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The Other Flatmate At Bedford Park


At our recent family reunion in Singapore, I shared with my mother and sisters about YGS when the conversation wandered onto the subject of strange experiences. My younger sister, Cara (all names mentioned have been changed), then revealed that she was sensitive to the spirits as well.

Around 2002, Cara decided to further her studies and get a degree. She and her friend Bea attended university together and they found accommodation in nearby Bedford Park, a southern suburb in Adelaide, South Australia.

The units (flats or apartments) at Bedford Park were built in a basic utilitarian design: four square-shaped units arranged side-by-side like boxes, three stories stacked one above the other in exactly the same way. It wasn't five-star housing, but the location was close to campus and the rent was reasonable for students on a shoestring budget.

The entrance to their ground-floor unit opened onto the living/dining room, which in turn led on the far right into the master bedroom. A short hallway separated the master from the second bedroom, with the latter having the bathroom on its left. The kitchen was located just beyond the living/dining area, sharing a common wall with the bathroom.

My mother came over from Singapore later that year to spend some time with my sister, who was the youngest to leave the nest. Mum stayed there for a week before flying to Sydney to see me for a few days, and then came back to Adelaide for the remainder of her stay.

While she was there at Bedford Park, Mum helped with taking out the garbage. She did this without incident for an entire week. After she returned from Sydney to Bedford Park, she made her way as usual out the kitchen by the back door to the bin bay area. The little path led past the electrical fuse box on the far wall.

Somehow on this occasion, Mum couldn't get past the fuse box. It was late afternoon; there was still plenty of light around. She couldn't see anything there that could be causing the problem, but she was certain that something big was in front of her, blocking her way. Whatever it was, it was not about to let her past. Mystified by this, Mum gave up after a few attempts, deciding to try again another time.

The next morning, she was able to reach the bin bay without any problem. On her way back to the unit, she met the neighbour who lived upstairs with her young daughter. When Mum mentioned her odd experience, the woman's eyes widened.

'I've felt that same way too!'

Cara agreed with Mum there was something not-quite-right about the whole property. But it was the best she could find at the time and she could not afford the cost of moving. By now, she had the skin-prickling sensation of being watched at all hours of the day or night, especially in the master bedroom, which was hers. She had the clear impression of resentment, and that someone or something was really unhappy at having them there.

Cara found herself staying away from the living room unless Bea was with her. A tree grew outside the living room window; its leafy foliage obscured part of the natural light coming in from the street. She thought it had an odd "cold spot"; it was always exceptionally cooler in temperature from the rest of the place, even during the heat of summer. She and her flatmate, Bea, spent many hours checking all the doors, windows, nooks and crannies for areas where drafts could be possibly have sneaked in. But there wasn't even a crack.

Bea proved to be even more sensitive than Cara to the nuances around the unit. She had chosen the smaller second room as being less "unsettled" of the two, but she soon felt so troubled in the place that she asked her parents for help. Bea's parents asked the pastor at their church to cleanse and bless the unit. The uneasiness didn't exactly disappear for either of them, but it calmed down noticeably for a while. But gradually over time, the strangeness began to build up again.

Then my sister woke up in the middle of the night with the weirdest feeling that someone was calling her. Cara sat up in bed and saw a shadow standing at the foot of her bed. From the width of the shoulders and the height, she had the impression it was a tall male figure looking down at her with a puzzled air and some curiosity.

Cara had the distinct thought in her mind that she knew came from this shadow man: 'Who are you and why are you doing here?'

So she thought right back at it: 'But I live here now.'

At her reply, the shadow man disappeared.

Fully awake now and quite unnerved, Cara got out of bed and turned on all the lights. She promptly did a search all through her bedroom, flinging open the cupboards, looking under the bed, everywhere she could think of. But she didn't find a thing.

In the days, months and years after that encounter, Cara would still get the occasional fleeting glimpse of a long shadow out of the corner of her eyes. But the disturbing feelings of being warned away subsided.

Cara ended up staying there for a total of seven years. There was no further episode with the shadow man. She and Bea got used to sensing the other flatmate simply as a quiet presence in the background.

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Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-18)
Melda - got your emails. Hope things will improve with Telkom soon. Glad to see you back on YGS. 😁
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-14)
For somebody who doesn't suffer from claustrophobia, I felt "closed in" and uncomfortable while I was there. A feeling I haven't experienced before or since.

Melda-apologies, I've kidnapped Jubeele for a day or two. So she"ll be offline for a little while.

But T-Rex will still be on the prowl.🐲

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-14)
Jubeele - I know it's a bit inappropriate to post this on YGS but I have no other way of letting you know. I am having huge problems with my emails, although internet is active about 50% of the time. This is why you haven't heard from me in a while. Hopefully the problem will be sorted this week but our lot here at Telkom are so useless there's no way of knowing.

Hope you read this!
Denise ❀
Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-06)
Hi DandK, thanks for the update on CNT being present at the Hyundai Pavilion during the 2018 Winter Olympics. It's going to be interesting to see how this technology continues to develop.

Your theory of alien visitors had me thinking. That could also be applied to my mother's encounter in the bin bay area. Val brought up the possibility that an alien covert ops might use the cover of shadows to disguise their presence. Following this line of thought, perhaps that's why the invisible barrier was there - to hide what was truly behind it... πŸ€”
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-05)
Jubeele and Val, I've been mulling this one over for a while. I know researchers have made a lot of progress on the CNT materials. There was an article in CNN in Feb (

Maybe we've been going about our dealings with shadow people the wrong way. Perhaps what we need to do is try to rush and grab the shadow figures and see if we can clasp someone tangible, instead of being fearful. I think we'll find that the minute it looks like we're going for them they will run off.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-05-05)
If time travel is indeed practiced (who really knows?) or 'advanced civilizations' (aliens) are visiting us, I don't see why they couldn't have some sort of cloaking abilities to study us in our natural state. Possibly it stems from way too many episodes of shows like Twilight Zone, or Outer Limits, but I've always thought they'd have blending abilities to say the least. Mimic our form, speech, clothing and the like, so not to freak us completely out. Unless they opted to do so, we'd never know that they weren't of our time, or possibly planet.
However, what about culvert observation? Studying us up close in our natural habitat? Too blend with the shadows would be excellent. Perhaps they even have the ability to blend into any background... Who knows? An interesting thought, indeed!
Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-05)
Oh wow, DandK, that's a different theory - totally out of left field! I must confess to being a bit of a Trekkie and a "Dr Who" follower. The idea of time travel has always fascinated me. Think of the complications with paradoxes and meeting a younger version of yourself. Or inadvertently being the catalyst that changed the course of history in our own timeline. 😨

If time travel were a possibility, then I would expect there'd be a whole manual of protocols and procedures that must be followed. I'd certainly expect some degree of discretion and clandestine activity from the travellers. Indeed some "cloaking" material to hide their presence, which could give them the semblance of shadows to our eyes.

I read that article on CNT technology - interesting stuff. It was written in 2010. Do you suppose the scientists were able to continue their research and made further enhancements to materials with light-absorbing properties?

The possibility that shadow figures could be alien visitors is intriguing. Could there be some kind of "Prime Directive" in force to prevent us from seeing their true form? πŸ‘½

Thanks for putting a very different spin on shadow people. 😊
Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-05)
Melda, how good to "hear" from you! ❀ It does seem plausible: the shadow man being annoyed at the intrusion, then getting curious about them, and finally learning to accept their presence, just as they did.

I'm going to share everyone's comments with my mother and younger sister. Mum was interested in the idea of YGS, of people from around the world coming together to share ghostly experiences. If only she were more tech savvy! But she's in her mid-80s and isn't as comfortable with the internet age as some of my other aunties. Still, she'd be really intrigued at the suggestion that the invisible "something" blocking her way could have been a protective entity. 😁
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-05)
Jubeele and Val, please pardon my intrusion into the discussion, but I felt like I had to put my two cents in on what I believe the shadow figures are.

A bit of a lead into my theory... You know how one of the arguments against time travel has been that if it were real, wouldn't we have seen the time travelers? What if we do have time travelers visiting from the future, but they have to stay hidden?

What if by the time we develop time traveling technology, we've also made many materials advances with which clothing could be made that render a person very difficult to see? What if this material was made from a super light absorbing material, the darkest material known? Since it absorbs light, it would still be obvious, like a dark figure, in a light room. But in a dark room a person could skulk around and look like a shadow figure, darker than the surroundings because the material absorbed any light present and be mostly unnoticeable. Hence the preponderance of nighttime sightings.

Material made with carbon nanotubes is the darkest material known. A super light absorber. See more here:

So perhaps a shadow figure is a time traveler wearing CNT technology. Or perhaps aliens that have that or similar technology already.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-05)
Jubeele - Val has a similar opinion to mine. It also occurred to me that this being was equally as curious about your sister and her friend and was wondering what these people were doing in his home and who they were. It possibly also saw your sister and her friend as otherworldly intruders.

Fortunately the three of them eventually managed to live in harmony in the same space.

Your mother's experience with the bin area? That might have been an entirely different entity but but more than likely totally harmless as well and could have been acting as a protector.

Regards, Melda
Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-04)
Val, I've got a sneaky suspicion that cats know the secrets of the universe. But being cats, they just like to stare into space and mess with our minds... πŸ˜‰

Your theory about the shadow man makes sense. He'd probably still carry the same emotional imprint as he had in life and respond accordingly. And if he'd been a decent person in life, his actions as a shadow man would also reflect that. Then the same would apply if the shadow person had been some nasty piece of work. It would explain the different reactions of shadow people in other encounters.

Thanks for taking the time to read and for your great insight. Do get some rest. 😘
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-05-04)
I've been wanting to comment for a few days, but have been so tired I'm afraid it would have read as if my keyboard was channeling Kirby, my cat.πŸ€”
I have this theory about shadowman. Of course it could be entirely wrong, but be that as it may, I can't help but turn the telescope around, as I often told my kids. Now if I were Shadow, I would probably resent strangers moving into MY space without so much as a kiss my foot, and I would watch them like a hawk, evaluating them. I'd want to know why they were there, and what they were doing. Perhaps prior tenants were not nice or destructive, or maybe your sister was his 'first'. Perhaps he had only recently come to understand he was no longer 'living', and was coming to terms. What ever the reasoning, he was not bad or scary, just a bit unnerving. Which is totally understandable, folks you CAN see staring at you is bad enough, but something unseen? Ooers!
Given this it could be he saw himself as a protector of the complex women. While your Mama was visiting (in HIS apartment no less) she fell under this category. I've got to wonder if perhaps there was something bad - not necessarily paranormal lurking at the trash site. Here they use large dumpsters, and I've had my share of scares when someone unseen, would suddenly show themselves from behind it, and once, they emerged from inside of it! Maybe this is why he wouldn't let them pass, and why the blessing didn't banish him.
Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-04)
Thanks for clarifying what you meant, Mayank. 😁 I took your words too literally <oops>. It certainly gave them a bit of a scare and caused mischief. Thank God it didn't go further than that. 😊
Mayank3102 (4 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-04)
By the word 'Demonic Force' I mean a negative engergy! You interpreted it in a wrong way! I didn't said 'demon' or 'Ghost'! I meant a negative force which was trying to scare them and was causing mischef!πŸ˜‚
It was just a missunderstandingπŸ˜‚
Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-03)
Hi Mayank, thanks for reading and commenting on my account. A "demonic force"? Eek! An interesting idea, but not sure if it was that. My mother and sister didn't feel particularly threatened. They actually felt more startled, so you could be right in that something was causing mischief. From other people's experiences, there would the presence of evil in demonic encounters.

But now you've made me wonder if there was more than one entity around on the property. What if the strange barrier near the bin bay was actually something warning my mother away because something else unfriendly was in the area at the time?

The pastor's intercession could have sent the negativity away, leaving behind the spirit that did not mean any harm. It's good that it worked for them and thank God my sister was alright. I do feel that having faith can work wonders and this can be said with respect for all beliefs, religious or non-religious. ❀
Mayank3102 (4 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-03)
This story was good! Your sister is brave! I sensed that this thing was not that powerful and it was just a demonic force which was mischevious and had fun by scaring others. The reason of him coming in front of your mother and sister was to scare them and as we all know they are fond of it! When you guys called the priest to bless the place then it got powerless and in order to restore that energy he came in front of your sis but when she did not got scared then he just disappeared! It was a good story! It was litterally interesting! Well this shows that negative forces are notthing in front of God!
Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-02)
RC, I did ask my sister that same question about the vents. She said there were none close to where the cold spot was. It was actually in the living room, but close to the short hallway where it connected the bedrooms with the kitchen.

Mum's encounter was rather odd. It happened only once during her stay. She said that it felt as if someone was either standing there or there was an invisible wall blocking her way. It was "just something", as you say.

Thanks for reading. You're my favourite "Brat" (special Ruskin-bro), but don't tell your brother. Your comments are always welcome! ❀
RCRuskin (9 stories) (837 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-02)
And no vents in the area of the cold spot in the hallway?

The incident when your mother took out the trash intrigues me. Many times I've entered an otherwise empty place, or having been in a place, just feel the energy change. Not really sure how to describe it. Neither the mood or the temperature changed, just something I cannot say.

(And like I promised, I let someone else reply first.)
Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-02)
yougotosleep - I'm not sure, but was your comment meant for another story like "The Banyan Tree" or my account? You spoke of "small shacks" and a train derailment, but the unit block at Bedford Park was a large 3-storied, double-brick building. It wasn't near a railway track and the cold spot wasn't under a tree.

I did ask my sister if the shade from the tree outside had made the living room seem cooler. But she was very certain that the "cold spot" was well away from any shade from the window. It was actually nearer the hallway. In summer, it was much warmer everywhere, except in this weird area.

Anyway, if your comment was placed here in error, do post it where you intended it to. But since you're here, you're welcome to read my account too. πŸ˜‰
yougotosleep (4 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-02)
You still see these types of houses to thish day... Small shacks by the the side of the road. There was a train derailment that spilled a big pile of license plates. People took the license plates and used them to make the roof - sprayed them silver first. As for cold spot under the tree, it's likely from the shade:)
Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-02)
Hi lady-glow, my sister was so calm and matter-of-fact about the whole experience. But she said that seven years gave her plenty of time to get used to her other flatmate. I suspect that the pastor cleansed and blessed away most of the negative energy.

If the shadow man took out the garbage, as well as paid his share of the rent, he'd be the perfect flatmate. And if he could also make a bacon sandwich, he'd certainly be welcome at my place! 😜

Thanks for taking the time to read and comment. ❀
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-02)

Very interesting experience. I was expecting for the activity to increase and the spirit to become aggressive but I'm glad to know it turned out the opposite and he was fine sharing the space with the girls.
If only he could have taken out the garbage!😊

Thanks for sharing.πŸ‘
Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-02)
Thanks Dee for your kind comments. ❀ My sister thought that the shadow man must have been a nice person in life. She felt that he didn't mean them any harm, so he was welcome to stay as their other flatmate. She now wears a green jade bangle which she never takes off - it's for protection, harmony and balance.

We also learnt from Mum as children to pray for protection before going to sleep. That's when we're at our most vulnerable. Always good to take precautions! 😁
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-01)

What I find most interesting is that it sounds like the shadow man and your sister seemed to accept and maybe respect each other. I could be wrong, but that is what popped into my mind after reading your account.

Nevertheless, the feeling of being watched and actually seeing the shadow would be quite unnerving. Cara seems to have handled the situation quite well.

It's interesting that your mother felt the wall of energy too. Your family appears to be sensitive to spirit. Thanks for sharing another great story 😊

- Dee

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