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Real Ghost Stories

The Second Worst Scare I've Ever Had


I have submitted two stories previously, about my childhood once it got 'spiced up' with events of a supernatural nature. These events have mostly taken place in Heidal, Norway. Even though I've moved a lot as a child, and do not live there now, this place is and will always be 'home' to me.

As I've so far written chronologically about these events, it is time for the third one. I would like to tell you about that time he pissed me off.


I had by now celebrated my fourteenth birthday. It was the season where all the colors of nature are hidden beneath a layer of a white, glittering and cold substance known as snow. And let me tell you, when I say ' hidden beneath a layer', the layer is about one and a half, to two meters thick. Even up on the hillside of the mountain where my home is located, above the cold fog lingering midways through out the valley, hiding the lights beneath it from those of us who live further up, the cold snow still slightly illuminates the dark.

We also have a livingroom in the basement, which at this time was pretty much my fathers favorite hang-out spot. He'd watch movies on the tv, (which is where my interest for English was born) or make his own fishing-bates. (Flies?) The last one is what he was up to this evening.

Me and my brother had come down and watched him make one. It was hillarious at times, when father bit his lip utterly focused on those thin threads and details. Trying to get the thread through the itty-bitty eye of the needle with one terrible eye and one less terrible eye and fingers the size of the handle of a meatknife. You get why it was funny to watch. He has always had a strange, dry and funny humor, my father, and so with pretty much anything he'll say something weird. Therefore it was just fun and interesting for us kids to join him.

At some point I wanted to retreat to my own comfy bedroom, but little did I know that on my journey back upstairs, I'd gain a new experience, but this time, I'd bite back.

I made my way out of the cosy, warm livingroom, out the door. This might be a confusing explanation: There is a small square room, with no lights at all, and a door on each wall. To my left the door out, infront of me the door to a bedroom, and to my right was the door leading to the room with the staircase.

Now...the staircase is across the narrow room from the door leading in, and to this doors left is another, leading to the washingroom. That door is always open. Across from that, on the other side of the room, there's another. The door to the dark room. No lights in there either, and only cement as walls, floors and roof. That door is also too big for its frame so when opening it or closing it, you have to put some muscles into it.

I crossed the first square room, put my foot on the threshold of the other, and that is when it happened. Several heads taller than me, a black, unclear, thick shadow flew by inches from my face, from the washingroom and straight towards the dark room where it vanished.

It happened so instantly, and when it flew by, more like it glided but so incredibly fast, it gave off a slight breeze which danced across my face as I gasped for air and stumbled backwards. My heart was racing, in the backround I could hear my brother and father laugh about some joke, but it felt as if they were further away. As if what I heard was only an echo of them. It felt as though time had slowed down and I just stood there for ages, unable to make one single thought for myself, or move a muscle.

After ages yet only some twenty seconds or so, I ran up the staircase, straight into my bedroom, sat down on the edge of the foot of my bed with my feet beneath me, and as I'd always do for some reason, I started to rock back and forth. I wasn't crying, or feeling the need to cry, but I still felt tears down my cheeks as I tried to understand what had just happened.

I was so out of it, that I had not heard those old creaking steps of the stairs as my brother had come back up. He stopped by my door, looked at me, raised his eyebrows and a little mockingly said " what happened to you? " quite rhetorically I might add, as he just walked to his bedroom and closed the door without waiting for my response.

I should have thanked him, because his mocking was what got me out of that weird state I was in. I realized properly what had just happened to me, and I knew it was him. Our ghost.

As you do when someone truly scares you to oblivion, or in my case into a state of shock or so, you get mad, which is what I got. I sat there biting so hard it's a wonder my jaw didn't lock, and wondered how he could do something like that to me. It wasn't even funny! I got mad at the ghost for scaring me, just like I would if anyone of flesh and blood had done it.

So! I got back up, walked down the stairs with truly heavy feet, stopped by the foot of the stairs, faced towards the dark room. I did not yell as I didn't want the whole house to know, but I whispered, or rather hissed quit 'loudly', " If you EVER do that again then...then... Then I'll get somebody here who can take you away! I mean it! "... Then I stood there for about two seconds as if I was expecting some kind of response to my words, which I did not receive. I did a typical pouty-turn and walked back up the stairs and slammed the door. Most dramatic leave I've ever done I think.

Yet it worked. He has not done it again, and the whole house was in fact quite calm for about a month. So calm I began wondering if I had scared him away, which was not my intention. After that month he did return, starting again with little noises and what not, but ever since that event, ever since I told him not to do that again, I have not had much of moments where I've actually, undoubtedly seen him. Glanced him maybe. I say maybe as it is one of those things I can't explain but yet it might very well be my own imagination as it hasn't been 'obviously' supernatural. But not seeing him has not ended the experiences, not at all.


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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Sanguirina, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-10-19)
Sanguirina: You got it! Haha Puthy deleted their first profile, but shortly after created a new one. They're not banned, although they were VERY close.
Sanguirina (7 stories) (19 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-19)
I hope I didn't miss out on anything important here. Can't see this Puthy person so i'm guessing the user has been removed? Hmm.

Zzsgranny- If you ever read this, me and my Norwegian brain have spent the last ten minutes trying to desipher your comment. After trying to speak your comment several times, it is with outmost caution when I say that I believe I have cracked it! Do tell me if did so correctly: 'Wonder when Puthy (a usename I think?) will realise their posts are disappearing as fast as they can post them?' 😁

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-10-04)
Wonder when Puthy will realith their poths are dithappearing ath fath ath they can poth them?
GenjiGod (1 stories) (9 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-04)
Puthy I don't know you and don't drag me into your mess, it is not a mature thing to do.
GenjiGod (1 stories) (9 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-04)
Looks like this Puthy, whatever it may be, needs some serious help...
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-04)
Jubeele: don't bother to dignify such dumb comments with a response. The mods will take care of this troll and everything will go back to normal... Though, around Halloween is "normal" to get some new members whom not seem to know how to use their neurons.
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-04)
This website appears to have been invaded by a particularly nasty virus. A lot of gibberish has suddenly appeared.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-03)
Puthy - I wonder, do you lithp? No big deal, jutht curiouth.

GenjiGod (1 stories) (9 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-03)
Ok well Bru what you saw obviously didn't have an interest in hurting you, for it listened to your request to not do it again. But what I will say is you don't talk sh*t to ghost, are you crazy? Instead you calmly handle the situation and go get a priest or something to go and talk some sh*t.
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-29)
I have thoughts about that that range from A to Z Sanguirina. But mostly I think they can communicate in any way that gets their message across. It's up to the "receiver" to decipher what it means.

Good food for thought. Hmmmmmmm... 😊
Sanguirina (7 stories) (19 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-29)
Jubeele - ' Singlish'! So cute! English is my favorite language. I try very hard to speak it as fluently as I possibly can, and I would love to learn different dialects.

It just seems so natural to me that when speaking to spirits, you naturally speak your native tongue. There must be something in what you say though. About spirits interpreting emotions, energy and perhaps body language. Those are universal after all. Hmm.
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-28)
We speak "Singlish" in Singapore - English is such a great, adaptable language.

Now that you've brought up the subject, I wonder what language Grandma would have used with her resident spirits? Probably Hokkien (Chinese dialect). Maybe it's not the language but the feelings and intent that spirits relate to.

Melda - spirits can be really territorial. The ones at Grandma's generally left the family alone but picked on non-family visitors. After the house was sold, the truce was off. My (late) Third Uncle was the last to move his stuff out and had to leave in a hurry!
Sanguirina (7 stories) (19 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-28)
Babygoatpuller - I speak to him in a little know tonque named Norglish!...a mix of norwegian and english! Or Lishnor... Last one sounds funnier, haha. In all seriousness, it's norwegian. I've often wondered if spirits are able to understand any language, regardless of their own when they lived. What are your thoughts about it?

Melda - Indeed it was, and I am glad I did!
Then I will be waiting eagerly to read!:D
There is another spirit on our farm, that I know of. Atleast of a human. A woman, but I know little else of her. It is as if these two have their own territory. The man at our house, and the woman at my grandparent's house. She is however one that gives the creeps, compared to our 'casper.'.

Lilwolf - No apology needed! Very easy to misunderstand things, I know!
Likewise ^^

Lilwolf (8 stories) (66 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-28)
Sanguirina, sorry about that I misunderstood. I am glad at least that You can enjoy the spirit being around. Always a pro. 😊

Wishing you the best
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-28)
Sanguirina - Talking to your spirit guy was a very good idea.

I've had a resident ghost since 2004/2005. Whenever he steps out of line I tell him very calmly that it is not acceptable. He obeys me. Perhaps I should phrase that in the past tense as I believe that he is no longer here. I plan to publish this experience very soon (if it is accepted by YGS).

But yes, the good guys will follow the boundaries you set but every now and then I think they want a little extra attention - I mean, who doesn't?

Do you think that there might be more than one entity in your home? Perhaps you should consider that possibility.

Regards, Melda
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-28)
Thanks again for sharing Sanguirina. You haven't disappointed once and again, your English is commendable.

I do love the way you handled this. Do you speak to the entity in English or in your native language? Or have you tried both? (My imagination is about to send me into a fit of laughter)

Can't wait for the next one!
Sanguirina (7 stories) (19 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-28)
Lilwolf - To speak up in anger towards unkind entities is something I would never dare to do. However the spirit which resides in our house has never done anything that have been percieved or felt as evil or ment to harm. He is more of an entity that looks out for us i'd say. He has always listened when we've said that certain things are not OK to do. If i, or the others of the house, felt he was a less kind spirit, we would have made our efforts to get him out of the house. I find a calm in having him around.:)
Lilwolf (8 stories) (66 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-27)
Good job standing up to this spirit but may I kindly add that doing so in anger probably isn't a good idea. Depending on what kind of spirit it is You could accidentally end up feeding it so to speak with the negative energy. Maybe a cleansing of the house would be a good idea if You would like it to stop bothering You.
Sanguirina (7 stories) (19 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-27)
Wish-Not - I'm glad you enjoyed them!
Certain objects are not to be tampered with, such as smoke alarms. Good thing the entity you have (/had?) stopped. It could have ended like the story with the shepherd who cried wolf, and that is not a thought i'd like to dwell on. Yours had thankfully a happy ending!:)
Thank you for reading!

Jubeele - Haha, thank you, thank you! * Bows with outmost elegance*:D

I'm honoured that my story is among your favorites! It gives quite the boost of confidence I must admit.

A nightmare with a cliffhanger. I do wish that you had seen whomever, or whatever it was that chased you, so typical for it to end just when you're about to recieve an answer. Should the nightmare make a comeback, and you ever dream beyond the previous ending, I would love to hear how it turned out!
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-27)
Yayy, way to go, Sanguirina! I've put this one into my favorites. That list is currently growing.

For years, I used to have this recurring nightmare like a B-grade mini-series. Each time there would be a little more detail. Suddenly, one night I was so tired of being frightened out of my wits, I became totally furious. I stopped running away in my dream, turned around, determined to give whoever or whatever a really sound thumping. I woke up of course. What did you expect? But I didn't have that serial nightmare since.

In the words of Roosevelt: "The only thing we have to fear is... Fear itself".
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-27)
Sanguirina- I have enjoyed each one of your stories. Each are well written that makes for an easy read.

There are times that one must set boundaries with their full-time entities. We had one that thought it would be funny to play with our smoke alarm. When I realized what he was doing it made me really mad, as you did. I explained that we depended on that for our safety and it was NOT a toy. It worked. He never messed with it again.

Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to your next.

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