughts about real estate came to me while reading your narrative, and I hope it is pretty much cleared up as you say. 😁

In real estate, there is a thing called irremediable defect, or something like that phrase; a problem with the house that cannot be fixed. I was looking at houses for sale, and just decided to check what's for sale near the university that got away, where I'd hoped to go. It's in Pennsylvania. It seems the house once owned by a notorious person from that college town is now for sale, and knowing what that coach did, and what happened in that house, would this be an irremediable defect for me.

My brother pointed out that where sufficiently violent and evil acts, such as what that woman suffered, may attract evil spirits. I find they delight and thrive on such destructive things. 😟
saviorocks (8 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-30)
Dear Valkricry,
This is an awesome story. It almost ought tears to my eyes. I love he way you told us the story... I actually imagined myself in that room... Well Explained... ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-08-30)
I'm with you on that one. I was always biting my tongue to keep from saying, "Serves you right." lol
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-30)

Only you could write such a lovely story regardless of the three jerks abusing that poor woman.

This may sound cruel but, I enjoyed knowing that Jerry got in trouble for his actions. Ha ha!
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-08-29)
Melda and Augusta,
They say remodeling can awaken spirits, so I suppose it's possible that repainting, decorating, et al can do the same. I imagine, the lady ghost would have at least been curious as to what they were doing to 'her' house. Perhaps her own abuse started much the same way, the unkind words, and like Patsy, she just bore it, and then it slowly became more and more physical.
I don't know if she would have acted differently with a caring and loving male. I think so, but I feel she'd have been vigilant. I didn't 'feel' that she was a 'bad' person, just very upset and angry.
I doubt Patsy ever told Jerry about it. For one thing, he might mention it to my now ex, and THAT would have not gone well for me.
For another Jerry would have just cried BS on the whole thing, he was one of those who thought as long as he didn't hit you, abuse didn't exist.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-08-29)
BGP, awww shucks, Ma'am...tweren't nothin'. πŸ˜† (I've always wanted to say that.)
A few years (maybe 5) after they moved to Florida, she ended up divorcing him. (This was something I 'knew' would happen, but I also knew she had to arrive at the decision herself, in her own time.)
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-08-29)
Valkricry, Oh, that's right its old lol
I am really happy to hear that everything is going well now!

Blessing from SΓ£o Paulo
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-08-29)
Roy, well this happened back in '92. In '93 they relocated down to Florida where his family lived. Promise of a good job, plus they were given a trailer to live in. A really nice one - I think it's called a double wide. Rent free you can't beat that!
However I do think your idea has merit. Have you ever read Rook's Home Cleansing? It's on his profile - pretty much what you say, only without rearranging the furniture. 😊
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-29)
I don't get the feeling that the ghost lady was malevolent in any way. Her phobia of men was justified by her life experiences and she acted to protect not harm. I am glad you were able to give her peace and I hope your friend Patsy has found her own. ❀
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-29)
Val - Patsy is very fortunate to have you for a friend. I'm sure many people find themselves in similar situations with no-one to turn to.

Do you think that the spirit lady was aggressive towards Jerry only because he had hurt Patsy, or would she have been aggressive towards him anyway, even if he had been a loving, caring husband?

Did Patsy ever tell Jerry what had transpired with the angry spirit in the basement and the role you played? I'm wondering whether, if she did, he believed her and what his attitude towards you was, or is.

He certainly deserves to get knocked around every now and then when he's disrespectful towards your friend, no matter by what or whom!

What a wonderful release for the soul of that poor lady. I'm sure she too will be forever grateful.

Regards, Melda
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-29)
You are SO awesome Val! I had to stop and take a few deep breaths after reading this.

If you stop and think about it, you have to wonder what stars lined up to bring Patsy back to you. She was certainly in need of help before you found each other again and in my opinion, came to the only person who could help her to work it out. She doesn't have to carry her awful secret alone anymore. She not only has you, she has help from the other side. Now if she could only sever that cycle of abuse and break away from it completely, she can start to be whole again.

You're a hero. 😊 ❀
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-08-29)
Holy Macaroni!
That ghost lady creeped me out!

Surely, from this encounter we could learn that fear really feeds bad entities, no matter what, like my grandmother will say, only the living can stop the dead, meaning it is only us whom can end the situation by forgetting fear in us.

Valkricry, perhaps when you have time you can try changing the atmosphere as well, like re-arrange all the furniture and cleaning every part of the house including parts nobody every touched (ceiling, basement, etc). Trying it I believe would not do any harm;-)

Cheers and no fear!


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