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The Soldiers' Wing


Before I left my last workplace, a number of colleagues told me that the building had been briefly used as a morgue during WWII, sometime between 1942 to 1945. It was in a logical spot for it: the small cottage hospital used to be just up the road, the old church across the road is still there, along with the house that was once the bishop's residence. The funeral home is only a block away.

There is the original sandstone on the ground floor, with the floor above added later on. The building was a sports and recreation club after the war, but had been unoccupied until a few years ago. Could it possible that the renovations and disruption of people moving into the place stirred up something that should have been left in peace?

One of the supervisors who came in early to work reported hearing noises in the morning, as if people were moving around downstairs. This woman is sensitive to paranormal nuances, having had a few strange experiences before. Downstairs was where the morgue was said to have been located, near the room that was used for meetings.

Another woman said she felt so uneasy downstairs that she would avoid using the meeting room and any of the facilities. It was nothing she could explain, just this unreasoning fear that would come over her whenever she was down there. This meeting room was extra cold even in summer or when it was full of people. As was the ladies' restroom upstairs. I had told myself it was just an old building, but now I wonder.

In the months after it became an office, the place became very unsettled. People were reacting to situations when no offence was intended, or finding fault with everyone and everything over minor situations. It was increasingly uncomfortable and I was coming home exhausted from such a toxic environment.

On some days, walking past these unhappy people was like pushing through sticky cobwebs, with my feet trudging through thick mud. But when they were not in the office, it all seemed much lighter. I had to eventually leave when the negativity became overwhelming. The resultant stress was affecting my health.

During the last week, I took a few photos of the place as a keepsake. I took precautions, praying for protection and blessings before I ventured to the floor below on my lunch break. My mobile camera worked fine at first but then the button wouldn't respond for a while. When I finally got it going again, the autofocus either wouldn't function or the pictures turned out blurry. I deleted the photos that came out too fuzzy. It was odd because I was sure my hands were steady at the time. The flash did not come on even though the place had seemed rather dark to my eyes. But the photos turned out looking brighter.

Then I heard something fall over in the lounge area. Suddenly I didn't feel alone any more. The hair prickled at the nape of my neck. I had the distinct impression there were groups of people here and there. All were looking curiously at me. Maybe they hadn't seen a mobile camera before?

I said aloud politely: "I'm leaving and wanted some photos for the memories. I wish you all well and to be at peace." I had no idea who I was talking to or why I did that. But I got out of there in a hurry.

When I showed the photos to friends whom I know had experiences of their own, a few saw faint shadows where there should not be any. One was from a family with unusual abilities. He said there was a faint image of a man sitting on the bottom step of the staircase, his head bowed, smoking. He also saw a number of people standing or around the lounge area near the windows. The sound of something falling was most likely some files that had been previously on a nearby chair.

Perhaps the story about the morgue could have originated from the 1918 influenza pandemic. The number of people affected and the spread of the virus would have overwhelmed the small hospital at the time. When people passed away, the floor below could have been made into a makeshift morgue and the bodies later ferried a short distance away to the Quarantine Station. That room might have been later used as the cold room by the club.

The building could have been used as a hospice during WWII for the returned servicemen needing urgent care, somewhere to house the mortally wounded. A similar arrangement might have been made to store the recently deceased before transporting them across the water. A small bronze plaque on the side of the building does say: The Soldiers' Wing.

But whatever the history, I feel very relieved now that I'm away from the place. I didn't mind the lingering memories. It is far easier to ignore the dead than the living.

PS. My work colleagues gave me farewell gift vouchers for the Quarantine Station, one of the reputedly most haunted places in Sydney!




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lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
3 years ago (2022-02-23)
Hello Jubeele.

I'm so sorry to hear about the virus, wishing you a speedy recovery.

Thanks for sharing the pictures, I didn't see anything but, nevertheless, enjoyed reading again your story.

Take care, my friend.
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
3 years ago (2022-02-21)
My apologies to lady-glow for the long delay. I caught that dreadful virus and recovery has been a slow process. Being not a techno-savvy person, it has also taken me a while figuring out how to download the relevant photos onto Imgur. Sadly, most of the photos I had taken were too blurry, as if there was movement around me. I kept only a few from that day.

These are the stairs leading up to the office level, with the original foyer area of the old entrance. My Romani friend told there was a man smoking, seated near the bottom step.

When I was on the lower floor, which used to be lounge area of the club, I had the weird sense of being surrounded. My friend told me there were groups of shadow people clustered about the room.

As for myself, I can't see anything out of the ordinary. Apart from an odd shadow or two. But I'm not gifted in 'seeing' such things. I find it interesting that others with the ability have claimed to see something though.
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-01)
Hi Cherubim,

On the surface, the office looked pleasant. Bright, full of glass and modern fixtures. But sometimes it felt gloomy and dark, and my feet would feel heavy like being weighed down when I walked along the aisle. I'd find myself almost stomping on the floor, which usually made someone complain.

I'm sorry your childhood home was so miserable.☹ Never felt comfortable in mine either but I didn't realise at the time it was built over a Chinese cemetery. Hope things have settled down and you're much happier in your home now.

Thanks for coming by to read my account. Sending good wishes to you and your family.❤
Cherubim (14 stories) (245 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-29)
Oh wow, 😳 I would be uncomfortable working in a place that used to be a morgue. Sounds like a lot of negative energy is still there. Probably because of the way many died. It explains to me why people at your job were always on edge. I lived in a haunted house with bad energy very much like your old work place. I too would try and take pictures of certain objects that would never turn out right? I would cry when I lived there all the time. Your soul must have really felt the people there and it was nice you wished them well before you left. I'm glad to know you feel much better away from there now. I can really relate to this story. Thank you for sharing it. ❤ Thanks for the links too.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-09)
Jubeele - thanks for the information, I'll be waiting for them.
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-09)
lady-glow, I did include the photos with my submission and I've sent a follow-up email to Martin and the mods. Sometimes it takes a while for the upload. The photos are quite innocuous to my eye, apart from being slightly blurry. But then I usually don't 'see' anything.

Also just found the photo of the plaque. It actually reads: 1939-1945 War Memorial Wing. The building was called Soldiers Memorial Hall. I'll see if I can host these photos from another site. Do bear with me, I'm not very tech-savvy and we all know that T-Rex is a dinosaur. 😉

Unless Martin can come to the rescue soon...? 🤔
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-09)
Jubeele - would it be possible to see those pictures somewhere?

Best regards.
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-09)
Melda, so good to hear from you. 😘

It was interesting that you and a few others saw the shadows in the photos. The place certainly felt shadowed, even though it was brightly lit. There were places that felt extra cold, even in summer. During my last few weeks, I used the personal shielding that Rook taught us on his profile page, visualising a white light around me that the negativity can't touch. I was able to let much of the unpleasantness slide away from me. Knowing that friends were sending me good wishes and prayers helped greatly too.

I'm so relieved to be away from that place. Recently, we met a few people who are still working there and they said that the level of unhappiness has increased (shudder). 😟 Thank God and all the Powers that watch over us that that I left at the right time.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-08)
Jubeele - My computer finally packed up completely shortly after my last email to you. A friend has hooked me up to a laptop, which is why I have only just seen your new submission.

I remember seeing the photographs which you sent me of your old work place and that I did notice some oddities on the photos. It must have been rather grueling at times working under those conditions. I can understand why there would have been some negativity in that office space, flaring tempers and misunderstandings.

Good thing you aren't there anymore!

Regards, Melda
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-01)
Hi silverthane

That's certainly true. Most of the activity seem to be residual hauntings, echoes of people who once were around. Though I wonder if a few could be more active than others?

My family on my father's side have always have been sensitive to the spirits. My great-grandmother was a village headwoman in Thailand. I think she was some kind of high priestess or Wisewoman. The gift could have come from her. It isn't always a comfortable thing. But we were all taught to be respectful, firm in our resolve and careful. Good advice for any situation.

Thanks for reading my account. Glad you enjoyed it. 😊
silverthane61 (4 stories) (344 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-01)
Good story! I believe that you and your "third-eye" friends may be picking up residuals. I may have read it wrong, but your haunt does not seem like an intelligent haunt. Rather, it seems that you are sensing the emotional residue from times past. Some individuals are gifted in this, being able to "sense or see" what many of us cannot.
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-01)
Well, lady-glow, T-Rex has been visiting Fergie and Melda. They're getting him to use his pointy sharp teeth to chomp on bad people for them. Not surprisingly, he's put on a fair bit of weight. But he can swim alongside the Crimson Dread when we go hunting for pirate treasure. Or be our bouncer at Val's Trespauze Manor. I hear there be haunted mines, witches, zombies and skeletons ahoy there. You can wear your glow-in-the dark onesie. 😘

Ruskin, I'll never go clubbing without my 'bratty' brother. 😜 Besides, you'll be mixing the drinks.

Manafon, don't forget you're the DJ. Please bring your vintage vinyls. 😆
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-01)
Rex, your point about the "The Boys' Club" makes sense. Many of the war veterans would have grown up in a generation where men were not supposed to talk about their feelings, let alone admit to any weaknesses. PSTD was also known as "shell shock" or "combat stress".

If certain individuals had been attached to the club as their 'second home', they might have lingered on after death. The renovations and strangers moving around their once-peaceful domain would surely have irritated them.

When I felt myself surrounded by unseen people downstairs, I got the distinct impression that I was intruding. That was why I took care to be polite and explain what I was doing there. I definitely got the urge to "go away"! 😲

RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-01)
If we're going to the club, mind if I come along?

Also, going to hunt up those photos and take another look at them. And I swear I will get the measurements for you today!
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-01)
Hi Manafon

That was so bizarre about the blurry photos in Arizona, especially when I asked about that odd-looking woman walking past you. Weirder still was that neither you or Mrs Manafon actually noticed her in the photo until I mentioned it. Like a "do-not-see-me" deflection was at work. Ooo, goosebumps!

We had enough natural light in the office, which should have negated the pall of fluorescent lighting. But now that I think about it, the people most affected by negativity were sitting farthest from the windows and closest to entrance to the staircase leading downstairs. Their general discontent and malice might not be such a coincidence after all. 🤔
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-01)

Of course!
I really miss TyrACMEsaurus Rex and his pointy, sharp teeth.
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-01)
Hello All,

Long-time no speak.

My impression of these spirits/echoes stems from my father's behavior. He was a veteran of the Second World War and would not talk of his experiences to the family or his work colleagues. He would, however, spend time at "The Boys Club" with his other mates, particularly on ANZAC day.

I used to ask mum where dad was going, and she would tell me that he was seeing his war buddies. He would generally come back in a good mood and once told us kids of a funny story, while serving in Papua New Guinea.

With what I now know, I am assuming that a lot of the "War Vets" from WWI, WWII, Korea and Vietnam suffered from what we now know and recognize as PTSD and their coping mechanism was to go somewhere quiet where they could talk about their experiences over a few beers.

This meant that strangers entering their quiet space were generally not welcome and hence a possible link to the negative energy experienced by Jubeele and her work colleagues.

Anyway, I'm glad Jubeele is now out of that environment, both for her sake and to maintain a place for souls that desire some peace.

PS lady-glow, can I bring T-Rex with us?

lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-01)
Jubeele - my ghost hunting kit is getting dusty and rusty, though the BS detector has gone off several times during the past few months... I think it's time to bring those ACME things out! 😊
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-01)
Hi Jubeele--It was great to finally read an account of your one time workplace. I remember closely looking at the photos you sent and the strange blurry quality to some of them. I believe I sent you some similar photos that I took at an allegedly haunted hotel in Jerome, Arizona. In both cases it seems possible that the cause of the blurriness was paranormal as opposed to an auto-focus issue as some images were affected while others, taken at the same time in the same location mere moments apart, weren't. At least that's how my Arizona photos were. Only certain images of the hotel interior were blurred in unusual ways. All other photos from the trip taken with the same camera were unaffected.

Seems likely you were just extra sensitive to spirits still hanging about the place or to imprints of the buildings former uses that might somehow have saturated the atmosphere. That atmosphere might have affected the other employees by making them cranky and short tempered. It's possible that some of the unpleasantness was caused by, or exacerbated by the lighting used in the building. I worked at a newspaper office that had horrendous fluorescent lighting that severely messed with my head. I'd feel by turns claustrophobic, nervous and depressed under that type of light. Like you, I didn't work there long. Whatever it was that might've been there in "The Soldier's Wing", it seems that you made the right decision to leave.
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-30)
Hola lady-glow

[cluck, cluck] Did someone say "chicken"? 🐔 That would be me. But if you're coming with me, I can get out the old ghost-hunting kit in time for Halloween. We'll have to remember the Acme roadrunner shoes, the thermos of Bloody Marys and the sharpened toothbrushes. 👻

I did feel thick waves of negativity from a few people, who seemed to be walking around the office under a dark cloud. The mood in the place would go sour when they walked in. I couldn't understand at the time why they got so angry. Maybe one person was having personal issues that spilled over into the workplace. But three and spreading to more? Incidentally, I wasn't the only one who ended up resigning within the space of a year in that place. Scary stuff.

Speaking of scary, have you seen this short film: "Haunted Boy"? 😨
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-30)
Hi Ruskin, my Honorary Brother 'Brat'

Those were the same photos and I did include them with my submission. I've emailed Martin if he can upload them for us. To be honest, I couldn't make out anything out of the ordinary in them.

But my Romani friend, who has often surprised me with his observations, saw shadows of people about the sofa lounge. He also had an impression of glass partitions in the photos. Rex remembers the club from years ago, when the gaming room used to be sectioned off from the rest of the floor by glass panels.

It's true that some departed spirits can be quite persistent and have nasty dispositions. They can also exert undue influence on the living if we're not careful.

P.S. For those who are interested, Брат (pronounced "brat") means brother in Russian. 😀
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-30)
Hello Jubeele - that place sounds like the dream of every ghost hunter... And a nightmare for any ordinary featherless chicken.

Perhaps the ghosts were creating and feeding off on all that animosity. A good thing that you stopped working there.

Nice to see you around.
Thanks for sharing. ❤
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-30)
Hi, Honorary Sister!

The photos you mention here, were they the ones you sent to me?

And sometimes, I think the dead can get quite pushy with us living folks. 😁

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